this movie is fun man..we really got scared...hmm yes man.. really.. we shall see movie later..you go and open the door.. bro you mix the drinks.. veeresh must have come..go and open the door

movies online movies, ok hey jimmi..ya.. ya bhoo.. (trying to scare)ooh.. aa..
ha ha ha..hey sudha.. hey sudha..its me jimmy ya it is jimmy come.. jimmy?its me only.. come sudha..this was a prank come on sekhar..you really scared us to death.. ha ha ha.. what sort of joke is this..really?
lets go..this short fellow is getting angry ha ha.. hey sudha..please keepthem in the refrigerator why should we keep themin the refrigrator now, i think we should have it now..otherwise.. i am mixing a drink for you here.. keep them in the refrigeratorso that they will be cool go man..go..put themin the refrigerator guys you are irritating me
bhoo.. aaahhh.. ahh.. ha ha ha..ha ha ha.. yes!!ha ha ha.. friends laughing.. see how he got scared and fell downha ha ha.. what sort of guy.. dont tell me..has he died
i think..he opened therefrigerator and.. first check him man..check..what happened to him.. wait man..let me check hey! blood.. blood? check whether he is alive or dead.. you check..move.. what happened man.. what happened..
what do we do now.. his stupid videos andstupid ideas.. i was warning you guys thatsomething like this would happen.. see what has happened now.. why are you blaming me alone.. what do we do now..sudha.. whatever had to happen has happened..sudha.. lets do something before veeresh comes.. we are his friends..should we hide him somewhere..
please do something man..tomorrow if someone gets to know.. if someone gets to knowwhat happened, we shall be in trouble.. lets clear the body from here..please help.. come man..hold him what should i tell if his wife asks mewe will see later ah.. leave me man..leave me.. leave me.. leave me..someone has come.. hey..ah..
ha..laughs.. laughs.. that was a prank..come inside man.. come.. see man.. ha.. how was my acting..? really superb.. i have neverexperienced such enjoyment in life.. i know.. if veeresh was here theenjoyment would have been different he will surely join us..he must be on the way.. laughs
this was a bit too much..what was that sadism.. dont we get scared for horror movies..in spite knowing that its a horror movie. you are right man..if we dont havea background score same scene would be so funny hey..you guys dont know thefun in horror movies.. in spite of so much development..we are unable to change human mentality its there in human dna to get scared..anyways its time to get the cake ready.. happy birthday to you.. happy birthdayto you.. happy birthday to you.. we caught him man..rushi get the masks.. he already leaked our plan..why would we do what he expects..
come on ..catch..daya..switch off the lights.. bhoo.. bhoo.. uu..ah.. aha..is no one there..? uu..no one is here.. is it a devil..ya waiting for you come.. close the door man.. what happened.. harder..this door is not getting closed
lets open.. ah..aa..ah.. ah..ah..ah.. (people screaming) hmm..hmm..hmm.. diya. hu..hu.. hu..hu..hu..hu..hu..hu.. om bhim namah sata om bhimnamah om bhim om bhim om bhim om
om bhim namah sata om bhimom namah om bhim om bhim (chanting) uh..uh.. what is this hairwhy do you hit me mummy.. dont please..mummy please dont move what is this mummy.. noodlesso early in the morning you know thati dont like noodles i know that..you just eat.. yuk..i dont want this.
okay i shall call your dad then hey!! yes.. good morning daddy hmm.. ask about his progress cardhmmm.. bunny! dad.. dad..daddy.. daddy..
hmm.. sorry daddy next time.. surely.. thank god.. what are you murmuring.. i know that you wouldnot do well in studies.. where about your gamesand activities progress card..? da da da.. daddy.. daddy..dad..daddy..what.. they would anyway giveyou marks for the fees i paid.
do you have games period..?what are they teaching you in games? dont you want do well in gamesand become a champion..? yes daddy.. i want to its been how many days since ibought the new version of psp did you check..what games are there in it..? i didnt check asi have my exams now exams..we also passedthe same exams i shall check themtoday evening daddy.. i am getting late to school..i will leave now..
okay..go..but first go inside andtake the new psp i bought for you okay daddy..stupid fellow.. bunny.. bunny..yes.. why are you not ready.. stillwe are getting late for the bus.. get ready.. fast.. hurry up.. if you are late daily..they will make you stand outside.. you dont have any fear.. sidhu.. come.
hold the bottle bus would have left by now. please finish this last one.. good boy.. kids should be like this.. chaa.. you want one more? no please.. go..
sidhu..bye.. (dog barking) if you are in a relaxed mood..please take sidhu for a walk sorry i have to leave early to office. then what are you waiting for..go and get ready oh.. were you shoutingfor this water bottle.. hey..please stop.. hey..please stop..please stop.. hey stop man..stop
thank youits okay.. bunny..you son has not come madam has he not comeyes.. please wait for two minutes..i shall search him and get sorry madam..i already waitedso long for him..lets go bunny..what are you doing here..come no mummy..my teacher told thatwe can go by flight in one hour to chennai so what.. now you missed your buswill you go by flight to school.. did he miss the bus again..?yes..
