subtitles by explosive skull (wind whistling) [mali] my mother once told me being with a man takesonly a few minutes. planting sweetpotatoes takes you

a free movies online, all day bent overin the burning sun. (baby crying) (dramatic music) in my country, the only waya mother can save her child
is by leaving him. (somber music) (speaking in foreign language) (men shouting) (gun firing) i owe you one. yes. ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ [all] yay, happy birthday!
happy, happy birthday andyou get to have the first cut. okay, girls, passyour plates down. (door creaking open) happy birthday, sara. wow, you nail it every year. it's absolutely delicious. honestly, diane,i never thought you would be here onher 18th birthday. i know, i feelreally bad about that.
i'm sorry. so what happens now? sara, you've aged out offoster care and the state law is that you have to leavethe group home tomorrow. you're still considereda non-minor dependent for the next fewyears and, with that, there could be one option. well, why didn'tyou start with that? because you're notgoing to like it.
this is for both of us, right? me and natalie? your sister can't be withyou until you can support her. no, i can't leave her behind. do you have any idea how manygirls i see on the streets? connected with gangs, pregnant,hooked on drugs, drinking? good kids, kids whoswear they would never do something like that. it happens like that!
that's why we'retrying new ideas. i think maybe we needto think about this, sara. i mean you can't be homeless. when would i have to leave? within a week. oh god. you better do your dishes, okay? - come, come natalie.- bye sara. hey, this is ablessing for sara.
she's off into the worldto live and grow in texas. texas is a great place. have you been there before? years ago. the central christian churchhad a symposium in austin. in fact, i becamevery good friends with a father davis there. i just need a quicksignature, please. the custodial parentline indicating release.
our friends in texasare going to take really good careof your big sister. now, you call wheneveryou want, all right. and, you know what,if you're not happy, we're going to bringyou right home. okay? hey. hey, hey, look at me. i promise i will be back.
sara! so mom can watch over you. bye, i love you. bye. (indian music) hey, you better comevisit me in boston, huh. are you mad? two weeks of that winter andyou'll be on the first plane to san francisco to visit me.
probably true. [aarti] i know. what? aye, don't look nah. god, he's coming over here. don't look at him. hi, amba. want to dance? don't touch me, raj!
go away, raj. hey, watch your tongue. [aarti] asshole! [amba] hey, stop it! sanjay! get this freak out of here! mind your business! you okay? yeah.
you two okay? [amba] oh god,aarti, i'm so dead. [aarti] don't worry, babe,i'll get you home by 11. [amba] you were supposedto watch the time. i told you. (car horn honking) (shouting in foreign language) (girls screaming) (horns honking)
(footsteps echoing) (woman shouting) okay, beti, take this. take this, you'll feel better. come, come, come, come. ah-huh, ah-huh. good girl, there you go. ow! good girl, good girl.
ah-ha-ha-ha. there you go. it has ac. aye! stay. the japanese man was waitingfor four days when you called. just for a virgin. your father sends toomany women abroad now. after the japaneseman is done, i want her.
(dogs barking) enjoy. leave her with me only. what to do? [amba] no. no. (amba crying) it's your first timeon an airplane, right? well, you have a layover inphoenix and then when you get
to houston, it's a bitof a drive to the coast. i think you girlsare gonna love it. training's hard. i mean it's work, right? you'll have to adjust, but whenyou're making all that money and you're sitting on thebeach watching the sunset, you won't even think about home. [girl] can we have margaritas? [girl] oh my god!
[diane] excuse me, excuse me. i'm a lot of fun but, youknow, not that much fun. [girl] i'm doingthe waitress training. [girl] oh, i'mdoing that one too! maybe we'll get towork on the same ship? [girl] yeah, i'm stoked. [girl] this seems likea long way to the airport. [sara] why are you stopping? diane?
come on, girls, out you go. hey guys. this is dave and felixand they are here to take you to thegreat state of texas. what you got for me? a little somethin', somethin'. [diane] i love seeing you. so these are them? looking good.
[sara] diane, whyaren't you taking us? honey, i can't takethat much time off work and, i'm sorry i didn'thave time to tell you every little detail, but thesegentlemen are my colleagues from children andfamily services and they're here toget you to texas. i, i... i wanna go back. [girl] i thinki'll go back too.
[girl] yeah, me too. [dave] come on, ladies,the flight leaves soon. we need to go now. i'd rather just... i think i'm gonna go back too. look, guys, if you're notgoing to take me back, i'm just gonna walk. [dave] get her! oh, to hell with this!
hey! (girls shouting) help, somebody help her! hell, girl, shut up! all right, that'sit, on the ground! hurry up, felix! what have you got there? no, no! [dave] give me that!
what have you got, girl? i don't know. [dave] let me see. you know what? you two are just ridiculous. can't really fly withthem now, can you? [dave] they're your girls. take them in the truck. all the way?
[diane] yes, all theway, you fucking, moron. just teach them agood lesson first. diane, why are you doing this? it's just business, honey. (upbeat music) [man] get up! ah! (techno music) sorry!
nothing to besorry for, my dear. sleep as long as you want. huh. [amba] where are we going? probably across the border. don't worry, dear. mali is here, okay? what's your name? it's amba.
amba. this is nelson. my boy. where are you from? india. me, i'm from nigeria. i've been all over theplace the last five years. five years? it took me twomonths just to walk
from nigeria to morocco. most of the timei was in london. they have the bestslang words there. my favorite is bugger. bugger you. bugger off! buggering bugger! i love that word. i can't do this for five moredays, let alone five years.
there has to be a way out. there's no way outunless they give it to you. they did. look, right here. they said 6,000 euro was mydebt and then i could go home. next thing youknow i'm in mexico. now, what do i do? you lie back and survive. we'll get through it, okay?
i promise. well, gretel wasterrified of the old woman. every day she brought hanselwater and lots of good food to eat and each day the oldwoman went to hansel's stall and told him to stickout one of his fingers so she could feel ifhe was growing plump. and each day, hanselhad a bone instead... hey boss. don't interruptme when i'm reading.
what the fuck is this? they said one of theblacks got sick in reynosa. goddamn it. you two even speak english? good. well, this is a specialplace we got here. we pride ourselveswith having the largest international selectionof women in the state. men come from all around.
we help them make amap, you understand? you both owe me 500 men. when you with them,you smile, enjoy it. if you don't enjoy it, lie. make 'em think you enjoying it. after 500, you'refree to fuck off or you could stick around,you make some cash. how does that sound? we work seven daysa week, all right?
there's cameras everywhereso don't do anything stupid. you just obey the rulesand we're gonna get along. all right? you break 'em, i'mgonna break you. [man] get your ass back here! [simon] what the? simon, look at this shit! goddamn it! (girl screaming)
max! kate! now! all right, you just went to 505. max, put that on the ledger. jenna, take 'em down. she's a fool. welcome to texas. i'm gonna die in this place.
