downloaded from www.allsubs.org krazzy 4! today's meeting start here. sir, you tell,you were telling something. 'we want to put forwarda motion of peace.'

movie watch movie online, 'your words cause themost disturbance.' 'we do not believe what you say!' 'please maintain silence.' 'do not make noise.'
'that was the world in whichsane people live.' 'and this is the world inwhich those people live.. ..whom sane people call insane.' believe me mrs. bharucha, we carehospital is not a hospital. but it is a hospital! my lawyertold me it is a hospital. that's why l wantto give a donation. no, by that l meant, we don'tconsider it a hospital.. ..but a temple. the care we provide toour patients here..
..they will not get in anyother mental hospital. dr. malik, do you know whathappened yesterday? the cruel dyer massacred hundredsin jalianwala baugh. l just spoke to mahatma gandhi.he is very upset. tomorrow we have organized agathering near the hospital grounds. mahatma gandhi willbe the chief guest. nehru, sardar patel,bal gangadhar tilak.. ..bhagat singh, sukhdev, rajguru.. ..tatya tope will attendwith his grandson.
bahadur shah zafar is unwell sohe won't be able to attend. his poem will be recited. we will show the britishhow strong we are. hail motherland! 'gangadhar, a patientof schizophrenia.' 'for ten years he has been thepride of this hospital!' 'even now he thinks the countryhas not attained independence.' 'he was writing a book onthe freedom fighters.' 'but before he could completethe book he went crazy.'
clean clothes are a symbolof a clean mind and.. ..a clean mind is a symbol ofa clean society. ls that clear? ls that clear?- yes, sir! - okay. dabboo! 'dabboo, a patient ofselective mutism.' 'nobody knows anythingabout his past.' 'he has been heresince he was four.' 'nobody knows when he spoke last.' 'and nobody can say whenhe will speak next.'
what are you doing? dabboo! dabboo! can't you see he is hittingthe dog with a stick? there's no dog here. there's no stick either. why is there disbalancein the country? dabboo wants to know whythere is disbalance. because one person eats foodmade for four persons. and the other three go hungry.
lf you throw litter here, therewill be litter everywhere. lf there is litter everywhere,the crop will be as good as litter. lf that happens, we willhave litter for food. the cleaner is at it again! did you work for themunicipality earlier? do they really workin the municipality? bad manners! remove yourfeet from the chair. why do look at thingsin a different way? maybe the feet are not on the chairbut the chair is under the feet.
raja, remove your feet from thechair or l'll remove the chair. just try!- okay! you! not here! you want the chair? take it! take the chair! - world warhas started! save us, netaji! save us, mahatma gandhi! 'raja, a patient of intermittentexplosive disorder.'
'he has a volatile temperament.' 'this was known to the umpirebefore raja whose head he broke.. ..because he no-balled him.' l think we have to tellthe hospital management.. ..to make the hospital quake-proof. so that whenever there'san earthquake again.. ..the chairs should not break.lsn't it, raja? why do you do these things? l can understand as your medicineshave been discontinued..
..you might be feeling uneasy. lt's quite normal. have l not told you to countbackwards from ten to one.. ..whenever you get angry? your anger will dissipate. sometimes l don't get the chance. l'm sorry. dr. sonali, are your husbandand daughter okay? l'd like to check them.l'm on my rounds.
l am dr. mukherjee. he was! a few years ago.now you are a patient. mr. mukherjee, remove your coat. and please don't wear anydoctor's clothes again. come on, please. 'mukherjee, a patient of obsessivecompulsive personality disorder.' 'he is so obsessedwith cleanliness.. ..that if you litter anywherehe'll reduce you to litter.' good!
the reason l conduct thisgroup therapy program.. ..is because l wantto see you change. and the changes are visible. take dabboo for instance. dabboo couldn't understandus earlier. but today we know that heunderstands everything. right, dabboo? and the changes will be faster,when you help each other.. ..to overcome your weakness.
like a team. that's why l'm taking you for thelndia-england cricket match. when you watch thelndian team play.. ..you'll understand how the lndianteam plays like a team. when are we going? we mustinform mahatma gandhi. tomorrow! on lndependence daythey're playing a match in mumbai.. ..where l want to take you. do you realize what you are saying? well, personally, l thinkdr. sonali has lost it.
taking the 4 of them out for amatch. l simply will not allow it! dr. malik, l want them to reconnectwith the world. - never! raja can kill anyone in anger! sonali, l am not against you.but to take them out.. for fear of falling,if you don't make.. ..a child walk, how willhe learn to walk? sir, please trust me. you are moresenior and experienced than me. you have taught me that we shouldtreat a psychiatric patient.. ..from the heart and not the mind.
and my heart says theywon't let me down. good morning! how do l look? ls this a time to ask?- we are going for the match! why aren't you ready yet? hurry up! we have to leave at 7.lt's 3 in the morning. that means l got ready too early. going out into the worldafter so many years.. ..in that excitement..
..it was hard to pass the time.l kept looking at the watch. l thought it was running slowly. we have time. go back to sleep. when do we leave? at 6? lthink 5 is better. right? we leave at 7. now go to sleep. don't forget to wake me up?- all right. even mahatma gandhiwouldn't have been.. ..so happy on the eveof independence. do wake me up?- okay.
can't sleep? me too. waiting has its own meaning. when you do it, you hate it. when someone else doesit, you like it. no one waits for us. you and l have a similar story. l left my loved ones andyour loved ones left you. come on!
mukherjee! move!- no, l'm the captain. l will sit in front. what is going on? you don't know how to sit in a car.- mr. mukherjee! mr. gangadhar. what is going on? wait! let me decide. mr. mukherjee, you sit in front now. mr. gangadhar, you sit infront while returning. hail motherland!- okay?
why did you switch off the radio?- mukherjee, what is this? relax! lt's okay. - switch on theradio or else we will revolt. we have set out, onthis path of life. feels like we've found allthe happiness in this world. what is the coolbreeze whispering? maybe there's a new destinationit's taking. why do birds sing? why dothey remember these songs? they sing because they can fly. they are happy they are free.
