i sentence him to death.he shall be hanged by his neck, until dead. christ hath redeemed usfrom the curse of the law, being made a curse for us:for it is written, cursed is every onethat hangeth on a tree. galatian 3. verse 13.

which free movies online, sons and daughtersof god, our saviour. let us understand the subtextin this psalm. redemtion. law. truth. does our faith and abiding by god's lawexempt us from sin or being punished?
no. deliverance does not comeby keeping the bible for your salvation. instead, we should lead our lives in a waythat is pleasing to god... what are you doing?please ride... uhhh! shut up, otherwise we'll fall.yeah, we'll fall! why did you have totake this stupid route? joseph, straight...careful... let me ride!
are you stoned? joseph... stop! stop! are you blind or something?can't see? it is a road! what is the meaning, dropping down like this?like a rocket or something? sorry sir. we were just trying totake a shortcut, you know. shortcut! what shortcut? if you come under my car, then what happen? tell me!shortcut!
i hope you're not hurt... you two...are you okay? yes, sir! no problem! oh! god.the tyre has gone flat. what do we do now?what...? you mean, we can't use it now? what have you done? what have i done?it's you who panicked. so, we fell. now, i must get the tyre fixed first,then only we could ride it again. and... what about my exams?i'm late, as it is.
i'm not responsible.you have to walk with me to the bicycle repairer. once the tyre is fixed,i can take you to the examination hall. my exam will be overby then. where do you have to gofor your exams? government college. only half an houris left for the exam to start. c'mon, we'll drop you there. it's not more than10 minutes distance by car. is that okay? thank you father...that would really be nice, sir. in the meantime, i'll get my bicycle fixed...and then collect my sister... is that okay?come...
— see you, son.— see you, father. — come wait! wait!your pens! — bye father!— bye! rosie?rosie what? what's the full name? — miss rosemary rodrigues fernandes.— aah! that's a pretty name! what's the exam for? it is the entrance test...for the nurses training course. nurse'straining course...where? quilon? — yes sir!at the bengiger hospital institute. — uhhh...
that's under... doctor samuel fernandes...isn't it? oh! yes.he's incharge, i'm sure. well... let me know,if there's any problem. yes, father! — thank you father. bye!— come and see me sometime. god bless you. — greetings!— greetings! i'm rosie. — can i see father?— please come in! — yes?— sir, miss rosie has come!
attend to her!i will be there. please, take your seat. aah! rosemary... — what a surprise! good morning...come... come in the study! — good morning. come! how come?what brings you here, so early in the morning? i got selected, father.your recommendation really worked. good!i'm so happy for your. you really deserved it.
— bless me, father.— oh! yes... i bless you...sure, i bless you! these are for you. — what are these?— small gifts for you... this is a table cloth...embroidered by my mother... and... these are some idlis (rice cake) ...made by me! made by you!are you a good cook? very! — that's whatall of them say... — is that so?
well, in that case, some dayi should ask you to cook something for me. let's seehow good you are... right? certainly sir... i'd love to do that...tell me, which day? for now, let us go and seehow good these idlis are... come... come... uhhh... so which is the itemcooked by rosie? it's here...i'm bringing it in a minute... — hope you like it!— aah! fish... good! smells so good! i think,we should have some wine with it.
hey, pete... — yes, sir? — would you get to the car... there is a bottleat the back seat... will you feteh it please... quickly? yes sir...just, i'll get it... sir... sir...please teach me how to drive, please! teach you how to drive!are you mad? there'll be a scandal... don't you know, people don't take kindlyto such things in our town? uhhh...women driving or cycling! you must be crazy... and... and... me teaching?they'll faint, if any of them sees us.
how would they know?teach me in private! teach you in private...how? teach me when everybody will be off...on a holiday! — on a holiday...— hmmm... that's not a bad idea! may be... on a saturday... yes, we can do iton a saturday... pete and the driverwill be off that day... aaah... the wine!
easy... easy... oh god! careful... careful...watch that pothole! — skirt around it! skirt around it... skirt.. i mean go from the side.. quickly! — what? — now look,what you have done...! — what? the wheel has goneinto the ditch. — press the accelerator!— hmmm...? press the accelerator, girl...there... the right one! stop! stop! stop! now, come out!we'll have to do something else.
now, i'll start the car! ... and when i say,1, 2, 3... go, you go... — uhhh...? — i mean...i mean, push forward from here. — okay?— okay... — shall we try? yeah... c'mon!— yeah... — like this?— yeah! — ready?— yes... okay! 1... 2... 3...
