i'll check him tomorrow mister sinha, this is a caseof liver cirrhosis the liver is badly damaged.the patient is under observation it's difficult to say anything yet

f movies online, but, you can do something? the problem is, we can't do a livertransplant... on such short notice if you wish to inform herfamily or relatives... ...you may use my phone
hey buddy, how are you?where are you? i'm at the hospital hospital! are you okay? ya, i'm ok so, what's wrong then? just hang in there. i'm coming by the way, akash is back in bombay.i'll bring him along he won't come don't be silly. forget what happened
he'll be very happy toknow you're here. ya sameer, tell me maybe you should go meet him alone.i don't want to come. you are right.let bygones be bygones... but what's happening nowisn't wrong either, is it? i am living my life and sid his i really think you shouldgo meet him alone sameer, come home quickly.now. at once sameer! akash! what's wrong?what's the rush?
how do you like it? have you gone mad? on the phone you sounded like somebody'sbroken into your house! what do you mean beautiful!? but sid... don't you thinkshe resembles someone? resembles whom? what do you think, sameer? i think everybody resemblessome one or the other. but she resembles miss. kashyap
our economics teacher? yes, sir. our economics teacher no man! ya man. i know miss. kashyapbetter than you tuitions... i used to go to her for tuitions at these tuitions, were there otherstudents or just the two of you? what do you think?- just the two of you? you are right, akash
she does resemble miss. kashyap.but guess where i've messed up? you've got her figure wrong what do you know about her figure? i'm looking for sid sinha... siddharth sinha when did you return to bombay?- this morning. can't imagine what 'd havehappened if i wasn't here how is she now? don't know. it's hard to say
tell me about you.what're you up to these days? i'm working with dad in hiscomputer business everything else is the same... and you? still at your uncle's placein poona? ya. it's a very nice.you must come there sometime definitely man are you just saying that ordo you really intend on coming? i intend on doing a lot of things...like getting married i always knew that the first to gemarried among us three would be you
guess what! so is akash what! akash! getting married!?that's funny i'm not kidding! no way! but to whom? that girl who wascrazy about him in college? don't you remember her? she used to say akash's namein that peculiar way! god! deepa is coming here! akash, let's dance. it'll make theother couples jealous
sure! why not! go ahead.i'll be right with you in three lifetimes from now sameer, please get me a drink.i'm ever so thirsty and throw in a dance or two withdeepa while you're at it what're you sketching? priya, isn't sameer taking toolong to get your drink? did somebody just die?- yes... you! did i send you to get a drinkor chat up other girls! i'm sure you have somethinggoing on with her
i remember you were never homewhen i was away on holiday you've got it all wrong, priya how do you know her? did somebody just die? who is she?- i don't know you must have seen her somewhere! that i have.- where? she's over there priya, do you know her?
forget it man. she doesn'tseem your type i don't plan on marrying her!big deal about my type and may i know what your type is? one who lives her lifeand lets me live mine someone not overtly emotional oh, i remember.you once met such a girl the affair lasted for two weeks! that itself was too much anyway, i'm off...
...or she'll have had grandchildrenby the time i get there think about it.i don't see her biting the hook it's called the good-oleakash charm and it never fails is the mike leaking., where has 3 gone? today, on this all importantgraduation day... i have decided to sing a song and because we are steppinginto a new world... ...where the responsibility to besomebody will be thrust on us... the title of the song is:"a hundred ways to get a job"
relax guys! i was only kidding! if people say... that we are crazy,then let them we don't give a damnabout what they think when we can play musicwhen we can sing... then why should we hesitate? we will sing the melodythat's in our hearts if the world gets angry...- let it be angry if the world quarrels...- let it quarrel if the world fights...- just it fight.
just keep right on singing if the world sulks...- let it sulk if ties are broken...- let them break if someone leaves you...- let them go don't ever be afraidwe are today. why should our style be old? there's lightning in our eyes.a storm in our breath what's fear, what's defeat?we don't know what they mean the earth and sky,are created for us
i'm sure we could evenpluck the stars out of the night our abode is beyond the sky we are today.why should our style be old? we have been raised in theland of dreams we can be as shy aswe are openly affectionate mesmerising everybodywherever we go... ...teaching you lovely womenthe art of love we know how to steala woman's heart and her sleep if people say......that we are crazy, then let them
if the world fights...- let it fight don't ever be afraid shalini... that's a lovely name i haven't seen you before.you're not from our college you're right. i'm here with somebody and now would you say yes todancing with this somebody? the fact is that rohit... rohit! okay!so you are rohit's sister? no. actually i...
rohit and i are very good friends.why, he's more like a brother not even if i told youthat i love you? yes, shalini. i love youand only you my every breath... ...every heartbeat... ...every moment,is for you, shalini i'm sure that i was bornso that i could love you and you were born to become mine you are mine, shalini
and if you ask your heart... ...you will know that i speakthe truth. who are you? don't you recognize your brother rohit? you are rohit? i mean,you too- are rohit? i thought shalini was thatother rohit's sister. look, he's over there sameer...! your name is sameer? so you've being lying to me all along!that's really wrong of you
what can i say now...you can see for yourself he got me to believe thathis name was rohit neither is he rohitnor shalini my sister shalini is my fiancee fiancee...! i don't like you being friendswith akash at all his behaviour the other night...you know how embarrassed i was? let him do what he wants. just keep away from him
but akash is my friend, priya! like you don't haveany other friends? yes, i do... but he... just decide, sameer. you caneither be with akash or me! i am thinking... you need time to thinkif you want to be with me! okay. so you want some time? no! i'm going out with friends.i'll be back by 2.00
if i don't hear from you before that,i'll know what your answer is don't you think you areover-reacting? no you've never seen me over-react.if i do... then god help you!! what are you doing! your bruise has turned a strange colour.have you seen it, sid? i'm glad you like it!do you want one? hey! don't get that anger out on me man did i ask you to speak to shalini?