we travel through differentpaths to different places. we will travel through differentpaths to different places. that's what we have decided. feels like we have found allthe happiness in this world. why does the water make waves? every moment is a new experience. every moment is a new movement. why do the trees seem likethey are touching the sky? they are the dreams of the earth,which have been fulfilled.
you know a lot. you amaze us with your wisdom. come on, everybody get downone by one. no one will rush! l'll get down first. l'm thecaptain. - no, nobody will get down. we haven't reached the stadium yet.- then why did you stop the car? my clinic is in the building behind. l have to collect importantpapers. wait here. lt's not safe fora girl to go alone. take one of us brave men along.
thank you. but wait here.l'll be right back. mr. mukherjee! see that nobody gets down. okay? - okay. l'll get down andsee to it that no one gets down. no, mr. mukherjee, you toowill not get down. okay? l'll be right back. please hurry up! l don't wantto miss the beginning. ln cricket, the first ten overs andthe last five overs is the game. lt's great fun to watch!
then why do they play themiddle thirty five overs? a lot of shooting takes place here.- shooting? film shooting! mostly horror films! a film was shot here,'the death of a doctor.' ln it, just like this, a caris parked on a deserted road. a doctor is sitting in it. suddenly a man appearsat the window. the doctor can't see himbecause he is a spirit.
the spirit possesses the doctor. and it breaks the doctor's neck. mahatma gandhi, save us! what's wrong with dabboo? he has scared him! he wants to urinate. go out and do it. nobody goes out! nobodyis allowed to go out! then do it in here.he will clean it.
you can't do it in here. we'llhave to find a toilet. hurry up! else he'll turnthe car into a toilet. control! control! excuse me, gentleman! one minute.- yes. where do you go to relieveyourself? - wherever you want. l mean where is the toilet? where is the toilet? - that's whatl'm asking, where is the toilet? that's what l am sayingwhere is the toilet? dabboo, do it by the wall.
no, that's not the toilet. lt's not one today. tomorrow,it will become one. go! free man of a free country,freely relieve yourself. you will soil the countryon its independence day? keep an eye on him. don't look, he isfeeling embarrassed. no, keep an eye on him. then look at him in such a waythat he doesn't see. - okay. let go of me.
blood was gushing out of his necklike water from a broken pipe. the doctor was slim, tall, hadlarge eyes, wore a thin tie.. ..and kept two pens in his pocket.- l'm not that doctor! l'm not that doctor! stop it!- l'm not that doctor. did you go to relieve yourselfor build a toilet? why are you so frightened? lt's just a pup. get in.- come in. pass me the biscuits.
where is dr. sonali? how are you, rana? don't ask me how l am? tell me how you are. acting on the insanity pleayour lawyer had filed.. ..the panel of four doctorsthe court had appointed.. ..we have bought overthree doctors.. ..and the fourth who can't bebribed has been kidnapped. all four doctors will complete theformality of your examination.
and they'll write in the reportthat you are mentally unstable. then you'll be sent to a mentalhospital from prison. getting you out of there will be aseasy as taking cash out of an atm. shrivastav, don't forget, the moneywhich you have been enjoying.. ..has been given by me. lf l have taken extorted peoplethen you have given me protection. lf l have killed then youhave erased the evidence. you've taken a cut from everyillegal transaction l've made. lf l go, your wholesystem will also go.
sachin is still there. we're having fun watching the match! lt's a superb match! lsn't it? sachin is playing really well! what a shot! the ballwent like a bullet! come on, sachin, we want a six! come on sachin! we want a six!- raja! we want a six!- raja, behave yourself. raja, control! watch the matchquietly. don't distract sachin.
quietly, my foot! 34 overs havebeen bowled. we're still here! we came out to watch the match! raja, l'll complain aboutyou to dr. sonali. what will you complain about? no violence please!- l'll throw your pad out! start counting! start counting! counting! dr. sonali! dr. sonali! shut up! l'm out of my mind! l'm asking aman, who doesn't talk, to shut up!
l feel we should bring dr.sonali from her clinic. that's it! that's it!l can't stay here. raja, sit down! raja! raja!- complain to her about me! raja, come on!- no violence! - ten, nine. l must change his treatment. what's the score? - happylndependence day to all our viewers. on the occasion of 60th yearof lndian independence.. ..l am at the amphitheatreon band stand..
..standing next to the statueof the great mahatma gandhi.. ..who helped us gain independence. let's ask these people, what theyfeel about our independence? sir, tell me, how does it feel tobreathe in independent lndia? lt stinks! there isgarbage everywhere. the sewers are open. thereare mosquitoes everywhere! diseases are spreading! malaria,blood pressure, diabetes. lt's terrible! okay.
can you tell me who has writtenour national anthem? javed akhtar. can you tell me? rabindranath tagore! lndia is the most beautifulin the world. do you know what kalidaskejriwal did.. ..when he heard this songfor the first time? who is kalidas kejriwal? don't you know kalidas kejriwal?- no.
neither do l, but lhave read about him. he was a soldier in thelndian national army. and do you know what he did whenhe heard this song? - what? a feeling of patriotism arosein him. like this! - okay. then he wore his slippers.like this! - okay. opened his door. like this!- okay and he followed the procession.- okay. mr. gangadhar looks like a realfreedom fighter, doesn't he? nice story!
but he didn't say whetherkalidas returned. raja, where were youthese four years? on a long holiday. at a mental rehab centre. didn't you say that l get angrytoo often? l should get treated. so l went away. l was there for four years. l have returned today. how are you now?
the same! mad, about you. l am the captain of the team. and half the team has deserted me. who is the senior-most doctorin dr. sonali's absence? me. who is the most intelligentin dr. sonali's absence? correct, me! someone has to find these twobefore dr. sonali returns. who will do it?
correct, me! okay, l'llgo. you stay here. and don't be afraid. dabboo, be brave! be brave! like me! okay? l'm off. uncle, move on! yes! what can l do for you? how does this cost?- who needs it? l need it. you need it.lndia needs it.
our future generations need it. what is the price of independence? are you a crazy guy? you loafer!get lost from here. foolish woman! hello, where is the fancydress competition? where? rang sharda? yes. speak up! rang sharda! where is it? hello! speak up! l've been in make-up for an hour.- bapu.