mummy..my shoe lace mummy..tie it.. rakesh please get ready fasti am getting ready.. what happened..? bunny missed his school bus..so if you can get ready fast.. what..shit.. sidhu..come sidhu..come you should take care of such thingsplease rakesh.. you get ready quickly and drop himthen go to office.. no.. i cannot.. you only drop him.. me? i have still not finished my work..
my office is in a different direction..i have to drop apple also.. god..we should have also joinedbunny in apples school.. is there no chance..? common rakesh.. pooja.. i have animportant meeting in office today.. does it matter if he dontgo to school for one day. just 10 minutes rakesh.. always like this.. look at his hair..cant you comb it
messy look rakeshah.. hello! am i your driver..come front. he and his attitude. stupid behaviour hey phani.. sorry.. i cant make it in the first hourwhat happened again? what happened again? i am going to drop my son at school.oh.. sorry.. please..okay.. i will wait then.. bye security open the gate..sir.. please park the car there.. sir you have to see the madam
hey..come fast.. come fast.. excuse metell me sir.. i would like to meet madam..someone is there inside.. please sit here.. sir.. please.. may i come in madam.. yes mr. rakesh..please have a seat. yamini ask the teacher of vamshi krishna of 3rdclass to come with his work sheets..
immediately..thank you.. ya.. its okay madam..i know what do you know that he is not performing well.. forget about your kid..how about you.. we have informed you twice to comeand meet us..but you never responded and forget about that too.. have you ever been to even a single..parent teacher meeting or an annual day.. i am really sorry madam..it wont happen again..
but now i have to.. see mr.rakesh..we are here for teaching and this is a schoolnot a day care center.. do you understand.. yes madam.. and if you are that busy..i suggest you putyour child in a boarding school. madam excuse me..madam please.. hello.. sir morning sir..sir i am on the way sir.. ya..i will do sir..definitely..
ya.. madam.. good morning sir. hello! hai rakhi.. did you drop bunny. no..i thought he would helpme at office.. so i got him here.. do you want to talk.. common rakesh..morning sir.. hello listen..
dont get so worried.. i have dropped your dearson at school..now put the phone down.. thank you..bye.. hey.. wait..dont be in a hurry.. hmm..lets go.. i dont understandhow it gets to know.. you open it.. open.. yes..stay like that..
hai sidhu.. sidhu come.. jump sidhu..jump.. jump my boy.. jump jump sidhu jump.. mummy.. hi mummy..hi.. again.. you are watching tv..why dont you go and play outside.. hi sweetheart.
no mummy..nobody wants to play with me. go out and atleast get some fresh air.. mummy no.. see how excited is sidhu to play with you.. atleast take sidhu out for some time.. go and play with him.please dear.. see sidhu is feeling bad.. go.. go.. go please dont panic..nothing to worry..sidhu is given injections regularly
if you give.. does that meanwe have to get bitten by him and take injections.. no i did not mean that..what happened.. nothing to worry..its about sidhu..i will handle it.. you are asking what happened..your dog has bitten my son. what? sidhu.. they are lying daddy..it was they who.. hey.. shut up..you dont talk.. let me see..let me check ..
what will you see..and what will you check if you want to stay here..it is better to train your dog.. you know about the dog policyin our community.. right mr.rakesh.. i am really sorry..but it is a very friendly dog. see gentleman..it was your sonwho incited the dog on to my son what.. bunny come here..no daddy.. he is the one.. he..oh.. oh..
you will never ever understand.. oh.. i have been facing problems sincemorning because of him i will see the end..not the dog.. training should be given to his son.. i will not spare that dog as well..hu..hu.. pooja.. where is he..its a small issue rakesh.. what is this..morning because of him i was late tooffice and everything i dont know about all that.. actuallyhe did not want to go out..
it was me who asked him to go out. our neighbors also.. they madea big issue out of a small one.. what are you talking..what did they do..he must have done something.. because of him my whole day..you always come home with irritation.. atleat you come dear..please.. sidhu is here..you sleep.. hmmm... ah.. huh!! hmm..huh!!
he is getting mischievous day by day it is ok.. i will take care..please go.. huh! [00:00:00.-1]please go.. both of themi shall decide tomorrow..[00:00:00.-1] ya..darling.. brother is not there in home.. what? bunny.. pooja..
yes sir.. security tell me sir i am calling from villa number 14..yes sir.. my son is not at homesince last night.. have you seen him.. sidhu is also not there.. ah.. huh..huh.. sidhu..
what happened dear.. grandmaa..i am hungry.. mom i will talk later what will you talk mom.. is it about bunny.. he is here with me. bunny is with you? i did not call to inform you that..
i called to inform you that here afterbunny would stay with me.. mom.. i.. mean.. hello mom.. pooja..what did she say.. she disconnected the callrelax pooja.. he is with my mother.. okay its fine that he is withhis grandmother.. its okay.. okay lets go.. okay..thank youits okay.. no problem..