just do what they say. if we survive long enough,they'll let us out. after 500 men. it's okay, okay? just remember whatmy mum once told me. being with a man takesyou a few minutes, planting sweet potatoestakes you all day bent over in the burning sun. let's see here.
simon says you're goingto be in room number nine and room number 10. you're gonna share a bathroom. hmm? something not right about you. what do you mean? you're romani. my ancestors. yeah so, so what?
don't listen toanything this one says. his people are gypsies. they're dangerous. so says the african. and that prat over there,she's no good either. russian, i believe. mm-hmm, nella. and the girl nextto her is milena. they stay here aftertheir debt to simon.
they make their own money. ladies, let's line it up. close 'em, guys. hi, compadre. set me up. open, come on, open. come on, open 'em. (door clicking shut) (woman screaming)
[woman] i'm nottalking to you anymore! just stop talking to me! [man] tell the truth! [woman] just don't touch them! mommy! go, run to chucky! run as fast as you can! you take care of yoursister, do you hear me? don't you ever forget that!
why is he doing this? don't come back! you ain't everleaving me, bitch! you understand? (blows thudding) go! get back here, sara! (glass smashing) (door slamming shut)
all right, be still. let me get at it. just be still. i'm trying to be delicate. you gotta promise me,you're gonna behave. all right. get some sleep. (train rumbling) (train horn blaring)
all right, let'sgo, come on, get up! jenna, hey, get up! come on! chili, open up, let's go! milena, come on! rise and shine! let's go! aye, come on, get up! hey, get up!
come on, nella, let's go! let's go, sara. got to get up. yo, get up! mali, come on, upand at 'em, let's go! (soft music) hi, i'm mali. this is amba. i'm sara.
california. wow, hollywood. i love that bloke. what's his name? fresh prince. you mean will smith? yes, that's the one. [sara] i guess theyshow pretty old tv shows where you're from.
nigeria? yeah, maybe, i don't know. this one's from india. how far away is that? two planes, threetrucks, one speedboat and one wooden rowboat. and, look, some boythrew poison on her because she refusedto be his girlfriend. beastly, ugly, wanker, i bet.
when did you get here? a few days ago, i think. i love your pretty bow. it's from my mama. oh, then it's got good juju. good what? juju. it's like spirits. good juju keeps yousafe when trouble comes.
you mean likea guardian angel? yes, if it's goodjuju like hers is. bad juju not so much. how can it be goodjuju if she's here? she's alive, isn't she? pour it slow, gypsy. [enrique] amba. i just prefer tea. hey, what is that hornin the middle of the night?
the train. there's a freight line justabout a mile north of here. that early train only comesby mondays and fridays. is there a station? it's more of a depotnearby a truck stop. sometimes simonsends girls there. [woman] hey baby. give me a minute. (video game beeping)
(alarm sounding) rob, move them in. (buzzer buzzing) mali, i can't do this. one step at a time. walk up there with me andwe pray they don't pick you. i'm not surepraying will help. [gameboy] let's go, let's go! let's go.
[gameboy] let's go. woo-wee! all right, ladies, iwant to see you all in a tight, little row. go on, now. mm, mm, mm. turn round for me, baby. hey, you miss me? i did.
that new? it is. i like it. i don't think so. hi, next time. where you from? okay. hey, mama. mm.
well, you're new. you're cute. hmm. and you have seenway too much action. oh, what's your name? i'm butter. butter. how does a mikemake butter better? let me take a peekunder that hood?
[butter] please do. yeah? how are you today? great. still have that attitude? i'll take bosoms. you're so pretty. so pretty. oh, what's this?
where did you come from? it's $20, only today. for her? i give you a discountif you make her like it. there's a deal. you're coming with me, honey. i'll be gentle. hey, this'll be the day. won't you let me do this?
no, don't fightme, don't fight me. no, no, please, god, no! no! [man] oww! somebody! [sara] no, no, no! you promised me youwere gonna behave. you don't behave,you're worthless. (sara gasping)
[natalie] haveyou heard anything? just that one garbled message. how do we know if sara's okay? try her again. [mother monica]diane, is that you? yes, hi, mother monica. [mother monica]thank god you answered. i know, i'm sorry,it has been so busy. did you get sara's message?
it was pretty garbled. oh dear. i bet she's onthe ship training. they don't exactly have great cellphone receptionout there, huh? and natalie isvery, very worried. yeah, i can only imagine. why don't i see if ican pull some strings? maybe we can send her outthere so she can see sara
when she comes back to shore? yes, we really do needto hear from her, diane. okay, i'll see what i can do. i mean the whole thinghas just been so unfair. and, listen mother monica, iam sure that sara is just fine. (sara sobbing) (amba retching) just let that trouble out. (crowd cheering)
[raj] congratulations, amba. look, i already told you,i'm not interested, okay. why not? for starters, i'mkinda seeing somebody. so you're saying no tome, but yes to someone else? i've gotta go. my little champion,i am so proud. thank you, ma. you're likehalf-fish or something.
and look at this bling,we have to celebrate. papa and i thinkit's a lovely idea and you really deserve it today. can i pleasestay out until 11? but why not, papa? i'm 17. and how does that makethe streets any safer? what are you going to donext year when she goes to mit? are you going toput a gps on her?
i think we can let herstay out one extra hour. she's no good toanyone all locked up. here. it's hot water and lemon. it will help you, okay. you wanna help me? take the next guywho tries to pick me. i don't want to behere anymore than you do. yeah, i highly doubt that.
i was scavenging on thestreets in sullivan city when i got this offer. i don't have any papers. if i don't earn money,my family cannot eat. if i try anything and simonfinds out, i'm finished. it's all for my family. whoa, easy now, easy darling. - sir.- jimmy. - how are you?- i'm good.
- they treat you good?- absolutely. - have a good day.- you too. whoa. come on, boys. beats the hell out of thatclaptrap in galveston. enrique said youhad a modeling offer. a bullshit offer? i mean look at me. i should have known better.
you look like a model to me. so what happened? i was waiting tables tosave money for college. one day, this customer tellsme he's looking for models so i went to his agencyand i spoke to other girls. he even saw their portfolios. and the money hepromised was unreal. so i did one shoot. and then i wentback for the second.