l can't hear you properly! bapu, independence at 50 percentdiscount. - speak up! what? lt's really cheap! take it!- what did you say? no signal? the signal is fine.l'm standing right under it! how are you?- what? left from mahim? yes!- l longed to meet you! what? get back! do one thing!send me an sms. bapu, how is ba? move! - bapu, you can't leave me!the british have abducted our doctor.
suresh, come here!- bapu! suresh, come here quickly!- bapu! hurry up!- hey you! let's go!- uncle, you too are here! uncle who? have you lost it? who is he?- help me! he is mad! bapu, l will go with you. uncle, where are going to make salt? bapu, hit me on the other cheekas well! - other cheek? here!
let's go! he has driven me mad! bapu getting violent! excuse me, l'm from we care..- move on! excuse me! excuse me. - excuse me! yes! - you can't litteron the road like this! why? did your father make this road? no, he didn't make roads, he madebiscuits. he owned a bakery. did your father make it?
yes, what will you do? ls this how you disrespectyour father's hard work? what's going on? are you crazy? yes, l am. - what? dr. mukherjee! a patient from we carerehabilitation centre. he is certified mad! he might harmus! let's go! forget him! let's go. don't stare at him! let's go!- listen to me!
excuse me!- you are mad. excuse me! excuse me, sir! have you seen two mental patients? l have.- where? one is before me, theother is before you. have you consumed alcohol?- yes. you drink? drinkingalcohol is not nice. you will die! who says you'll dieif you drink alcohol?
people die here because of water.- because of water? how? on 26th july 2005. 400 people drowned in mumbai. were they drunk? people in my villagedie out of thirst. or die after drinkingthe water they get. why blame alcohol?- excuse me? answer me!
have you seen our doctor?- doctor? she's a beautiful lady.- lady? yes.- beautiful? lady!- l've seen her. - where is she? doctor. listen. who's that? who's that girl? who's that? who's that girl?- check her out! hi. hey you, with the attitude.- beautiful.
hey you, free-spirit. my restlessness doesn't end. l can't take my eyes off you. l can't take my eyes off you.- come on! come on! keeps looking at me. keeps looking at me intently. keeps looking at me fixedly. he gazes at me from a distance. just tell me!
what are you looking at? just tell me, whatare you looking at? tell me freely, o lover. really? come baby! want a beat to fly. wow, what moves! you've renounced the whole world. and fallen for me. you've forsaken your loved ones.
and become ignorant of the world. you keep looking at me morning,noon and night. am l so beautiful? what is it about me? come on. hey you! everybody, don't stop! with the rhythm now,do the hip-hop! with the rhythm now, do thehip-hop! - come on, you! come on, everybody! jump!
come on, you! hey you, with the attitude. hey you, free-spirit.- l can't take my eyes off you. crazy people! there's my house l haveto go that way. you? l.. shikha, l know you'restill upset with me. and you are totally justified. l mean, my behaviour was deplorable.
lf you don't mind, can l cometo your house? please. l want to apologize to your dad. l behaved very rudely that day. l mean.. you took me to introduceme to your dad.. ..and l messed it up. thursday night. what? why isn't any businesschannel playing? don't know but..- then switch off the tv.
why are you wrestlingwith the remote? you know, you're just like my aunt.she also watches tv all day. he's just joking, dad.- no, l'm not joking. really! she didn't speak to myuncle for 6 months. watching tv all day,changing channels. she has even broken the remote. l'll get some snacks. raja, what do you do?- l play cricket. so what do you do?
l said l play cricket!- l'm not asking about your hobby. what do you do for a living? l play cricket for the west zone. look raja, shikha likes you. l have no objections but.. what happened? he slapped me!- what? your dad has no manners! he'sblowing smoke on my face. couldn't you tell meto blow it elsewhere?
can't you see l'm sitting here?couldn't you ask before smoking? l'll thrash you!- raja, stop it! how dare you slap my dad?get out! just leave! you're throwing me out! throw himout instead. watches tv all day! you're sick! you've lost it! first, you hit an elder andthen talk rudely to him! people are right, you're mad. l am mad? l am mad? all right, take this!
get out of my house!get out of my life! l'm leaving! and l'll nevercome back, you watch. dad, raja. uncle, l'm extremely sorry. l really behaved badly with youthat day.. - no, it's okay. actually, you were right.l've quit smoking. shikha, can l talk to youfor a moment? - okay. please excuse us. shikha! shikha?- she's inside.
why did you bring him here? dad, l met him all of a sudden.he wanted to meet you so.. - dear! you're going to getengaged to pranav. l'm pranav.- raja. great! raja, what do you do? l have just returned. from where? uk? us? canada?- no, from a mental hospital. great! what?
no, l'm a mental patient. my problemis l can't control my anger. when l get angry l'm uncontrollable! but l'm much better now. yes! raja, what do you get angryabout? about everything? no, l was not that crazy. there are certain things whichl just can't understand. then l get violent. for example.. ..people blow smoke onothers' faces, l mean.. ..l just hate smokers, you know.
they have no respectfor others' feelings. but l'm fine now.- great! and what do you do?- me? l'm a creative director for thenews channel, aaj tak. - okay! shikha also works there.- yes, l know. actually, we are goingto get engaged. you know, she's so beautiful! she's so wonderful and fantasticand intelligent! she's gorgeous!
lf it were up to me, l'dmarry her tomorrow! marriage! you will marryher? l'll kill you! l'll kill you!- raja! raja!- l'll kill you! shikha, stop him!- will you marry her? shikha, stop him!- stop it! raja! stop it! just stop it!- raja! will you marry her! let go of me!- raja!
stop it! stop it, please. please. why did you do this to me?l love you, shikha! l love you. how can you marry him?- come with me. shikha, please!- come with me! did you smoke before him? no, l just took out a cigarette. what?- yes. l got too hopeful. l should've known better. no onewaits for someone for 4 years?