lets go.. come lets go to bunny.. oh my god.. small kid..midnight.. two kilometers that thought itself.. what would have happened ifsidhu was not there with him what happened why areyou not talking anything.. what are you thinking..
i was thinkingwhy is bunny like this. again you are blaming him.. yesterday also for no reasonyou shouted at him.. cant you talk to him peacefully.. he is so afraid of you. what are you saying..you are responsible for everything. if he doesnt listen to you..you made him listen by taking my name.. it is you who projected me likea ghost in front of him. me?
if you were so caring with the kids,why would have i done that pooja..pooja.. listen.. whats the point of wearguing like this now.. if both of us keep pampering him,would he ever be afraid of his parents? you mean afraid.. why should kids be afraid oftheir parents.. leave it. he ran away from the houseonly because of you.. can you deny that? why are you blaming meas if i dont love him? its not me but hewho should understand this.
have you ever spend little time with him? huh!! spending time with him..? whenever i tried talking to him.. i could never understand what he speaks.. even if i want to listen to him patiently,there is no meaning in what he says. tell me how should i tolerate him? that is what spending time with him means.. it does not mean listening to you..
he wants to find a bonding with you you are trying to find meaningin what he is saying enough pooja.. i cant be spendingso much of time with him you know how important this year is for me. i have told you so many time thati am under so much pressure this one year.. if u tell so many times.. will the problem be solved? now did you see what happened.. thats why i have decided..
otherwise we would spoil his future.. since yesterday, after meeting his principal.. i have been thinking about it.. but now i am convinced. putting him in the boardingschool is the only solution. boarding school.. what are you talking.. he is just a kid. he is just 9 years rakesh..
thats why we have to decide now.. what are you saying.. he cannot even manage towear a socks on his own how can he be alone in the hostel why you are saying alonethere are many kids of his age group. so you mean to say, all the kids inboarding school are not like bunny. then why do you think their parents are spendinglakhs of rupees by joining them there.. look pooja.. whatevermay be the reason.. their love for kids made themjoin the boarding school..
dont you think they careabout their kids future tell me.. i dont know about them..i know very well about my son.. he cant stay there..thats it ok he cant stay.. thenwhat do we do. he is not my problem actually you are what?yes.. yes. when i ask you to quityour job, you wont apple is like this..
bunny is like that.. and you.. what are you talking rakesh. you know, in what circumstances diduncle give us this job.. he is opened another branchjust because i am there. you only.. you had only pressurized mefor the job in the beginning. all of a sudden howdo i quit my job. i mean pooja..
we have discussed thisenough number of times. keep this issue aside. think how would youconvince your mother now apple.. come on!! your kid, your wish mom.. not like that.. boarding school is better for bunny if i would have also joined you there..
you would have never dared to say this.. is it so difficult to raise two kids. during those days, did i notlook after five of you and brought up.. and arent you all well settled now.. hey.. you were just five years whenyour dad passed away. sister.. havent you noticed.. what did he do yesterday night..while we were home..
if something would havehappened to him.. we cant work peacefully at officewith these thoughts in mind just leave it for now. lets see next year next year.. no no sister.. what ever i decide is for his own good.he needs special care and attention what do you say pooja? i am not interested..
i dont like but i think i am getting convincedafter listening to your brother.. they would drop him every saturdayand pick him up on monday. as you wish.. madam if you want to talkanything please do it here.. if a caring mother go far away if a loving father go far away who will bear you childishnessand naughtiness who will wipe your tears.. not knowing whether yourparents love you or not
you are so upset in your little heart without having your noise early in the morning did not know there is a pain like this too not knowing whether you hadfood or have gone to bed or sitting and crying allalone in some corner even if hearts prompts to come and see you i have made my heart into a stone whenever there is a sound in thecourtyard i feel it is you i feel your foot steps in the house
atleast come and meet yoursister in her dreams please spread love withyour sweet little talk dont get upset that your mother is not with you close your eyesi will be in front of you.. ok guys, lets first reviewphase 1 of the metro project. mean the way .. lets goon the metro project.. its lb nagar to miyapur..and.. lb nagar to miyapur will becompleted by mostly this year end and second phase.. secunderabad tojubilee hills will be completed by dec 2016..
excuse me.. hello..! is it mr. rakeshyes.. may i call you in a few minutes.no! no.. you have to be here in few minuteswhat? otherwise your child will be in big trouble hello..! excuse me.. gentlemen..i will see you in a little bit.. sorry guys..
hello rakesh..i have been tryingto reach you on your mobile.. have booked your flight ticketshello.. hello pooja.. listen.. hold a second.. what happened? it seems something hashappened to our bunny i just started now.you also please come soon what happened madam?what happened.. why didnt you inform us thatyour kid behaves abnormally where did he study earlierwhy was he removed from there
it is wrong to conceal the facts you know.. how can you send such anabnormal child to the school dont you think aboutother children studying here? madam, but what happened (breathing) hoo.. mummy.. oh..ha.. hello..!! yes madam..
