hi. this is sheldon bradley and we're goingto talk about watching movies online for free. earlier we talked about using such servicesas blockbusters and netflix to view movies online, but those services are, you know,for members and paid memberships or what not, but here are some hot websites online thatyou can see free movies at hula.com is one and also there's surfthechannel.com. so let'stake a look at both of those websites right
what to watch free movies online, now. okay, now that we're online, we're goingto type in the url for hula.com and wait for the website to pull up. here you can see it'sa very, very clean nice laid out site and if we go up here to the top, we can go tothe movies tab. click on it. okay, once we get under the movies tab, you'll see thatthe movies are in order by popular movies,
popular movie clips, alphabetical order, andunder studio names. so let's click on the alphabetical. as you can see, everything isnicely laid out and as we scroll down, you'll see that hula doesn't offer a wide varietyof movies to choose from, but you know it's free and it's good entertainment, you know,when you're working online or doing other things. but let's click under studios andwe'll see that there are some independent studio films here but most of them are underfox production and universal, so although they have a huge library, they don't offera lot of their movies on here. and the little circle icon next to the movie are the onesthat are actual full length movies that you can click under, so we'll click this one.and this is general layout and you just, you
know, click on it to start or what not. butit's a pretty nice site, so now let's type in surfthechannel.com, which is the next sitewere were talking about. it's a fairly new site; it's only been around for less thana year so let's click under the movies tab, and when we go here you'll see that all themovies are laid out in alphabetical order. you can click on them or you can just scrolldown to see what movies you want to look at. and as you see here, they have a ton of moviesto choose from. you know, brand new movies to movies that are, you know, years and yearsold and we'll just click on one, and one thing about surf the channel is they claim thatthey're not responsible and they're, they're not responsible for third party films thatare put on their site or what not, so that's
kind of a disclaimer here at the bottom, soyou know, a little bit of warning before you click the play button here. so in short, whenit comes to viewing both of these channels or as, well, i won't say both of these channels,i would say definitely surfthechannel.com is kind of view at your own risk, and alsoi might add that you may be subjected to some less than tasteful advertising before viewingsome of the movies on surf the channel, so once again, view at your own risk but it isa great website with tons and tons of movies and documentaries on it, so you be the judge.
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