nobody can! lf someone justdisappears from your life.. ..why would they wait? do you think only you can get angry? l told you to leaveand you just left! never thought about talking to me? and four years later yourealize you were wrong.. ..and you should apologizeto my dad. what a nice way to apologize! you know raja, l feel sorry for you.
you haven't changed. yes, l am what l used to be. l was mad then. l am mad now! our doctor had brought us here.she went away somewhere.. ..and the other three wereboring me in the car. where are they now?- how do l know? how should l know? andwhy should l care? they are not my responsibility! you're right. lt's notyour responsibility.
because it's the job ofa responsible person. when l needed you, youbehaved irresponsibly. now perhaps, when theyneed you, again you? you'll never change. yes, never! l don't careabout anyone's feelings! because l'm a selfish,self-centered man! and l don't care! l don't need anybody in my life!not even you! ls that clear? sorry!- pardon me!
why did you collide from behind? why did you come from behind? l noticed you went that way, howdid you come from the other side? because earth is round. l got down from the car over there,went around and came here. no, you didn't get down overthere. you got down here. no, l got down there not here. had you got down over there,the car would've been there. the car was right there,where is it?
not there, it was here!- not here, it was there. one minute, let mesolve this problem. lt was here! dabboo relievedhimself over here. lt wasn't here and neither diddabboo relieve himself over here. lt was there and dabboo relievedhimself over there. all right then, show mehow he did it.- me? l don't want to! you don't have to actually do it.just take the position and show me. like dabboo?- yes.
okay? dabboo was over there.. ..and the car was behind him. should l come back?- no hold! mr. gangadhar, what are you doing? l was showing him, dabboo wasrelieving himself here.. ..and the car was over there. no, the car was not there,it was here. lt's not important where thecar was. where is it now? that's what we were deciding.
where is dabboo?- we have to ask dabboo! l'll show you the car position. raja! raja! just follow me! wait! where is the team goingwithout the captain? lt's so hot! will you eat something? lmmediately ready to eat.must be a cop! sir, l think he is a terrorist.he dares to smile before you. really? hand him over to the police.
come on, get in the lock up! he's smiling again. dabboo, are you alright? who are you? and why haveyou brought this dog here? hello, l'm dr. mukherjee! l'm the captain of the team. and he's my patient, dabboo.- patient? what patient? what's wrong with him? he's a mental patientfrom a mental hospital.
how do you know? we too have come from there.- what? because we too have come from there. you've come to right place. pay200 rupees, take the car.. ..and get going. l'mvery busy today. why 200 rupees? lt's the day we got our freedom.let me take a bribe freely. wife wants the new tri-coloredsari available in the market. she'll wear it this evening.- aren't you ashamed?
you'll buy the tri-colourwith bribe money! why be ashamed? people wear thetri-colour and take bribe. l'm only using the bribe moneyto buy the tri-color. what do you want? our dr. sonali has beenmissing for 5 hours. we'd be grateful ifyou can find her. she has been missingsince only 5 hours. she's a lady doctor. she musthave gone out shopping. you'll find her where she left you.
besides this is the traffic stationnot a police station. got it! and the police willalso not register.. ..a missing person's reportbefore 24 hours. so what should we do?- what? what should we do? call her on her mobile,incoming is free. l have her number.can l use your phone please? yes.- thank you. the hutch phone is not reachableplease call again.
lt's not reachable. okay. no problem. call dr. malik. he'llfind dr. sonali. and he'll fire her and takeus back to the hospital. call dr. sonali's husband. but how do we get herresidence phone number? here! hello!- yes, hello! got it! let me talk! l'm thecaptain. - let me talk. wait a while.
ask him whether dr. sonaliis at home. - hello! you too keep quiet!please!-tell him.. ..dr. mukherjee wantsto talk to him. - give. l'm talking to him! hello! hello, is this dr.sonali's residence? yes. but madam is not home. may l talk to her husband? he has gone for lunch tothe hotel renaissance. ls there any message for him?- thank you.
we have to go the renaissancehotel. yeah! - renaissance! good! we'll have lunch and meetdr. sonali's husband as well. no! no! who are you? why haveyou brought me here? what's going on? why did you showmy husband's clips on tv? lt was definitely notfor your entertainment. who are you?-neither you.. ..nor your husband nor l havethe time for introductions. the person who can shoot yourhusband with a camera..
..how much time will it take forhim to shoot him with a gun? no! please don't do such a thing.please! - then you have to do it. what do l have to do? dr. sonali! you have an appointment at victoriahospital at 11 am tomorrow. yes, l do. you have to examine acriminal called rana.. ..and establish hismental condition. you'll come with us tomorrow andcertify that he is insane.
lf you don't do this, your husbandwill be killed first.. ..and then your daughter, whostudies in panchgani.. - no! please don't do such a thing!please, l beg of you! l'll do as you say. one more thing, dr. sonali.after signing.. ..if you reveal thetruth to anyone.. ..don't forget we can kill yourhusband anywhere, anytime. mr. khandelwal, your glass isempty! lt's not right. - no, sir! don't hesitate at my party!waiter! excuse me!
one more glass ofjuice please!- how are you, richard? large!- very good! - how are you? juice! you just had whisky! he is having whisky buthe calls it juice. being a leader one feels guilty aboutconsuming alcohol on 15th august. guilty!- yes! mr. apte have you spokento mr. shinde? don't worry, mr. sanyal. we'vetied-up with every party. you'll get voted to the rajya sabha.
see, l'm relying on you guys.l'm relying on all of you. don't worry.- excuse me. be there at 6 okay.- sri. - wait here. hi!- hi! what's happening? what'sgoing on? who are you? mr. sanyal, we have somethingimportant to tell you. ls this the way? nobody was allowing us to meet you. l am raja. and we are yourwife's patients. - and so?
we had come with her this morning. and she has been missing for thepast few hours. - missing? yes. she's missing! don't stop! you could get an infection!continue! - you.. l'll take it!- l'll get it - continue please. loudspeaker! 'mr. sanyal, congratulations!your wife has agreed to sign.' 'your plan to kidnap you wifehas worked.' - excuse me!
hey! you! you got your wife kidnapped? kidnap?- yes. just let me go!- catch him! mukherjee, get him! let go of him! hey move! don't fear him. kidnap!