— go!— my dress... my dress... oh, god!oh, god! i am...sorry... sorry... — ooops... — look what you've doneto my dress! my mum would kill me now! don't worry, we'll go to my house.you can have a bath... you can wash your dress...you can iron your dress... you'd be fine...!you'd be okay...! the car is out ofthe ditch. we can go home...come!
oh, you have alreadyhad your bath! haven't you? yes, i have. i've evenwashed my dress already. yes... you have! haven't you! i'm already halfwaythrough my ironing. will you... will you have something...?something to drink? oh no... yes... i mean yes...tea maybe... — i'll make some...— wait! i'll put the kettle. you carry on! here you are father! you better run quickly...signal is on .... the train will leave any moment...
— the next one to cochin is only tomorrow.— yes. yes. yes. you're right! here. here. here. take it! — i'll take the change later. sudhir, bye! bye!— bye, father william. but you must do repentance,as i have told you. and... become an honest christian,now on... — amen!— thank you, father! thank you very much... good afternoon, father! good afternoon, my son! yes... tell me...
father... i... i mean... i mean,i have sinned, father... go on! i have... i mean...i have... ... had sexwith a young girl. — is she a minor?— no... no! she's not a minor!i mean... that's not the issue.
yes... i shouldn't have! i mean...i was not supposed to... i really... — i mean... i don't know, what came over me.— did you force yourself? — i mean... was it...?— no... no... it wasn't like that! it wasn't rape...or any such thing. but... it was not right,i suppose.
i mean... a manin my position...! i guess... i should have beenmore careful. is... any of youmarried to someone else? is it? no! no... neither of us is married,father. then? it's... goddamn difficult! — can i not... just...— i see... but you want to repent...
— yes, father!— okay, my son... go and kneelin front of mother mary... ... and sincerely feelsorry for your sin! seek her forgiveness...then do a rosary! and go for a mass...everyday for a week... — yes, father!— alright, my son... through the power jesus has given me,i forgive your sin... in the name of the father and the son...and the holy spirit. amen!
praise the lord! thank you, father! sir... father... father... please stop... — what happened john? why are you slowing down?— that boy, sir... calling us... — what boy?— that boy... — who's he?— i think... rosie's brother, sir... calling us! please stop! — c'mon, do move on. we haven't the time!— sir...
— father...— sir... — he's coming behind, sir... sir, waving...— stop... i think...something important, sir. we better stop, sir. — very well...— sir... — good morning, father...— good morning. — what is it?— i'm... rosemary's brother, father. my name is joseph...i'd met you some months ago... my... bicycle had come underyou car's wheel...
you... remember, sir? yes...what do you want? uhhh... i have a message for youfrom rosemary. what? my sister is not too well, sir.she's been ill. she's send me to request you to...kindly pay her a visit. if you can...! — what happened to her?— i don't quite know, sir. but... she has been bedridden forlast couple of days.
she has asked me to plead with you to visit her. if you would kindly,please. okay. i'll comein the evening. after i... come back from town.i must hurry up now. — okay?— okay, father... thank you, father. — bye! c'mon john...— bye... sir...
sorry, father!i should have asked you earlier. but... i have put two spoons of sugar in your tea.will that be alright? — or, should i make another one?— that's alright, mrs. fernandes... here you are then, father.i hope you like it. — hmmm... it's good! very good indeed.— thank you, father... it's really very nice of youto have come down, even so late. you are reallyvery helpful. ummm...about rosie, mrs. fernandes... i suggest, she sees a doctor in quilon...a good friend of mine!
he'll give hera thorough check. doctor in quilon... how shall we...? he'll be quite...uhhh... i mean... expensive... oh! don't worry about that,mrs. fernandes. he's a good friend of mine.very old friend, really! there won't be any charge.he'll take care of everything. you know... she'll be alright.i'm sure, it's some kind of an allergy. it's just that... she mayhave to stay there for the night.
— but...?— don't worry about that either. my aunt is there.she can stay at her house. no problem at all. but... father... you're doing so muchfor us! i don't knowhow shall we repay... c'mon, mrs. fernandes... as it is, i was to go to quilon,day after tomorrow. i can jolly well goa day earlier.
it only a monday tomorrow.no great work! infact,it suits me evenbetter... alright, father!it's really very kind of you, sir. okay then...i shall send my driver to fetch her. is that...okay with you, rosie? thank you, father. you chat with rosie.i'll just see to the tea for my son... you carry on,mrs. fernandes... — i'll see you later, father.— okay, mrs. fernandes. you have offended god.a grave personal sin.
aiding the terminationof pregnancy... whatever be the circumstances... it's a mortal sinwhich you have committed. knowingly...and willingly... it will take away...god's life from your soul. unless... you ask forgod's forgiveness. — and... don penance— so... what do i do, father? go now...! ...and every morning...
do a rosary, after your bath,for fifteen days. and each day,in the morning and in the evening... ...go to a church! and kneel down in front of the christ...and seek forgiveness for your sin. also, through out this periodof penance... ... you will keep away from women...and if you happen to come across one, you will not raise your eyesfrom her feet. yes, father! in the name of the father... and of the son...and of the holy spirit...
