how do you know it's him? we received voicesamples from mumbai. 'they must be tapingthis conversation.' the mumbai policehave given confirmation. 'these people are after me.'
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www watch online movies, 'if i don't leave dubai..' '..i'll rot the restof my life in tihar jail.' 'don't get mad.' 'you don't shoot all year, do you?'
'you can join me two months later.' that's it? how did he find out? about the extradition? this informationnever left this room. then how? why.. - ashwini. ashwini, we'll get him next time. i hope so, sir.
i hope so. 'he's flying aroundthe world comfortably.' 'everyone knows he'sholed up in karachi.' 'this is the faceof india's most wanted..' 'pakistan's his second home.they protect him.' 'you've no evidenceto support that.' 'he's keeps targetingus from pakistan every time.' 'the operation was...' hand him over to india first,then we'll see..'
'after the assassinationof osama..' '..he's the 2nd mostwanted on interpol's list.' 'this recent attack in hyderabadwas clearly planned to kill..' ' many people..'- 'we want iqbal back.' 'we want iqbal at any cost.' 'this is not aboutpolitics anymore.' 'this is about justice.' '98.3 fm, this is sunset somasa.' 'hi, this is surenand with me is meera.'
'and, everyone knowsabout the hyderabad blasts..' '..that left 23dead and 55 injured..' '..has shocked the entireyouth of the nation.' 'everybody is stillcoming to terms with this.' 'and, we've been receiving callsfrom every corner of the city.' 'we should admitthat we're cowards.' 'kunal, i think you're gettinga little too emotional about this.' 'i think we should severeall ties with karachi.' 'and my children were saying thathis daughter's getting married.'
'rama, you're absolutely right.' 'the images of theinvitation cards..' '..are already all over facebook,twitter..' '..and all the news channels.' 'i've just one question.' 'if the americans can do it,why can't we?' 'it's obvious that..' since osama's assassination.. ..people think pakistan'sjust another public park.
easy as plucking a flower. is it that easy to bring him back? what if it is? what if we really bring him back? ins ranvijay. where is it? same place he always is. 60 kilometres from karachi coast. send them a message. 'the procession's on its way.'
ladies and gentlemen. may i have your attention please. presenting bilal bhai peshawarwale. hit it dude! did you have dinner?- everyone did. yes. - sir. the general's here. salim. he can't come here. anything's possible. how dare you bring a phone here?
how dare you bring a phone here?get out. get out! security! how did you let him in? "o the red robed, .. .. may i always have yourbenign protection, jhulelal." "o master, friend andsire of sindh and sehwan.." "the red robedgod-intoxicated qalandar," "the lord in every breath of mine,glory be to you." "the red robed god-intoxicatedqalandar, sire of sindh" ..may i always have yourbenign protection, jhulelal."
"o the red robed,.. "o the red robed, o the red robed" yeah! speak up, pilot! uncle's on his way. pack. i'll just go pee. pee? or is it a new mms? - balls. i only settle for the real thing. "your shrine is alwayslighted with four lamps"
"and here i come to lighta fifth lamp in your honor." "here i come with fifth." secure all posts. p1. p3 and lift! salim. you go that way. stay alert. "here i come withfifth o master, .. .. friend and sireof sindh and sehwan," "god-intoxicated qalandar," "o the red robed,o the red robed.." you haven't returned my mobile.
we didn't take your phone. "let the gong ring loudfor your glory day and night" "let the gong ring loud for yourglory day and night by the people." naushad! sir, this is restricted area. sir.. go. sir, please. stop. you're not allowed here.sir, please.
so you're goingto restrict my entry. do you know who i am? faisal kwaja's my uncle?- who's faisal kwaja? who? you don't know him? rafiq! what are you doing?they're just employees. let's go that way. come on. boss, do you have a lighter?
security, post-15. sir has arrived at p1. cover yourself. trying to entice them.- what are you saying? you've a character problem.- nonsense. you think i don't know. i am not blind. rafiq. why cover yourself now?half the world has seen them now.
take it off. hello. speak louder. are you sure? i'll call father. i'm fed up. fed up. stop. come from lahore.. sir, please speak here.
i'll call father now.- father will come away. i call father.. i'll call father now. father will come. father's here. - he's here. yes. pull the trigger. don't delay anymore. otherwise,it'll be a pain in your neck.
kill them. don't worry about me. kill them. get in quickly. get down. down. rascal! valli, get in! get down. don't shoot him! 'prayers are for kin.'
'but we have no kin.' 'that's the reasonwhy we're chosen.' 'until nine years ago, nobodycared whether i existed or not.' 'but, nine years is a long time.' that's it. that's all the attention i get. there was a time,when it was just about it. i can say the same thing. you don't give mea second look either.
like you used to,back in those days. let's turn back time.- don't be naughty. i see, you're the one complainingand i'm getting naughty? let go. let me go. son. go back to sleep. there's still time for school.- no, it's not. get up. or you'll be late. no school, mom. i've fever.
you don't have's just your excuses. no. his body's burning. of course, he covered himselfwith two blankets last night. why do you coveryourself with blankets? don't support him.- the teacher's really strict. and, i don't have a pencil either. he doesn't have a pencil.what will he do in school? don't go, son. you bought pencilsfor him yesterday.
here they are. perfumed ones! mom, perfumed one's..- no perfumed ones. take these. - mother. i want perfumed ones. next time lose your bag, son. perfumed ones. mom, i want perfumed ones.. 'for six years, i lived thesebeautiful moments like a dream.'
'knowing that i mightwake up any moment..' '..and everything will shatter.' 'nafisa and kabir,who were my biggest reality..' '..would turn into my biggest lie.' i want to go to your school.- my school? why is that? then, i can openmy own barber shop. you're not goingto be a barber, son. you'll be nipping their ears. out! - out!
sachin has 100 centuries alone. and look at them. together they can'tscore a single century. brother khurram,these two will play till the end. they don't havethe guts to do that. they don't even qualifyas the 12th man. the people are crazy after them. as if they run the country. they don't careabout our sacrifices.
because we don't have pakistan'st-shirt, like they do. there it has started again. 'khurram took every opportunity..' ' assert that he's from isi.' 'years passed,with the hope that..' '..i could extract informationfrom khurram and report back.' 'but, those hopes had changed.' 'i was waiting for the day..' ''ashwini sir wouldrelease me from ..
..this posting andthis lie.' 'that's it.' stop the driver. ashwini. people retire. - i know. i'm quitting my job, sothat i can devote my time to you. stop it.. - coming. ramashray. mrs. chaturvedi. old agents whom we're calling back.
add another list to that name. god is great! walekum salaam. we meet after a long time. all okay? how about you? how's your mother? she's fine. convey her my respect. what are you staring at?
many other influentialpeople come here. who is he? - bhai! he has other names. iqbal seth. sultan shah. goldman. no.2 in usa. no.1 in india. wanted! he's been coming here for years.
everyone knows he's in karachi. but, even if they know.. one can even whisper about it. do you work for him? - yes. that's my duty. i'm from the isi. but no one could know. everyone's on their tether. his son's getting married.
he's booked more thanhalf of the hotel rooms. it's going to be great fun. take the salad as well. my son's getting married.. month on the 12th. do come. - of course. people aren't wrong along. times are wrong as well. for the sake of my future,for kabir and nafisa..
..i could've ignored this man. father can't buy them all the time. but, i couldn't do it. we've six activeagents in pakistan. and, we can contacttwo of them anytime we want. none of them told us. so, where did youget this information? ashwini, what was thename of your field agent? sir didn't tell us.
he's probably oneof his secret agents... he is the only onewith access to the file... well, with due respectto ashwini sir.. ..these unknown agents...could be double-agents as well. madam's calling you. ashwini,india can never be a part.. ..of any covert operationon pakistani soil. yes, sir. i cannot do it.
that doesn't mean you can't. i said it. i'm not going alone. you just said.. told everyonewe're going to london. the arrangements are done.- i never said we aren't going. i won't go alone. i've never travelledon a plane before? okay, but they won'task you to fly that thing. i'll escort you to the plane.
after that, your brotherwill receive you at the airport. kabir's with you as well. few days later, i'll selleverything here and join you. if its just few days then,why can't we go together? again the same thing,i said i've to stay back. your tickets havebeen issued as well. cancelling all the ticketswould mean a huge loss. right? shall i cancel them? it's just a matter of days.
then, we'll be out there. getting naughtylike the english do. look here. sexy. - don't try to cajole me. i won't go. try to understand. someone's coming. from afar. 'distancing my kin andworking with strangers..' '..was a part of my job.'
'but maybe,i wasn't comfortable with it now.' 'who was zoya rehman.' 'did she have secrets like me?' i work for thebradford city council. you visit the city quite often. stay alone in the hotel. doesn't your husband get furious? 'moin. we can celebrateour anniversary later.' 'this case is a little complicated.i've to go.'
'are you the onlyimmigration lawyer in uk?' 'actually, you want to go. - so?' 'what's wrong about it, moin?' 'the fact thatyou didn't tell me..' '..your job's more importantthan our marriage.' 'please, know that's not true.' 'please zoya. please.' 'you know it's true.' 'and, now i know it too.'
'won't you say bye. - i will.' 'goodbye.' what? i had given strict instructions. i want room no.1222. believe me, madam.1222 and 1224 are the same. and so is the view.- i don't care about the view. 'the celebrationwas on the top floor..' '..and security wastight on the east zone.
hurry up, we don't have much time.- block the way. what about therest of the security. i don't know how. but, i want the footage from everyroom in this hotel on my monitors. 'and, zoya had tostay on the 12th floor..' ' room no.1222,directly below the security room.' pardon me, madam. but mr. bhatti,he's a regular customer.. ..arrived uninformed.
just two days,and we'll shift you back. who...are you trying to shift? mr. bhatti, messages for you. don't worry. i am there. you can shift roomsanytime you want. yes. for the next 24 hours,no one can pee without me watching. get that? - yes, sir. and, vacate the floor below.
if you cannot getthis floor vacated.. ..we will have to posta man at every 5 feet. we can't take chances. - okay, sir. and lock all the open rooms. check the identity of every guest. i want no guests up here. 'zoya rehman. sharyar bhatti.' 'room nos. 1224, 1222.' 'the plans looked clear on paper..'
'..but in reality,they were fading away.' 'there were questions,that didn't have an answer.' 'our fear was, that itdoesn't foil before it starts.' excuse me, get side. please. please. seth's home first. - yes, boss. aslam needed freedomfrom his three murder cases... ashwini sir laid a price to it... he was sent to jail...
to befriend goldman'sman pappu samaan... sir, do you have matches,or lighter. sir, he hasn't shown much faith. pappu's paid meto kill vicky thakur. after that he'll sendme to our neighbour's country. do it. pappu samaan kept his promise..' '..and sent aslamto gurudan in karachi.' 'if he survives this mission..'