no. but you could've at least helped me.you just sat there! such a true friend! i think i'd bebetter off befriending rohit i'd at least get some protection! may god bless your unity. i'm off. where to? -home. why? what's the hurry?right, sameer? ya, man, chill. it's only1'o' clock in which country?it's nearly 4 here! i forgot to call priya!
why are you so scared of priya? i'm not scared of her i don't want to hurt heror lose her sameer, i can't understandhow you tolerate her she seems more a bossthan a girlfriend! akash, i'm asking for help,not your expert comments what should i do? what do you think? i'll tell you what.call priya and apologise
tell her you will never meetakash again you know i won't do that! what if she gets hurt...what if you lose her! you'll never improve, will you why are you turning thisinto such an issue? just call her, talk to her.it'll all be okay the thing is... but listen... you're not...but i... what i'm saying... i'm at akash's she hung up
what did you expect? she'll say sorry darling! enough is enough, sameer.listen to me just go there and tell herthese tantrums won't work if she wants to be with you,she must follow your wishes she's challenged yourself-respect, buddy what are you doing? be a man! that's exactly what i'm going to do.- that's the way to go! he's dead!
oh, priya?- please give sameer the phone but sameer hasn't come here. i too amlooking for him since last night what? didn't he come there? careful man!only this eye is working we need to talk there's no need for that. i knowwhat you have to say you know? - yes i spoke to akash after our talk right! and?
he said you weren't at his house stop pretending! i can't believei did this to myself i never knew you were such a liar i don't want to see yourface ever again! could i be of any assistance? it's not a problem at all oh god! what's in here?- my things hang on. i'll get it from this side if just one suitcase has reducedus to this condition, then...
there's only two more like this is that all? just two more?let's go it's a nice house it belongs to the company i work for i am an interior designer...tara jaiswal what do you do? i work as a porter on sundays and the rest of the week? normally if anyone asks me that, i sayanything that pops into my head
but i'll tell you the truth becausei think it might be of interest to you i don't quite understand? i mean you have three paintings in yourluggage and that's my vocation may i see your paintings? of course where do you live? the last house down this road.you can come whenever you wish sid, i'm going to the office.- just a minute, ma i'm coming along. just drop me offat sameer's
by the way, it's anju's weddinganniversary today she'll be very disappointedif you don't come is siddharth home? - yes you are...? - i am tara ma, this is tara well, i'd better be going ya, you go ahead, i'll go myself. all right. but you are comingthis evening, aren't you? where? - to anju's!
mom, i get extremely bored there there are very few places in this worldwhere you don't get bored fine! have it your way. please have a seat i'd like to see your paintings first the same theme here too what theme? i have learnt something aboutyou today something i couldn't seeat our first meeting
what's that? the thing is, you meet people,talk to them, laugh... but there's a world within you... ...full of dreams, of fantasies... ...that you don't share with anyone i wonder if those, who claimto know you... ...really know you at all what makes you say that? the door is not open...entry is forbidden...
the box is tightly bound...no one can steal anything... and who can tell what feelings reflectbehind those shut eyelids... i wonder what other secrets yourpaintings hide within them... or within you perhaps why are you looking at melike that? anyway, which do you thinkis your best? i have yet to create that one look at your face!white as a sheet! look, i am very angry right nowand all because of you
hey! i saved your life andyou are angry with me? saved my life?- absolutely! this was bound to happen priya would've left you tomorrowif not today. know why? because she didn't love you,she loved some other sameer he looked like you but wassomeone else you are not that- sameer. you are thesameer i know, sid knows... and priya could only hope to know if you became that sameer, our thissameer would be defeated!
i never thought of it like that...- i know then pack your bags and let's go sid and i are waiting for youin the car where are we going? - goa! goa...?! the heart wants... may these sparkling days never end may we never have to bewithout our friends may our days be full of poetry...
...our evenings dance andnights sing. may our time together alwaysbe fun and exciting may every path we treadbring us happiness may these sparkling daysnever end our paths dazzle with their glitter may this joy and lightbe ours by right where's akash? there... behind the plant are you guys staying here too?
not are... we were.we are checking out we've been staying here for a week.isn't that right, guys? yes, we've been here for a week but akash just got here today.- yes. i got here today akash! it's nice to see you haven'tlost your sense of humour! hey sid, look over there! sid, did you hear that?someone's calling out my name go faster, buddy. fasterthis is the top speed what an amazing place!
we should come to goa every year,for a week at least what say, sid? what are you thinking? i'm looking at that ship... ...that's about to disappear overthe horizon the three of us are like that ship soon, we'll set out lookingfor our destinations... ...and it might just be thatour destinations are different i don't understand whyyou're saying all this
sid, we are all friends... ...for life of course we are but who knows where life willtake each one of us ever wondered, let alone comehere every year for a week... it may be difficult to meeteven once in 10 years that won't happen, sid we were, are and will be friends.always anyway, shall we go?deepa must be waiting for you
don't say must be waiting.she is! i told her akash will meet herby the poolside at 8 sharp! how strange is this journey! if you just think...each one of us is so unaware... ...of where he is destined to go... ...of what the futureholds for each of us ...our evenings danceand nights sing deepa, why do you like akashso much? what do you mean?