when madam.. where madam.. ok.. i shall just check now hey boy, who are you.. hey boy.. why are you sitting here..go inside.. hey! cant you hear me? hey boy.. who are you..
what are you doing here.. hey boy.. i am talking to you.. get up.. come on get up!! listen, i shall tell to madam huh! madam.. madam..madam.. madam.. what happened.. d..d..d.. devil madam
your son needs treatment..not teaching sidhu..wait.. sidhu wait.. sidhu..wait..wait..sidhu..wait.. bunny..why are you watching tv so early in themorning.. please take bath common bunny..you are getting late. you can stop watching him tv now.. but what will you doafter we leave for office.. so do one thing..take theremote along with you. i am really surprised that you aregetting ready for office after all this..
great.. what shall we do with them? now also you are not botheredyour leaving them and going.. what are they here for.. rakesh.. actually is there a need for you to do job..tell me.. shall we go to school.. today we are not going.. why?
i am also not going to office.. hu..hu..laughs manga.. yes madam..get her ready.. ok madam.. bunny..go get ready..why mummy.. shall we go to funzone?really? today no office? no.. hurray..hurray.. lets go..yah!!
hello.. good morning madam..i have stillnot sent it madam..next.. sudha.. sudha.. sudha..yes madam.. i will not be able to come to office today..you please take care. madam..we have to send aparcel to calcutta urgently.. sudha.. madam..i am not coming..bye.. mummy..can we take sidhu along..how can we take sidhu dear.. they would not allow him inside theshopping mall. please mummy..please did he ask..?
no mom..he is goodboy.. okay.. ask him to come.. sidhu come.. wow super.. common.. ok..fine..go.. its your turn now.. here.. two.. seven..
mom.. phone.. hello uncle..i was thinking to call you.. thats okay dear..how are you and your family..we all are fine.. actually what happened.. they must have misunderstoodfor small things.. by the way which school is he studying..future india uncle.. oh..future india.. i and that school chairman workedtogether in bl company 20years back.. if you need my helpi can talk to him directly..
thank you so much uncle.. when are you planning to take him..? who is that mummy..your bangalore grandfather.. bangalore grandfather?then why did he not speak to me.. he asked about you..i told him that you were playing outside.. why did you say so.. since i did notgo to office.. he is asking about it.. i thought he may ask you the same..i told like that.. sidhu..eat..eat sidhu.. mummy next time when you come backfrom office please get chewy sticks for sidhu..
hmmm..how can i.. i quit my job..no schoolfor you..no office for me.. why did you quit your job mummy.. you like your job so much.. how will grandfather manage.. keep aside that..he will manage.. i quit for you only.. since you dont wantto go to the boarding school will you go..
just for this year dear.. please.. okay mummy you are such a darling..i know you would listen to me. hello.. sir..why are you saying that.. sir..since you forgot to come home.. so thought of reminding you.. nothing like that..we have to completelaying a line by this ugadi(festival).. everyone in office is tensed..
above all the court cases..and the new government. i know lot of tensions..above that me and bunny..isnt it.. no..no..i am really relieved thatyou are managing everything. i think we haveplan this weekend.. you know what..i amreally proud of you.. even your career wise.. ok..ok..fine.. i think we need not get worried now any good news..
guess..what.. uh...bunny? yes.. when you were spending time with the kids..i know you would do some miracle.. great.. pooja.. but i think we haveto talk to the principal.. i shall talk to them tomorrow..not to worry.. you even managed thatuncle spoke.. a while ago..he knows the boarding school chairman very well..
bunny please dont go to boarding school.. please stay here.. just one year only..after that i will be here only.. please.. if you goaway i will get bored.. sidhu is there for you.. bunny has changed so much.. he does not require my help to get ready. really pooja..superb.. lets party man..its been such a long time..
shall plan to come earlytomorrow..we shall enjoy. hmm..fine.. i will talk to you later..apple still has not slept. okay then.. okay..good night smiles.. bunny..what are you watching dear.. morning we have go tothe boarding school. come.. sleep..
mummy..sidhu.. mummy..bunny.. maa.. ghost..mummy mummy..there is a ghost d.. d.. ghost mummy.. mummy.. ghost mummy.. where? mummy mummy..its there to your right mummy mummy..
that side mummy.. its there on your right..mummy.. it is coming mummy.. its behind you mummy.. it is coming mommy.. mummy..crying.. be careful mummy.. ah..mummy.. come here..
mummy..dont get scared.. ghost is there.. diya is there mummy.. behind the door mummy.. she is near the door mummy.. di.. its sister diya mummy.. di..di.. she is there.. its her mummy..
there is nothing.. it is there mummy.. i am here with you.. where is your brother?dear.. he is taking bath upstairs.. your breakfast is getting cold..please come fast.. yes.. mom.. who is taking shower upstairs.. its sister diya..mummy
diya.. sister.. who is that dear the one you saw last night.. bunny get up.. yes..mummywe all will go for a movie.. get up dear.. lets go walk.. manga..