i forgive thee! and... for the final benediction,mr. pereira... you must come and see me...or some other priest... ...at the end of this periodof penance. that would be all. good night, father. god bless you,my son. i can't understand...any of you. that jo... he comes home, when he likes,if he likes... and now, even you?
all day you're gone...god knows where to! i told you, momma!i merely went to the sea-side. you know, i like going there...to them hills by the sea... and if anything had happened to you?you know how dangerous it is around there! ... and why should yougo there alone...? i just wanted to beby myself. — think about things!— what things? i have a million thingsto think about... like my half-yearly exams, for instance,which are coming soon...
or... who will bemy new roommate at the hostel... — or... whether i...— okay, tell me straight... what's eating you up? nothing's eating me up,for christ's sake! i'm going to my room,momma. i still have to pack.there's an early morning train to catch! and what aboutthe dinner? let jo come,i'll come down when it's ready. alright girl...have it your way!
yes, suresh babu,what is it? you have a visitor from your hometown...apparently, your mother is ill or something. oh ma, visitor...where? — he's waiting in a car... at the streeton the back side. — ok... — i'll just go and see...?— please... ...it's a hotel...why here...? come inside!i'll tell you in a minute. why have youbrought me here? where's my mother?
get inside...i'll tell you! but... you said...my mother was ill... ... but i am ill...i'm suffering... what...? what will happen now? i don't know! i really don't know! miss rosemary fernandes... second position...merit in pathology!
thank you! hi... why here? why not here? at god's place...? we are god's children... he's everywhere! butit's dangerous here. come to me!
you'll not feelthe danger, then. — would you sit for a minute,please? — oh... where did this settee come from?did you arrange it? — no! it was always here.— oh! there's a lot ofold furniture dumped over here... now shut your eyes,will you? what is it? just something...don't open your eyes! congratulations!
oh my god! oh...beautiful! oh god! i can't believe it...such beautiful pearls... looks beautifulon you! but i'm not sure,if this dress matches it... perfect... nice grades! no problem at all... test report isalso good! then she hasyour recommendation also, father!
perfect! she can join usfrom next week! it's...15th on monday. that's absolutely...perfect! you ask herto see me tomorrow, father. i shall fixeverything. — you're sure, there's no problem, carl?— no... no problem at all, father. tomorrow the personnel manwill be here... so,it'll be perfect.
so... i'll takeyour leave now... i'll ask her to come andsee you tomorrow. what time would be right? send her after lunch...that would be perfect. — okay, carl... i'll see you then.— come father... this way... please... here... — what is this?— fifty rupees! what moredo you want? it has to be ninety...ninety rupees! show me the meter...
my meter is not working!i told you, sir! so...? if your meter is not working,you're going to charge me double, are you? it's not the double,sir... it's ninety rupees onlyfrom the station to here... you can askanybody. not raise your voice on me,son. if that is so, you should havetold me at the time of boarding. that it's going to cost meninety rupees. i can't pay youanymore now.
you can't do that!sir... please, pay memy full money. are you threatening me? i am notthreatening you... i'm askingfor my full money! ninety rupees...another forty rupees! and i'm saying;"not a paisa more". and if you're not happy,you can go to the police. and the police stationis right there!
okay...? i'm off! you did the right thingby not going to the police, son. they would have done nothing,except harass you in the bargain. that is howthese thugs get away with this. nobody wants to do anything. just suffer the lossand humiliation timidly and don't go to the police. what do you expect,then? i'm... fed upreally... i don't want tolive here.
things aremuch better there... better job. better life.regular money. better money... i could easily look afterthe three of us... and stillsave a lot. besides... you've got toalso come over there. i mean... 2-3 years,we could have our own house. much bigger house... or a bunglow...and even a car... just...think about it!
then go...!am i stopping you? how do i go? where's the moneyfor the ticket? i need at leastforty thousand... for the ticket... and the visa money...and the commission. look... if you think i'll give in to your pressureand sell your father's bond for your dubai trip, you are mistaken! that's the only security,we are left with.
well... there goes my poor brother'sdream for riches. not unless someone elsehelps me out. like who? like... you... you could do itvery easily! now, look... if you think, i'm going to bring williein to this, you're sadly mistaken. as it is...he's done so much for us. but... it's only atemporary loan i'm seeking.
you know i willreturn every penny to him, at the earliest. that's right, rosie.this seems to be the best way. — but...— and he will help. i know,he wouldn't mind. but it feelsso unclean. and peoplealso talk... people talk any which way,anyway... even if i had my own money...they'd still talk... whatever they wantto talk.
look...let's give it a try. i'll come with you,if you like. alright! alright, then! not to worry mrs. fernandes.i'll take care of that. — okay, joseph?— yes, father! i shallpay back everything! as soon as possible,father. we shall see that!