did he kidnap dr. sonali?- yes! stop! ldiot. thank you, shrivastav.you came on time. l called from the hotel lobby. the way the phone got disconnected.. ..l figured something was wrong. who are they?- sonali's patients! they were there when shewas kidnapped. - what?
yes. kill them all! don't be stupid! not here.take them away. all right, take them. excuse me, sir. zip up! lts bad manners! lt feels like, bhagat singh,sukhdev, rajguru and azad.. ..are being taken to the gallows. colour my clothes yellow.
hail motherland! hail motherland! gentleman! gentleman! gentleman, listen!- mr. ghosh, come in! ashtray?- shut up! gun! straight! excuse me! stop there! who are you? carryingguns in the hotel? dcp shrivastav, crime branch.
l'm sorry, sir. they are terrorists. we've been on a look out for them. ls this the kind ofsecurity you provide? he's lying! take him away! shrivastav! will this create a problem? had you told us they wouldbe with your wife..
..we would've kidnapped them all. when l had told sonali to getthe papers from the clinic.. ..she didn't inform me thatthey will also be with her. don't worry. l'llbury them so deep.. ..that even your wife willforget they were with her. dabboo, where are we going? where are we going? kakori! to rob a train!nobody should know. excuse me, sir. how far is kakori?
do you have piles in the mouth? piles in the mouth? how canyou have piles in the mouth? do you get a headachein your stomach? conjunctivitis in your wrist? then how can you havepiles in your mouth? let me show you where youget piles. stand up! get up! drive safely and slowly!reach safely! drive on the road noton the potholes!
where is the road? potholes here!potholes there! potholes everywhere! and where there are none,there will be tomorrow! your car is so dirty! look how much dust has gathered? l cut my finger! ldiot! raise your finger, itwill heal faster. yes! over here!
get him out! how dare you show your fingerto my girlfriend! get down!- what happened? you've cut your finger!- get down! he has come to take a look. who?- get down! get down! show him your finger! hurry up! what's going on? whoare these people?
run! come on. let's go! krazzy 4. they've escaped! catch them! oh dispenser of lndia's destiny..- gangadhar, mukherjee.. ..thou art the ruler ofthe minds of all people. thy name rouses thehearts of punjab.. ..sindh, gujarat, themaratha country.. ..in the dravida country,utkala and bengal.
lt echoes in the hills of thevindhyas and himalayas.. ..it mingles in the rhapsodies.. ..of the pure waters ofyamuna and the ganges. they chant only thy name. they seek only thy auspiciousblessings. they sing only the gloryof thy victory. o! dispenser of lndia's destiny.. victory to thee, victory to thee. victory to thee.
victory, victory, victory,victory to thee! glory to lndia! catch them!- stop! you should be caught!you nasty people! he's right! he pushed my wifeduring the national anthem. those who don't respect thenational anthem are traitors! thrash the traitors! hit them! hit them! first make a queue! then hitthem one by one! - hey you.
we have to go with them. no, we don't! let's go! run! move! wait! even mahatma gandhi didn't makethe british run around.. ..as much as they are making us run. why are we running so much? lf we don't run, they will kill us.because we know the truth.
that they kidnapped dr. sonali. lf they have kidnapped thenwhy are they after us? we should be after them. no, we should report to the police. they are the police! the policehave kidnapped her. but you said those guyshave kidnapped her! these are the policemen whohave kidnapped dr. sonali. understand this, if we don'trun, they will kill us. and then no one will come tosave either us or dr. sonali.
lf we run like this, theywill make us run forever. then we should make them run likefreedom fighter pankaj udhas did. freedom fighter, pankajudhas? he's a singer! gangadhar told me he wasa freedom fighter. when did l tell you? you told me, pankaj udhaswas chased by a dog. then he chased the dog! then both stoppedchasing each other. that was not pankajudhas but jatin das.
mr. mukherjee, increaseyour knowledge. sorry, l got mixed up! how could you forget jatin das?- but l remember the dog's name. what was it?- what? name?- whose? - the dog's. - dog! whose dog?- shut up! shut up! l'm fed up of you! count quickly! 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!
3, 2, 1! look, if we have to save dr. sonalithen we have to work as a team. okay? team! we are a team! yes, we are a team! okay!and l'm the captain. quiet, absolutely quiet! just do what l say. as long as we are a team,nobody can harm us. now we will not run! we givethem a fitting reply! first tell us what is the question?
what question? - to which wehave to give a fitting reply. are you telling me those four crazyguys are more intelligent than you? no! l think they are more stupidthan those crazy guys. don't worry, mr. sanyal.where will they go? patil!- yes, sir! seal the entire area. lnform every police stationto arrest these guys. okay? okay, sir. hurry up! they would nothave gone too far! - sir!
go along with them. go! shrivastav, what if those madmentell someone about us? no! nobody will believe them. lf some madman believes them,there will be an enquiry.. ..the truth will be out.your plan will fail. lt was your plan tokidnap your wife.. ..to get rana declared insane and.. ..then get him out ofthe mental hospital. was there any other way?
his case will come upin court in ten days. lf he reveals our namesin court then.. l'll lose the rajya sabhaseat and with it.. - great! you're worried about not beingelected but l'll lose my job! you businessmen and politicianswill pay bribes and get out freely. we'll be made the scapegoats! all because of your wife! shrivastav, l had no idea sonali.. ..would be on the panelof four psychiatrists..