'..we'll know whetherthe price was too high or not.' salaam, sister-in-law.- walekum salaam. is the brother in? - yea. salim, meet me beforeleaving. - yes. fall. fall. concentrate on the heel. speak, salim, speak. i'm just coming from the hotel. allthe arrangements have been done. i'll give you the details later.
general raza is waiting for you. don't drop the guard. salaam, mr. general. - walekum. the master at his slave's home. iqbal, you know why i am here. well, we've bought youa house in london, park lane. salim. did you give sir the papers? yes, sir.- don't try to change the topic. you cannot attend the wedding.
look, you asked me notto attend my daughter's wedding. and, i didn't. i was in the same hotel. i watched everything ona television, in a closed room. but not this time. all the rituals are in karachi. we aren't allowingphotography... video.. nephew will give you the details. but my son's wedding..
try and understand.- please excuse me. mr. azhar's waiting for me. iqbal, islamabad's..- if we delay any longer.. ..they might blow this place up.- you don't.. quddoos. - salim.. serve him some cold drinks. you know he can't attendthe wedding. - but.. we're trying our best,but uncle's not prepared to listen. what can we do? - quiet!
tell him to shut up! hyderabad. - yes, sir. no, azhar. my heart's not into it. i'm not too popular. people think i'm a terrorist. this is just my business,i only do my job. otherwise, i'm human too. i do charity. i help people. we're here for your help.
when you do something.. pulls ourpeople out of danger. we desperately needan action in hyderabad. how many? - it'll be controlled. 8 or 10. ruins business, for a long time. i give you my word. not more than 15 people. iqbal.. - no matter what you say..
..i won't change my mind. you don't understand.iqbal.. you don't understand! my business runs on fear. if i get scared,business will close down. the orders were direct. stay away from thetarget until the mission. stay low.. but this man couldnever follow any orders..
the fourth wheel of the team,rudra pratap singh. he was more like a riddle,without an answer. suspended army officer,killer, mercenary. no one knew who he was. where he came from. he never listened to anyonenor told anyone about him. like every mission.. ..the safest place to hideout was.. ..the murky lanes ofkarachi's prostitute area..
where no one cared who you were.. all that mattered was theprice you were willing to pay. you walk straight in the dark. you're either a thief or a soldier. either get to workstraightaway or keep chatting. the less questions you ask,the better. may i come in, sir? sir. i've got a weird tipin the vicky thakur murder case. there's a rumourin the department..
..that the killer madea deal with the agency. he's been sent to karachi. is it a part of your dream project? which dream project? the one you shut down. you didn't shut it down completely. that much i know you. mishra. there's a big difference.. ..between knowingand understanding.
yeah. how are the neighbours, ghosh? you never call toask about their health. i'm the cultural attachã©.. ..but, you receiveevery news first. i've heard that ourfavourite son-in-law.. getting his son married. i heard that too. so like a good neighbour..
..we'll have togive our best wishes. post an ad in the dawn,on our behalf. seven days, seven sim cards. use one everyday, and destroy it. we'll need detonators, timers. symtex as well. any grade will do. there're dogs in the hotel. sniffer dogs.
you've to arrange for an ambulance. it'll be done. that's easy. the arms.. - i'll comealong for weapons selection. karachi's napier road's different,your cover will be blown. you're just an asset.your job's to give us information. you've been recruited from gic. before coming here.. ..the only thing you evershot was a cardboard cut out. i'm doing my job.
i didn't get suspendedfrom the army, like you. you're a part of the team.that's it. understand. i'm not too fond of teams. they're best for playing footballs. more the people, more weaknesses. then why don't youexecute the operation? you don't need us. you'll find him strollingdown the market. go catch him.
remember one thing. this is not your country. "keep it concealed.don't lift the veil." salaam. - walekum. i knew you were a good barber. but, i didn't knowyou were good at this too. no.. - don't be scared. a man without secrets is boring. everyone does.
i do too. no. - yes. khurram. don't tell anyone. - no. please leave,you're spoiling my business. i'll be right back. who was he? i don't have to tell you. look. i know everything about you. the route you takeyour child to school.
the shop you buyperfume for your wife. he's a customer. he's isi. lt. col. khurram khan.. get that? and? he's my neighbour. don't ever drag my wifeand child in this again? i love them.
that's why i say. more people, means more weaknesses. 'rudra was right.' 'more people,means more weaknesses.' 'but, he didn't know.' 'mistakes are like relationships.' 'you don't make one, it happens.' back again? how? can't be love.
no. i heard you don'task too many questions. and anyway, no one comes here. pardon me, but this is important. i see. what do you think? what's the story behind this? good morning, ma'am. come in.
this is your room. it's been newly painted. sir, bed no.2 is yours.- join it with bed no.3. you see, i like totoss around in my sleep. the target's carwill approach from p1. we'll enter from p3. we'll intercept him on p3. and the exit. p1 for you, and i'll exit this way.
we'll blow thisroom with rdx semtex. the purer, the better. the entire floor.. - perfumed? i'll need big pots.. take the semtex in the hotel. 51...stout street. gareen rd.. - no, mom. it's green. green. - yes, green. ph..
you'll be with me, so youcan tell them. it'll be okay. sending us to london alone.. perfumed ones? - yes. look, rameez. perfumed pencils. father brought them for me. why don't you read thisout in english for me.. what road? what 'bury'? do you have such beautifulgirls back there? where?
the place you hail from. "your beautiful kohl eyes." that's "black". "wait a moment more..." "your lips still havemy essence on them." "the dewdrops are shiningwith the morning rays." "but my world ofdreams is still alive." there goes the power again. shut up.who needs electricity here!
ali. start the generator. i won't ask. because i can't hear you lie. really? you sleep with people,and i put them to sleep. the lesser you know, the better. the more you know, themore difficult it'll get for me.. ..and painful for you. it won't.
anyway, i'm used to men leaving me. there's a differencebetween them and me. i know that. you never showedsympathy or false hopes. i never expected the impossible. but, you gave mesomething i didn't expect. what do you want? the man who did this. do you want his deathto be easy or painful?
semtex?- on the way, freshly baked. the buyer's comingpersonally to sell them. don't open your big mouth,like last time. i will make the deal..- welcome, khurram. you! rascals.. take me to the police station. police! put that away.
don't just wield that thing,know how to use it as well. there's news, sir. two more dead bodieswere found at bohra bazaar. wasim ali and his wife. there have been other incidentsbetween these two gangs before. look at the entry wounds carefully. it's professional killing, sir. has your mission beenactivated in karachi? the ministry wants answers, sir!
don't worry, mishra. i'll give them answers. i haven't retired yet. one more thing. no mission's ever personal. it'sin the interest of the country. no, sir.don't call off the operation. believe me. the target is not suspicious.. khurram mirza diedwhile protecting you.
something's definitely happening,i'm sure about it. your family's leavingfor london tomorrow. not now! out! out! you go too. don't blame me for khurram's death. you know who elsehe was working for. i don't understand why you'rebeing so stubborn this time. tomorrow?i can go today if you want.
but this is our last chance.we won't get another opportunity. we shouldn't losethis opportunity, sir. general. try to understand. two by-passes, one son. i'm definitely attendingthe wedding. cheers. we aren't doingthis for a medal, sir. what's going to happeneven if we bring him back? we'll still be unknown. and if we fail,we'll be begging for death..
..but, we won't get it, sir. awaiting your orders, sir. "the color of everyone'sfortunes is the same" "sorrow and happinessplay hide and seek.." "happiness and sorrowplay hide and seek.." "you are in my life,you are in my soul.." "you are in my whole world.." "my lord is playing holi" you'll be an nri now.
thank you, thank you. kabir. tell mom uncle's here. "his color's unique." mom. uncle's here. "he is sprinklingwater of his deeds" "that colors the whole world" uncle, you don't know that's the other side. remember.when i brought this proposal.. i know, i know. i was stubborn.
i said "i don't wantto marry a barber". but now, he's taking me to london.- coming. i'm so fortunate to havesuch a wonderful husband. now, find someonelike him for them too. he really pampers you. "the color of love is exquisite" "the color of yourlove is exquisite" we needed more cards. so, salim asked me to...
why just two.. - two...two.. why are you stammering? do you stammer? - no? go on. - thank you. "getting coloredhas become my habit" "my love for him is my prayer" "everything is safedue to his presence" "due to his gaze,everyone is blessed" "everyone is blessed"
"even destiny dancesin his praises" you're tea's getting cold. - "he'sthe one who holds the strings" "allah -o- akbar!" do you want me tokeep repeating myself? it's broken now.i told you it's empty. and.. it's smashed to bits.who's going to pay for all of this? ma'am, we'll need to check it.- check? check what? what did you get in it?
you can break that, you can break this too. happy? break that too. forget the checking. her eyes can kill anyone. she won't smuggle in bombs. please. welcome. you have one unheard message. 'hey. tried calling you before.' 'happy anniversary. i love..'
'i'll call you back, bye.' who are you? - punishment. commit a sin, and i've to come. what? - extended till the 24th. please check. - that bhattimust have extended his programme. sorry, ma'am. - it's not my fault. please check.- i am sorry, madam. really sorry. zoya. zoya, what happened?
zoya, why are you crying? zoya, what's.. - moin. moin. i am sorry.- zoya, what's the matter? tell me. zoya. please tell me what's wrong? i love you, zoya. i swear we'll set things right. zoya, just come back.- moin, i'm sorry. nothing can be done now.
zoya, we'll sort things out.just don't cry. just come back, zoya. - moin. i'm sorry. mr. bhatti. the government of india.. blaming pakistan,for the bomb blasts in hyderabad. according to a pressreport released in islamabad.. ..the pakistan governmenthas denied this in strong words. even after pakistan government's constant denial..
