hello guys in this video i'm going to be showing you guys how to watch free online movies so i got two different methods that i'm going to be showing you in this video the first one is pretty standard you just go into websites that let you stream movies that you want tos ee and then the second one is using a application called kodi and getting add-ons and builds for it and it lets

how to watch free movies on online, you stream movies and all that goodstuff all in one place so i've got three websites right here that will all be inthe description below the links for them and also before doing i recommend before even watching any movies or going on to these websites you get adblock and that will be in the description below just to
kind of help you guys out like it's going to make your life a lot easier when you go onto these websites so these websites are pretty standard um you got john roos and you could watch my action and science fiction and drama and history comedy action adventure all those kind of honors here as you can see there are all these different types of movies you see cam right here above that means somebody went into the theaters probably video taped it on the camera of some source maybe their phone so thequality is really not that good honestly i would recommend staying away from them but if you really want to see the movie and you don't mind the shit quality then you could just click on that but if you
see they're on hd which some a lot ofthem are most of them are you're going to be able to watch them in good quality so basically all you have to do is you click it then you get to see and then you just click the play button and it's going to render up and play it's fairly simple i mean every websites like kind of their theme and the design is fairlyall the same you got a search bar so you could search for a movie if you know what movie you want to watch just type it in here and if you're looking for tvshows or movies you just click add and kind of just look around and if you'relooking for something it's pretty easy find so that's pretty much it for thewebsites um there's any questions about
that just leave a comment below i'll besure to get back to you um this is not really my favorite method the method i enjoy and use the most is definitely kodi this is a kodi website right here where your if you are interested in downloading thea pplication it's where you would come for it um i'll have a link in thedescription they'll lead you to another youtube video that will help you like install kodi then get the right add-ons and then from there you can kind ofwatch movies and it i'll show you guys exactly what it's all abouti'm just going to jump into cody and show you guys what it's all about sofull screen it so you guys can
understand a little bit more and i'lljust go to the home page so this is the home page or at least my home page umthere's a whole bunch of different builds and add-ons you can get with codyso this is what mine looks like you got movies own and you got bob which is just kind of like a different type of add-on and you got sports zone which more orless doesn't really work but sometimes you'll find some lucky streams you'll beable to watch some sports on there exodus again this is for movies and tvshows live tv you guys he shows and all that good stuff so the build i use iswookiee so as you could see that's what my build was last updated add-ons ismore or less for customizing things same
here this is more or less customizing you got kids own so this will show you pretty much like all family rated movies you got kids this is great like you just hang around in this zone 4k so that's just kind of like quality music zone probably i don't really don't spend much time in this zone this is more or less just get shot spotify and then all the music you want phoenix i really don't spend much time in hereso i can't really say much about phoenix just the time i do spend on kodi is usually with the aspect so it's right here on my sub menu i'll just open this up and show you guys around just a little bit this is what's going to pop up so you got john rus' so
you can look up movies for like actionor adventure or science fiction it's got westerns war fantasy all kinds of genres if you click in we'll just go in action just to show you a little bit now you can see you know venus is fairly new that's probably going to be a cami'll just show you guys just a see oh it's loading and how this works is basically they get grabbed a title of the movie and they go on the internet like whatever addon you're using they're going to go on the internet and grab asmany links for that quarry for that like type of for the movie you're looking forand they'll compile it all in one big list and then you get to pick what link you're going to pick and then once you
know the link upload like once it works you click it and then it's going to bring you straight to the movie basically it's just avoid all looking it up on websites and all that stuff so this says hd but again it sometimes tricks you into thinking it's hd or hqmostly all cam i could almost guarantee that it's a fairly new movie but if it is hd m5 you have to check this out later because you want to see this movie for sure another reason why i do really like spec 2 over the other add-ons thatcome with here is because they've got the favorite zone so now i got nothing my favorite so if i click it nothing's going to happen but if i decide to hereso i want this movie so all i have to do
is hold the left trigger a little bitand then it's going to like if you want to see the trailer if you want it like information about the movie and then add to favorites so i'm just going to addthat save it don't watch it later that's one of my favorite features is like andyou can like put a whole bunch of stuff into the favorites and then come back toit later on and then they've got by year so you can start up movie a year by people featured people watching most popular most voted box off as oscar winners in theaters latest favorites and then you got your search search late they've made some improvements in the search so if you type in a couple words and you'll see
all these suggestions that you couldtype in so that's a that's pretty much all i want to show for this if you'reinterested in getting cody and seeing what it's really all about they'll be alink in the description which will lead you to another video it'll be moreinformative on how to like install it what it's all aboutwhat add-ons you're going to want to use this is more or less just to kind ofshow you if you want to see and get it for your self kind of thing i highlyrecommend i use cody all the time it's really convenient and it's a lot betterthan going on these websites that like again they're kind of ad hungry cody youdon't get any ads you don't see any
pop-ups or crazy things like that these kind of websites here you'll get like these weird little pop-ups if you don'tget ad blocker anyways if you get ad blocker it's not too bad it's not gonna you know hit you as hard but sometimes if you click on things they'll like popup a window or what not so but what do you want it's free so i hope that helped you guys out and if so then leave it leave a like and if you have any questions about cody or how it works just leave a comment i'll be sure to get back to you guys and i'll catch you in the next one