thank you very much,father. — god bless you, father.— that's alright! shall we leave then? you wanted to go throughthat chapter with father, isn't it? yes, mum... alright then... — leave it, father. you don't have to come out. okay! — please, i insist, mrs. fernandes. what happened? what are you thinking?
something! that... where do we gofrom here? what do you mean? three abortions... four yearsof relationship... it's beena long time... lot of waiting... i know...!
you said thatyou'll leave the church... and... give me time... please... some more time... how much more? only a few more months i might get the permission, still... if it doesn't happenin another three, four months...
i shall leave the orderand marry you regardless. now come... ok, william... — you've come now? so late? — what to do, rajni...i've come straight from the duty... — couldn't even get dressed properly...— okay, but you've to stay with me throughout. right till afterthe pheras... okay...! can i use your washroom?i have to freshen up... go right in...use any of the rooms, go!
— go...— i'll just come... rajni, just come here for a moment...i've to talk something important to you... come! — yes, brother...— come in to the room... come! what is it, brother? what is shedoing here? what do you mean?what is who doing? the girl, who just came a moment ago...the one, who works at the hospital... the girl,who just came...? you mean rose?
yeah, rose... that's the girl...what is she doing here? she's among my best friends,brother...! what's the problem? i want this girl rose, out...right now! that's preposterous,brother! how can youtalk like that? i've invited herbecause she's my friend... and now, i am asking you to tell herto leave. we don't want her here... — but why...? — i mean... don't you know her reputation?
c'mon kailash brother...that's her personal matter... — ... and she's a very nice girl— whole world istalking about her affair with that priest william... i mean... it's no longer a personal matterof hers... it's very much public. but how does that affect us...?what concern is it of ours...? it's very much a concern of oursbecause it affects our reputation in society. now, look rajni,i don't want to argue with you. there've already been some snide remarks passed down among guests... and few from your in-laws' side...and father... is very upset! and that's why i'm here...now, be sensible...
... and ask herto leave. please, brother... it's... it's very unfair... try to explain itto father... would you do it?or... shall i do it my way? no... i'll...i'll do it myself... now! yes. yes...now... let me find herfirst...
look, i'm sorry... i'm sorry... i don't knowwhatelse you expect me to do! — i expect you to keep your word...— what word? the word you gave meagain and again... ... that you'll marry meno matter what! ... that you'll leave the order,if they don't give you the permission... look, you've got to be practical... what are you tryingto say? look, let's not blow awaythe great opportunity coming our way... what do you mean, opportunity?
i'm going to be promoted... they're goingto make me the full clergy. oh my god! that means,you'll never marry me... it willnever happen... but i'll be able totake care of you, much better... for one thing...we won't even have to live here... i'll be transferred to the main parish...you can come there too. i'll get a good job for you...it will be absolutely perfect... jesus... you are so...
utterly self-centred... so selfish... you're pathetic! look, i can't jeopardise my careerjust like that. you better understand! i don't believe this! you're disgusting... i'm leaving! this is the onlyway out...
the only solution! we'll have to get youmarried to somebody else. someone who cankeep up with the bargain... who'll respect the factthat you're mine... only mine! ... and who'll notinterfere with you at all... ... and you'llnot love him... ... nor would youmake love to him... ever!
do yougraham fitzgerald mathews ... takerosemaru rodericks fernandes to be yourlawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold,in sickness and in health... till death do you part? i do! do yourosemary rodericks fernandes... ... takegraham fitzgerald mathews ... to be yourlawfully wedded husband,
to have andto hold, ... in sickness and in health,till death do you part? graham and rosemary... please repeatafter me... with this ring,i, thee wed... in the nameof the father... ... and of the son... ... and ofthe holy ghost... with this ring...
— i... father... — i... i... thee wed,in the name of the... — father... the son...— and of the son... — holy ghost...— and... and... ghost... — amen!— amen! by the powervested in me... i, now pronounce you...man and wife... you maykiss the bride! bless you,my child! go inside!upstairs...
sorry...where's the bedroom... upstairs... move... no... wait... i'll climb! they all wanted to have a...wedding drink with me... it's very late... you, better change! let's dance...!
you takeno notice of me... i'll be alright! i know,what i'm supposed to do! you go right aheadand do what you want... father william hassent his driver. he's not too well. he wants you to come right awayand give him an injection. as the village doctor hasgone to town since yesterday. i'll... come downin a minute. why tonight?
it wasmy wedding day, today. it had to betonight. specially tonight! it will not bind youto anything... henceforth. it had to be tonight. so thati know... you know... he knows... ... your mother knowsthat you belong to only one man... me...! but...he leaves in the morning. shouldn't i at leastspend sometime with him...
after all, in the eyes of the worldhe's my husband! my driver will take youto the station in the morning... ... to see him offbefore he boards the train. rosie... what has comeover you...! you've beenhere, all day. i haven't beenhere all day, momma. i only camea couple of hours ago... — but why?— why...?
what kind of questionis that? momma! i came tothink about things. mull things over! i feel happy,here. he's here! who?who's here? graham...your husband. graham is here? means... means what...?he's here?
he's come with you? no... what i meantby 'here' is... ... that he's herein town. — when did he come?— by this morning's train! he came to the house... wanted to see you...straight away... i made an excuse... he still wentsearching for you...