..the indian governmentis not ready to believe.. ..that their culpritisn't hiding in pakistan. islamabad.. sir. - ashwini here. is the plan still the same?- you heard it on the radio too. bring him back.ins ranvijay is standing by. okay, sir. you see those small shops. yes. - they'll give you two cards..
passengers flying to london.. please come with me.- yes. keep this.. aren't you coming together?- i can't go beyond this. kabir. father. goodbye. listen, one thing. - go now. the volcano eruption in iceland.. ..has spread ash cloud all over. due to this, all flightsto europe have been cancelled.
for more information..- excuse me.. ..please contact your airlinedesk.. - what are they announcing? ma'am, all flights toeurope has been cancelled. information's on the indicator. salaam. nafisa speaking. yes. is kabir's father.. fire? let's go.let's go quickly. - but why? mom - let's go. - mom, wait..
excuse me, ma'am.may i help you? - i have to go out. it's very important.i have to go home. everyone wants to go home.the flight's been cancelled. everyone's worried.please take a seat. you don't understand. my house is on fire. i can'treach his father on the phone. i have to go home. it's important. where do you live? salim, i'll be in baituz soon.
the neighbours were saying that.. ..the entire family'sflown to london. but we recovered three dead bodies. the husband, wife and child. three? wife and child?- mom, what's wrong with father? nothing, child.finish your drawing. hello. this is pervez. who's at the isi desk?
your husband didn't sell his shop? mom.. sir, that was pending.. that was supposed tohappen few days later. - mom. why aren't you tellingus anything about him? is he fine? he has sold his shop. - mom.. and the number youwere trying to call.. mom, look.. - what?
look. baituz zahab? son. where did you get this pencil? who gave you this? - my father did. give it back. hello. - speak louder. there's going to be an attack on..- are you sure? i'm fed up! it's a big issue, sir, speak here.
stop that goldman,there's going to be an attack! knock all of them! they are three. valli, get in the car. valli, get in. - don't shoot him. don't shoot him. 'that moment i puteverything at stake.' 'my nine year dream, our lives,' 'but, maybe that was ourlast chance to end this story.'
move, move! don't spare them! shoot them. pass the gun. catch him! catch him! don't spare! there's been a huge blast... ..inside this basement. and five minutes beforethe blast we could heard gunfire.
and it seems like theextremists responsible.. ..for the ballroom blastare hiding in this basement. i tried to explain you. now do you understand? forget this, doctor. look after others. i've a reputation. you get that, salim pathan. this can ruin it.
if they escape,they take my reputation along. close down karachi. mister, this isn't right.there are bedbugs in our bed. come. - get rid of them.that's enough. salaam. - walekum salaam. my name's niyaz ahmed. do you have any news about him? are you hiding something from us? he's alive.
ask the child to eat. he must be hungry. your husband's a barber. - yes. owns a small shop. where did he get themoney to go to london? it's the grace of god. - 17,421! this is your husband'sbank statement. 17,421, that's theamount in his account. that's all the grace he gets.
where did he get themoney to buy the ticket? we were saving for it. why don't you speakwith my husband? his number.. - 03453061789. it's switched off. it was switched off rightafter dropping you at the airport. or maybe.. the sim-card's been destroyed. 'the real motivebehind the blast..'
four indians..are responsible for this attack. four indian officers. four indian terrorists. 'try to understand.' 'someone's coming.' we don't know who shot first.. ..but the last bullet.. ..injured your husband valli khan. that's true.
and, he's still at large. come on. - what's wrong, mom? if you leave, this situationwon't get any better.. ..instead, it'll get worse. take a seat. you're surely mistakenabout my husband. you can ask anyone about him. he's a good man. he can never do such a thing.
he's a devout. love's kabir. respects me. he's no indian. he runs a barber shop, that's it. what will you sayabout your operation now? i don't believe this. the r.a.w chief has no answers. mishra, you tell many agents?
according to the isi, there werefour. - excuse me. just a minute. ashwini, prepare a press brief now. and, before that.. i want your resignation letter. sir. if they're caught in pakistan,we'll be embarrassed. i can handle this. the situation willbe under control, madam. 'none of the indiangovernment's agency..'
' involved in thepakistan hotel blast'. we've been targetedby terrorists ourselves. and, we never encouragesuch activities on foreign soil. 'we're prepared togive any kind of help..' the pakistan authorities in their probe. 'we have found such a person..' ..who might be responsiblefor this deadly blast.. heck! they just washed theirhands from everything.
inform everyone now! andtell them to find out everything. all four of them. i want all the information. shakeup anyone you want. i'll take your questions now. sir. off the record. this mission wasto target him, right? him? who? sir.. - oh! you mean him!
but, according tothem he isn't there. and, we still don'thave the technology.. attack someonewho isn't there. if they're caught andproved that they are indians.. ..then what will you do? nothing.we have nothing to do with them. thank you. 'even if we believe thatr.a.w was involved in this..' '..what's pakistan going to say?'
'as senior officer of r.a.w said..' ' can we attack someone..' '..who according to hepakistan government isn't there.' 'cameraman..' we cannot have anyofficial position.. ..until we don't removeour special guest from this issue. salim. call the general. valli, ashwini here.- just a minute, sir. please. turn off the volume.
sir, how did theyknow about baituz zahab? one of you must haveleft a trail behind. contact dipankar ghosh. he'll get you out. they'll get to you soon. - hello. hello. sir. this girl's..been stayingin the hotel for a long time. all thanks to aslam..salim. the third is valli khan.he's a local.
we got his detail whileinterrogating his wife. his wife and childwere flying to london. where's the fourth one who.. we've no information about him. napier road. the brothel. he was definitely a soldier. his eyes were.. salim. pass me the cigarette.
but, you stopped smoking.- i know i did. but, i'm tensed. "stopped smoking!" listen, he's here to see you. let's postpone the wedding. we're been linked toyou on every news channel. and we visit india frequently. don't worry.everything will be fine. that's what you say.
let's just stay quiet for few days. we'll do it after a year. and anyway, people aretalking about you, your son. my son? - right. my son! - yes, your son. get up you swine. - what? get up! get up! put that down, and listen here. you were a cricket commentator,weren't you?
and, you're scared so soon. i'm a fast player.i only hit boundaries. i don't believe in playing slow. the marriage wasfixed for tomorrow.. ..and, that's when its going to be. you dare speak against my son. salim. i want everyone behind this attack. leave that.. - quiet!
quiet! no need to bring them alive.dead bodies are okay. everyone.. everyone's after us. the gang and the police. valli..let's run away. we can escape from the docks. we cannot take a decision in haste. you're just an enemy. but, i am a traitor.
i wonder how they'regoing to kill me. we've been asked to contact ghosh. he'll get us out of here. you believe that.didn't you watch the news? they said they'venothing to do with us. they won't announce it again. now we'll have to help ourselves. do what, aslam? do what? we already did. - what?
what did we do? i was in front of him. i was about to shoot him when.. we would've achievednothing by killing him. i didn't accept tobe a spy in this country.. that i can kill himon sight and make him a martyr. my dream was to drag himout of this country, alive. and hand him over to india. and that was the mission.
so, you became a part ofthis mission to fulfil your dream. i am leaving. take my advice. stay hidden for 72 hours. after that, get out of the city. they can get here anytime. aslam. aslam. last time you left room,you let the fan on. next time i willcharge you 100 extra.
fine, you may. that's okay. i didn't know youall were together. yes, they've made contact. they're arriving atempress market at 2 o'clock. i am sending my team. you know what todo with the bodies. but, mishra, are you surekilling them is the solution? send photos for the record. understood, mishra?
mishra, are you on the line. they're here. moving towards dock point.- all four? two. a lady and a gents. oh no! they must've separated. don't fire. wait. beauty parlour. that way. have you seen him?
no, no, sir. the news further all flights from karachito london are still on hold.' 'due to the volcaniceruption in iceland..' 'london's heathrow airporthas been practically closed down.' 'many passengers are stuckat the airport since morning.' 'and, reports are that..' '..the situation isn'tgoing to get any better soon.' 'any passenger for london? - yes..'
'i've never travelled by plane before.'-'they won't ask you to fly it.' 'you told everyone thatyou're going to london.' 'father. goodbye.' 'if it's a matter of few days,why can't we go together?' valli, what happened? come on, valli. you go, i can't. - what? now i understand whythe operation failed? i've to call london.- where are you going?
i've to call london. - listen.. they're moving away. let's go back. we can be caught. nafisa and kabir are caught,i think. i've to call london.i've to call london. listen to me. if they're here, i thinkits best you don't see them. valli.. - ghosh has sent us. you'll have to come with us.
let me make one call. after that i will come with you. one call. - you can call later. stop! just kill them, right now! kill them now! just kill them. hello! they're evidence. just kill them.
don't leave them. finish them. valli, let's go. - hello. hello. let's get out of here. we risked everything for you.- valli, let's go. let's go. "i wonder how..these moments shattered.." " a broken relationship." "just like..thesemoment's brimmed.."
"..from the cup of sorrows." "why's this story incomplete?" "why's this saga incomplete?" "why is its fate..farewell?" "love doesn't be eternal." "a moment love too." "this story isn't incomplete." "this saga isn't incomplete." "even after i die..i won't say farewell."
"desires remain unquenched." "though far,but you're close to my heart." "because you're my story." "because you're my saga." "never say again..farewell." "i cherish your memories." "don't say it." "they make me and break me." "the world you're lost in..- now it's better.
lacks everything." "the sorrow of bitter loneliness." "beloved.." "why did this happen?" "don't be so cruel." "it's the story of two hearts." "i wonder how..these moment's shattered.." "farewell." brother. rudra asked me to see you.
he said i'll geta boat for india here. brother.. there's delay...but not denial. right? aslam, take left. you must be laughing on us, right? didn't you? tell us where are the others? you don't have all night.
deepankar ghosh.valli, zoya will contact him. don't know...about rudra. he's gone. - swine.. nephew. let him go. this is karachi. i will find you and kill you. leave me, leave me today.- forgive me. leave me.. you've always had this bad habit.
now they will haveto clean up your mess. if you were so obsessed,you should've finished the job. you should've slit the throat.. ..of that man who puta gun to your uncle's forehead. apologise now! the situation outside empressmarket is.. -niyaz. he's apologizing. sorry. take an appointment with the chief.
enough of their drama. what about vallikhan's wife and child.. wretched dog! rudra.. what...happened? they knew about aslam. he's in a terrible condition. look after him. and get out of here by morning.- rudra.
we know...why our mission failed? a five year old boykabir survived this blast. his mother passed awayin the attack. - they're lying. and, the agencies are now.. ..looking for hisfather or any other kin. if anyone has any information.. ..please contact us onthe number appearing below. how did they kill her? get some sleep, ashwini.
it's quite late. yes. it is. the boy's sweater. my son's sweater. 20 days. 20 days...and,things went from right to wrong. if he leaves, then oursacrifices will be useless. "the henna...on my hands is still visible." what was her name?