(camera clicking) [man] oh yeah. that's good, that'sa cover right there. you know, let's lose the dress. [man] we're gonnado lingerie today. it's tasteful, it'sclassy, every girl does it. you'll look beautiful. i was in this freakyroom hooked up to a camera. men came and went.
after that, i was acrossthe border for a while. and then simon bought me. your parentsmust be so worried. my mom's gone, but my dad... my dad, yeah. yeah, he'd be searchingday and night. [sara] maybe he'll find us? but i'm not worried becausesimon said 500 men and i can go. but do you really thinkhe's gonna let us go?
as long as he knows that you understand the situation, yeah. [sara] what situation? i told him. i said i know what you'lldo to me if i say anything. he said never mind him,the cartels will skin my dad alive if wemake any trouble. i just wanna repay my debts and go to college likei was supposed to.
you know? it's the only way i canput this shit behind me. (alarm buzzing) oh! come on. okay, again, line up. take your pick. are you okay? did you bump your head?
i'll take care of you. oh, you're a big, old girl. talk a bit of chinese for me. all right, that's it. go. what do we got here? i want to see simon. simon don't take kindlyto unexpected visitors. you best be callingbefore you come next time.
what the hell? [jesus] simon! how'd you get in here? [man] simon ain't here. jesus, jesus. shh, manners. can we please see simon? simon ain't here. get the girl.
and now we go find simon. there is my man. cesar and jesus. want to explain tome why there's a girl with a bullet in herforehead on my property? you no pay, simon. you no pay and senormorales gets very upset. let me tell you something. a lot of things i care aboutwhere morales is concerned,
but his feelingsain't one of 'em. i'm sure it's reciprocated. he's a businessman as am i. you got some business youwanna discuss with me? you owe money for girls. you owe money for drugs. you owe mr morales... no, no, no, no, no, no, no,no, no, no, no, no, cesar! get your fucking facts straight.
distributors are runningfor the fucking trees because of shit like that. nobody fucking wants theirloved one ending up neck in a fucking ditch with abullet in her goddamned head because morales sneezed andnobody fucking said, bless you. now, he told me that hewould back the fuck up and i expect him to do it. back up. you think it's easyto find girls for you?
we do this for you. you pay your dime. is it about girls? the two bitches youdropped off last week? i did you a fuckingfavor by taking them in. now, maybe i'm not privy toyour mexican way of accounting, but i'll tell you this shit. i paid in advance, mindyou, for a fucking chink. i roll that bitch over andi find out you put a bullet
in the forehead of my chink,you and i gonna have a problem. no problem, noproblemo, jesus. okay, you can have them. vamos. almost there. let's have one more. this banana is sad meat. when i was little,we got proper banana. sweet like sugar.
go on, eat now. no hungry. everybody's hungry. that's why we're here. i thought you werehere because you chose to do all of this. maybe but it's still hunger. hungry for a betterlife is why my husband got that dodgy job inconstruction in lagos.
hungry for profit is whythey didn't have good safety and he busted his leg. that left us hungry for foodso i had to leave my home. but wasn't oneother job in nigeria? we don't all comefrom nice families with money andcars and education. am i right? many girls from my village wentabroad and made good money. i thought i'd beback a long time ago.
didn't work out that way. before the madams werepaid to bring us to europe, we must first goto the juju priest. (mali crying) he takes our soul andsells it to the madams. if we do not repay our debts,the madams can curse us or our children whereverwe touch the earth. i still owe thosemadams a lot of money. that's why i keepnelson near me.
they can't get to himuntil i am back home. so you will go backhome if you could? wouldn't you? don't do that. [amba] don't do what? don't think aboutwho you used to be. you have to keep thatother girl buried far away cuz in here she'lldrive you mad. but that's thegirl my parents love.
not me. and she's the onewho got you here. no, she's at mitgetting her degree and meeting awesome peopleand she's on the swim team and she's kicking ass. and leave her out of it, okay? amba, that girl got you here and, now, this girlhere is pregnant. you might as well tellsimon cuz when he finds out
he's gonna get rid of it. no, she can't get rid of it. it's against god's will. god, okay? which god? the god that sent you here? or maybe the one who gother pregnant by some wanker? you two girls arecrazy, you know that? you think there's someother world out there
that you belong to. forget it. i see that crucifix youwear around your neck, but i don't seeyou praying anymore for some god tocome and save you. you know why? cuz you know hedoesn't care about you, me or nobody like us. (door clicking open)
jesus christ, i can't stand being in this fucking shit hole. we got a problem. no, no, no. no, you've got a problem. maybe you don't understand,they shot two of my men. they dumped a pile offucking butchered girls on my goddamn property. well, morales has got balls.
we'll have to give him that. just pay him on time, simon. morales and ihave an agreement. it's just not an issue. you've never really understood what we're doing here, did you? making money is whatthe fuck we're doing. we are in a systemof making money. those cartel boyscan procure girls
and drugs in a waywe cannot here. and then they send usthose girls and drugs which they have in abundance. and we send them money and gunswhich we have in abundance. look, i'm just saying ifthis shit goes unchecked they're gonna run the fuckall over us and you know it. you don't pissunless i tell ya. simon, it's my rangersthat keep you open. it's my agents thatkeep the border open
so, if and when i feelsomeone needs a lesson, then i will decide. in the meantime, you followorders and work in my system. understand? yes, sir, i do. now, what did youdo with the bodies? the bottom of theriver by the house. simon, this is our heritage. we are traders in flesh.
those boys south ofthe border allow us to do our trade theway our ancestors did. no cost of labor. so being a partof this tradition should make you feel proud. okay, sorry. you're right. morales did go too far and ishall communicate that to him. you will do nothing.
clear? now, get, go on. simon. don't you ever be latewith my money again. all right, you guys werelucky that was a sale. much obliged. don't forget to giveyolanda and enrique. who else? how come you'renot taking anything?
cuz tonight i'm free. you're finished? six more. can you call someone for me? sure, if yougive me the number. i asked about the teabut they didn't bring any. jenna can call my sister. [max] let's go, jenna. why is he here?
why the hell is he here? he's here for you. i finished. i did my 500, i finished. a little insurancepolicy for you, all right. just calm down. that's 500, you said 500. i have six moreand then i'm done. i don't know what kindafaulty math you're using
but, according to myspreadsheet, you're still a hundred and twenty shyof being square with me. so let's just relax. i finished my 500. [simon] stop it! no, i have six more. you didn't do five... calm down! [jenna] i'm done!
hey, hey, hey! i'm done! i'm finished! uh! ahh! let me go! get your hands off me! get off! let go!
no, you! you, you promised! you promised! fill a body bag with ice. and girls clean that shitup off my goddamned floor! you have it on ice? you tell simon that ifany organs besides the lungs are damaged, i'm gonna deductthe corresponding amount from the next specimen.
organs are fine, doc. well, they need to be. people on both sides waiting. can't you call thepolice or something? the same policewho came last week? shut up! sara. you lied to me! you said 500 menthat's a good deal.
please, i have tocall my sister. i wish i could help you. i have to get out of here. no, there is no way out. and you don't wantto know what simon did to the last girls who tried. just go to sleep, okay? tomorrow a new day. it's nothing newabout it, gypsy.
please. please, i need you to help me. look, forget it. even if you get out of yourroom, max is up all night thanks to his energy drinkand there are always guys running the ranch,keeping watch. it's what i thought. piss on it. right now.