sometimes i wonder why welike and want someone why do you like him? i don't know... i just do even knowing that akash......doesn't love me yes... then too deepa you are a good-iooking,intelligent girl. you can get anyone you want... in that case, why can'ti have akash! i don't know that...
but i do know that ifyou're ever in trouble, and need akash's help or support,he'll do whatever he can for you. but deepa, you shouldn'thope for things that... take a look at this sand the tighter you try to grip it... ...the faster it slipsthrough your fingers have you donated your bagto the hotel? actually, i've decided tostay back for a few days what?
er... kristine wants me to stayfor some more time kristine? that girl who... sid! are you listening? our friend hasdecided to become a hippie! if you hadn't brought me here,i'd have never met her she's swiss. i was wondering...why not go there... ...and start a bee farm.swiss honey is world famous... let's go akash what have i done! he wasbetter off with priya one more thing...
please don't call my housetill i get back so, did you have fun in goa? it was great. have you been there? yes. many years ago whose photographs are these? esha... my daughter oh, i haven't met her.where is she? she lives with her father 9th april 95... exactlyon my birthday...
my husband gave me a gift... you do meet your daughter,don't you? the court doesn't permit meto meet my daughter why? my ex-husband is a very rich man his lawyers were very smart andcapable with the help of many falsewitnesses, he proved... ...that i am not a good mother.that i'm an alcoholic an irresponsible womanwho drinks
you're nothing like that! oh for you to have beenthe judge! anyway, what elsedid you do there? i'd like to paint you paint me? be back in two minutes are you going somewhere? sorry, i have to go i just got a call from the site.there's a problem
have you given any thoughtto your future? i know it's my fault... ...i always thought, i'd giveyou some time... you needed it. it's my pampering thathas spoilt you if this goes on... you'll definitely have signeda cheque till my retirement dad, there are more thingsto life than signing cheques really! and what are these things? i don't know yet but the momenti do, you'll be the first to know
i have had enough of your jokes i've decided that you will goto australia cool! another holiday? you'll manage our businessthere mom, dad's joking now no, akash. dad is seriousand you better be serious too you are going to sydney and you will manage the office there sameerji's mummyji is on the phone
akash baba says that... yes, aunty what's wrong with sameer? nothing's wrong with sameer.he's perfectly ok what ok!? he's shut himselfin his room he hasn't eaten and justdoesn't come out sameer is in bombay? didn't you all come backlast night yes, aunty. it was last nightbut... i'm so distracted now...
akash, are you and sameer on drugs? of course not, aunty. don't worry.i'll be there right away the least you could've done was call. i didn't know what to say to your mom what's happened to you? i'm in no mood to talk now okay. how's kristine? don't even mention her namein front of me! why? what happened?
get it off your chest it's not good for healthto suppress such emotions well, after the two of leftthe other day... i met kristine on the beach it felt so good... just kristine and me... i loved her so much... how happy i was... we watched the sunset and shecame back to the hotel with me
i invited her in i could never have imaginedwhat happened next i don't think she was fromswitzerland either i'm glad to have amused you guys! that truck driver who gave me a rideto bombay was far more sympathetic! you came back in a truck!? what did you think?that i sit on this pillow every day? i'm pissed off travelling 12 hoursin a truck mother, he is mr. shankaran.art india magazines.
i was telling siddharth aboutmy friend who lives in kasauli he hosts a painting workshopevery year and you feel that he mustgo there absolutely it'll be a very good experiencefor him oh, you're here! you're a strange boy!you invite me and act surprised when i come. ma, this is tara!tara jaiswal. you introduced us before how long will you go aroundwith that glum face...
come. let me introduce youto these sweet girls forget it man. i'm not in the mood are you fine? look... kristine! do you like it? i like them all it's difficult to saywhich one is your best i haven't painted my best yet
why not? you don't seem to have the time? on such a big day in your lifei've to agree to your wish. tell me, when you willstart my painting? tomorrow wait, i'll be out in a minute. - no problem what season is this in which theheart blooms like a flower. ...in which the colours merge...
...and all the fragrancesblend moonlight, brooksand clouds... songs, rainand butterflies... they all seem favourable to me what season is this in whichthe heart blooms like a flower oh look! banks of a river... a bird calls outto another bird look, at the river itself...
she flows on to unitewith the sea all these journeysare part of love's caravan oh how can i explain... how can i make you understandwhat love is! there are no attachmentsin love and neitherare there any barriers love's saga is extraordinary ...in which all the colours merge...
greetings, aunty. are you going out, sameer? ya, to akash's... why? i'll be back mom! what's the matter? the fact is, nareshji's daughterpooja is coming here and we want the two of you to... what! fixing my marriage...! an arranged marriage!no, mom. not for me
why not? your daddy and i hadan arranged marriage listen to me. we are not forcingyou to get married we have known them for years and we thought we'd turn friendshipinto a marriage alliance you don't lose anything bymeeting pooja, do you? okay. but you know my answer.and that's no! who is it, sameer? er... sameer, we have somethingimportant to discuss nareshji, is that all right?
anyway, they'll get boredsitting with us oldies are they your friends? please sit down this is akash and this is sid seems like a deep friendship either the friendship is deepor it's a 3-d photograph pooja, you do know whyyou're here, don't you? yes. mom and dad told me look, honestly speaking...
when mom told me about this...i felt it wasn't right at first... ...but now... i'm so happy you said no tothis arranged marriage bullshit! i think marriages shouldn't bemade like this it's so important to love somebodyto get married yes, absolutely why? are you in love withsomeone? there is this guy in my life but i guess i don't love himenough so far to marry him i pretty much feel the same...