"wait a moment.." didn't ask. rudra. stop valli. where are you going? you cannot be so selfish. we've all made sacrifices. i'm not in a stateto understand your pain. i am going. - valli.
the mission's failed. india has severed ties with usas if we were never one of them. we cannot survive in pakistan. everything's over. - but.. my child's waiting. i want to meet him. how will you? do you know where he is? do you know what they'lldo to you if you're caught?
doesn't make a difference. they killed nafisa. i can't even apologise to her now. my child's waiting for me.i want to see him. i bought a sweater for him,but can't find it. they might be lying about kabir. don't let their death go waste. valli. think about...finishing the mission we started. enough hospitality.
america's still tauntingus for abetobad. if they see him partying around.. ..the world will laugh on us. now is the time to clean up. we should reject our strategy.. ..that 'the enemyof my enemy is a friend'. because, termites...are termites after all. till now it was them,but now it's us. but, how are wegoing to clean it up?
we've promised to takehim to a isi safe house in sind. after the wedding. so, after the wedding. en route to the safe house. this is the house. this is us. we've to get there. the wedding's going on inside. and we're in this car. i'm driving the car.
zoya's besides me. and rudra's at the back. i think zoya should drive. she's the explosives expert. she has to get tothe fourth quadrant. you can sit at the passenger'sseat with the bouquet. i'll hide at the back. and, we can easilygive her cover-fire. okay.
aslam's in the car behind. and...keep a safe distance. aslam, fill the car withas many lpg cylinders you can. and, i'll rig them with semtex. none of the guests should survive. as soon as this car moves forward.. ..the guards will step forward. i'll get down and attack them. and rudra,will attack these guards.
it'll create panic. taking advantage, zoya willmake it to the second quadrant. what if...i am shot at the second quadrant? zoya, if you're shotthe mission will be over. so, to create a diversion.. ..valli and i willgive you cover-fire. at any cost, you've to getthe car at the third quadrant. by the time you get here,we'll be here. we just need to tackle them.
but...we'll bein the line of fire.. maybe we can get shot. after that,rudra might not survive either. zoya, as soon as youcross third quadrant.. ..tie your foot to theaccelerator with the air latchet. so that it stays firm. latch the steering-wheelas well so it doesn't move. after that i'll usethe dead-man's switch. after crossing the third quadrant,i'll remove the pin.
even if i'm shot.. after reachingthe fourth quadrant.. ..there will be a blast. and, after the blast.. ..aslam, you'll bargein the house with the car. and then 'boom'. diwali in karachi! i accept. amin.
iqbal. we should head tothe safe-house now. bring your nephew along.- yes, give to the nephew.. nephew. get in the car. bye. nephew, are you crazy? calm down.- i've been trying to call you.. i called becauseyou gave me a miss call.
he won't make it to the safe-house.we'll kill him on the way. orders directly from islamabad. your uncle isn't listening toanyone so we're getting rid of him. i cannot do anything. i'm with uncle right now.i cannot do anything. then ask salim.. salim's phone is switched off. he must be free now. i'm sending you the number.
goodbye. nothing, uncle. by the way, your safe-houseare falling below standard.. why you.. forget it, nephew. this is their country after all. thankfully,you waited until my son's wedding. what to do?after all we are old friends. was i supposed to die so easily?
no bang.. general. you're no betterthan the mumbai police. trying to bump me offin a ordinary encounter.. anyway, better get onwith it quickly, general. because as faras i know my nephew.. ..he must have messagedsalim and called him here. then you can.. cover rudra. wretched animal! wretched traitor!
wretched.. they are not his men. wretched traitor! rudra! shoot him. general, shoot him! aslam. aslam, fire. shoot him.- aslam, what are you doing? rudra doesn't have the bullets. aslam, what..
aslam. guns won't settle this. sir. we got him. and, alive. he's sitting right next to us. where are you? - we'reon the outskirts of karachi. towards sind. head towards rann of kutch. it's impossible to escapethrough rann of kutch.
i know. that's why no onewill be suspicious. we'll need the coordinates. you'll have thecoordinates in two hours. where are we going? according to my estimateit is somewhere near the border. somewhere... somewhere in sind. stop the car. -let's take a look. you must have heard aboutsind in your national anthem.
do you have a clueabout where you're heading? shut up! by the way, who is the boss? him or you? he's a soldier. he uses more brawn than his brain. you seem smart. let's talk. i want to make a call.
why? - we abducted you twice. do you think anyone herewill make a deal with you? everyone has a price. for some its wealth,and for others its emotion. take you for instance. you'll change sides if i say.. ..i can let youspeak to your family. i told you to shut up. valli. - valli.
come out. valli! valli, what are you doing?- hold on. if this is a lie,i swear i will shoot you. valli, don't listen to him.he's lying. otherwise.. - otherwise what? i will shoot you.- you think i am a fool. you want me alive. this guy.he'll take a medal and retire.
but what about you? can you live? can you live aftersacrificing your family? listen to me. listen to me. he's lying. - i am lying? i am lying? your family was travellingto london, right. valli. - how do i know? i know.. okay, do one thing.
i.. - call up salim. valli. - do it yourself. tell him that brother's with me.. ..and let you speak to your wife. my wife's alive.- i am saying she is.. valli, don't listen to him.- hold on. dial the number.- valli, he's lying. they're dead. - hold on. dial now. dial it. dial the number.
93219... i assure you. dial 932198.. dial it. dial it yourself. 93.. - no! return the phone. - valli. return the phone.- return the phone. no, valli. - just once. don't listen to him. he's lying. return the phone. - he's lying. return the phone.- he's lying, they're dead.
let me talk to them.if you want the phone shoot me. let me talk to them..- if you want the phone shoot me. let me speak to them.- give him the phone. let me speak to them. -if youwant the phone shoot me, valli. let me speak to them. if you want thephone shoot me, valli. zoya, will he survive or not? he's lost a lot of blood. we need to take him to a hospital.
have you gone crazy? he himself doesn't know whichside he's on, ours or theirs. how far is the border? 3 hours. he's making us dance with bullets, and we are dancing. he is out of his mind. i only injured him,next time i'll shoot to kill. for the last time,tell him ashwini's here. sir, he's the bsf chief. i cannot wake him at this hour.
for any emergency. driver.. if you don't callhim in 10 seconds.. won't be ableto explain the emergency. aren't you going to call?- i'll tell you when. all this trouble for nothing. the indian governmentsays you're not one of them. and here you're puttingyour life at stake. anyway, you like to risk your life. but, what's your son's fault?
i know how dear sons are. as a kid, my son wouldnever stay away from me. but, when he was old enoughto read the newspapers.. ..he realised what his father does. then, there was alwaysthis question in his eyes, "why". "why?" that's what you willhave to face as well. you'll be branded with it. there's a vast differencebetween you and me.
but for our children,we're the same. think. tell them, i want totalk to kabir in two hours. you are doing theright thing, valli. the no's 923198500. 92319 8110.. help them cross the border? yes, yes. - have you lost it. ashwini,we cannot decide that. - why..
why not? the government alwaysturns their other cheek. but, people like us face the blow. zhaveri bazaar,german bakery, parliament house.. ..bangalore, hyderabad..this goes on and on. we've to stop it. shorabjit.i am not saying anything new. everyone knows everything. but, no one's doing anything.
one operation.. one such operation succeeds.. ..and no one willdare to do it again. the real enemy are notthose who cause destruction. we should clip the hands of those.. ..who supply them bombs and guns. you know very well. he's the guy. what do you want from me? you were thinkingabout kabir, right?
valli. valli, ashwini here. i havespoken to everyone. - yes, sir. it is only a 15 minute window. i got it, sir. at dawn. before 6 o'clock. on section post 35.- south post 35, sir. i get it. - bring him from there. that was ashwini sir. we've to be there by 6 am.
it's around 150kilometres from here. we'll cross the border when theguards change shift at the outpost. i am not going anywhere. i'll die right here if i want to. i won't die by their hands. sir's already made arrangements.we'll slip through outpost 35. we'll hand him overto his people and get out. don't be a fool, valli. maybe outpost 35 has been prepped.
but, do you know.. ..5 kilometres fromhere is section 40. and, they have twohuge units out there. you think... they'll release nafisaand kabir for him. they were going to kill him!we saved him. they'll be here in 5 minutes. look, valli.. father. - kabir. my son.
son. where's mom? mom's in the other room. she's talking to officer uncle. are you coming to pick us up? yes, son. i am. are you coming on the bike? yes, son.i'll pick you up on the bike. on a white bike. it's big bike. it has three seats.
and, we'll go on a long ride. is uncle around? yes. uncle's right here. i'll ask him to arrangefor the bike. let me speak to him. bring nafisa andkabir at section 40. you'll get your man back. before 6 am. loyalty or business. choose now, salim.
i'm through with loyalty. then kill the goldman. you know what's going to happen.. ..yet you want to do this. this is the onlyway to finish the job. you said i started all this. so, i am going to finish it. sit down!- valli, where are you going? zoya, untie me.
quick. - hold on.where are you going? come here. come. what? - look here. here? - you asked who the boss is. so, come on. "no more string of memories." "not a strand of my existence." "why did the earth forget them?" "why did the heaven forget them?"
"i wonder where they're lost." "those who weaveddreams with their blood." "and, their obsessionpaved new ways." "even the stars couldn'tgive them refuge." "it's the story,both worlds overlooked." "the ones we turned to smoke." "why did we turn them to smoke?" "why did we turn them.." - fire! "those who only give,and never ask."
"we've created thisambiance by robbing them." "if the earth forgets them?" "if the heaven forgets them?" "we'll never sing again." 'i accept.' it's goldman! - open. 'family. friendship. emotions.' 'valli khan had every weakness.' 'but when the time came..'
'..he turned theminto our strength.' 'he didn't hesitate to shoot me.' 'shoot me.' 'didn't stop after hearinghis son's voice over the phone.' 'you'll get your man.' 'bring them to section post 40.' 'because we all hadthree more weaknesses.' 'honour, duty and country.' 'you know what's going to happen..'
'..yet you want to do this.' 'you said i started all this.' 'so, i am going to finish it.' i..- come. you? - come on. turn around. i will see. clip the wires. come on fast.
move. rudra! - go. go. go. don't wait for me. go. - come on. come on, rudra. run. come on. hold! they're in indian territory now. so, ashwini? welcome back.
welcome back! is this why you did all this? you lost more than50 men in this effort. you can take a picture now. like hunters do,with their dead prey. after all, you've broughtindia's most wanted back. celebrate all you want. because,a year later you'll know that.. ..whether it's tiharor arthur road..
..i'm still doing whati was in dubai or karachi. ashwini. this nation's my mother.. ..and mumbai's my lover. i wanted to come back. i discussed it as well. but the governmentdidn't want me back. you all know about it. i told valli khan.everyone has a price. you just need to know how much.
and, i learnt this lessonhere in mumbai, india. "east or west, india is the best." great. it's useless. you had the chance to kill me,but you didn't take it. because, you've thesame problem as our nation. you like to give a chance. whetherits some politician, police.. or.. or that swine kasab who waskilling everyone at vt station.
what did you do with him? showed him yourhospitality for four years. and later, hanged him on the noose. rascals.that wasn't anything great. he came to mumbai to die. and, you're rejoicingnow after killing him. welcome back? the same thing'sgoing to happen with me. you will arrest me.
invite panels on channels. people will talk aboutme in local trains. people will sell oil,mobile, soap in breaking news. barkha, rajdeepthey'll speak about me. arnab goswami will scream.and, when they all calm down. i'll go to bigg boss with salman. and i might win too.after all, i am a don. and, do you know whati'll do with the prize money? build a tomb foridiots like valli khan.
i might even write few lines on it. "india's the best." i've been asking himto shut up since karachi. but, you can't do it. it's true. we made mistakes. we're still making one. but, our biggest mistake is you. our men are tired.
they want a change. so, we'll begin with you. take off your glasses. and watch the face of new india. in 15 years, i killed many people. first time it felt nice. 'the story we ended today,may have many variations.' 'but i fear,no one will want to hear it.' "no more string.."
"..of memories." "not a strand of.." " existence." "and, their obsession.." "..paved new ways." "even the stars.." "..couldn't give them refuge." "those who only give.." "..and never ask."