i can't go ifyou're standing there. you got 30 seconds. take it. we do this the easyway or the hard way but it's going down your throat. tongue. what happened to you? simon found out. drunk texan.
sara, sara, wake up, wake up! come quick, come quick! oh my god! that's not supposed to happen. come on, come on! she needs a doctor. i'll do whatever you want. a hundred men! just call that doctor now.
hey, hey, hey, i'm dr durand. okay, you lostquite a bit of blood but your dischargeappears to be complete. i gave you a stimulantand some fluids. she's gonna need torest for a while. [sara] doctor? um, you have thosepills right for pain? if it's indicated. and they helpyou sleep better?
a narco? that can knock out an elephant. do you think myfriend could have some? she'll be fine. what if she gets sick again? [dr duran] call meand i'll assess her. please, doctor, my friendhas been through so much can you please leave some narco? umm.
here are two pills. but only one at a time. thank you. feel better. what day is today? saturday. no, wednesday. hell, i don't know. why?
right, so this ishow it's gonna go down. we're gonna cross near progresoin the next couple of days. i want each and everyoneof you with me except max. he's gonna stay here, he'sgonna man the brothel. i don't give a shit how manypeople stand in front of us. i want to see cesar with afucking bullet in his head. [man] simon, withall due respect, no one's ever gone acrossand done something like that. [man] there's no waywe'll make it back.
listen to me, morales, ain'tthe only dog in town here. this guy's gotplenty of enemies. some of those enemiesare my friends. boss, christianokay with this? fuck christian. spineless, little bitch likeevery other politician i know. nobody comes onto myproperty and does his shit. christ, i don't even let a dogon this land to take a shit. calm down now!
what is it? come on, come here. how are you feeling? a little better, i guess. good, because we're going. going where? home. what do you mean home? tomorrow night, i have a plan.
i told you guysi can't go back. yes, you can. and my plan will work. maybe to the frontdoor and then what? enrique said that simonis taking all of his men across the bordertomorrow night. it'll just be maxand then we're free. i don't know, sara. and tomorrow happensto be the next time
the train passes through. don't you see,god is helping us? mali said we just haveto lie back and survive. that's true. i did say that. we can do this. i've been thinkinga lot recently. you almost died in here. and my body has been turned outmore times than i can count.
how much worse can it get? a lot worse,mali, you said so. yes, but i want to see my son. and i have to getback to my sister. leave me out of this. i told you no closed doors. you're back in theline-up tomorrow. but the doctorsaid that i can't... tomorrow.
you understand me? ladies, it's closing. time is up. (knocking on door) amba, listen. i know how you're feeling. i feel it too. don't think about going back,just think about getting out. we can do this, okay?
(explosion booming) (glass shattering) come on, come on,come on, come on. come on, come on, come on. uhh! thanks. are you ready? she won't come. we have to go.
my mom once saidto me i am no good to anyone all locked up. let's get out of here. (max snoring) what's that? gypsy is all right. no, no, that way! [sara] come on,come on, come on! hurry, hurry, hurry!
i'm not a good swimmer. [amba] it's okay, it's okay. let's go, let's go, let's go. (sara screaming) [sara] help! [mali] come on, come on! go, go, go! ♪ fly to where the light is ♪ ♪ the light is ♪
♪ fly, fly far away ♪ ♪ so fly, fly far away ♪ no, no, no, no! okay, we have to keep going. look there's atruck right there. simon's truck stop. it's our only chance. ladder! try and get her up.
try, try, try, try! gameboy is here. shh. gameboy's here. we don't have time. you two go. we can't leave you. come on, mali. (mali screaming)
i promise we'llfind each other again. i beg you, run! call max. get him to check the rooms. damn madams got me, son. this is open! (doors slamming shut) (cellphone ringing) see what he wants.
hell, yeah, we got 'em good. [gameboy] yeah, wegot ourselves an issue. two girls got out. put simon on the phone. got out, what? [gameboy] sara andamba, they're gone. we got mali here. how the fuck did you twoshit heads make that happen? check the truck stop.
security footage. run it back! shit. there, there, there! stop, stop! how long ago was that? [man] ah, about half an hour. yeah, i got 'em. star freight.
depot's 20 minutes from here. oh, what the hell! [attendant] hi, folks,where we're traveling today? los angeles, okay. okay, thank you. have a good trip. two tickets for austin please. [attendant] yougirls all right? the tickets please.
(people chattering) [woman] that's for all of us. [bus driver] why ilike your pigtails. [woman] thank you. [bus driver] verypretty, very pretty. thank you so much. [simon] it's one or the other. check the train station cuzthey're either here or there. hold up.
a couple girls ranaway from home. clothes might even still be wet. see anything like that? no, i ain't seennothing like that. [simon] let me take a look. [bus driver] hey,come on man, i gotta go. i'm on a schedule. (engine rumbling) father davis, verysorry to disturb you, sir.
there are two younggirls here to see you. they say they knowa mother monica. (soft piano music) (telephone ringing) hello. oh my dear god! (tires screeching) christian conrad, you'rebeing charged with violations of the united states traffickingvictims protection act.
you're further being chargedwith drug trafficking, pimping, statutory rape and ashit load of other offenses. you are makinga large mistake. [officer] fbi,get out of the car! i get to actually flyon a plane this time. no, sara, i can't take that. it's for good juju. looks really pretty on you. (phone ringing)
[voice recording] hello,you have reached the shahs. please leave a message. (phone beeping) mama. papa. it's me. i'm okay. [woman] amba. mama!
[woman] oh my god. mummy! [woman] oh my god! my baby, oh my baby! thank you lord! oh god! oh, oh! told you i'd be back. i told you i'd come back.
(car engine rumbling) i'll take the little one. ♪ leave behind the darkness ♪ ♪ darkness ♪ ♪ life is full but empty ♪ ♪ empty ♪ ♪ life is hope but lonely ♪ ♪ lonely ♪ (guitar music)
♪ abducted, deceived ♪ ♪ taken away from home ♪ ♪ beaten, exploited ♪ ♪ satisfying perverted desires ♪ ♪ forced to sell yourself ♪ ♪ you're barely alive ♪ ♪ tainted, violated ♪ ♪ you're going through hell ♪ ♪ greed and demand ♪
♪ so hard to erase ♪ ♪ keeping you inside a cage ♪ ♪ empty of hope ♪ ♪ everything's wrong ♪ ♪ we must keep fighting ♪ ♪ break those chains off ♪ ♪ reclaim your life ♪ ♪ this wasn't partof your plan ♪ ♪ your spirit is broken ♪
♪ and now you'reaccepting your faith ♪ ♪ you're fallen ♪ ♪ in a cycle of slavery ♪ ♪ that might never end ♪ ♪ you suffered enough ♪ ♪ please don't give up ♪ ♪ you gotta keep fighting ♪

a free movies online, all day bent overin the burning sun. (baby crying) (dramatic music) in my country, the only waya mother can save her child
is by leaving him. (somber music) (speaking in foreign language) (men shouting) (gun firing) i owe you one. yes. ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ [all] yay, happy birthday!