... to william's. what do i do? you'll have tomeet him... he's your husbandafter all... but after a gap of ten months...suddenly? how will ihandle him? you'll be alright. go... and see him! but how...?
you'll find the way... ... after alll... he also knowsthe truth! oh god! come...let's go! i went lookingfor him... ... he was not there! neither at the churchnor in the house. i didn't see him!
butwhy did you want to see him? i wanted totalk about us. about us...? — what about us?— i wanted to talk about freedom. freedom...? yes, freedom i want freedom, freedom from my commitment! but...why so suddenly? becausei was wrong...
i wasalways wrong. it's not right! it's unclean! it's...very unclean! you're my wife... i'm marriedto you... besides,i need you. i need youvery much. i've alwaysneeded you!
look, i havea nice job in bombay. you too can geta good job in any of the hospitals. i've already worked worked it out.i'll leave the lodge where i live... we'll take a room on rentin the suburbs... there's not muchdifficulty in that... look,come with me! let us start a new life...on our own. in our own way! how can wego on living on like this?
... as minionsfor his pleasure. ... with no identity... with noself-respect of our own! have i hurt you? have i said somethingi shouldn't have? look,it's just that... i... god...! it's not so easy! but it's notso difficult either.
i havethe whole plan worked out. you don't understand...he'll never agree! — he's very powerful...— how would he know? we don't have totell him anything. we will just go,,, ... go away, quietly! look, i must leave...it's very late as it is! — i'll talk to you later.— later...? when...? later...may be tomorrow!
may be a few days later...but i must go for now. i'll wait for you. i'll come...i promise... but... let me justthink about things. yeah...! see you! bye! you are a whore...a whore! that's what you are...a bloody whore!
you got itall wrong... i swear...i didn't go to see him. you bitch...you are lying again. my man saw you leaving julian's placeat night, after eight... you're spyingon me, now...! is that it,will? yes, i'm spying on you... you bitch!because i don't trust you. but you're wrong! i didn't goto see julian...
— i don't even know him...honest... — oh...! you don't knowdr. julian furtado, huh? yet you wereat his place for over an hour... what were you doing thereon your own? consulting medical manuals,huh? i went to see graham... graham...? — who graham? — graham, my husband. he's julian's cousin. graham...
buthe was in bombay... when did heget here? yesterday afternoon... he wanted to see me! ... and sent for me.... what did hewant to see you for? generally...! he's still my husbandfor the world. for how longwould he be here?
few days...he's on his easter holidays! funny...!he didn't tell me about it. he said, he went looking for you...at the church and at the house... beforehe sent for me! well, you know what you've to dowhilst he is here. — aah...! what are you going to do with me, william?— come with me! william...leave me... please! open your palm...i said; "open your palm". now you'll rememberyour vow to be faithful to me...
only to me...! such a cruel man! god will not spare him,i tell you! you two, talk... i'll see tote kitchen... bastard...! he's not aman of god! he's a manof devil! i won't leave you,you bastard...
i won't leave you! i'll make youpay for it... sorry...! i want youto come with me to a place. which place? some place...! what sort of a place? you'll know,when you see it. what do i haveto do?
have you... seen that olddisused jetty, on the south side... ... near the old village...? ummm... you mean thatsomewhat old and broken down one...? — yeah...!— i don't think, anybody goes there. it's very deserted... — why there...?— meet me there! then i'll take youto the place i want to show you. when? meet me tomorrow...
say at ten in the morning...! why tomorrow...?your hand...! don't worry about it!i'll be fine tomorrow. and don't tellanybody about this! nobody...! at least, i'll knowwhat you have in mind... good... graham...it's eight-thirty already... you better leave now...you know why i'm saying this.
yeah...i understand! — don't worry! i understand.— and... be careful as you go out the front door... you know... — you never know...— yeah... i understand! i'll be careful! won't let themcatch me! — see you tomorrow! bye!— bye! see you tomorrow! you sent away the auto. wouldn't we need one while going back...? don't worry! there is a shorter cut tothe locality, from the place i'm taking you to.
oh!good morning anyway... — good morning... come...— where are we going to? just follow me. are we here? yes...! it's very enchanting. why here...? this is my church. all of this...!