"why did we turn them into smoke?" "smoke." "why did we.."
www watch online movies, 'if i don't leave dubai..' '..i'll rot the restof my life in tihar jail.' 'don't get mad.' 'you don't shoot all year, do you?'
'you can join me two months later.' that's it? how did he find out? about the extradition? this informationnever left this room. then how? why.. - ashwini. ashwini, we'll get him next time. i hope so, sir.
i hope so. 'he's flying aroundthe world comfortably.' 'everyone knows he'sholed up in karachi.' 'this is the faceof india's most wanted..' 'pakistan's his second home.they protect him.' 'you've no evidenceto support that.' 'he's keeps targetingus from pakistan every time.' 'the operation was...' hand him over to india first,then we'll see..'
'after the assassinationof osama..' '..he's the 2nd mostwanted on interpol's list.' 'this recent attack in hyderabadwas clearly planned to kill..' ' many people..'- 'we want iqbal back.' 'we want iqbal at any cost.' 'this is not aboutpolitics anymore.' 'this is about justice.' '98.3 fm, this is sunset somasa.' 'hi, this is surenand with me is meera.'
'and, everyone knowsabout the hyderabad blasts..' '..that left 23dead and 55 injured..' '..has shocked the entireyouth of the nation.' 'everybody is stillcoming to terms with this.' 'and, we've been receiving callsfrom every corner of the city.' 'we should admitthat we're cowards.' 'kunal, i think you're gettinga little too emotional about this.' 'i think we should severeall ties with karachi.' 'and my children were saying thathis daughter's getting married.'
'rama, you're absolutely right.' 'the images of theinvitation cards..' '..are already all over facebook,twitter..' '..and all the news channels.' 'i've just one question.' 'if the americans can do it,why can't we?' 'it's obvious that..' since osama's assassination.. ..people think pakistan'sjust another public park.
easy as plucking a flower. is it that easy to bring him back? what if it is? what if we really bring him back? ins ranvijay. where is it? same place he always is. 60 kilometres from karachi coast. send them a message. 'the procession's on its way.'
ladies and gentlemen. may i have your attention please. presenting bilal bhai peshawarwale. hit it dude! did you have dinner?- everyone did. yes. - sir. the general's here. salim. he can't come here. anything's possible. how dare you bring a phone here?
how dare you bring a phone here?get out. get out! security! how did you let him in? "o the red robed, .. .. may i always have yourbenign protection, jhulelal." "o master, friend andsire of sindh and sehwan.." "the red robedgod-intoxicated qalandar," "the lord in every breath of mine,glory be to you." "the red robed god-intoxicatedqalandar, sire of sindh" ..may i always have yourbenign protection, jhulelal."
"o the red robed,.. "o the red robed, o the red robed" yeah! speak up, pilot! uncle's on his way. pack. i'll just go pee. pee? or is it a new mms? - balls. i only settle for the real thing. "your shrine is alwayslighted with four lamps"
"and here i come to lighta fifth lamp in your honor." "here i come with fifth." secure all posts. p1. p3 and lift! salim. you go that way. stay alert. "here i come withfifth o master, .. .. friend and sireof sindh and sehwan," "god-intoxicated qalandar," "o the red robed,o the red robed.." you haven't returned my mobile.
we didn't take your phone. "let the gong ring loudfor your glory day and night" "let the gong ring loud for yourglory day and night by the people." naushad! sir, this is restricted area. sir.. go. sir, please. stop. you're not allowed here.sir, please.
so you're goingto restrict my entry. do you know who i am? faisal kwaja's my uncle?- who's faisal kwaja? who? you don't know him? rafiq! what are you doing?they're just employees. let's go that way. come on. boss, do you have a lighter?
security, post-15. sir has arrived at p1. cover yourself. trying to entice them.- what are you saying? you've a character problem.- nonsense. you think i don't know. i am not blind. rafiq. why cover yourself now?half the world has seen them now.
take it off. hello. speak louder. are you sure? i'll call father. i'm fed up. fed up. stop. come from lahore.. sir, please speak here.
i'll call father now.- father will come away. i call father.. i'll call father now. father will come. father's here. - he's here. yes. pull the trigger. don't delay anymore. otherwise,it'll be a pain in your neck.
kill them. don't worry about me. kill them. get in quickly. get down. down. rascal! valli, get in! get down. don't shoot him! 'prayers are for kin.'
'but we have no kin.' 'that's the reasonwhy we're chosen.' 'until nine years ago, nobodycared whether i existed or not.' 'but, nine years is a long time.' that's it. that's all the attention i get. there was a time,when it was just about it. i can say the same thing. you don't give mea second look either.
like you used to,back in those days. let's turn back time.- don't be naughty. i see, you're the one complainingand i'm getting naughty? let go. let me go. son. go back to sleep. there's still time for school.- no, it's not. get up. or you'll be late. no school, mom. i've fever.
you don't have's just your excuses. no. his body's burning. of course, he covered himselfwith two blankets last night. why do you coveryourself with blankets? don't support him.- the teacher's really strict. and, i don't have a pencil either. he doesn't have a pencil.what will he do in school? don't go, son. you bought pencilsfor him yesterday.
here they are. perfumed ones! mom, perfumed one's..- no perfumed ones. take these. - mother. i want perfumed ones. next time lose your bag, son. perfumed ones. mom, i want perfumed ones.. 'for six years, i lived thesebeautiful moments like a dream.'
'knowing that i mightwake up any moment..' '..and everything will shatter.' 'nafisa and kabir,who were my biggest reality..' '..would turn into my biggest lie.' i want to go to your school.- my school? why is that? then, i can openmy own barber shop. you're not goingto be a barber, son. you'll be nipping their ears. out! - out!
sachin has 100 centuries alone. and look at them. together they can'tscore a single century. brother khurram,these two will play till the end. they don't havethe guts to do that. they don't even qualifyas the 12th man. the people are crazy after them. as if they run the country. they don't careabout our sacrifices.
because we don't have pakistan'st-shirt, like they do. there it has started again. 'khurram took every opportunity..' ' assert that he's from isi.' 'years passed,with the hope that..' '..i could extract informationfrom khurram and report back.' 'but, those hopes had changed.' 'i was waiting for the day..' ''ashwini sir wouldrelease me from ..
..this posting andthis lie.' 'that's it.' stop the driver. ashwini. people retire. - i know. i'm quitting my job, sothat i can devote my time to you. stop it.. - coming. ramashray. mrs. chaturvedi. old agents whom we're calling back.
add another list to that name. god is great! walekum salaam. we meet after a long time. all okay? how about you? how's your mother? she's fine. convey her my respect. what are you staring at?
many other influentialpeople come here. who is he? - bhai! he has other names. iqbal seth. sultan shah. goldman. no.2 in usa. no.1 in india. wanted! he's been coming here for years.
everyone knows he's in karachi. but, even if they know.. one can even whisper about it. do you work for him? - yes. that's my duty. i'm from the isi. but no one could know. everyone's on their tether. his son's getting married.
he's booked more thanhalf of the hotel rooms. it's going to be great fun. take the salad as well. my son's getting married.. month on the 12th. do come. - of course. people aren't wrong along. times are wrong as well. for the sake of my future,for kabir and nafisa..
..i could've ignored this man. father can't buy them all the time. but, i couldn't do it. we've six activeagents in pakistan. and, we can contacttwo of them anytime we want. none of them told us. so, where did youget this information? ashwini, what was thename of your field agent? sir didn't tell us.
he's probably oneof his secret agents... he is the only onewith access to the file... well, with due respectto ashwini sir.. ..these unknown agents...could be double-agents as well. madam's calling you. ashwini,india can never be a part.. ..of any covert operationon pakistani soil. yes, sir. i cannot do it.
that doesn't mean you can't. i said it. i'm not going alone. you just said.. told everyonewe're going to london. the arrangements are done.- i never said we aren't going. i won't go alone. i've never travelledon a plane before? okay, but they won'task you to fly that thing. i'll escort you to the plane.
after that, your brotherwill receive you at the airport. kabir's with you as well. few days later, i'll selleverything here and join you. if its just few days then,why can't we go together? again the same thing,i said i've to stay back. your tickets havebeen issued as well. cancelling all the ticketswould mean a huge loss. right? shall i cancel them? it's just a matter of days.
then, we'll be out there. getting naughtylike the english do. look here. sexy. - don't try to cajole me. i won't go. try to understand. someone's coming. from afar. 'distancing my kin andworking with strangers..' '..was a part of my job.'
'but maybe,i wasn't comfortable with it now.' 'who was zoya rehman.' 'did she have secrets like me?' i work for thebradford city council. you visit the city quite often. stay alone in the hotel. doesn't your husband get furious? 'moin. we can celebrateour anniversary later.' 'this case is a little complicated.i've to go.'
'are you the onlyimmigration lawyer in uk?' 'actually, you want to go. - so?' 'what's wrong about it, moin?' 'the fact thatyou didn't tell me..' '..your job's more importantthan our marriage.' 'please, know that's not true.' 'please zoya. please.' 'you know it's true.' 'and, now i know it too.'
'won't you say bye. - i will.' 'goodbye.' what? i had given strict instructions. i want room no.1222. believe me, madam.1222 and 1224 are the same. and so is the view.- i don't care about the view. 'the celebrationwas on the top floor..' '..and security wastight on the east zone.
hurry up, we don't have much time.- block the way. what about therest of the security. i don't know how. but, i want the footage from everyroom in this hotel on my monitors. 'and, zoya had tostay on the 12th floor..' ' room no.1222,directly below the security room.' pardon me, madam. but mr. bhatti,he's a regular customer.. ..arrived uninformed.
just two days,and we'll shift you back. who...are you trying to shift? mr. bhatti, messages for you. don't worry. i am there. you can shift roomsanytime you want. yes. for the next 24 hours,no one can pee without me watching. get that? - yes, sir. and, vacate the floor below.
if you cannot getthis floor vacated.. ..we will have to posta man at every 5 feet. we can't take chances. - okay, sir. and lock all the open rooms. check the identity of every guest. i want no guests up here. 'zoya rehman. sharyar bhatti.' 'room nos. 1224, 1222.' 'the plans looked clear on paper..'
'..but in reality,they were fading away.' 'there were questions,that didn't have an answer.' 'our fear was, that itdoesn't foil before it starts.' excuse me, get side. please. please. seth's home first. - yes, boss. aslam needed freedomfrom his three murder cases... ashwini sir laid a price to it... he was sent to jail...
to befriend goldman'sman pappu samaan... sir, do you have matches,or lighter. sir, he hasn't shown much faith. pappu's paid meto kill vicky thakur. after that he'll sendme to our neighbour's country. do it. pappu samaan kept his promise..' '..and sent aslamto gurudan in karachi.' 'if he survives this mission..'