happy, happy birthday andyou get to have the first cut. okay, girls, passyour plates down. (door creaking open) happy birthday, sara. wow, you nail it every year. it's absolutely delicious. honestly, diane,i never thought you would be here onher 18th birthday. i know, i feelreally bad about that.
i'm sorry. so what happens now? sara, you've aged out offoster care and the state law is that you have to leavethe group home tomorrow. you're still considereda non-minor dependent for the next fewyears and, with that, there could be one option. well, why didn'tyou start with that? because you're notgoing to like it.
this is for both of us, right? me and natalie? your sister can't be withyou until you can support her. no, i can't leave her behind. do you have any idea how manygirls i see on the streets? connected with gangs, pregnant,hooked on drugs, drinking? good kids, kids whoswear they would never do something like that. it happens like that!
that's why we'retrying new ideas. i think maybe we needto think about this, sara. i mean you can't be homeless. when would i have to leave? within a week. oh god. you better do your dishes, okay? - come, come natalie.- bye sara. hey, this is ablessing for sara.
she's off into the worldto live and grow in texas. texas is a great place. have you been there before? years ago. the central christian churchhad a symposium in austin. in fact, i becamevery good friends with a father davis there. i just need a quicksignature, please. the custodial parentline indicating release.
our friends in texasare going to take really good careof your big sister. now, you call wheneveryou want, all right. and, you know what,if you're not happy, we're going to bringyou right home. okay? hey. hey, hey, look at me. i promise i will be back.
sara! so mom can watch over you. bye, i love you. bye. (indian music) hey, you better comevisit me in boston, huh. are you mad? two weeks of that winter andyou'll be on the first plane to san francisco to visit me.
probably true. [aarti] i know. what? aye, don't look nah. god, he's coming over here. don't look at him. hi, amba. want to dance? don't touch me, raj!
go away, raj. hey, watch your tongue. [aarti] asshole! [amba] hey, stop it! sanjay! get this freak out of here! mind your business! you okay? yeah.
you two okay? [amba] oh god,aarti, i'm so dead. [aarti] don't worry, babe,i'll get you home by 11. [amba] you were supposedto watch the time. i told you. (car horn honking) (shouting in foreign language) (girls screaming) (horns honking)
(footsteps echoing) (woman shouting) okay, beti, take this. take this, you'll feel better. come, come, come, come. ah-huh, ah-huh. good girl, there you go. ow! good girl, good girl.
ah-ha-ha-ha. there you go. it has ac. aye! stay. the japanese man was waitingfor four days when you called. just for a virgin. your father sends toomany women abroad now. after the japaneseman is done, i want her.
(dogs barking) enjoy. leave her with me only. what to do? [amba] no. no. (amba crying) it's your first timeon an airplane, right? well, you have a layover inphoenix and then when you get
to houston, it's a bitof a drive to the coast. i think you girlsare gonna love it. training's hard. i mean it's work, right? you'll have to adjust, but whenyou're making all that money and you're sitting on thebeach watching the sunset, you won't even think about home. [girl] can we have margaritas? [girl] oh my god!
[diane] excuse me, excuse me. i'm a lot of fun but, youknow, not that much fun. [girl] i'm doingthe waitress training. [girl] oh, i'mdoing that one too! maybe we'll get towork on the same ship? [girl] yeah, i'm stoked. [girl] this seems likea long way to the airport. [sara] why are you stopping? diane?
come on, girls, out you go. hey guys. this is dave and felixand they are here to take you to thegreat state of texas. what you got for me? a little somethin', somethin'. [diane] i love seeing you. so these are them? looking good.
[sara] diane, whyaren't you taking us? honey, i can't takethat much time off work and, i'm sorry i didn'thave time to tell you every little detail, but thesegentlemen are my colleagues from children andfamily services and they're here toget you to texas. i, i... i wanna go back. [girl] i thinki'll go back too.
[girl] yeah, me too. [dave] come on, ladies,the flight leaves soon. we need to go now. i'd rather just... i think i'm gonna go back too. look, guys, if you're notgoing to take me back, i'm just gonna walk. [dave] get her! oh, to hell with this!
hey! (girls shouting) help, somebody help her! hell, girl, shut up! all right, that'sit, on the ground! hurry up, felix! what have you got there? no, no! [dave] give me that!
what have you got, girl? i don't know. [dave] let me see. you know what? you two are just ridiculous. can't really fly withthem now, can you? [dave] they're your girls. take them in the truck. all the way?
[diane] yes, all theway, you fucking, moron. just teach them agood lesson first. diane, why are you doing this? it's just business, honey. (upbeat music) [man] get up! ah! (techno music) sorry!
nothing to besorry for, my dear. sleep as long as you want. huh. [amba] where are we going? probably across the border. don't worry, dear. mali is here, okay? what's your name? it's amba.
amba. this is nelson. my boy. where are you from? india. me, i'm from nigeria. i've been all over theplace the last five years. five years? it took me twomonths just to walk
from nigeria to morocco. most of the timei was in london. they have the bestslang words there. my favorite is bugger. bugger you. bugger off! buggering bugger! i love that word. i can't do this for five moredays, let alone five years.
there has to be a way out. there's no way outunless they give it to you. they did. look, right here. they said 6,000 euro was mydebt and then i could go home. next thing youknow i'm in mexico. now, what do i do? you lie back and survive. we'll get through it, okay?
i promise. well, gretel wasterrified of the old woman. every day she brought hanselwater and lots of good food to eat and each day the oldwoman went to hansel's stall and told him to stickout one of his fingers so she could feel ifhe was growing plump. and each day, hanselhad a bone instead... hey boss. don't interruptme when i'm reading.
what the fuck is this? they said one of theblacks got sick in reynosa. goddamn it. you two even speak english? good. well, this is a specialplace we got here. we pride ourselveswith having the largest international selectionof women in the state. men come from all around.
we help them make amap, you understand? you both owe me 500 men. when you with them,you smile, enjoy it. if you don't enjoy it, lie. make 'em think you enjoying it. after 500, you'refree to fuck off or you could stick around,you make some cash. how does that sound? we work seven daysa week, all right?
there's cameras everywhereso don't do anything stupid. you just obey the rulesand we're gonna get along. all right? you break 'em, i'mgonna break you. [man] get your ass back here! [simon] what the? simon, look at this shit! goddamn it! (girl screaming)
max! kate! now! all right, you just went to 505. max, put that on the ledger. jenna, take 'em down. she's a fool. welcome to texas. i'm gonna die in this place.