...but not about the guy in your life! and then? then what!she went home it's a problem man please don't tell me you'vefallen for her after all this! look, sameer... i have no doubt whatsoeveryou have fallen in love with her but i'm equally sure that after3 months... ...you'll be in love with some othergirl
no, akash i always thought i knewwhat love was i realized today that i wascompletely wrong is that so! akash, when pooja told me aboutthat guy in her life... for the first time i thought aboutall those girls in my life... i was attracted to all of them... but i was wrong to thinkthe attraction was love and now you love pooja?
yes. that's it!i love pooja then tell her take my advice. don't sayanything to anyone there's no trusting you today it's pooja,tomorrow it'll be some ahuja! how did you know it'smy birthday? didn't you mention it? i am so happy today guess what? esha called me
she is coming to see me today my daughter is coming here... sid, she remembered it'smy birthday today i'll be seeing her after 5 years! i've cooked everything myself.i baked a cake i'm so happy is esha coming alone or your... oh no. she told him she's going toa friend's birthday party... because ajay will never let hercome here
would you like to meet her? it'll make me happy how dare you teach my daughterto lie? have you no shame? thank god i heard eshatalk to you over the phone why don't you stay away from her? i am her mother! you were her mother but nowkiran is her mother it'd be wise of you to understandthis don't ever try to meet esha again
not unless you want me to takeyou to court... again you understand what i'm getting at,don't you? he tells me i am not esha's mother! that esha is not my daughter! i am her mother... he married again he destroyed all my dreams.i said nothing because i had everything... i had my esha
i have nothing at all i am nothing. nothing. you know, crying doesn't suityou at all what else can i do! you can come with me you two must be wondering wheresiddharth has brought you! no such thing. we'd goanywhere to eat cake will you dance with me? where?- right here there's lot of space, come.
sid, we've reached your house you're joking, right? hey akash, he's serious man! sid, my knowledge of suchthings is a bit sad but... ...this is a but much, isn't it? is that because she's older? no. i mean that too wait a minute! why are we evendiscussing this nonsense? because i thought that may beyou guys would understand
hey sid! understand what? you say you love a woman whois 10 to 15 years older than you... ...has a daughter, had a husband you've told us she has adrinking problem what should we understand?- just this... i know all this and stilllove her but sid, think about it.this isn't love, it's insanity no. this is love i don't expect her to be mineor marry me
i don't expect any such thing even if she doesn't love me,it's okay because i... okay! i get it remember, sameer? even i hadstarted off like this started what off?oh. of course. okay, sid. if that's what it's aboutthen i have no objection in fact she's perfect for you she's experienced, lives alone.you visit her everyday learn from him, sameer
really, sid. you couldn't havechosen better... how disgusting can you get! here i am telling you i love her andyou make it sound so sick and dirty we don't have to approveeverything our friends do but there is a line in everyfriendship that shouldn't be crossed and you have crossed it today at some point in life everyoneexperiences true love then all the things you said...about her age and stuff... they don't mean anything.they all seem trivial
you won't understand this today but some day you will know... you don't decide to fall in love it just happens are you finished? i still remember that night i never thought things would gothat far i couldn't sleep all night i went and met akashthe next morning
these things happenbetween friends let's go meet sid.he must be feeling bad too you're sure to run into himsomewhere what'll you do? ignore him? you're coming to meet sid leave me alone, sameer! i have to see sid he's gone where? - kasauli
they called yesterday to say hisapplication was accepted. so he... what is it, sameer?is everything alright? of course. i should go i didn't realise that thingswould never be the same again you went to kasauli... a week later,akash left for australia take care of yourself you remember the name of the manwho'll receive you in sydney? mr. mehta... relax, dad.i remember bye. i'll call you from there
i must tell you something- what's it? i always made fun of yourendless romantic entanglements never stopped to think how youmust feel you know i was just kidding,don't you? don't worry about it you weren't the only one who waskidding you remember shalini? i remember shalini...and rohit's punch as well i knew she was rohit's fiancee
why didn't you tell me?why didn't you stop me? i said hi where are you going? this flight goes to sydney but where are you going? how strange! all three of usare going to sydney three? sure. you, me, and this flight you do know you're insane,don't you?
i'm really sorry aboutthe other night i was just kidding so what are you... what are you doing in sydney? dad has a business there hewants me to manage... let's see how long it lasts now.and you? my uncle lives there my mother's brother.i'm visiting him he's nothing like rohit, is he!
what does he do? have you been to sydney before? do you always ask so manyquestions? yes. have you been to sydneybefore? yes good. you can show me around wait a minute. don't you knowanybody else there? of course. there is a mr. mehta and won't it be fun hanging outwith him?
i said i'm sorry okay but i will have to askmy uncle but he won't refuse. because i have bought him a gift! i'm fine but please stopcalling me uncle now you've grown up which makes uspractically the same age so, is it a business trip? we have an export business anddad's exported me here to handle it exports? sounds very boring, man
that's what i think too personally, i prefer something moreadventurous... ...like wild life photography you like photography? mum says the first word i saidwasn't papa or mama... it was camera! i'm steve steve? - satyadev mehta i've organized a car for you.i'll get your trolley
okay shalini, i'll take your leave.bye, mahesh here's my card. if you needanything in sydney, call me well, i'd better leave now.i'm sure you want to rest i'll send the driver to pick youup tomorrow yes, i'll tell mr. mehta dad wants you to send hima copy of the new contract you are coming to the meetingtomorrow, aren't you? can you give me our transactionfile? i'd like to know a little more aboutthem before the meeting
i'll send you the file right away is there a good restaurant aroundhere? being alone in a new citycan be so boring but you aren't alone! who said i was bored? who'd have thought thatsomeday you and me would be sittinghere like friends especially after all that happened... so how is rohit?