'..we'll know whetherthe price was too high or not.' salaam, sister-in-law.- walekum salaam. is the brother in? - yea. salim, meet me beforeleaving. - yes. fall. fall. concentrate on the heel. speak, salim, speak. i'm just coming from the hotel. allthe arrangements have been done. i'll give you the details later.
general raza is waiting for you. don't drop the guard. salaam, mr. general. - walekum. the master at his slave's home. iqbal, you know why i am here. well, we've bought youa house in london, park lane. salim. did you give sir the papers? yes, sir.- don't try to change the topic. you cannot attend the wedding.
look, you asked me notto attend my daughter's wedding. and, i didn't. i was in the same hotel. i watched everything ona television, in a closed room. but not this time. all the rituals are in karachi. we aren't allowingphotography... video.. nephew will give you the details. but my son's wedding..
try and understand.- please excuse me. mr. azhar's waiting for me. iqbal, islamabad's..- if we delay any longer.. ..they might blow this place up.- you don't.. quddoos. - salim.. serve him some cold drinks. you know he can't attendthe wedding. - but.. we're trying our best,but uncle's not prepared to listen. what can we do? - quiet!
tell him to shut up! hyderabad. - yes, sir. no, azhar. my heart's not into it. i'm not too popular. people think i'm a terrorist. this is just my business,i only do my job. otherwise, i'm human too. i do charity. i help people. we're here for your help.
when you do something.. pulls ourpeople out of danger. we desperately needan action in hyderabad. how many? - it'll be controlled. 8 or 10. ruins business, for a long time. i give you my word. not more than 15 people. iqbal.. - no matter what you say..
..i won't change my mind. you don't understand.iqbal.. you don't understand! my business runs on fear. if i get scared,business will close down. the orders were direct. stay away from thetarget until the mission. stay low.. but this man couldnever follow any orders..
the fourth wheel of the team,rudra pratap singh. he was more like a riddle,without an answer. suspended army officer,killer, mercenary. no one knew who he was. where he came from. he never listened to anyonenor told anyone about him. like every mission.. ..the safest place to hideout was.. ..the murky lanes ofkarachi's prostitute area..
where no one cared who you were.. all that mattered was theprice you were willing to pay. you walk straight in the dark. you're either a thief or a soldier. either get to workstraightaway or keep chatting. the less questions you ask,the better. may i come in, sir? sir. i've got a weird tipin the vicky thakur murder case. there's a rumourin the department..
..that the killer madea deal with the agency. he's been sent to karachi. is it a part of your dream project? which dream project? the one you shut down. you didn't shut it down completely. that much i know you. mishra. there's a big difference.. ..between knowingand understanding.
yeah. how are the neighbours, ghosh? you never call toask about their health. i'm the cultural attachã©.. ..but, you receiveevery news first. i've heard that ourfavourite son-in-law.. getting his son married. i heard that too. so like a good neighbour..
..we'll have togive our best wishes. post an ad in the dawn,on our behalf. seven days, seven sim cards. use one everyday, and destroy it. we'll need detonators, timers. symtex as well. any grade will do. there're dogs in the hotel. sniffer dogs.
you've to arrange for an ambulance. it'll be done. that's easy. the arms.. - i'll comealong for weapons selection. karachi's napier road's different,your cover will be blown. you're just an asset.your job's to give us information. you've been recruited from gic. before coming here.. ..the only thing you evershot was a cardboard cut out. i'm doing my job.
i didn't get suspendedfrom the army, like you. you're a part of the team.that's it. understand. i'm not too fond of teams. they're best for playing footballs. more the people, more weaknesses. then why don't youexecute the operation? you don't need us. you'll find him strollingdown the market. go catch him.
remember one thing. this is not your country. "keep it concealed.don't lift the veil." salaam. - walekum. i knew you were a good barber. but, i didn't knowyou were good at this too. no.. - don't be scared. a man without secrets is boring. everyone does.
i do too. no. - yes. khurram. don't tell anyone. - no. please leave,you're spoiling my business. i'll be right back. who was he? i don't have to tell you. look. i know everything about you. the route you takeyour child to school.
the shop you buyperfume for your wife. he's a customer. he's isi. lt. col. khurram khan.. get that? and? he's my neighbour. don't ever drag my wifeand child in this again? i love them.
that's why i say. more people, means more weaknesses. 'rudra was right.' 'more people,means more weaknesses.' 'but, he didn't know.' 'mistakes are like relationships.' 'you don't make one, it happens.' back again? how? can't be love.
no. i heard you don'task too many questions. and anyway, no one comes here. pardon me, but this is important. i see. what do you think? what's the story behind this? good morning, ma'am. come in.
this is your room. it's been newly painted. sir, bed no.2 is yours.- join it with bed no.3. you see, i like totoss around in my sleep. the target's carwill approach from p1. we'll enter from p3. we'll intercept him on p3. and the exit. p1 for you, and i'll exit this way.
we'll blow thisroom with rdx semtex. the purer, the better. the entire floor.. - perfumed? i'll need big pots.. take the semtex in the hotel. 51...stout street. gareen rd.. - no, mom. it's green. green. - yes, green. ph..
you'll be with me, so youcan tell them. it'll be okay. sending us to london alone.. perfumed ones? - yes. look, rameez. perfumed pencils. father brought them for me. why don't you read thisout in english for me.. what road? what 'bury'? do you have such beautifulgirls back there? where?
the place you hail from. "your beautiful kohl eyes." that's "black". "wait a moment more..." "your lips still havemy essence on them." "the dewdrops are shiningwith the morning rays." "but my world ofdreams is still alive." there goes the power again. shut up.who needs electricity here!
ali. start the generator. i won't ask. because i can't hear you lie. really? you sleep with people,and i put them to sleep. the lesser you know, the better. the more you know, themore difficult it'll get for me.. ..and painful for you. it won't.
anyway, i'm used to men leaving me. there's a differencebetween them and me. i know that. you never showedsympathy or false hopes. i never expected the impossible. but, you gave mesomething i didn't expect. what do you want? the man who did this. do you want his deathto be easy or painful?
semtex?- on the way, freshly baked. the buyer's comingpersonally to sell them. don't open your big mouth,like last time. i will make the deal..- welcome, khurram. you! rascals.. take me to the police station. police! put that away.
don't just wield that thing,know how to use it as well. there's news, sir. two more dead bodieswere found at bohra bazaar. wasim ali and his wife. there have been other incidentsbetween these two gangs before. look at the entry wounds carefully. it's professional killing, sir. has your mission beenactivated in karachi? the ministry wants answers, sir!
don't worry, mishra. i'll give them answers. i haven't retired yet. one more thing. no mission's ever personal. it'sin the interest of the country. no, sir.don't call off the operation. believe me. the target is not suspicious.. khurram mirza diedwhile protecting you.
something's definitely happening,i'm sure about it. your family's leavingfor london tomorrow. not now! out! out! you go too. don't blame me for khurram's death. you know who elsehe was working for. i don't understand why you'rebeing so stubborn this time. tomorrow?i can go today if you want.
but this is our last chance.we won't get another opportunity. we shouldn't losethis opportunity, sir. general. try to understand. two by-passes, one son. i'm definitely attendingthe wedding. cheers. we aren't doingthis for a medal, sir. what's going to happeneven if we bring him back? we'll still be unknown. and if we fail,we'll be begging for death..
..but, we won't get it, sir. awaiting your orders, sir. "the color of everyone'sfortunes is the same" "sorrow and happinessplay hide and seek.." "happiness and sorrowplay hide and seek.." "you are in my life,you are in my soul.." "you are in my whole world.." "my lord is playing holi" you'll be an nri now.
thank you, thank you. kabir. tell mom uncle's here. "his color's unique." mom. uncle's here. "he is sprinklingwater of his deeds" "that colors the whole world" uncle, you don't know that's the other side. remember.when i brought this proposal.. i know, i know. i was stubborn.
i said "i don't wantto marry a barber". but now, he's taking me to london.- coming. i'm so fortunate to havesuch a wonderful husband. now, find someonelike him for them too. he really pampers you. "the color of love is exquisite" "the color of yourlove is exquisite" we needed more cards. so, salim asked me to...
why just two.. - two...two.. why are you stammering? do you stammer? - no? go on. - thank you. "getting coloredhas become my habit" "my love for him is my prayer" "everything is safedue to his presence" "due to his gaze,everyone is blessed" "everyone is blessed"
"even destiny dancesin his praises" you're tea's getting cold. - "he'sthe one who holds the strings" "allah -o- akbar!" do you want me tokeep repeating myself? it's broken now.i told you it's empty. and.. it's smashed to bits.who's going to pay for all of this? ma'am, we'll need to check it.- check? check what? what did you get in it?
you can break that, you can break this too. happy? break that too. forget the checking. her eyes can kill anyone. she won't smuggle in bombs. please. welcome. you have one unheard message. 'hey. tried calling you before.' 'happy anniversary. i love..'
'i'll call you back, bye.' who are you? - punishment. commit a sin, and i've to come. what? - extended till the 24th. please check. - that bhattimust have extended his programme. sorry, ma'am. - it's not my fault. please check.- i am sorry, madam. really sorry. zoya. zoya, what happened?
zoya, why are you crying? zoya, what's.. - moin. moin. i am sorry.- zoya, what's the matter? tell me. zoya. please tell me what's wrong? i love you, zoya. i swear we'll set things right. zoya, just come back.- moin, i'm sorry. nothing can be done now.
zoya, we'll sort things out.just don't cry. just come back, zoya. - moin. i'm sorry. mr. bhatti. the government of india.. blaming pakistan,for the bomb blasts in hyderabad. according to a pressreport released in islamabad.. ..the pakistan governmenthas denied this in strong words. even after pakistan government's constant denial..