just do what they say. if we survive long enough,they'll let us out. after 500 men. it's okay, okay? just remember whatmy mum once told me. being with a man takesyou a few minutes, planting sweet potatoestakes you all day bent over in the burning sun. let's see here.
simon says you're goingto be in room number nine and room number 10. you're gonna share a bathroom. hmm? something not right about you. what do you mean? you're romani. my ancestors. yeah so, so what?
don't listen toanything this one says. his people are gypsies. they're dangerous. so says the african. and that prat over there,she's no good either. russian, i believe. mm-hmm, nella. and the girl nextto her is milena. they stay here aftertheir debt to simon.
they make their own money. ladies, let's line it up. close 'em, guys. hi, compadre. set me up. open, come on, open. come on, open 'em. (door clicking shut) (woman screaming)
[woman] i'm nottalking to you anymore! just stop talking to me! [man] tell the truth! [woman] just don't touch them! mommy! go, run to chucky! run as fast as you can! you take care of yoursister, do you hear me? don't you ever forget that!
why is he doing this? don't come back! you ain't everleaving me, bitch! you understand? (blows thudding) go! get back here, sara! (glass smashing) (door slamming shut)
all right, be still. let me get at it. just be still. i'm trying to be delicate. you gotta promise me,you're gonna behave. all right. get some sleep. (train rumbling) (train horn blaring)
all right, let'sgo, come on, get up! jenna, hey, get up! come on! chili, open up, let's go! milena, come on! rise and shine! let's go! aye, come on, get up! hey, get up!
come on, nella, let's go! let's go, sara. got to get up. yo, get up! mali, come on, upand at 'em, let's go! (soft music) hi, i'm mali. this is amba. i'm sara.
california. wow, hollywood. i love that bloke. what's his name? fresh prince. you mean will smith? yes, that's the one. [sara] i guess theyshow pretty old tv shows where you're from.
nigeria? yeah, maybe, i don't know. this one's from india. how far away is that? two planes, threetrucks, one speedboat and one wooden rowboat. and, look, some boythrew poison on her because she refusedto be his girlfriend. beastly, ugly, wanker, i bet.
when did you get here? a few days ago, i think. i love your pretty bow. it's from my mama. oh, then it's got good juju. good what? juju. it's like spirits. good juju keeps yousafe when trouble comes.
you mean likea guardian angel? yes, if it's goodjuju like hers is. bad juju not so much. how can it be goodjuju if she's here? she's alive, isn't she? pour it slow, gypsy. [enrique] amba. i just prefer tea. hey, what is that hornin the middle of the night?
the train. there's a freight line justabout a mile north of here. that early train only comesby mondays and fridays. is there a station? it's more of a depotnearby a truck stop. sometimes simonsends girls there. [woman] hey baby. give me a minute. (video game beeping)
(alarm sounding) rob, move them in. (buzzer buzzing) mali, i can't do this. one step at a time. walk up there with me andwe pray they don't pick you. i'm not surepraying will help. [gameboy] let's go, let's go! let's go.
[gameboy] let's go. woo-wee! all right, ladies, iwant to see you all in a tight, little row. go on, now. mm, mm, mm. turn round for me, baby. hey, you miss me? i did.
that new? it is. i like it. i don't think so. hi, next time. where you from? okay. hey, mama. mm.
well, you're new. you're cute. hmm. and you have seenway too much action. oh, what's your name? i'm butter. butter. how does a mikemake butter better? let me take a peekunder that hood?
[butter] please do. yeah? how are you today? great. still have that attitude? i'll take bosoms. you're so pretty. so pretty. oh, what's this?
where did you come from? it's $20, only today. for her? i give you a discountif you make her like it. there's a deal. you're coming with me, honey. i'll be gentle. hey, this'll be the day. won't you let me do this?
no, don't fightme, don't fight me. no, no, please, god, no! no! [man] oww! somebody! [sara] no, no, no! you promised me youwere gonna behave. you don't behave,you're worthless. (sara gasping)
[natalie] haveyou heard anything? just that one garbled message. how do we know if sara's okay? try her again. [mother monica]diane, is that you? yes, hi, mother monica. [mother monica]thank god you answered. i know, i'm sorry,it has been so busy. did you get sara's message?
it was pretty garbled. oh dear. i bet she's onthe ship training. they don't exactly have great cellphone receptionout there, huh? and natalie isvery, very worried. yeah, i can only imagine. why don't i see if ican pull some strings? maybe we can send her outthere so she can see sara
when she comes back to shore? yes, we really do needto hear from her, diane. okay, i'll see what i can do. i mean the whole thinghas just been so unfair. and, listen mother monica, iam sure that sara is just fine. (sara sobbing) (amba retching) just let that trouble out. (crowd cheering)
[raj] congratulations, amba. look, i already told you,i'm not interested, okay. why not? for starters, i'mkinda seeing somebody. so you're saying no tome, but yes to someone else? i've gotta go. my little champion,i am so proud. thank you, ma. you're likehalf-fish or something.
and look at this bling,we have to celebrate. papa and i thinkit's a lovely idea and you really deserve it today. can i pleasestay out until 11? but why not, papa? i'm 17. and how does that makethe streets any safer? what are you going to donext year when she goes to mit? are you going toput a gps on her?
i think we can let herstay out one extra hour. she's no good toanyone all locked up. here. it's hot water and lemon. it will help you, okay. you wanna help me? take the next guywho tries to pick me. i don't want to behere anymore than you do. yeah, i highly doubt that.
i was scavenging on thestreets in sullivan city when i got this offer. i don't have any papers. if i don't earn money,my family cannot eat. if i try anything and simonfinds out, i'm finished. it's all for my family. whoa, easy now, easy darling. - sir.- jimmy. - how are you?- i'm good.
- they treat you good?- absolutely. - have a good day.- you too. whoa. come on, boys. beats the hell out of thatclaptrap in galveston. enrique said youhad a modeling offer. a bullshit offer? i mean look at me. i should have known better.
you look like a model to me. so what happened? i was waiting tables tosave money for college. one day, this customer tellsme he's looking for models so i went to his agencyand i spoke to other girls. he even saw their portfolios. and the money hepromised was unreal. so i did one shoot. and then i wentback for the second.