he's fine. i spoke to himthis morning i told him i met you on the flightand... and he doesn't like you meetingme! right? but you're here.why? akash, you don't know rohit. he doesn't like me meetingany boys but rohit is a good guy he has a few faults but then,don't we all. me... you... faults... and me!
so tell me about yourself what do you want to know? of course i have. but not formore than 2 weeks then there's another girlfriend...another 2 weeks... and then another... stop! i understand how yourgirlfriend system works what i don't understand is...why? the fact is, i've seen many of myfriends with their "beloveds" they have everything but lovefor each other
that's why i think i am better offas i am no questions... no answers i don't ask rohit questions,nor do i demand answers but he asks questions.he demands answers i never said it's alwaysthe girl's fault but relationships just get like that.start with joy and end in grief i see! so this is the result ofan end in grief now i've understood your2 weeks formula! no! it's nothing of the sort
i have consciously decided not tofall in love and ruin my life but love isn't about decisions.it just happens then i don't let it happen to me give it some time. i'm sureit will some day why? are you proposing? how was your day? akash is nuts turn it down guys.it's my wife-to-be how are you?
hopefully a little less drunk did you get my message?where were you? i met akash for lunch i told you not to meet him!why don't you listen to me? are you yelling at me in frontof your friends? i am coming there. it'll take sometime but i will be there as you wish, rohit. bye pooja, i was in the neighbourhoodand i thought... pooja, if you aren't doinganything else...
pooja, i was in the neighbour... bye mom, i'll call later fine. and you? subodh, this is sameer.sameer, this is subodh are you waiting for someone? yes. but it seems likethey won't show up now so tell me... what's the planafter dinner? no plan come on, let's do something
what say, subodh? i'm sorry. i've made it a habitto sleep by 10 one night won't changeyour habit come on, pal. anyway,it's sunday tomorrow i know. thing is i've to wake up at5 and do yoga then some jogging and breakfastat 8 sharp and since it's sunday... ...we spend the day at kumar uncle'sbeach house i'll be right back
it's time for his bathroom break,right? he isn't that bad so where are you off to? let's see... if time table doesn't want tocome, may be you can join me i'm sure i can... if i call you sometime... wow! what're we celebrating? you don't remember?
it was on this day five months agothat i told you what i felt for you to subodh and pooja! what's the situation like?- pretty intense really, mahesh there were such intense scenesin the film! so moving... please cut out the performance and forgive me for taking youto see such a good film! you see! that's my biggest problem i can't bear watching good films
yes. you only like thosewham bang action films anyway, that's all you canunderstand... ...because they don't require youto use your brains or heart! you need plenty of brains forthese love stories she sits here shedding tears,he sits there sighing... ...what's all this lovey- doveystuff about anyway! you won't understand what're you doing man, let's go wonder whypeople fall in love
wonder why peopleare ready to die for someone wonder why,oh wonder why... wonder why... why... why! just think about it,there is only grief in love as for love's cruelty,it's past counting when in loveyour head must remain bowed even when in painyou have to smile why fill your own lifewith poison? wonder why,oh wonder why
wonder why why... why... without lovewhat's left in life without lovea person is ionely without lovewhat's there in life love brings colourinto your life love brings beautyinto your life people fall in lovebut hide it wonder why they fearexpressing it openly wonder why why why!
love is justneedless trouble love is beautifulin every aspect we are all better offfar away from love love's every formis the assured truth he that tests love'swaters... ...neither drowns nor floats wonder why? everyone but everyonefalls in love wonder why only youkeep avoiding it
wonder why... tell me something shalini why're you so scared ofsitting on these rides? i m not scared i think only those who aren't rightin their heads enjoy these rides interesting excuse you need courage to sit onthese rides! you need guts but don't worry. there are manycowards like you around here look. there's one right there
it's not like that at all if it isn't like that, then get onthat ride with me why? no guts? it's getting late i'm going on that ride if you want, you can come with me.or sit here and get bored absolutely no guts hurry. we can catch this train really shalini! how could youscare that poor old man!
how did it go? really well. they like my work and... they want me tocome back that's great when will you have to go? i've just returned and you'reasking about my leaving did you talk to sameer? no. why? he came over the morningyou left
he seemed very troubled what did he say?- nothing when did you get back? how are you? how's everything? great. how are things with youman? it's a very long story let's go up and talk okay, so here's the situation you are pretty good friends.hang out together
but you still haven't told herhow you feel i've tried very hard... but the words just don't come out didn't she have a boyfriend? yup. she did... but not anymore i don't know what pooja sawin him i mean he was sweetbut what a bore! one day i made the mistake ofgoing for a drive with them see this place...
i met pooja for the first timeon 15th september right here exactly 7 days later, we came hereto have ice cream... 22nd september you wouldn't remember the time,would you? of course i remember.it was exactly 5.55 that's not all he'd buy her a ballooneveryday balloon...? yes. you know those heart shapedones you get at signals it's okay but...everyday!
one balloon a day! i knew the guy was deranged if you love pooja so much,why haven't you told her? i was afraid... what if pooja says no? i'd even lose this friendshipwe share now... and be all alone you weren't here.nor was akash anyway, you're here now
and i feel stronger knowingthat you're here for me i'm always here for you, sameer then... shall i tell her today? tell her pooja, there's somethingi need to tell you i wonder what if the arrangingincident hadn't happened if we hadn't met the way wedid... if i had met you somewhere else,would we be the same as we are now? and if we weren't the way we are,how else would we be?