..the indian governmentis not ready to believe.. ..that their culpritisn't hiding in pakistan. islamabad.. sir. - ashwini here. is the plan still the same?- you heard it on the radio too. bring him back.ins ranvijay is standing by. okay, sir. you see those small shops. yes. - they'll give you two cards..
passengers flying to london.. please come with me.- yes. keep this.. aren't you coming together?- i can't go beyond this. kabir. father. goodbye. listen, one thing. - go now. the volcano eruption in iceland.. ..has spread ash cloud all over. due to this, all flightsto europe have been cancelled.
for more information..- excuse me.. ..please contact your airlinedesk.. - what are they announcing? ma'am, all flights toeurope has been cancelled. information's on the indicator. salaam. nafisa speaking. yes. is kabir's father.. fire? let's go.let's go quickly. - but why? mom - let's go. - mom, wait..
excuse me, ma'am.may i help you? - i have to go out. it's very important.i have to go home. everyone wants to go home.the flight's been cancelled. everyone's worried.please take a seat. you don't understand. my house is on fire. i can'treach his father on the phone. i have to go home. it's important. where do you live? salim, i'll be in baituz soon.
the neighbours were saying that.. ..the entire family'sflown to london. but we recovered three dead bodies. the husband, wife and child. three? wife and child?- mom, what's wrong with father? nothing, child.finish your drawing. hello. this is pervez. who's at the isi desk?
your husband didn't sell his shop? mom.. sir, that was pending.. that was supposed tohappen few days later. - mom. why aren't you tellingus anything about him? is he fine? he has sold his shop. - mom.. and the number youwere trying to call.. mom, look.. - what?
look. baituz zahab? son. where did you get this pencil? who gave you this? - my father did. give it back. hello. - speak louder. there's going to be an attack on..- are you sure? i'm fed up! it's a big issue, sir, speak here.
stop that goldman,there's going to be an attack! knock all of them! they are three. valli, get in the car. valli, get in. - don't shoot him. don't shoot him. 'that moment i puteverything at stake.' 'my nine year dream, our lives,' 'but, maybe that was ourlast chance to end this story.'
move, move! don't spare them! shoot them. pass the gun. catch him! catch him! don't spare! there's been a huge blast... ..inside this basement. and five minutes beforethe blast we could heard gunfire.
and it seems like theextremists responsible.. ..for the ballroom blastare hiding in this basement. i tried to explain you. now do you understand? forget this, doctor. look after others. i've a reputation. you get that, salim pathan. this can ruin it.
if they escape,they take my reputation along. close down karachi. mister, this isn't right.there are bedbugs in our bed. come. - get rid of them.that's enough. salaam. - walekum salaam. my name's niyaz ahmed. do you have any news about him? are you hiding something from us? he's alive.
ask the child to eat. he must be hungry. your husband's a barber. - yes. owns a small shop. where did he get themoney to go to london? it's the grace of god. - 17,421! this is your husband'sbank statement. 17,421, that's theamount in his account. that's all the grace he gets.
where did he get themoney to buy the ticket? we were saving for it. why don't you speakwith my husband? his number.. - 03453061789. it's switched off. it was switched off rightafter dropping you at the airport. or maybe.. the sim-card's been destroyed. 'the real motivebehind the blast..'
four indians..are responsible for this attack. four indian officers. four indian terrorists. 'try to understand.' 'someone's coming.' we don't know who shot first.. ..but the last bullet.. ..injured your husband valli khan. that's true.
and, he's still at large. come on. - what's wrong, mom? if you leave, this situationwon't get any better.. ..instead, it'll get worse. take a seat. you're surely mistakenabout my husband. you can ask anyone about him. he's a good man. he can never do such a thing.
he's a devout. love's kabir. respects me. he's no indian. he runs a barber shop, that's it. what will you sayabout your operation now? i don't believe this. the r.a.w chief has no answers. mishra, you tell many agents?
according to the isi, there werefour. - excuse me. just a minute. ashwini, prepare a press brief now. and, before that.. i want your resignation letter. sir. if they're caught in pakistan,we'll be embarrassed. i can handle this. the situation willbe under control, madam. 'none of the indiangovernment's agency..'
' involved in thepakistan hotel blast'. we've been targetedby terrorists ourselves. and, we never encouragesuch activities on foreign soil. 'we're prepared togive any kind of help..' the pakistan authorities in their probe. 'we have found such a person..' ..who might be responsiblefor this deadly blast.. heck! they just washed theirhands from everything.
inform everyone now! andtell them to find out everything. all four of them. i want all the information. shakeup anyone you want. i'll take your questions now. sir. off the record. this mission wasto target him, right? him? who? sir.. - oh! you mean him!
but, according tothem he isn't there. and, we still don'thave the technology.. attack someonewho isn't there. if they're caught andproved that they are indians.. ..then what will you do? nothing.we have nothing to do with them. thank you. 'even if we believe thatr.a.w was involved in this..' '..what's pakistan going to say?'
'as senior officer of r.a.w said..' ' can we attack someone..' '..who according to hepakistan government isn't there.' 'cameraman..' we cannot have anyofficial position.. ..until we don't removeour special guest from this issue. salim. call the general. valli, ashwini here.- just a minute, sir. please. turn off the volume.
sir, how did theyknow about baituz zahab? one of you must haveleft a trail behind. contact dipankar ghosh. he'll get you out. they'll get to you soon. - hello. hello. sir. this girl's..been stayingin the hotel for a long time. all thanks to aslam..salim. the third is valli khan.he's a local.
we got his detail whileinterrogating his wife. his wife and childwere flying to london. where's the fourth one who.. we've no information about him. napier road. the brothel. he was definitely a soldier. his eyes were.. salim. pass me the cigarette.
but, you stopped smoking.- i know i did. but, i'm tensed. "stopped smoking!" listen, he's here to see you. let's postpone the wedding. we're been linked toyou on every news channel. and we visit india frequently. don't worry.everything will be fine. that's what you say.
let's just stay quiet for few days. we'll do it after a year. and anyway, people aretalking about you, your son. my son? - right. my son! - yes, your son. get up you swine. - what? get up! get up! put that down, and listen here. you were a cricket commentator,weren't you?
and, you're scared so soon. i'm a fast player.i only hit boundaries. i don't believe in playing slow. the marriage wasfixed for tomorrow.. ..and, that's when its going to be. you dare speak against my son. salim. i want everyone behind this attack. leave that.. - quiet!
quiet! no need to bring them alive.dead bodies are okay. everyone.. everyone's after us. the gang and the police. valli..let's run away. we can escape from the docks. we cannot take a decision in haste. you're just an enemy. but, i am a traitor.
i wonder how they'regoing to kill me. we've been asked to contact ghosh. he'll get us out of here. you believe that.didn't you watch the news? they said they'venothing to do with us. they won't announce it again. now we'll have to help ourselves. do what, aslam? do what? we already did. - what?
what did we do? i was in front of him. i was about to shoot him when.. we would've achievednothing by killing him. i didn't accept tobe a spy in this country.. that i can kill himon sight and make him a martyr. my dream was to drag himout of this country, alive. and hand him over to india. and that was the mission.
so, you became a part ofthis mission to fulfil your dream. i am leaving. take my advice. stay hidden for 72 hours. after that, get out of the city. they can get here anytime. aslam. aslam. last time you left room,you let the fan on. next time i willcharge you 100 extra.
fine, you may. that's okay. i didn't know youall were together. yes, they've made contact. they're arriving atempress market at 2 o'clock. i am sending my team. you know what todo with the bodies. but, mishra, are you surekilling them is the solution? send photos for the record. understood, mishra?
mishra, are you on the line. they're here. moving towards dock point.- all four? two. a lady and a gents. oh no! they must've separated. don't fire. wait. beauty parlour. that way. have you seen him?
no, no, sir. the news further all flights from karachito london are still on hold.' 'due to the volcaniceruption in iceland..' 'london's heathrow airporthas been practically closed down.' 'many passengers are stuckat the airport since morning.' 'and, reports are that..' '..the situation isn'tgoing to get any better soon.' 'any passenger for london? - yes..'
'i've never travelled by plane before.'-'they won't ask you to fly it.' 'you told everyone thatyou're going to london.' 'father. goodbye.' 'if it's a matter of few days,why can't we go together?' valli, what happened? come on, valli. you go, i can't. - what? now i understand whythe operation failed? i've to call london.- where are you going?
i've to call london. - listen.. they're moving away. let's go back. we can be caught. nafisa and kabir are caught,i think. i've to call london.i've to call london. listen to me. if they're here, i thinkits best you don't see them. valli.. - ghosh has sent us. you'll have to come with us.
let me make one call. after that i will come with you. one call. - you can call later. stop! just kill them, right now! kill them now! just kill them. hello! they're evidence. just kill them.
don't leave them. finish them. valli, let's go. - hello. hello. let's get out of here. we risked everything for you.- valli, let's go. let's go. "i wonder how..these moments shattered.." " a broken relationship." "just like..thesemoment's brimmed.."
"..from the cup of sorrows." "why's this story incomplete?" "why's this saga incomplete?" "why is its fate..farewell?" "love doesn't be eternal." "a moment love too." "this story isn't incomplete." "this saga isn't incomplete." "even after i die..i won't say farewell."
"desires remain unquenched." "though far,but you're close to my heart." "because you're my story." "because you're my saga." "never say again..farewell." "i cherish your memories." "don't say it." "they make me and break me." "the world you're lost in..- now it's better.
lacks everything." "the sorrow of bitter loneliness." "beloved.." "why did this happen?" "don't be so cruel." "it's the story of two hearts." "i wonder how..these moment's shattered.." "farewell." brother. rudra asked me to see you.
he said i'll geta boat for india here. brother.. there's delay...but not denial. right? aslam, take left. you must be laughing on us, right? didn't you? tell us where are the others? you don't have all night.
deepankar ghosh.valli, zoya will contact him. don't know...about rudra. he's gone. - swine.. nephew. let him go. this is karachi. i will find you and kill you. leave me, leave me today.- forgive me. leave me.. you've always had this bad habit.
now they will haveto clean up your mess. if you were so obsessed,you should've finished the job. you should've slit the throat.. ..of that man who puta gun to your uncle's forehead. apologise now! the situation outside empressmarket is.. -niyaz. he's apologizing. sorry. take an appointment with the chief.
enough of their drama. what about vallikhan's wife and child.. wretched dog! rudra.. what...happened? they knew about aslam. he's in a terrible condition. look after him. and get out of here by morning.- rudra.
we know...why our mission failed? a five year old boykabir survived this blast. his mother passed awayin the attack. - they're lying. and, the agencies are now.. ..looking for hisfather or any other kin. if anyone has any information.. ..please contact us onthe number appearing below. how did they kill her? get some sleep, ashwini.
it's quite late. yes. it is. the boy's sweater. my son's sweater. 20 days. 20 days...and,things went from right to wrong. if he leaves, then oursacrifices will be useless. "the henna...on my hands is still visible." what was her name?