manga..help the kids get ready.. uh..! crying.. mom.. we are ready.. hm.. hey..pooja.. who is it..its me.. hey.. hi baby.. what is this..behaving like a kid..dont you have any sense..
what happened..i got so scared.. what do you know..where are your keys.. its not even 10'o'clock.. why were you so scared.. i forgot my keys in the car.. you could have rang the bell.. i wanted to surprise you ..pooja pooja..ha.. what happened..what happened?
why bunny has still notgone to the boarding school.. do you have to shout like that.. he said he would go after two days.. he has already missedso many classes.. yesterday night you were gettingworried about his exams. i am surprised to knowthat you are so concerned.. why are saying like that.. its ok.. please go andget fresh..i am hungry i am home so happily..but..
huh! happily.. listen.. tell me..we shall take bunny to someone.. what..to whom do you mean.. i mean.. dont you think we should be careful afterwhat happened in the boarding school. what are you saying..do you want mebelieve that he has gone insane.. did you not tell me proudly yesterdaythat bunny has changed completely.. what are you talking now.. ya..but i feel we should not ignorewhat happened in the boarding school
common pooja.. dont you remember whathe did the other night.. with all the flour on his face.. he must have done such astupid thing in the school also. you are with him since last four days..did anything happen to you.. yes it happened.. not only the other day.. even yesterday night also.. what did he do..
i will take him to task..where is he.. bunny..bunny.. hey..please.. he just slept.. please dont wake him up..we will talk tomorrow.. i came just for you.. tomorrow morning i have to go to mumbai.. i have to talk to him right away.. cancel your trip..
we have to discuss about him seriously.. first tell me what did he do.. i came all the way tospend this night peacefully.. but he spoiled everything..if you think like this i can't say anything.. ok.. tell me now.. i think he is possessed by a spirit.. shit! not he..i think youare possessed by a spirit.. are you not educated..use your brain..
go to sleep.. no..please listen to me.. even yesterday night also..what..did he turn into a ghost or devil.. instead of teaching him a lesson..huh! you are talking like this.. sleep.. i will be back tomorrow evening..after that i will talk to him.. hello..who is it.. mom..did you not go to office yet..
no..momwhat happened? you dont get worried..i am coming there.. do you rememberwho is diya.. who is that.. dont you remember a family which hadcome from delhi used to stay in that last villa.. did you forget.. one night she was staring at me.. did she stare at you too.. ya..
do you think.. bunny also.. may be madam.. while everyone is so scaredto go that side.. bunny is going to thatvilla side every night.. i saw so many times..madam.. i think our bunny might bepossessed by a spirit.. shall we take him to that swamiji which swamiji..where is he available.. hey!!stop it..
whats happening? huh!hey! what is this nonsense.. you stop it..stop it i say.. rakesh.. you come here.. sister what is all this here.. what is this disturbance.. disturbance?me common.. sister you are educated and beinga professor in the university..
i cant believe this.. leave about me..and my education.. what happened to youreducation and intelligence.. mother felt this was right.. what about you.. when everyone at schooland hostel were telling about his odd behaviour running away from home.. waking up in the middleof the night and screaming.. you are not botheredinspite of all this..
okay.. what do you say now.. do you think he is possessedby a spirit and so your are doing all this.. if we perform such rituals..what would our neighbors think.. we are doing publicity thatsomething is wrong with him.. okay..fine.. okay..let usthink that this a blind belief only.. what will you do now.. will you show him inthe hospital or not.. ok ok..first get him out of the house
i shall take bunny toa good doctor tomorrow.. that guy has to be out now.. okay.. okay..do it now.. do it.. just relax.. i will never see diyasister again.. right? ok.. all the reports seems to be normal.. get the boy once.. need to examine him in private..
ok doctor please come madam.. hello.. say hello to doctor..bunny.. hi ohh.. he is a grown up boy.. come come.. madam please..
come.. come.. sit.. so.. so.. what is your name..bunny.. hmm..good. ah.. huh! what is this.. yes madam ..what is this padma.. you said this isa new pen..but its not writing.. go get another blue penyes.. please give it to me..
wow..thats wonderful..how did you do that.. very simple.. ssh.. oh.. okay..briliant.. see padma has come.. you go out with herand play..ok.. common bunny take care padmaok madam.. bunny is perfect..
nothing to worry.. but..we may have to dosome i.q tests.. by the way.. was it a normaldelivery for bunny yes doctor.. okay.. was your husband there withyou at the time of delivery no.. he was on a tour.. but my mom was there.. then i may have to talk your mom..
anything wrong doctor.. nothing to worry.. but you may have to accompanyhim for four sessions.. four sessions.. i think you are complicating the situation.. he does not have any problem mentally. just need to reduce histroublesome behavior .. i think he should beperfectly alright.. for that do we need four sessions..
you are right.. just because you are here, you neednot think that there is a major problem.. may be due to stress he musthave behaved a bit abnormal.. but we cannot arrive at a decisionwithout observing him closely.. sorry..i am unable to follow you.. huh!you are confusing me more.. rakesh.. hmm..what is your fee.. no thanks..