if you thought differentlyabout me... ...if i thought differently aboutyou, what'd happen? what's happening now?...what am i saying? just a lot of ifs!what's the matter? the matter is just that... i'm falling in love with you i agree that we don't knoweach other very well if you trust me at all, believethat i am telling the truth i look everywhere for her.but i still haven't found her
where is the girlin whose love i can believe? she who loves only me she must be even readyto say... "o listen, you are the onewho has my heart" oh, where is that girl? she who lives in your dreamas love's beautiful embodiment... you will find her somedayor other just look here and there let's both go and find her...
this angel, this fairy,this damsel so dainty... ...who upon seeing,you will say she is right here! i wonder whyi had this thought... could you be thedream girl? you have all the gracesthat i search for everywhere i think you are deluded i wonder what you think i am i am no angel or fairynor any celestial nymph
don't have any suchillusions suppose i say to you... all i think ofis you and only you you must knowthis is what i desire... ...you must be with me,only with me oh, what have you made me believe! oh, how you make my heart beat! you melt my body and soul... ...reciting this saga of yours
oh, where is that girl?that girl is here! where is that girl?- that girl is here! i can't believe that it's alreadytime for you to leave don't worry, mom.i'll be back soon three months is not soon and that's this time you don't know how longyou'll be gone next time siddharth... have you thought aboutmarriage? mom!
what mom! some other time, okay?- but why? why not now? it's just... forget it, mom.you won't understand i'm your mother! if i can'tunderstand you, who else will? is there someone you like? sid, what's the matter? you've never hidden anythingfrom me yes, ma. but there are some thingsthat you just can't tell somebody yes there are...
but i can see there's somethingeating away at you inside will you keep it bottled up insideall your life? ma, i'm telling youyou won't understand! why won't i understand? try telling me what is this thing that i don'thave the right to know? what's the matter? that tara jaiswal? i've met her so many times...but... she...
when did this start? i don't know when... i won't let you ruin your life! have you any inkling of whatyou are saying? my son has fallen in love witha woman who... you were right i wouldn'tunderstand and what has she told you,that she loves you? she must've seduced you with hersad stories what did she say to you?- she said nothing!
she doesn't even know that i... your mother is absolutely right,siddharth don't ruin your life over me. and thelittle peace i have left in my life... please don't take it awayfrom me go away! - please listen to me i don't want to hear anything have i ever made you feelthat i love you... ...or want a relationshipwith you? then what made you think...
...that you and i could... ...have any such relationship? this is the problem with yourgeneration you all think anything goes.but that's not so, siddharth why just me? you have also caused your mothera lot of pain i'm so sorry that i caused youand my mother such pain i'm sorry you had to hearall this because of me but it's true that i love you
it's also true that i neverwanted you to know it because i knew that you... ...would never be able to understand i just want to see you happy and if knowing the truthhas caused you pain today... all i can say is, that wasn'tmy intention sid, please leave now after the workshop... i think i'll go stay at uncle'sfarm house for a while
it's a good place to paint will you come with me? i don't want to go without you just a minute... you look very lovely so, why are we here? to prove to you that a thing calledlove does exist in this world don't you ever give up? shut up and lets go in
why are we here?- to watch an opera yes, but why? you'll know when the time comes the girl's name is cressidaand the boy is troilus they love each other very much but troilus must go now he has to go to war for his country cressida is afraid something mayhappen to him troilus is telling hernothing will happen to him
this is the spirit of troilus...standing at heaven's gate but he doesn't want to go inside he is asking god for one day he wants to meet cressida forone last time and tell her how much he loves her if he is given one day... he is willing to die a thousanddeaths shut your eyes, akash think...
who is it... ...to spend that one day with, youare willing to die a thousand deaths who is it, akash? no so easily! you still haven't told mewho you saw you seem quite sure that isaw someone? yes. because today forthe first time... ...you're talking lessand thinking more! then listen
i saw her... and i felt... ...perhaps this is whatthey call love i wanted to touch her... ...hold her in my arms... i saw such innocencein her eyes... ...like i see in your eyes now her voice... ...had the kind of magicyour voice has
i can still feel the fragranceof her breath... ...like i can feelin your breath now who was she? that fat opera singer! shalini, come inside... at once! i think the two of you shouldtalk alone where had you gone?- to the opera with akash! how many times have i told younot to meet him!
rohit, will you keep telling meall my life... ...who i should or should not meet! yes. i will and you will never see akashagain. you got that? rohit, i need some time to thinkand you need it too shalini had called.she said it's important hi, rohit. it's akash is shalini there? she had called i know. we are going back...to get married
can i speak to shalini? that's good news akash, we are going back tomorrow can you come for dinner tonight? i don't know. bye hey, akash! we thought youweren't going to make it they're beautiful. thanks what will you drink? we can drink later. let's eat first.i'm starving
shalini, have you toldmahesh uncle... ...how you and akash met? no? really, mahesh uncle... i don't know what you'd havedone if you were there what happened? it was at my graduationparty shalini was with me perhaps akash didn't knowthat...
sorry for the punch no, rohit. it was my fault but to tell you the truth,i think i was lucky i mean, if shalini was with me... ...and someone had acted fresh... i'd have killed him that is... if shalini was with you hey, wait...
you're coming to our wedding,aren't you? no, i can't make it. there's a lotof work to be done some friend you are! anyway, don't forget to call us toyour wedding we'll definitely be there i'm not going to get married it's necessary to love someoneto get married and i believe... ...this thing called love doesn'texist in the world
shalini and i love each other that's why we're getting married.isn't that so, shalini? you both shouldn't ask each otherthis question. ask yourself i better go you left your jacket with methe other night some day i want to tell you whyi am marrying rohit why? what's the need to tell me? i need to... because we both know...