i feelone with him, here. you really think...i should come with you? hmmm. ask him! come to momma's house,tonight. ... at nine, nine-thirty!not before... ... and don't come from the front door.come through the back alley... ... that goes through the market,through the hutments! there's a...door leading in to the kitchen.
i'll tell mommaabout it. yes... yes...coming! — actually... rose has asked me to come over.— yes! yes! please come... i hope, i didn't disturb you,mrs. fernandes. no! no! no! we're expecting you.please come...! what do you mean,nothing happened? nothing happened means...nothing happened. neither she visitedto him... nor he wentto her place...
i think... ... they remainedinside houses. are you sure? sure! my men...kept eye on... house... bo... both the house! you can go now! i'll send for you,when i'm ready. okay, sir!
take me awayfrom here! what...! you mean that? yes, i mean that! oh god...at last... but you haveto be very careful... very...! nobody shouldget to know about it! you knowhe can create probems.
yes... i know! i feel happy! so happywith you...! i too... — graham...— hmmm? what will you do? i'll work outsomething... then i'll send youa word... ... how togo about it!
oh graham... hold me! i think, i should leave now...before it gets too bright. don't you think? yeah...i think, you better...! go the same way you came.out the backdoor, through the hutments! yes, i will!okay...! you stay in bed. i'll manage.
i'll stay in bed,late. savour you! i love you! oh! i thoughtyou didn't believe in the church. i believe in god. so...? how come...?what brings you here? he's leavingtomorrow. he is? who's?who is leaving tomorrow?
graham...!he sent me a message today. — so...?— so... i cam to ask, if... — if...?— if i can... i mean, if i should... ... goand see him off! i don't have to...i mean... i just thought...perhaps... oh, but you must!after all, the world knows him as your husband. yes! yes!you must go! infact, my driver can drive you both to his cousin's place and then he'll leave you at the station in my car.
when graham leaves, he canget you back to my place. right? right! see you then!goodbye! see you!bye! not a bad seatat all! it's the upper berth. i can even sleepduring the day, without being disturbed. that's very nice! you'll arrivein bombay, well rested. hmmm...! i think, you...you better leave!
the train will leavein a minute or so. there'll betoo much of crowd. i think you're right...i'll leave now. my cousin willcontact your mother for arrangements, i'll... just goto the ladies' room. hmmm? i've already booked two seats from cochin, under the names of mr. & mrs. samuel for friday's train... mt friend, sam will bring the boatat about 7 p.m on thrusday evening. you should be at the old jetty, where you oncetook me latest by that time on thrusday. my cousin will fetch your suitcase from your mother's,during the day, when you'll be gone on duty.
this way...no one will suspect anything. so... you are here! how are you? i'm fine! you're perspiring! yes, it's very hottoday. you smell so good! william,please...
please stop...please stop! why?what happened? there's nobody else here...just the two of us! it's not that! i can't...! you can't? and may i know,why you can't? i just can't... butwhy? i said!
it's the... you knowthe part of the month. you know... i...feel so unclean! oh god...god...! but... why didn't youtell me right in the beginning? you never...gave me a chance! bloody hell!how long would it last? three more days...you know how it is with me! yeah,i know! i'll make myself some tea.will you have some tea?
no! no, i think, i'll better go.i have a lot of work to catch up on! i'll se youin a day or two...? come over tomorrow or day after.we can watch a movie in the evening. i think, that would be great.i'll do that! — see you!— right! right... — bye!— bye! — are you sure, he'll be there for you?— don't worry momma... i trust him!
to be honest,i trust him too, somehow! i'm sure, everything will be fine.you look after yourself. as soon as i'm organised,i'll call you over. — you understand that, don't you?— yes, i do! i do... but i hope, everything willgo alright with you. it will, momma...it will! you don't cry now. hospital staff is around.they might supsect something is wrong... ok, i won't!
i thinkyou should go now, momma. go as normally as possible... as if,you only came for a check up. right...? alright, momma! bye, momma... bye, my child! — thank you, ismail. you're really very kind.— what you doing? — stop it!— just a little bit for the children. keep it back.i'm supposed to be your elder brother... ...unless,you've forgotten!
come! we wait there...till they come. one doesn't come hereevery day. right on time!fantastic! hold this. welcome... welcome...come... come! come! — thank you, ray. hi, sam...— hi! hi, there... hi! your suitcase and bag are allin there place... kept in there... tea and snacks are alsokept ready by sam... — enjoy your voyage... welcome...— thank you ray! thank you sam! — i wish, i could come too...— oh, why don't you... please come...
naah! i'm just joking.you know, i can't! — but someday, i'll catch up in mumbai...— so... so will i, someday! c'mon, ismail... let's go!they have a long journey too! — yeah, bye-bye... take care!— bye! — bye-bye... take care... bye...— see you... how many times...? how many times have i told you, not to put any plates on the table, which are not absolutely clean! i'm sorry, sir.i'm really very sorry, sir...