..appointed by the court. what's the phone numberof your wife's hospital? where are those files? yes, dr. khambatta here! did four patients leaveyour hospital today? patients! yes. what yes? they have created havoc in the city. but sir, one of our doctorsis with them. dr. sonali!
there is no doctor with them!- wait a minute, sir. just listen! the police are looking for them. lf they contact you or if they comethere then inform me immediately. note down my number. we should call!- where? the hospital!- why the hospital? to tell dr. malik that dr. sonalihas been kidnapped by her husband. phone!- phone? keep it on that table!
excuse me, gentleman! will youplease give me the phone? excuse me, can we use the phone? do you have 3 rupees? we don't have money. - you can'tcall if you have no money. please! - get lost! - justone call! - just a minute! are you crazy?- what did you say? 10, 9, 8, 7..- okay! okay! let's call from some other shop.- hey, leave it! where do they come from?- come on!
hey, leave it here! there are britishers everywhere! raja, now let me handle this, okay? greetings!- yes, what do you want? excuse me!- phone! we don't sell phones. no. - lt's okay. - we don't wantto buy. we want to make a call. that will be 3 rupees.- excuse me! go ahead.- excuse me! - okay.
but we don't have money! no money! ls this your father'sshop? - we don't have money! mukherjee, l'll kill you! 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1. don't kill me. your fingerprintswill be on my neck! you'll be hanged! why did you open your mouth? we could have told himafter making the call. what could he have done? but you should havetold us the plan.
we are a team and l'm the captain..- no, you're not! let's call from here. lt's not for free. we haveto put a rupee coin. we don't even have a rupee!- no! let's ask someone for it. excuse me. good afternoon. l'm dr. mukherjee. will yougive me a rupee please? why?- l have to make a call. why should l give?
because l'm asking for it. really? tomorrow you'llsay we should give.. ..kashmir to musharrafbecause he asks for it? where is mukherjee? ask him whether he has a rupee! pardon me, sir. do you havea rupee? - yes, l do. thank you. stay there!- he has a rupee. then why didn't youtake it from him?
you told me to ask, not take it. where is dabboo?- listen! excuse me, do you have a rupee? we'd be grateful if you help us. l'm a bank manager. takemy advice, mister. one rupee, one millionor a billion. take a loan from the bankand forget your worries. good advice. okay, worriesare gone. now what? first send an application,with the loan's intention.
give us a guarantee. along with the papersof your property. lf you want a loan. what nonsense! do you have brainsor phone in your head? does anyone take aloan for a phone? excuse me, mister! can you spare a rupee? stupid, you are askingme for a rupee? what l am and look whatyou're asking for?
wow! what a voice? has this doctor met a singer? l'm a professor. and a philosopher. why a rupee, l'll give you knowledgeworth a million. - listen! with globalizationand liberalization. lnternational economy is changing. recession is increasingand there is inflation. and constant fluctuation.
lt's a matter of 10 rupees! only 10 rupees! may your shares rise.may your income grow. o ten rupee man! o ten rupee man! o ten rupee man! you can move mountains, wecan't even shift pebbles. you get 10 rupees. we can'teven get a rupee. we can't even get a rupee. you are stupid!
learn the ways of the world. big things have value. always beg for big.- yes. l'm a respectable beggar. lf l ask for a rupee. my position will bereduced to dust. now l have understood. now l have realized. the value of money.
the value of money! money is rounder thanthe sun and the moon. money is more preciousthan love and affection. money is everything in this world. life has no meaning without money. money! money! lf this is the world we live in. l say, to hell with the world! hello raja! this is dr. malik.
dr. malik, we are in a problem. problem? raja, where are you? l'm.. at a phone booth oppositechitra cinema. what? a phone booth oppositechitra cinema! raja, what is the problem? our problem is..- tell them we have no money. tell them we are hungry.send some sandwiches! l'm trying to talk. please,one minute!
listen!- greetings, this is gangadhar! give it to me. - let me talk.l'm talking! - why can't l talk? dcp shrivastav! - shut up! l'mthe captain of the team. our captain is mahatma gandhi.- hello. raja, where is dr. sonali? that's what l wanted to tell you. dr. sonali..- dr. malik! hello! hello, doctor! lt got disconnected!
let me talk!- dr. mukherjee! hello! greetings dr. malik.sonali has been kidnapped. raja is uncontrollable. and thereis no message from mahatma gandhi. mr. mukherjee, staywithin your limits. do you understand what l am saying? this is not fair! this is not right! you gave the phone to gangadhar!don't you love me? lt got disconnected!- got disconnected! - yes! you didn't get to talk!- no!
l told you only an intelligentman can do this. raja, you're not worthyof being a captain. raja, where are you going?- where are you going, raja? raja, come here! l can'thandle all these people! let's say sorry to him! raja, we are with you.- raja! sorry!- go on! sorry! why don't you understand?
l know we are in trouble. but dr. sonali is in biggertrouble than us. she has always helped us. today she needs our help andwe are behaving like this! please! please! do you think l'm mad?you've gone mad! don't leave me, please! don't go! really? l will leave youbefore you leave me. you don't know me! you'vedriven me mad!
yes, l'm mad! completely mad! this is the booth, dcp shrivastavtold us about. no!- get him! put them in the van! come on, let's go from here. even the hospital is hand-in-glovewith them. what do we do now? mahatma gandhi will do everything. only he can help ourcountry get freedom.
wait! where is mukherjee? mishti! my daughter! are these curtains new?- yes. they're nice! dr. sonali says l'mbetter than before. l tried to meet you manytimes but you refused. can l get some water? mishti misses you a lot!
there was a call from your hospital. they were asking whetheryou have come here. did you tell them anything? l didn't know. some people have kidnappedour dr. sonali. my team and l have to save her. and l am the captain of the team. team? are there others with you?- yes.
they're waiting outside. mr. gangadhar, don'tgo anywhere, please? under these circumstances,l won't let you go. lf l don't go today, l won'tbe able to come back. can l help you? do you have some money? lt's okay even if you don't. l can't take your money.- our money! l have just 400 rupeesright now. keep it.
this much is enough. papa, look, l sketched mymummy and papa. look! l also drew this house.mishti's house! give me a star! can't you make a star?see, l'll show you. yes!- ma'am, mr. raja wants to meet you. tell him l don't want to meet him. sir, l'm sorry. madam doesn'twant to meet you. she's busy at the moment.
l'll talk to her. pleaseconnect me to her. what are you doing? security!security! - yes ma'am! escort them out!- come on! please!- come on out! lt's very important thatl talk to shikha! please! come on out! what the hell? what's going on? pranav, l have to talkto shikha. please! please pranav!- throw them out!