...that night at the opera,when you shut your eyes... ...it wasn't the fat opera singeryou saw loneliness this ioneliness... why have i stumbled onthe path of love all my dreams lie shattereda sense of gloom lies heavy every joy is be numbed my very life is lost i am being punishedfor loving you
loneliness... loneliness stretches overmiles and miles in my dream i sawa hand in my hand now i am blinded by theshards of a shattered dream someone was here yesterday but today there is no one like a cobra's venomous hissit envelopes my very breath... ...this ioneliness has brought tears to my eyes
oh how could my hope forsomething be so futile i've embarked on a journeyto which there is no destination where should i go? to whom shall i explain? what i had wanted... and why i ended up with... lonelinessdeeply dark as the night hello, aunty. is sameer home? who is this?
you want to talk to sameerand you've called siddharth! i... i'm okay, aunty he's gone to kasauli. give meyour number. i'll give it to him no, it's okay.i'll call him how are you, son? i'm okay, dad what's wrong? are you unwell? no, it's nothing like that been working all day...
i'm tired, that's all come back home, akash what's wrong, akash? i've never seen you like thisbefore i'm in love, dad so what's the problem? she is marrying somebody else have you told her you love her? does she love you?
yes, she does has she told you? akash, you must tell herhow you feel there are many things in this worldthat are beyond our understanding when a person decides something... ...there must be a reason for thatdecision you say that the girl loves youbut is marrying someone else have you tried to find outwhy she's doing it? what's the reason for her decision?
how's shalini? she isn't happy and how could she be? she is marrying rohitbut loves you did she tell you that?- no did you ever tell me you love her? then why's she getting married? rohit's father and shalini's fatherwere business partners shalini was six when her parentswere killed in a car accident
i was her only relative buti wasn't able to support her rohit's parents took her in... ...not only into their home but their hearts and their life they've done a lot for her if they want her to marry rohit,shalini can't refuse what else can she do? on one hand are the people who'vegiven her the life she's living on the other hand is a man...
she doesn't even know if he lovesher or not akash, what are you doing man!go and tell her you love her akash, only you know whatyou have to do just know this. tonight isthe sangeet function... ...and tomorrow the wedding whatever your decision,you must make it today will you marry me? not even if i tell you thati love you? shalini...
i love you and only you ...you will know that i speakthe truth what's going on! who is this boy? i'll tell you he is akash malhotra,a.k. malhotra's son... ...who's been after shalini,wagging his tail i hit him once but i guessit wasn't enough, huh? i won't leave you today! you will do no such thing, rohit.i want to speak to shalini first
no, rohit! you wait here.- but dad! this is my life... mahesh, i feel very hurt today i always thought that shalini wasmy daughter but today i feel that she hasnever thought of us as her own she wants to repay her debt to usby marrying rohit all right shalini, you must repay us for looking after you fromchildhood till now... you owe us for giving you whatever youasked for... you owe us
for shielding you fromeven a hint of trouble... ...you owe us now if you want to repay all thatyou owe us... see us happy... then marry akash can you do this much for me? come... take care of her.she is my daughter just a minute, dad you can't do this! mom, whyaren't you saying anything?
let her go, rohit you care about shalini's happinessbut don't give a damn about mine! rohit, if shalini is not happybeing with you... ...how can you ever be happy? this can't happen to me! i won't allow this! what are you doing? i love akash all his life he said...
i won't say "i love you" to anyone and when he had to say it... it was at someone's weddingin front of 300 people! did you call him? what did he say? he wasn't home i told you he won't come can i talk to sid? fine. how are you?
forgive me i must apologise too some other time.it's my turn today you haven't changedat all ya. anyway, it's hard to improveon perfection where are you? when can we meet? today. now. this very moment now... there's no pain...nor any fear i feel good
it's peaceful here you're a good boy, siddharth you always stood by me you want me to be happy,don't you... then... you be happy you will, won't you? i will life is so strange some relationships...
...don't have any name you and i will always... hey sid, look at your ship it was so small 2 years ago.look how much it's grown if you guys wanted to be byyourselves, you should've told us see! i'm getting told off becauseof you i've been telling you, let's go come on come on man

f movies online, but, you can do something? the problem is, we can't do a livertransplant... on such short notice if you wish to inform herfamily or relatives... ...you may use my phone
hey buddy, how are you?where are you? i'm at the hospital hospital! are you okay? ya, i'm ok so, what's wrong then? just hang in there. i'm coming by the way, akash is back in bombay.i'll bring him along he won't come don't be silly. forget what happened
he'll be very happy toknow you're here. ya sameer, tell me maybe you should go meet him alone.i don't want to come. you are right.let bygones be bygones... but what's happening nowisn't wrong either, is it? i am living my life and sid his i really think you shouldgo meet him alone sameer, come home quickly.now. at once sameer! akash! what's wrong?what's the rush?