but i shall really bevery careful now on, sir... but you said the same thing last time, pete...you said the same thing last time... i give you my wordthis time, sir... i really will... well, it's thelast warning to you. now get a new saucerfor mrs. fernandes here. do you hear? sure sir! in a second, sir...i'll just fetch it, sir. sorry... mrs. fernandes! it's just thati can't stand uncleanliness... i... i understandfa...
you were saying...she has gone away! just left a notebehind for you... not to worry,mrs. fernandes! it's not so bad! after all, she's goneto meet her husband, who lives alone. it's perfectly understandable...mrs. fernandes. yeah... yes... i guess,you're right, father! it's just that she could've beena little decent towards you. a little concerned!
you were not going to come in her way,anyway. after all, you're her mother. leaving you like that...?alone...? what'd you dowithout her...! must feel quite lonelysometimes... lost...! isn't it,mrs. fernandes? do you miss her? yes...i do, sometimes. but it's alright,i guess... if i thinktoo much of her,
i go to hergetaway place for a while... — i feel good over there...— a get away place... what sort ofgetaway place? it's nothing! just a...solitary place by the sea. near the old jetty...in between the cliffs! she often went thereby herself. it's quitepeaceful there. there's even...a cross there, on a rock.
— she loved sitting in front of it.— oh... i thought, she was a heretic... no, father!she believes in god. but in her own way,privately... well...anyways...! thanks for comingand telling me, mrs. fernandes. may i nowleave, father? — oh, sure! sure, mrs. fernandes.— thank you. — so nice of you to come.— thank you...
and... mrs. fernandes...uhhh... ... any idea,when i can get that money...? — ...i gave it for jo's passageto dubai? — oh... i almost forgot.sorry, father...! here it is...uhhh... thirty thousand rupees. — it was so kind of youto help my son, father. — oh... he'll come and see you,when he comes over for christmas. — sure! i'll love to meet him.— okay! i'll take your leave,now.
okay!see you! i thoughtyou dind't mind my smoking! i don't! then...? that looks better! this looks likean expensive one! — where did you get it from?— i bought it, sir! from my savings!do you mind? awww...!
but... how come...? suddenly cigar...for what? well, don't they say thata cigar is a best gift... ... for an old man! what do you mean by 'old man'?i'm not an old man...! well, you mightbecome one, soon! how, do you mean? well, don't the young onescall their pops 'old man'? what did you say?
you mean it? — but... when... i mean, how did you find out?— i saw the doctor today... ... and he confirmedthat i'm pregnant! yes... bravo... i really needthat cigar, now. yeah! would you light itfor me, darling? yes, master! hello, mrs. fernandes!
father william...!you gave me a shock. well, i'm sorry.i didn't mean to. nevermind. nice tosee you, anyway. so... this is the place.rosie's private church. well, not really the church...but yes, she liked coming here... sitting in front ofthe cross. but... how come you're here?never saw you this side, before! curiosity, i suppose! the way you mentioned this placethat day, i really got curious to see it.
so, when i decided to go for a jog today,i thought, why not come here! — here i am!— oh, that's nice. oh! fresh flowers... you come here everyday, do you? no wonder,i don't see much of you at the church, lately! no...i do come, father. i attend every mass... it was only last one weekor so that i couldn't... because i wasnot really well, father. here also,i came after a long time.
because... rosiespecially requested me to do so. ... and put flowershere. oh, really?some special reasons? yes, father... she's in thefamily way. oh...is that so? when... when is it...due? well, it's quite a whileaway, father.
it's only the second month that she's been pregnant. happy...isn't she? i guess so! is that whyyou helped her to flee? i...? i don't know what you mean, father! i said; "is this the reason,you encouraged rosie to run away from here? from me...? it's not true... how can you say that...
because i know,this is the truth, mrs. fernandes! — i better be going. it's quite late!— wait, mrs. fernandes. — i have to talk!— please leave me, father. i have a lot of things to do. i said;i have to talk! i don't want to talk.leave me! shut up you bitch!i said; i have to talk. please release me...or i'll scream! — go on! let me hear you scream.— leave me... you b-e-a-s-t... okay, you bitch!
let me free youfor always. you deserve it! dear god... as we stand besidethis open grave... in the silentcity of death... and committhis body to the ground... and we committhe spirit... together with everysacred interest of her heart... in to yourkeeping...
praying that you'd deal graciously...and mercifully, with each of us... until we too... shall come... to ourfinal rseting place. through the richesof grace... in jesus, our lord. ashes to ashes! dust to dust! yet, as surely asthe lord lives...
and as you live... there's only a stepbetween me and death. it is a step...that all must take! parts of thesame chain! no doubtabout it! oh, my god! this portion was clasped tightlyin the right hand of the body... in the palm. obviously, the victim must have givena good struggle to free herself before...