pranav, let me talk to her! pranav.- stop it. sir, don't hit raja! we will not strike back! beatus as much as you want! shikha! shikha, help! stop it! l say, stop it! pranav, what's going on?
they were trying toforce their way in. shikha! please! can't you understand? l don'twant to meet you. go away! shikha, we are in deep trouble. please, listen tome once! just once! lf not for me, at least for them. they are my friends. dr. mukherjee.- hello. this is dabboo.
and this is mr. gangadhar. please shikha! please! you've always accused me ofbeing a self-centered man. that l shirk my responsibilities. shikha, today l am trying tochange. won't you support me? shikha, l needed youand l always will. please, help us. raja, it wouldn't make any differencewhether l believe you or not. nobody takes action on apsychiatric patient's report.
besides what proof do we have that.. ..sanyal and shrivastav areinvolved in sonali's kidnapping? first we have to find outwhere dr. sonali is. and only sanyal can tell us. why would he?- kidnap! kidnap? - what are you trying tosay? we should kidnap sanyal? kidnap! that's againstour principles. you know, actually he's right. by kidnapping sanyal, we canfind out where dr. sonali is.
heads up! you! hey you! krazzy with a k! that's the way. say, k r a z z y. do it anyway. just putthe k in k r a z z y. break free, go take a break. shatter all walls. break free, open your hand. and seize the world.
l don't play mild. l just go wild. like there is no tomorrow. so get with me. and you will see. what craziness will follow. you got to rule. don't forget. that you are cool. open your heart to me.
what's in your soul? tell me. so if you wanna.. the heart is crazy. 1 and a 2 and a 3 and a 4. swing it with me, buddy. don't mess with me, coz l'm crazy. anything you say, baby,that don't faze me. can nobody stop me now,coz l break free. let's go wild.
this world will killyour beating heart. but don't lose hope. you got to prove. yougot the groove. show some courage. you got to sing. and do your thing. listen to your heart. with a smile. show me your style. steal a million hearts.
so if you wanna. do it anyway. just put the k in k r a z z y. bravo! fire! run! fire! run! you? kidnap!- what?
would this noose fit him? mr. sanyal, they want to kill you! you are? l'm a reporter for aajtak news channel. they wanted me to reporton my channel.. ..that you've got yourwife kidnapped. when l refused, they..- kidnap! l have not kidnapped my wife. then where is dr. sonali?
l don't know! her mobile is switched off. l spoke to her when she leftthe hospital this morning. now l don't know where she is. she'll be back soon. and if she doesn't? he'll go to the police. right? yes, that's right. l'llgo to the police. why are you looking at her?look over there.
lf my wife doesn't return,l'll go to the police. yes, mr. sanyal loves his wife. yes, l love my wife. he'll give away all his propertyto whosoever finds his wife. whoever..- don't look at her! look over there and speak! whoever finds my wife, l'll givehim 5 million.. 10 million.. no, l'll give him 50 million. first make up your mind!
l'll give 50 million to theone who finds my wife. hello! where are you going? where are you going? please! fools! can't even tiea rope properly! no, don't worry about me.- no please! run! the country needs you. will you manage?- yes. the door is over there. thanks! how could you think l'd allow sucha tape to be played on my channel?
not ours, this was shikha'splan. please help us. get out of my office right now.- pranav, please! try to understand.this is important. have you also gone mad like them? they are not mad.- then am l mad? l don't want to discuss it.- what? pranav, please. lt's a request.help us! help me! sure! sure, l'll help you.l'll call the police. no, pranav!
pranav! l know how to deal withmadmen like you. pranav! stop it, pranav! pranav, what are you doing?stop it! - stay away! 10!- pranav! 9! 8! 7! raja, stop counting and hit him! what?- hit him! sinner!- good shot!
lndustrialist r.k. sanyal's wife,dr. sonali sanyal has been kidnapped. according to our sources,she was kidnapped.. ..on her way from hospitalthis morning. her husband, mr. sanyal hasinformed us about this incident. lf my wife doesn't return,l will go to the police. mr. sanyal has announced a rewardof 50 million rupees.. ..for safe return of his wife. whoever finds my wife, l'll rewardhim with 50 million rupees. oh god!
they fooled me! this girl is in cahoots with them. lt's an appeal to all our viewers.. ..if they get any informationabout dr. sonali.. ..they should call on 9821688800. sting operation! they think the public will findsonali to get the 50 million rupees. do one thing. file a report withthe police. - what report? that your wife has been kidnappedby the four patients..
..with whom she came to mumbai. dr. malik, did you read aboutsonali's kidnapping? - yes! this is what l was afraid of. they can do anything. raghu! patil! chavan! more! oh no! a flat tyre! couldn'tyou keep a spare? how could l have known? - hurry up!she may regain consciousness.
she's worth 50 million!- don't worry. the effect of the tabletwill last for an hour. let's take her to thenews channel quickly. each one will get 12.5 million!stop a taxi! taxi! where to?- worli! get in, who's stopping you! what are you doing? only fourpassengers! can't you read? lt means only four passengers!
stop!- four passengers! okay? taxi! stop! how much is our share now?- shut up! - stop. l have seen the lady somewhere.- where? l can't recall but l'msure l have seen her. yes! now l remember where.- where? where have you seen her?- who? the lady?- yes. l've seen her. sitting in thistaxi! lt's ajoke. laugh!
where are we? we have togo to the news channel. you don't need to go to newschannels. they will come to you. bajrangi! bali! sugreev! jamvant!come here! - who are they? they are news readers. pleasegive them the breaking news! hello! who is this? lt is l, taxi yadav. where from?- from lower parel. okay, what can l do for you? just listen! l have her with me.
who? - the lady doctor witha 50 million reward. dr. sonali has been found! what? she has been found? yes!- where is she? lower parel.- where in lower parel? near mahalaxmi. - l know itsnear mahalaxmi but where? mahalaxmi is a big area.- greetings! how may l help you? note down the address!- tell me. 15, washermen's colonynear bajrangi's gym.
shikha will be here any minute.we should wait. there's no time! let's go! did you call us?- yes. you are?- l'm dr. mukherjee! yes!- he is raja! dabboo! gangadhar! and..- enough! educated men! they'respeaking in english. lt's them. come on! come on, bajrangi,show them!