(camera clicking) [man] oh yeah. that's good, that'sa cover right there. you know, let's lose the dress. [man] we're gonnado lingerie today. it's tasteful, it'sclassy, every girl does it. you'll look beautiful. i was in this freakyroom hooked up to a camera. men came and went.
after that, i was acrossthe border for a while. and then simon bought me. your parentsmust be so worried. my mom's gone, but my dad... my dad, yeah. yeah, he'd be searchingday and night. [sara] maybe he'll find us? but i'm not worried becausesimon said 500 men and i can go. but do you really thinkhe's gonna let us go?
as long as he knows that you understand the situation, yeah. [sara] what situation? i told him. i said i know what you'lldo to me if i say anything. he said never mind him,the cartels will skin my dad alive if wemake any trouble. i just wanna repay my debts and go to college likei was supposed to.
you know? it's the only way i canput this shit behind me. (alarm buzzing) oh! come on. okay, again, line up. take your pick. are you okay? did you bump your head?
i'll take care of you. oh, you're a big, old girl. talk a bit of chinese for me. all right, that's it. go. what do we got here? i want to see simon. simon don't take kindlyto unexpected visitors. you best be callingbefore you come next time.
what the hell? [jesus] simon! how'd you get in here? [man] simon ain't here. jesus, jesus. shh, manners. can we please see simon? simon ain't here. get the girl.
and now we go find simon. there is my man. cesar and jesus. want to explain tome why there's a girl with a bullet in herforehead on my property? you no pay, simon. you no pay and senormorales gets very upset. let me tell you something. a lot of things i care aboutwhere morales is concerned,
but his feelingsain't one of 'em. i'm sure it's reciprocated. he's a businessman as am i. you got some business youwanna discuss with me? you owe money for girls. you owe money for drugs. you owe mr morales... no, no, no, no, no, no, no,no, no, no, no, no, cesar! get your fucking facts straight.
distributors are runningfor the fucking trees because of shit like that. nobody fucking wants theirloved one ending up neck in a fucking ditch with abullet in her goddamned head because morales sneezed andnobody fucking said, bless you. now, he told me that hewould back the fuck up and i expect him to do it. back up. you think it's easyto find girls for you?
we do this for you. you pay your dime. is it about girls? the two bitches youdropped off last week? i did you a fuckingfavor by taking them in. now, maybe i'm not privy toyour mexican way of accounting, but i'll tell you this shit. i paid in advance, mindyou, for a fucking chink. i roll that bitch over andi find out you put a bullet
in the forehead of my chink,you and i gonna have a problem. no problem, noproblemo, jesus. okay, you can have them. vamos. almost there. let's have one more. this banana is sad meat. when i was little,we got proper banana. sweet like sugar.
go on, eat now. no hungry. everybody's hungry. that's why we're here. i thought you werehere because you chose to do all of this. maybe but it's still hunger. hungry for a betterlife is why my husband got that dodgy job inconstruction in lagos.
hungry for profit is whythey didn't have good safety and he busted his leg. that left us hungry for foodso i had to leave my home. but wasn't oneother job in nigeria? we don't all comefrom nice families with money andcars and education. am i right? many girls from my village wentabroad and made good money. i thought i'd beback a long time ago.
didn't work out that way. before the madams werepaid to bring us to europe, we must first goto the juju priest. (mali crying) he takes our soul andsells it to the madams. if we do not repay our debts,the madams can curse us or our children whereverwe touch the earth. i still owe thosemadams a lot of money. that's why i keepnelson near me.
they can't get to himuntil i am back home. so you will go backhome if you could? wouldn't you? don't do that. [amba] don't do what? don't think aboutwho you used to be. you have to keep thatother girl buried far away cuz in here she'lldrive you mad. but that's thegirl my parents love.
not me. and she's the onewho got you here. no, she's at mitgetting her degree and meeting awesome peopleand she's on the swim team and she's kicking ass. and leave her out of it, okay? amba, that girl got you here and, now, this girlhere is pregnant. you might as well tellsimon cuz when he finds out
he's gonna get rid of it. no, she can't get rid of it. it's against god's will. god, okay? which god? the god that sent you here? or maybe the one who gother pregnant by some wanker? you two girls arecrazy, you know that? you think there's someother world out there
that you belong to. forget it. i see that crucifix youwear around your neck, but i don't seeyou praying anymore for some god tocome and save you. you know why? cuz you know hedoesn't care about you, me or nobody like us. (door clicking open)
jesus christ, i can't stand being in this fucking shit hole. we got a problem. no, no, no. no, you've got a problem. maybe you don't understand,they shot two of my men. they dumped a pile offucking butchered girls on my goddamn property. well, morales has got balls.
we'll have to give him that. just pay him on time, simon. morales and ihave an agreement. it's just not an issue. you've never really understood what we're doing here, did you? making money is whatthe fuck we're doing. we are in a systemof making money. those cartel boyscan procure girls
and drugs in a waywe cannot here. and then they send usthose girls and drugs which they have in abundance. and we send them money and gunswhich we have in abundance. look, i'm just saying ifthis shit goes unchecked they're gonna run the fuckall over us and you know it. you don't pissunless i tell ya. simon, it's my rangersthat keep you open. it's my agents thatkeep the border open
so, if and when i feelsomeone needs a lesson, then i will decide. in the meantime, you followorders and work in my system. understand? yes, sir, i do. now, what did youdo with the bodies? the bottom of theriver by the house. simon, this is our heritage. we are traders in flesh.
those boys south ofthe border allow us to do our trade theway our ancestors did. no cost of labor. so being a partof this tradition should make you feel proud. okay, sorry. you're right. morales did go too far and ishall communicate that to him. you will do nothing.
clear? now, get, go on. simon. don't you ever be latewith my money again. all right, you guys werelucky that was a sale. much obliged. don't forget to giveyolanda and enrique. who else? how come you'renot taking anything?
cuz tonight i'm free. you're finished? six more. can you call someone for me? sure, if yougive me the number. i asked about the teabut they didn't bring any. jenna can call my sister. [max] let's go, jenna. why is he here?
why the hell is he here? he's here for you. i finished. i did my 500, i finished. a little insurancepolicy for you, all right. just calm down. that's 500, you said 500. i have six moreand then i'm done. i don't know what kindafaulty math you're using
but, according to myspreadsheet, you're still a hundred and twenty shyof being square with me. so let's just relax. i finished my 500. [simon] stop it! no, i have six more. you didn't do five... calm down! [jenna] i'm done!
hey, hey, hey! i'm done! i'm finished! uh! ahh! let me go! get your hands off me! get off! let go!
no, you! you, you promised! you promised! fill a body bag with ice. and girls clean that shitup off my goddamned floor! you have it on ice? you tell simon that ifany organs besides the lungs are damaged, i'm gonna deductthe corresponding amount from the next specimen.
organs are fine, doc. well, they need to be. people on both sides waiting. can't you call thepolice or something? the same policewho came last week? shut up! sara. you lied to me! you said 500 menthat's a good deal.
please, i have tocall my sister. i wish i could help you. i have to get out of here. no, there is no way out. and you don't wantto know what simon did to the last girls who tried. just go to sleep, okay? tomorrow a new day. it's nothing newabout it, gypsy.
please. please, i need you to help me. look, forget it. even if you get out of yourroom, max is up all night thanks to his energy drinkand there are always guys running the ranch,keeping watch. it's what i thought. piss on it. right now.