"wait a moment.." didn't ask. rudra. stop valli. where are you going? you cannot be so selfish. we've all made sacrifices. i'm not in a stateto understand your pain. i am going. - valli.
the mission's failed. india has severed ties with usas if we were never one of them. we cannot survive in pakistan. everything's over. - but.. my child's waiting. i want to meet him. how will you? do you know where he is? do you know what they'lldo to you if you're caught?
doesn't make a difference. they killed nafisa. i can't even apologise to her now. my child's waiting for me.i want to see him. i bought a sweater for him,but can't find it. they might be lying about kabir. don't let their death go waste. valli. think about...finishing the mission we started. enough hospitality.
america's still tauntingus for abetobad. if they see him partying around.. ..the world will laugh on us. now is the time to clean up. we should reject our strategy.. ..that 'the enemyof my enemy is a friend'. because, termites...are termites after all. till now it was them,but now it's us. but, how are wegoing to clean it up?
we've promised to takehim to a isi safe house in sind. after the wedding. so, after the wedding. en route to the safe house. this is the house. this is us. we've to get there. the wedding's going on inside. and we're in this car. i'm driving the car.
zoya's besides me. and rudra's at the back. i think zoya should drive. she's the explosives expert. she has to get tothe fourth quadrant. you can sit at the passenger'sseat with the bouquet. i'll hide at the back. and, we can easilygive her cover-fire. okay.
aslam's in the car behind. and...keep a safe distance. aslam, fill the car withas many lpg cylinders you can. and, i'll rig them with semtex. none of the guests should survive. as soon as this car moves forward.. ..the guards will step forward. i'll get down and attack them. and rudra,will attack these guards.
it'll create panic. taking advantage, zoya willmake it to the second quadrant. what if...i am shot at the second quadrant? zoya, if you're shotthe mission will be over. so, to create a diversion.. ..valli and i willgive you cover-fire. at any cost, you've to getthe car at the third quadrant. by the time you get here,we'll be here. we just need to tackle them.
but...we'll bein the line of fire.. maybe we can get shot. after that,rudra might not survive either. zoya, as soon as youcross third quadrant.. ..tie your foot to theaccelerator with the air latchet. so that it stays firm. latch the steering-wheelas well so it doesn't move. after that i'll usethe dead-man's switch. after crossing the third quadrant,i'll remove the pin.
even if i'm shot.. after reachingthe fourth quadrant.. ..there will be a blast. and, after the blast.. ..aslam, you'll bargein the house with the car. and then 'boom'. diwali in karachi! i accept. amin.
iqbal. we should head tothe safe-house now. bring your nephew along.- yes, give to the nephew.. nephew. get in the car. bye. nephew, are you crazy? calm down.- i've been trying to call you.. i called becauseyou gave me a miss call.
he won't make it to the safe-house.we'll kill him on the way. orders directly from islamabad. your uncle isn't listening toanyone so we're getting rid of him. i cannot do anything. i'm with uncle right now.i cannot do anything. then ask salim.. salim's phone is switched off. he must be free now. i'm sending you the number.
goodbye. nothing, uncle. by the way, your safe-houseare falling below standard.. why you.. forget it, nephew. this is their country after all. thankfully,you waited until my son's wedding. what to do?after all we are old friends. was i supposed to die so easily?
no bang.. general. you're no betterthan the mumbai police. trying to bump me offin a ordinary encounter.. anyway, better get onwith it quickly, general. because as faras i know my nephew.. ..he must have messagedsalim and called him here. then you can.. cover rudra. wretched animal! wretched traitor!
wretched.. they are not his men. wretched traitor! rudra! shoot him. general, shoot him! aslam. aslam, fire. shoot him.- aslam, what are you doing? rudra doesn't have the bullets. aslam, what..
aslam. guns won't settle this. sir. we got him. and, alive. he's sitting right next to us. where are you? - we'reon the outskirts of karachi. towards sind. head towards rann of kutch. it's impossible to escapethrough rann of kutch.
i know. that's why no onewill be suspicious. we'll need the coordinates. you'll have thecoordinates in two hours. where are we going? according to my estimateit is somewhere near the border. somewhere... somewhere in sind. stop the car. -let's take a look. you must have heard aboutsind in your national anthem.
do you have a clueabout where you're heading? shut up! by the way, who is the boss? him or you? he's a soldier. he uses more brawn than his brain. you seem smart. let's talk. i want to make a call.
why? - we abducted you twice. do you think anyone herewill make a deal with you? everyone has a price. for some its wealth,and for others its emotion. take you for instance. you'll change sides if i say.. ..i can let youspeak to your family. i told you to shut up. valli. - valli.
come out. valli! valli, what are you doing?- hold on. if this is a lie,i swear i will shoot you. valli, don't listen to him.he's lying. otherwise.. - otherwise what? i will shoot you.- you think i am a fool. you want me alive. this guy.he'll take a medal and retire.
but what about you? can you live? can you live aftersacrificing your family? listen to me. listen to me. he's lying. - i am lying? i am lying? your family was travellingto london, right. valli. - how do i know? i know.. okay, do one thing.
i.. - call up salim. valli. - do it yourself. tell him that brother's with me.. ..and let you speak to your wife. my wife's alive.- i am saying she is.. valli, don't listen to him.- hold on. dial the number.- valli, he's lying. they're dead. - hold on. dial now. dial it. dial the number.
93219... i assure you. dial 932198.. dial it. dial it yourself. 93.. - no! return the phone. - valli. return the phone.- return the phone. no, valli. - just once. don't listen to him. he's lying. return the phone. - he's lying. return the phone.- he's lying, they're dead.
let me talk to them.if you want the phone shoot me. let me talk to them..- if you want the phone shoot me. let me speak to them.- give him the phone. let me speak to them. -if youwant the phone shoot me, valli. let me speak to them. if you want thephone shoot me, valli. zoya, will he survive or not? he's lost a lot of blood. we need to take him to a hospital.
have you gone crazy? he himself doesn't know whichside he's on, ours or theirs. how far is the border? 3 hours. he's making us dance with bullets, and we are dancing. he is out of his mind. i only injured him,next time i'll shoot to kill. for the last time,tell him ashwini's here. sir, he's the bsf chief. i cannot wake him at this hour.
for any emergency. driver.. if you don't callhim in 10 seconds.. won't be ableto explain the emergency. aren't you going to call?- i'll tell you when. all this trouble for nothing. the indian governmentsays you're not one of them. and here you're puttingyour life at stake. anyway, you like to risk your life. but, what's your son's fault?
i know how dear sons are. as a kid, my son wouldnever stay away from me. but, when he was old enoughto read the newspapers.. ..he realised what his father does. then, there was alwaysthis question in his eyes, "why". "why?" that's what you willhave to face as well. you'll be branded with it. there's a vast differencebetween you and me.
but for our children,we're the same. think. tell them, i want totalk to kabir in two hours. you are doing theright thing, valli. the no's 923198500. 92319 8110.. help them cross the border? yes, yes. - have you lost it. ashwini,we cannot decide that. - why..
why not? the government alwaysturns their other cheek. but, people like us face the blow. zhaveri bazaar,german bakery, parliament house.. ..bangalore, hyderabad..this goes on and on. we've to stop it. shorabjit.i am not saying anything new. everyone knows everything. but, no one's doing anything.
one operation.. one such operation succeeds.. ..and no one willdare to do it again. the real enemy are notthose who cause destruction. we should clip the hands of those.. ..who supply them bombs and guns. you know very well. he's the guy. what do you want from me? you were thinkingabout kabir, right?
valli. valli, ashwini here. i havespoken to everyone. - yes, sir. it is only a 15 minute window. i got it, sir. at dawn. before 6 o'clock. on section post 35.- south post 35, sir. i get it. - bring him from there. that was ashwini sir. we've to be there by 6 am.
it's around 150kilometres from here. we'll cross the border when theguards change shift at the outpost. i am not going anywhere. i'll die right here if i want to. i won't die by their hands. sir's already made arrangements.we'll slip through outpost 35. we'll hand him overto his people and get out. don't be a fool, valli. maybe outpost 35 has been prepped.
but, do you know.. ..5 kilometres fromhere is section 40. and, they have twohuge units out there. you think... they'll release nafisaand kabir for him. they were going to kill him!we saved him. they'll be here in 5 minutes. look, valli.. father. - kabir. my son.
son. where's mom? mom's in the other room. she's talking to officer uncle. are you coming to pick us up? yes, son. i am. are you coming on the bike? yes, son.i'll pick you up on the bike. on a white bike. it's big bike. it has three seats.
and, we'll go on a long ride. is uncle around? yes. uncle's right here. i'll ask him to arrangefor the bike. let me speak to him. bring nafisa andkabir at section 40. you'll get your man back. before 6 am. loyalty or business. choose now, salim.
i'm through with loyalty. then kill the goldman. you know what's going to happen.. ..yet you want to do this. this is the onlyway to finish the job. you said i started all this. so, i am going to finish it. sit down!- valli, where are you going? zoya, untie me.
quick. - hold on.where are you going? come here. come. what? - look here. here? - you asked who the boss is. so, come on. "no more string of memories." "not a strand of my existence." "why did the earth forget them?" "why did the heaven forget them?"
"i wonder where they're lost." "those who weaveddreams with their blood." "and, their obsessionpaved new ways." "even the stars couldn'tgive them refuge." "it's the story,both worlds overlooked." "the ones we turned to smoke." "why did we turn them to smoke?" "why did we turn them.." - fire! "those who only give,and never ask."
"we've created thisambiance by robbing them." "if the earth forgets them?" "if the heaven forgets them?" "we'll never sing again." 'i accept.' it's goldman! - open. 'family. friendship. emotions.' 'valli khan had every weakness.' 'but when the time came..'
'..he turned theminto our strength.' 'he didn't hesitate to shoot me.' 'shoot me.' 'didn't stop after hearinghis son's voice over the phone.' 'you'll get your man.' 'bring them to section post 40.' 'because we all hadthree more weaknesses.' 'honour, duty and country.' 'you know what's going to happen..'
'..yet you want to do this.' 'you said i started all this.' 'so, i am going to finish it.' i..- come. you? - come on. turn around. i will see. clip the wires. come on fast.
move. rudra! - go. go. go. don't wait for me. go. - come on. come on, rudra. run. come on. hold! they're in indian territory now. so, ashwini? welcome back.
welcome back! is this why you did all this? you lost more than50 men in this effort. you can take a picture now. like hunters do,with their dead prey. after all, you've broughtindia's most wanted back. celebrate all you want. because,a year later you'll know that.. ..whether it's tiharor arthur road..
..i'm still doing whati was in dubai or karachi. ashwini. this nation's my mother.. ..and mumbai's my lover. i wanted to come back. i discussed it as well. but the governmentdidn't want me back. you all know about it. i told valli khan.everyone has a price. you just need to know how much.
and, i learnt this lessonhere in mumbai, india. "east or west, india is the best." great. it's useless. you had the chance to kill me,but you didn't take it. because, you've thesame problem as our nation. you like to give a chance. whetherits some politician, police.. or.. or that swine kasab who waskilling everyone at vt station.
what did you do with him? showed him yourhospitality for four years. and later, hanged him on the noose. rascals.that wasn't anything great. he came to mumbai to die. and, you're rejoicingnow after killing him. welcome back? the same thing'sgoing to happen with me. you will arrest me.
invite panels on channels. people will talk aboutme in local trains. people will sell oil,mobile, soap in breaking news. barkha, rajdeepthey'll speak about me. arnab goswami will scream.and, when they all calm down. i'll go to bigg boss with salman. and i might win too.after all, i am a don. and, do you know whati'll do with the prize money? build a tomb foridiots like valli khan.
i might even write few lines on it. "india's the best." i've been asking himto shut up since karachi. but, you can't do it. it's true. we made mistakes. we're still making one. but, our biggest mistake is you. our men are tired.
they want a change. so, we'll begin with you. take off your glasses. and watch the face of new india. in 15 years, i killed many people. first time it felt nice. 'the story we ended today,may have many variations.' 'but i fear,no one will want to hear it.' "no more string.."
"..of memories." "not a strand of.." " existence." "and, their obsession.." "..paved new ways." "even the stars.." "..couldn't give them refuge." "those who only give.." "..and never ask."
"why did we turn them into smoke?" "smoke." "why did we.."
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Reviewed by lexibrennaa
February 14, 2018
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