i am yet to start the treatment.. thank you doctor.. problem is not with the kid. its with his father she told everything right..now what? why are you behaving like that..what happened to you.. what is your problem.. what are you planning to do with bunny..what will happen to him? what did i do sister..
why are everyone blaming me.. you are asking what did you do..whats your problem.. ha.. ok you will not manage him..we will take him.. shall we leave him like thisor try something.. i should have discplined youduring childhood itself.. then you would not havebeen like this today. actually when bunny was born.. as he did not cry.. the nurse broughthim from labor room.. she held bunny with her two hands..calling doctor.. doctor..
she came running.. our luck or good deeds the doctor took unconsciousbunny and breathed in his mouth.. and our bunny started crying.. now after so many years thisdoctor is advising something.. she found something suspicious..should we not think about it? ok ok your wish.. do whatever you feel like..i have no problem.. ok.. my suspicion was correct.
bunnys problem is.. kids generallycry as soon as they are born.. kids who dont cry on their own, doctorsgive them artificial respiration.. but what most of the parents dont know is.. meanwhile there is a possibility of some cellsgetting damaged in the brain. what do you mean.. these kids i.q level and grasping powerwould be less compared to the normal kids.. well if i have to explain you in detail..now bunnys actual age is eight years.. but.. but his mental age is only six years.
without realizing this.. you sent him to school at the age of fourwhen he was mentally only two years old. because of this willbunny face any problem.. yes..he cannot be like other kids.. he cannot compete with them.. you know.. unknowingly you have puttremendous pressure on him.. unknowingly even his friends also.. because bunny was not at theirlevel they did not mingle with him..
think what bunny must have gonethrough without even knowing his problem.. do you think bunnys behavior isbecause of this.. maybe.. but..we will know the actual reason of his abnormalbehavior only after counseling him.. if you do like this..finish.. hi..bunny.. come come.. good boy..how are you.. hey!what is this.. are you playing magictricks with me? show me your other hand..
turn.. turn again.. wow!! whats this.. you like it..huh! i have many magic tricks like this.. sit down.. you see this picture right.. set these things accordingly..
oh.. sidhu.. where did he go.. ha.. what are you doing there dear.. nothing mom.. i am unable to find sidhu..did you see him.. he was there outside mummy.. outside? why dear..
i tied him..you tied him? you like sidhu so much.. yes mummy..but sister diya isscared of sidhu..so i tied him.. which game do you like.. do you like puzzle games..yes.. okay.. i have a game.. its very interesting game.. in next two or three sessions we wouldsurely know the reason
then..what about diya.. please give me some time.. i will surely tell the reason whyonly bunny is able to see diya.. hi aunty.. hi..okay i will call you back.. hey bunnycommon.. common.. you look very excited..whats the matter aunty, do we have anygames today also.. games.. whatgames do you like. dino storm, xspeed race
i dont have such games with me.. but i have anotherinteresting game.. you know what is that..no.. do you have a chart in front of you..yes you have color pencils also..now.. common..common..common..yes! ha ha.. your son has mingled with us so nicely usually he is not like that.. but somehow with you..
shall we learn one more magic today..one more magic.. no now sleep.. what should i do now.. look there.. keep looking there and listen to me.. look at there.. is this a magic..shh.. silence you should look there only..
ya.. i am coming right now..yes.. today all the sessions have been completed.. please come alone tomorrow..we shall sit and discuss is everything okay doctor..ya..ya..ya..dont worry..will meet tomorrow.. bunny is absolutelyfine..nothing to worry. thank you..thank god.. but you have to give him a hope. you should make him feel like he is the mostimportant in this whole world for you. by the way if his fatherbecomes close to him..
there is no better treatmentthan that.. you know..three "ts" are veryimportant in parenting touch.. time and talk there is no better advice than this..which i can give..okay i am spending more time withbunny since you told me.. thats not enough.. you should complement them..wish them..and you should hug them..and also kiss them.. there are no better gifts for them. i will do that doctor.
but why does he behave so abnormalin the middle of the night i am getting scared in the night.. ah..i can understand.. that night in the boarding school,bunny was not sitting there to scare someone, he went into a severe depression.. without realizing that it is so darkhe was alone in the bathroom and crying. same time.. other kid came tothe bathroom switched on the light and it was mere coincidencethat bunny got up and the kid saw him and got scared.
bunny was afraid that the kid wouldcomplain to the warden, so he went and sat underthe tree and started crying.. when he realized that watchmenwas frightened to come near him. bunny gained some confidence. when watchman went and told thewarden that bunny is a ghost and bunny started getting some new ideas.. the three days you spent with him recently..were the best moments in his life. really? bunny self confidence hasincreased tremendously..