i can't go ifyou're standing there. you got 30 seconds. take it. we do this the easyway or the hard way but it's going down your throat. tongue. what happened to you? simon found out. drunk texan.
sara, sara, wake up, wake up! come quick, come quick! oh my god! that's not supposed to happen. come on, come on! she needs a doctor. i'll do whatever you want. a hundred men! just call that doctor now.
hey, hey, hey, i'm dr durand. okay, you lostquite a bit of blood but your dischargeappears to be complete. i gave you a stimulantand some fluids. she's gonna need torest for a while. [sara] doctor? um, you have thosepills right for pain? if it's indicated. and they helpyou sleep better?
a narco? that can knock out an elephant. do you think myfriend could have some? she'll be fine. what if she gets sick again? [dr duran] call meand i'll assess her. please, doctor, my friendhas been through so much can you please leave some narco? umm.
here are two pills. but only one at a time. thank you. feel better. what day is today? saturday. no, wednesday. hell, i don't know. why?
right, so this ishow it's gonna go down. we're gonna cross near progresoin the next couple of days. i want each and everyoneof you with me except max. he's gonna stay here, he'sgonna man the brothel. i don't give a shit how manypeople stand in front of us. i want to see cesar with afucking bullet in his head. [man] simon, withall due respect, no one's ever gone acrossand done something like that. [man] there's no waywe'll make it back.
listen to me, morales, ain'tthe only dog in town here. this guy's gotplenty of enemies. some of those enemiesare my friends. boss, christianokay with this? fuck christian. spineless, little bitch likeevery other politician i know. nobody comes onto myproperty and does his shit. christ, i don't even let a dogon this land to take a shit. calm down now!
what is it? come on, come here. how are you feeling? a little better, i guess. good, because we're going. going where? home. what do you mean home? tomorrow night, i have a plan.
i told you guysi can't go back. yes, you can. and my plan will work. maybe to the frontdoor and then what? enrique said that simonis taking all of his men across the bordertomorrow night. it'll just be maxand then we're free. i don't know, sara. and tomorrow happensto be the next time
the train passes through. don't you see,god is helping us? mali said we just haveto lie back and survive. that's true. i did say that. we can do this. i've been thinkinga lot recently. you almost died in here. and my body has been turned outmore times than i can count.
how much worse can it get? a lot worse,mali, you said so. yes, but i want to see my son. and i have to getback to my sister. leave me out of this. i told you no closed doors. you're back in theline-up tomorrow. but the doctorsaid that i can't... tomorrow.
you understand me? ladies, it's closing. time is up. (knocking on door) amba, listen. i know how you're feeling. i feel it too. don't think about going back,just think about getting out. we can do this, okay?
(explosion booming) (glass shattering) come on, come on,come on, come on. come on, come on, come on. uhh! thanks. are you ready? she won't come. we have to go.
my mom once saidto me i am no good to anyone all locked up. let's get out of here. (max snoring) what's that? gypsy is all right. no, no, that way! [sara] come on,come on, come on! hurry, hurry, hurry!
i'm not a good swimmer. [amba] it's okay, it's okay. let's go, let's go, let's go. (sara screaming) [sara] help! [mali] come on, come on! go, go, go! ♪ fly to where the light is ♪ ♪ the light is ♪
♪ fly, fly far away ♪ ♪ so fly, fly far away ♪ no, no, no, no! okay, we have to keep going. look there's atruck right there. simon's truck stop. it's our only chance. ladder! try and get her up.
try, try, try, try! gameboy is here. shh. gameboy's here. we don't have time. you two go. we can't leave you. come on, mali. (mali screaming)
i promise we'llfind each other again. i beg you, run! call max. get him to check the rooms. damn madams got me, son. this is open! (doors slamming shut) (cellphone ringing) see what he wants.
hell, yeah, we got 'em good. [gameboy] yeah, wegot ourselves an issue. two girls got out. put simon on the phone. got out, what? [gameboy] sara andamba, they're gone. we got mali here. how the fuck did you twoshit heads make that happen? check the truck stop.
security footage. run it back! shit. there, there, there! stop, stop! how long ago was that? [man] ah, about half an hour. yeah, i got 'em. star freight.
depot's 20 minutes from here. oh, what the hell! [attendant] hi, folks,where we're traveling today? los angeles, okay. okay, thank you. have a good trip. two tickets for austin please. [attendant] yougirls all right? the tickets please.
(people chattering) [woman] that's for all of us. [bus driver] why ilike your pigtails. [woman] thank you. [bus driver] verypretty, very pretty. thank you so much. [simon] it's one or the other. check the train station cuzthey're either here or there. hold up.
a couple girls ranaway from home. clothes might even still be wet. see anything like that? no, i ain't seennothing like that. [simon] let me take a look. [bus driver] hey,come on man, i gotta go. i'm on a schedule. (engine rumbling) father davis, verysorry to disturb you, sir.
there are two younggirls here to see you. they say they knowa mother monica. (soft piano music) (telephone ringing) hello. oh my dear god! (tires screeching) christian conrad, you'rebeing charged with violations of the united states traffickingvictims protection act.
you're further being chargedwith drug trafficking, pimping, statutory rape and ashit load of other offenses. you are makinga large mistake. [officer] fbi,get out of the car! i get to actually flyon a plane this time. no, sara, i can't take that. it's for good juju. looks really pretty on you. (phone ringing)
[voice recording] hello,you have reached the shahs. please leave a message. (phone beeping) mama. papa. it's me. i'm okay. [woman] amba. mama!
[woman] oh my god. mummy! [woman] oh my god! my baby, oh my baby! thank you lord! oh god! oh, oh! told you i'd be back. i told you i'd come back.
(car engine rumbling) i'll take the little one. ♪ leave behind the darkness ♪ ♪ darkness ♪ ♪ life is full but empty ♪ ♪ empty ♪ ♪ life is hope but lonely ♪ ♪ lonely ♪ (guitar music)
♪ abducted, deceived ♪ ♪ taken away from home ♪ ♪ beaten, exploited ♪ ♪ satisfying perverted desires ♪ ♪ forced to sell yourself ♪ ♪ you're barely alive ♪ ♪ tainted, violated ♪ ♪ you're going through hell ♪ ♪ greed and demand ♪
♪ so hard to erase ♪ ♪ keeping you inside a cage ♪ ♪ empty of hope ♪ ♪ everything's wrong ♪ ♪ we must keep fighting ♪ ♪ break those chains off ♪ ♪ reclaim your life ♪ ♪ this wasn't partof your plan ♪ ♪ your spirit is broken ♪
♪ and now you'reaccepting your faith ♪ ♪ you're fallen ♪ ♪ in a cycle of slavery ♪ ♪ that might never end ♪ ♪ you suffered enough ♪ ♪ please don't give up ♪ ♪ you gotta keep fighting ♪
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Reviewed by lexibrennaa
February 09, 2018
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