how to watch free movies on online, you stream movies and all that goodstuff all in one place so i've got three websites right here that will all be inthe description below the links for them and also before doing i recommend before even watching any movies or going on to these websites you get adblock and that will be in the description below just to
kind of help you guys out like it's going to make your life a lot easier when you go onto these websites so these websites are pretty standard um you got john roos and you could watch my action and science fiction and drama and history comedy action adventure all those kind of honors here as you can see there are all these different types of movies you see cam right here above that means somebody went into the theaters probably video taped it on the camera of some source maybe their phone so thequality is really not that good honestly i would recommend staying away from them but if you really want to see the movie and you don't mind the shit quality then you could just click on that but if you
see they're on hd which some a lot ofthem are most of them are you're going to be able to watch them in good quality so basically all you have to do is you click it then you get to see and then you just click the play button and it's going to render up and play it's fairly simple i mean every websites like kind of their theme and the design is fairlyall the same you got a search bar so you could search for a movie if you know what movie you want to watch just type it in here and if you're looking for tvshows or movies you just click add and kind of just look around and if you'relooking for something it's pretty easy find so that's pretty much it for thewebsites um there's any questions about
that just leave a comment below i'll besure to get back to you um this is not really my favorite method the method i enjoy and use the most is definitely kodi this is a kodi website right here where your if you are interested in downloading thea pplication it's where you would come for it um i'll have a link in thedescription they'll lead you to another youtube video that will help you like install kodi then get the right add-ons and then from there you can kind ofwatch movies and it i'll show you guys exactly what it's all abouti'm just going to jump into cody and show you guys what it's all about sofull screen it so you guys can
understand a little bit more and i'lljust go to the home page so this is the home page or at least my home page umthere's a whole bunch of different builds and add-ons you can get with codyso this is what mine looks like you got movies own and you got bob which is just kind of like a different type of add-on and you got sports zone which more orless doesn't really work but sometimes you'll find some lucky streams you'll beable to watch some sports on there exodus again this is for movies and tvshows live tv you guys he shows and all that good stuff so the build i use iswookiee so as you could see that's what my build was last updated add-ons ismore or less for customizing things same
here this is more or less customizing you got kids own so this will show you pretty much like all family rated movies you got kids this is great like you just hang around in this zone 4k so that's just kind of like quality music zone probably i don't really don't spend much time in this zone this is more or less just get shot spotify and then all the music you want phoenix i really don't spend much time in hereso i can't really say much about phoenix just the time i do spend on kodi is usually with the aspect so it's right here on my sub menu i'll just open this up and show you guys around just a little bit this is what's going to pop up so you got john rus' so
you can look up movies for like actionor adventure or science fiction it's got westerns war fantasy all kinds of genres if you click in we'll just go in action just to show you a little bit now you can see you know venus is fairly new that's probably going to be a cami'll just show you guys just a see oh it's loading and how this works is basically they get grabbed a title of the movie and they go on the internet like whatever addon you're using they're going to go on the internet and grab asmany links for that quarry for that like type of for the movie you're looking forand they'll compile it all in one big list and then you get to pick what link you're going to pick and then once you
know the link upload like once it works you click it and then it's going to bring you straight to the movie basically it's just avoid all looking it up on websites and all that stuff so this says hd but again it sometimes tricks you into thinking it's hd or hqmostly all cam i could almost guarantee that it's a fairly new movie but if it is hd m5 you have to check this out later because you want to see this movie for sure another reason why i do really like spec 2 over the other add-ons thatcome with here is because they've got the favorite zone so now i got nothing my favorite so if i click it nothing's going to happen but if i decide to hereso i want this movie so all i have to do
is hold the left trigger a little bitand then it's going to like if you want to see the trailer if you want it like information about the movie and then add to favorites so i'm just going to addthat save it don't watch it later that's one of my favorite features is like andyou can like put a whole bunch of stuff into the favorites and then come back toit later on and then they've got by year so you can start up movie a year by people featured people watching most popular most voted box off as oscar winners in theaters latest favorites and then you got your search search late they've made some improvements in the search so if you type in a couple words and you'll see
all these suggestions that you couldtype in so that's a that's pretty much all i want to show for this if you'reinterested in getting cody and seeing what it's really all about they'll be alink in the description which will lead you to another video it'll be moreinformative on how to like install it what it's all aboutwhat add-ons you're going to want to use this is more or less just to kind ofshow you if you want to see and get it for your self kind of thing i highlyrecommend i use cody all the time it's really convenient and it's a lot betterthan going on these websites that like again they're kind of ad hungry cody youdon't get any ads you don't see any
pop-ups or crazy things like that these kind of websites here you'll get like these weird little pop-ups if you don'tget ad blocker anyways if you get ad blocker it's not too bad it's not gonna you know hit you as hard but sometimes if you click on things they'll like popup a window or what not so but what do you want it's free so i hope that helped you guys out and if so then leave it leave a like and if you have any questions about cody or how it works just leave a comment i'll be sure to get back to you guys and i'll catch you in the next one
how to watch free movies on online
Reviewed by lexibrennaa
February 09, 2018
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