please come! what happened? whereis the lady doctor? she was tied up in a bundle here.- then where is she? she's not here! lmli!- coming! what is it? why are you screaming? where is the bundle of clothes thatwas kept here? - l sent it! where?- for washing! washing?
bajrangi!- which bundle is it? which bundle is it? lt was a white bundle! all bundles are white? couldn'tyou put her in a black one? search for her! come on, open all the bundles. open all the bundles!- help us, washer-man! what are you doing with our clothes? hey, they are ruining our clothes.
bhola! badri! shankar! theyare messing up our clothes. come on, hurry up. come on, hurry up. nab them. excuse me. sorry! gangadhar! dabboo! let's go! let's go!- come on! l have a complaint againstyour husband. first let's take herto shikha's office. okay. gangadhar, call fora stretcher, please.
stretcher!- where will we find one? have courage, son. papa! come on. - let's get your father'sbody. - found a stretcher! where's the bier? krazzy 4 mishra! the moment we meet raja.. ..grab him from behindand inject him. no, sir! you handle raja.l will handle the rest.
look, someone died. mukherjee!- oh no! that's raja! stop the van! that way! that way! that's the bier!- my papa's bier! catch them!- my papa's bier! nab them. my papa's bier. nab them. 'dr. sonali, you havean appointment..
..at victoria hospitalat 11 a.m. tomorrow.' hey! listen to me. stop! please, l have togo to victoria hospital. lt's a matter of someone'slife and death. please give me a lift! please! get in!- thank you. rickshaw! thank you!
dabboo, come on!- dabboo! - stop! stop! stop the car!- dabboo! dabboo, come on! get in! come on! l'm getting late. please hurry up! hello!- raja, where are you? l'm following shrivastav!- but why? because dr. sonali is with him.- what? why is he going tovictoria hospital? victoria hospital?
raja, an internationalcriminal rana.. ..is going to be examined atvictoria hospital today at 11. by four psychiatrists..psychiatrists! oh my god! could sonali's kidnappingbe connected to this? excuse me! l'm dr. sonali sanyal.l have to examine a patient. but madam, your patienthasn't arrived yet. kindly wait in the waiting room. we will inform you of his arrival.
oh no! come with me! come with me,l know where to go! - where? ready! 1, 2, 3! go!- mukherjee! get back! get back! get back! please get back! doctor, your patient has arrived.you can come. - okay. thank you, officer. hey! sign the papers quicklyand l'm in a rush! where are the other three doctors?
there. dr. sonali, we have somethingimportant to tell you. please come with us.- what's going on? l have to leave. you can haveyour discussions later. we are discussing howto declare you insane. okay, hurry up! but where is mukherjee? thank you, for all your help. tell mishti, l miss her a lot.
l want to come back. l will come back. soon! l promise! hello! ls everybody fine? dr. sonali, how are you? l'm fine.- how are you feeling? okay.- you're looking.. patient! go!
stage 2! hey what.. dr. raja!- ready. - go! gangadhar, remove your hand! raja, stop! raja, stop! l won't stop! l'll seethat he goes mad! raja, stop! else dabboo andgangadhar will breathe their last! sorry! sorry! are you both okay?- okay.
stage 3! about turn! dabboo,- stage number 3! give it here! l'm not mad! how is it going? - the job isdone, mr. sanyal. - good. your wife should be out any minute. once this mess is cleared,take rana.. hi! oh my god! l was so worriedfor you, sweetheart!
l was so worried. are you all right, sonali? ravi, why did you do it? why? what are you talking about? what am l talking about? why didn't l realize thatonly my husband knew.. ..l was to go to the clinicin the morning? he was the one who sent me there.
to collect the papers. why didn't l realizethat it was you.. maybe because l love you too much. sonali, l was in deep trouble. that's why you used me? no!- l'm sorry. sorry for everything.- no! l'm not mad. not mad!
what's all this? why are you taking my pictures? you have to take pictures ofa criminal from all angles. so that people rememberhis face forever. what do you mean? am l a criminal? you can see dcp shrivastavstanding behind us. he had kidnapped dr. sonali.- what are you saying? he's a criminal in uniform. criminal? me?
yes! that's true!- what nonsense! stop this! who says l'm a criminal? l do! l saw you kidnap dr. sonali. kidnap! kidnap!- dabboo! kidnap!- very good! - he is mad! who will believe these madmen? yes, we're mad! we're mad because we don't knowthe rules of the society.
where it takes only a few peopleto certify someone insane. and a sane person, a criminal.. ..needs just four signaturesto be called insane. the person, certifying it,his sanity is decided.. ..by another insane person.. ..whom we vote into office. we are the most insane of them all. the four of us are getting treated.. ..so that we can comeback into your society.
a society, where you're finedfor breaking a signal.. ..but not for breaking a heart. you're punished for breakingsomeone's head. but there is no punishment forbreaking someone's trust. leave it. we are mad because we likecleanliness. a clean society! the society can't be cleanedby only sweeping the road. one has to clear the mess inthe head. who will do it? will l clean up your head?
that's the problem! we realized it. and maybe it was wrongof us to realize.. ..that the mess was in our heads. bhagat singh was also mad! because he realized we had tofree our country by any means. he was mad, indeed! else who is willing tosacrifice his life.. ..for the country at the age of 23?
lf a child cries on thestreet then let him. lf you do nothing, you are normal! lf you try to pacify him,you are insane. when l meet mahatma gandhi.. ..l'll tell him how many childrenare crying today. we want to go back to the hospital. take us back there. dr. sonali, we are notworthy of this society. no! no, raja. this societyis not worthy of you.
there aren't any honest people likeyou in this society anymore. every man is selfishand is even willing.. ..to kill his kin forhis selfish ends. break all chains. break free, get ready. the krazzy 4 are coming. they make me nuts, when theygot cuts, they are insane. they don't care when people stare.they make everyone go crazy. they make you drool, they areno fools. they walk gaily.
they ain't mad, just don't care,this is true indeed. one crazy. 1, 2, 3, 4. shake it with me, close the door!
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