before she was...uhhh... you know what i mean... and i thought, there wasn't a placewhere we didn't search for this... i know... i know,why it happened... it was all because the body was foundon a different beach, miles away. apparently, it was swept awayby the underwater currents... probably, it must have got washed awayover there. in the high tides... the next morning! i feel so scared... i'm off, alone... even grahamleft this morning.
look, don't worry...i'm here! i wouldn't let anythinghappen to you, just like that! but we still have to find outwhethere he himself was there. and that... somebody else couldn't havestolen the chain and the pendant. and this... ... only you canfind out. look, be calm! tactfully, try to find out as towhat happened to his chain and the pendant. in the meantime,
i'll try to find out,if anyone saw something suspicious. and...listen... till we gatherthis information, i think it would be betternot to file the f.i.r. as that canalert the person, straightway. right? right, uncle. i agree with you. i'll see youin a couple of days, perhaps.
okay! bye! sir, rosie madamhas come down. that would befine. — i have some visitors to meet.— no problem, sir. i'll comenext saturday. so you cameat last. you know,i've been busy. yes, you've been. there have been...so many things!
... after momma's death! still there are... how have you been? me...? oh...i've been fine. very fine! funny,how things change. i mean... we stand here together,near this fire-place... where we have stood togetherseveral times before, yet...
we areso changed! so dissimilar... so much strangersto each other. funny...?isn't it? show me your hand! — what?— your right hand, show it to me! my hand...? — why?— c'mon! i'm not going to bite it off. show meyour right hand!
i can feel it! the mark...you can even see it... although feebly...see...! remember this?it was here, at this very place. i put the crossfrom my... yes i remember it! where is it gone...? your chain with that cross... you always wore it! i don't know... perhapsi lost it somewhere. i don't remember.
how come...? it was always therearound your neck... everytime you took me,it hung over me... you even gaveits mark to me. yes... yes... yes... i know...i don't remember where it is! i must have dropped it somewhere.i don't remember. i don't know. don't know...? how can younot know? it was such a sacredornament...
you alwayswore it. that cross isnot the issue. the commitmentis the issue! you took a vow to befaithful to me. only! i also took vowsin a church... to be faithful...to graham. my husband! solemn vows! with youpresiding...
you were allowedto get married because you made a commitment to not have anything to do with that 'so called' husband of yours. do you remember? you bitch...! everything you have, everything you areis given by me... i can take what i like, when i like, how i like! ... and for that...let me show you, what i mean! no! please, william...no...!
please,don't do this. i'm pregnant! i have a three month babyin me, please... you dirty filthyrotten whore... how could you! — how could you do this to me? you harlot...— please... spare me, william! if i've ever beenanything to you... please, forgive me! i implore you...please...
just get out of my sight,you shameless bitch! before i kill you... get out! yes sir,i was right here, sir. the car camestriding down from there, sir. he took such a dangerous curve , sir.i almost fell from my bicycle, sir. are you sure,it was him, though? yes sir. i'm positive.it was father william. okay, let's go.we'll take your statement right now. come!
we haveenough circumstantial evidence... you can go aheadand file the criminal complaint, now. are you sure,uncle? yes, i'm sure. for the first time,i am absolutely sure. — i feel so scared.— don't worry! we shall bevery careful. i'll post some plain clothes security menat your place... ... and i'll also arrange for a police womanto be posted at your house in the nights.
... till the timeyou're here. okay? — let me file the complaint!— good...! i'll callthe recording officer. are youabsolutely sure about it? absolutely sure! are you sure, your men will be able to do it properly? get it done then! — pay them whatever they want!— yes, sir!
why do they have toprint such small letters, i don't know! look at this,rodrigues! — you better read this, first!— what is this? this woman... uhhh...some... rosemary... has written quite asaucy story about father williams. — says, he's going to get her killed.— who father william? he's the vicar atst. michaels at kottarakara... — quite a hit stuff here...— let me see! let me see! jesus christ!
god almighty! oh no! she's alreadywritten to chief minister too... i must reportthis matter to the pope. but... before i do thatyou call that fellow... what's his name...? — william...— yes, william. call him over! i must speak to him first.don't tell him anything! just call him over.i'll keep the letter with me... i'll do thisright away! jesus...!
bhaskaran sir... — ... have to post this letter!— sure, i'll. give it to me! these maids...you can never depend on them. he, don't worry. i'll take careof the utensils and make the breakfast too. even if you work in the police force,you've got to do your own household chores. just let mecome back from the bathroom, okay! postman! coming! sign...!
— what is it?— get in... shashi... help me... help me... hel... hold it...hold... run... turn it on...run... stop! drive...
side... give way... side... madam...?madam...? i sentence himto death. he shall behanged by his neck... until dead. i didn't want tokill her. i only wantedto punish her. i reallyloved her!
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