if that three days wasnot there in his life.. i am very sorry to say this.. bunny might have committed suicide.no.. i know..i will explain you.. first time..when bunnyran away from the house.. you did not bother because he hadgone to his grandmoms house.. without even discussing with him youput him in boarding school.. if his real intention was torun away from the house why do you think he behavedlike that after joining boarding school.
is it because he wanted tocome back home..no.. no.. no..if it was not for coming back homethen why did he do all this.. bunny is very depressed.. he is not in a position tounderstand what is he doing. we call this ad-hd inscientific language.. attention deficit - hyper active disorder kids having this problem willnever do anything on time.. they dont know time calculation..
instead of understanding this you getupset with him and scold him.. bunny is not just having this problem.. he has developedattention seeking behavior too.. another problem has started.. that means?he feels no one is bothered about him.. so he is busy thinking how tograb every ones attention he started thinking about it.. next level of this is conduct behavior..i mean conduct disorder.. if you notice kids who are at this level theybehavior is very dangerous.
the first part of this is..he started telling everyone that he sees diya. then how doctor..who is diya..? i could understand few things aboutdiya when i hypnotized him.. see we have deal very carefullywith bunny now.. if we dont start a proper therapy now..this will go to a different level hi mummy.. madam.. mummy i am feeling hungry..
take something fromthe refrigerator and eat.. i dont want anythingfrom the refrigerator.. then tell manga what you want.. babu..tell me what you want to eat..i shall prepare.. i dont want anything..go what happened? you are already on bed..apple is also sleeping here. what did the doctor say about bunny..today was his last session right.. oh..you remember..
why are talking like that..what happened now.. you go to sleep.. isnt he is fine now.. you keep betraying yourself like that.. some day our picture wouldcome in tv and newspaper.. please stop it pooja.. let me know the problem.. what happened to bunny.. anything serious..
yesserious problem.. i am confident that he will be fine.. but you.. i am not understandingwhat your problem is.. what happened to you.. nothing happened.. i am really very scared scared..why are you scared.. did you see sidhu shivering in rainwhile you were entering the house..
you are so fond of sidhu...even before bunny was born.. have we ever kept him outside.. go and try getting him inside..go try.. try.. please pooja.. what happened again.. hu.. hu..hu..ha.. budugu.. budugu.. budugu..budugu.. budugu.. budugu..
hu.. hu.. hu..ha..ha.. ha..hu.. hmm.. ha.. ah.. ha.. ah.. ha..hu..hu..ha.. hu.. hu..ha..hu..ha.
haa.. hu..ha..ha.. mummy..mummy..brother.. where is bunny upstairs um.. from then onwards i startedtaking sleeping pills for sleep.. do you need.. oh..no..no hope you can havedinner by yourself..
ya..i shall have dinner.. ha.. hu.. hey sidhu.. sorry dear.. sorry sorry good boy..come.. come.. come.. come on sidhu..come.. sidhu.. what happened? come on sidhu..
dear..come.. lets go inside come.. come on.. ah..sidhu.. sidhu this is too much.. stay here only.. pooja.. pooja.. ha.. ba. ba. bunny.. who?what happened son..
its me son.. da.. da.. da.. daddy..daddy.. have you come.. yes.. yes dear.. ha.. hu.. haa..hu.. please no dear.. you.. please dont do anything..please..no.. son..
pooja..pooja.. no..ha.. how dare you hit me..i will.. put it down.. i said put it down.. what happened to me? why is daddy fallen down there.. go to sleep bunny.. i said go to sleep..
now.. good night mom.. good night dad.. why did you beat him like that.. i got scared seeing him.. what to do..i got used to it.. oh my god.. thanks pooja.. i thought i was dead today..he showed me hell..
feeling scared even to imagine.. if it happens to you once.. you will understand bunny and our situation,so i also told you a story like him.. story.. why does bunny behave so abnormalat the middle of the night.. i am getting so scared every night. ah..i can understand.. i am unable to understandhow to explain you.. but as a doctor i thinki am duty bound to inform you..
hope you understand it as a mother.. please.. tell me doctor.. whatever he is doingnow is acting.. what..its impossible.. to miss school, we used to keeponions in armpits to get fever.. these days kids are so advanced.. well.. do you have any idea whatbunny does in his free time. ya.. tv, video games..i know.. you must have not observed..
in these four sessions..the things he said to me.. and most importantly.. fourth day.. when i hypnotized him.. he shared some interesting things with me.. bunny watches movies in tv.. especially horror films.. with so many channels today,its not difficult to trace a horror movie each day.. that means..
you mean is bunny getting influencedby watching such movies no..no..he gets inspiredand take some ideas from them.. the story he is telling aboutdiya is also a hollywood film.. if we allow him to prolong this story..it would be dangerous for all.. what do you mean.. i got to know about diyafrom the sessions i conducted.. diya is a mad girl who used tostay in your community.. right? but she is perfectly alright.. yes..she had earlier gone throughappendicitis operation..
whenever diya complained of stomach pain her parents would forget theirproblems and stay together.. after diya got operated and went back home..her parents again started to fight.. diya used to complain of stomachpain whenever they fought.. to stop fights.. during counseling when her parents understood thereal reason for diyas stomach pain.. they stopped fighting..and came out of this problem.. this is..diya story.. then.. then whom does bunny see..
when he realized that all ofyou are scared when he mentions diya and all your attention is focused on him.. he started continuing that story.. now we have only two options.. bunny should forget diya on his own or he himself should surrender and confessthe story of diya not that i want someone tolearn seeing our story.. it is not that we should learn from others..there is lot we can know from internet.. we can learn from them also..
i am really sorry dear.. i dont have anymore fears.. mom is talking to doctor about you only.. oh.. i did not hit him intentionally..it just happened.. oh..common pooja.. if he comes to know that you know the truth..he may attempt suicide or may kill anyone who comes in his wayon the pretext of diya.. as usual i will be careful and will manage.. you want to watch tv at homeor you want to come out with us..
i am ready mom..i will also come.. sidhu..come..come huh..! ah ha.. what is this? no mummy.. how can i do.. this is russian language.. this sofa.. me so small..how can i lift mummy.. and i was with you only..
huh.. ha.. hu.. ah.. do you know something.. do you know who is staying along withus in this house.. who?diya sister mummy.. diya sister?yes mummy.. she committed suicide as her parentstortured her to study. then? then what happened to their family..
they all died.. she killed them all andthen killed herself.. thats why she is staying here.. there mummy..can you see her.. are you not able to see her mummy.. sidhu.. you go out.. small kid.. even apple plays with her.. is it so?yes..
is it sweetheart? crying.. crying.. what happened pooja.. who messed up the house.. i am unable to understand.. common pooja pleasedont cry..please diya sister.. daddy.. mummy also saw.. diya sister?why will diya sister do..
ya.. yesterday i slapped bunny.. may be she is angry..when did you hit me mummy.. yesterday night mummythought it was you.. she did not know that it was diya.. hope you took the keys..yes..i took.. is it okay if am late..no problem mummy.. ok dear..please call if you need something.. you did not want to cometo grandmothers house.. take care..
bye son.. bye..see youbye dad.. sidhushut up sidhu..shut up.. ah.. huh!! mummy.. mummy.. happy birthday to you..happy birthday to you.. happy birthday to you.. happy birthday dear..thank you daddy..
okay go to sleep.. good night.. go to sleep..we need to go totemple tomorrow morning.. common pooja.. daddy.. yes dear. can i sleep along with you for today. sidhu is not there.. sidhu.. sidhu.. mummy someone killed sidhu..
someone killed our sidhu.. daddy someone killed sidhu.. who will kill.. son.. food poisoning may be.. let me see once.. no dad.. they killed it.. who will kill son.. why would someone kill sidhu.. our neighbors only.. whocomplained on sidhu the other day
kiran uncle? he hit sidhu that day.. knowing today is my birthday he killed sidhu..because i am very fond of him.. you please give a police complaint on them..i will..you first get inside.. first get them arrested.. how son.. its not possiblethey are not in town.. yes!they are not here since three days..
then it must be manga.. manga has still not come.. may be.. it must be diya no diya sisterno.. why son.. may be its diya..sinceshe does not like sidhu.. no..there is no diya at all what do you mean.. not there..what?
sorry daddy.. i lied tomom..and told stories.. ah..oh.. my budugu.. i got really scared you know?sorry mummy.. daddy..i want sidhu..please do something daddy.. okay..cool..lets go inside.. please daddy.. we are getting late for the party.. how can i celebrate my birthday onthe same day when sidhu is no more.. what is this daddy..
laughs..please tell him.. cool.. i will not celebrate my birthday anymore.. sorry mummy..howhelpful sidhu was to me.. even now sidhu will help you.. hey look there.. see..laughs.. really dad? yes son..
hey..sidhu..come..come..come..sidhu.. sidhu..laughs.. what are you searching dear.. i am not able to see his wounds.. oh..you mean those.. as it was your birthday we gavehim bath and all wounds disappeared .. you didnt understand? that day when mummy went for shopping.. i saw you coming back home silently..
not only that.. breaking the mirrors..spoilingsofa.. and everything.. do you know what i did afteryou broke the flower pots? i put them all at one place.. not only that.. switching the tvon and off.. birthday stars suprise.. you made sidhu act so well all these days.. but i had to literally beghim to act the death scene.. daddy..this is..too much! we also could not help but watchthe same horror movies. yes dear..all this was acting..
bunny..sorry grandmaa.. come and take bath.. come.. daddy..i am able to see diya sister.. daddy.. not only you..even wecan see her..dear.. what?ya.. how its possible dad like you even she lied to herparents about having stomach pain.. told storiesand acted very well
but see her now..she hasbecome such a good girl.. ya..i understood daddy..doctor auntys therapy.. hi bunny.. hi bunny..hi sister.. hi bunny.hi..happy birthday.. thank you sister..happy birthday.. thank you ashu.. hi diya..hi diya.. how are you? fine uncle..shall we go? hey..ok.. lets go..
come on..
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