how do you like it? have you gone mad? on the phone you sounded like somebody'sbroken into your house! what do you mean beautiful!? but sid... don't you thinkshe resembles someone? resembles whom? what do you think, sameer? i think everybody resemblessome one or the other. but she resembles miss. kashyap
our economics teacher? yes, sir. our economics teacher no man! ya man. i know miss. kashyapbetter than you tuitions... i used to go to her for tuitions at these tuitions, were there otherstudents or just the two of you? what do you think?- just the two of you? you are right, akash
she does resemble miss. kashyap.but guess where i've messed up? you've got her figure wrong what do you know about her figure? i'm looking for sid sinha... siddharth sinha when did you return to bombay?- this morning. can't imagine what 'd havehappened if i wasn't here how is she now? don't know. it's hard to say
tell me about you.what're you up to these days? i'm working with dad in hiscomputer business everything else is the same... and you? still at your uncle's placein poona? ya. it's a very nice.you must come there sometime definitely man are you just saying that ordo you really intend on coming? i intend on doing a lot of things...like getting married i always knew that the first to gemarried among us three would be you
guess what! so is akash what! akash! getting married!?that's funny i'm not kidding! no way! but to whom? that girl who wascrazy about him in college? don't you remember her? she used to say akash's namein that peculiar way! god! deepa is coming here! akash, let's dance. it'll make theother couples jealous
sure! why not! go ahead.i'll be right with you in three lifetimes from now sameer, please get me a drink.i'm ever so thirsty and throw in a dance or two withdeepa while you're at it what're you sketching? priya, isn't sameer taking toolong to get your drink? did somebody just die?- yes... you! did i send you to get a drinkor chat up other girls! i'm sure you have somethinggoing on with her
i remember you were never homewhen i was away on holiday you've got it all wrong, priya how do you know her? did somebody just die? who is she?- i don't know you must have seen her somewhere! that i have.- where? she's over there priya, do you know her?
forget it man. she doesn'tseem your type i don't plan on marrying her!big deal about my type and may i know what your type is? one who lives her lifeand lets me live mine someone not overtly emotional oh, i remember.you once met such a girl the affair lasted for two weeks! that itself was too much anyway, i'm off...
...or she'll have had grandchildrenby the time i get there think about it.i don't see her biting the hook it's called the good-oleakash charm and it never fails is the mike leaking., where has 3 gone? today, on this all importantgraduation day... i have decided to sing a song and because we are steppinginto a new world... ...where the responsibility to besomebody will be thrust on us... the title of the song is:"a hundred ways to get a job"
relax guys! i was only kidding! if people say... that we are crazy,then let them we don't give a damnabout what they think when we can play musicwhen we can sing... then why should we hesitate? we will sing the melodythat's in our hearts if the world gets angry...- let it be angry if the world quarrels...- let it quarrel if the world fights...- just it fight.
just keep right on singing if the world sulks...- let it sulk if ties are broken...- let them break if someone leaves you...- let them go don't ever be afraidwe are today. why should our style be old? there's lightning in our eyes.a storm in our breath what's fear, what's defeat?we don't know what they mean the earth and sky,are created for us
i'm sure we could evenpluck the stars out of the night our abode is beyond the sky we are today.why should our style be old? we have been raised in theland of dreams we can be as shy aswe are openly affectionate mesmerising everybodywherever we go... ...teaching you lovely womenthe art of love we know how to steala woman's heart and her sleep if people say......that we are crazy, then let them
if the world fights...- let it fight don't ever be afraid shalini... that's a lovely name i haven't seen you before.you're not from our college you're right. i'm here with somebody and now would you say yes todancing with this somebody? the fact is that rohit... rohit! okay!so you are rohit's sister? no. actually i...
rohit and i are very good friends.why, he's more like a brother not even if i told youthat i love you? yes, shalini. i love youand only you my every breath... ...every heartbeat... ...every moment,is for you, shalini i'm sure that i was bornso that i could love you and you were born to become mine you are mine, shalini
and if you ask your heart... ...you will know that i speakthe truth. who are you? don't you recognize your brother rohit? you are rohit? i mean,you too- are rohit? i thought shalini was thatother rohit's sister. look, he's over there sameer...! your name is sameer? so you've being lying to me all along!that's really wrong of you
what can i say now...you can see for yourself he got me to believe thathis name was rohit neither is he rohitnor shalini my sister shalini is my fiancee fiancee...! i don't like you being friendswith akash at all his behaviour the other night...you know how embarrassed i was? let him do what he wants. just keep away from him
but akash is my friend, priya! like you don't haveany other friends? yes, i do... but he... just decide, sameer. you caneither be with akash or me! i am thinking... you need time to thinkif you want to be with me! okay. so you want some time? no! i'm going out with friends.i'll be back by 2.00
if i don't hear from you before that,i'll know what your answer is don't you think you areover-reacting? no you've never seen me over-react.if i do... then god help you!! what are you doing! your bruise has turned a strange colour.have you seen it, sid? i'm glad you like it!do you want one? hey! don't get that anger out on me man did i ask you to speak to shalini?
no. but you could've at least helped me.you just sat there! such a true friend! i think i'd bebetter off befriending rohit i'd at least get some protection! may god bless your unity. i'm off. where to? -home. why? what's the hurry?right, sameer? ya, man, chill. it's only1'o' clock in which country?it's nearly 4 here! i forgot to call priya!
why are you so scared of priya? i'm not scared of her i don't want to hurt heror lose her sameer, i can't understandhow you tolerate her she seems more a bossthan a girlfriend! akash, i'm asking for help,not your expert comments what should i do? what do you think? i'll tell you what.call priya and apologise
tell her you will never meetakash again you know i won't do that! what if she gets hurt...what if you lose her! you'll never improve, will you why are you turning thisinto such an issue? just call her, talk to her.it'll all be okay the thing is... but listen... you're not...but i... what i'm saying... i'm at akash's she hung up
what did you expect? she'll say sorry darling! enough is enough, sameer.listen to me just go there and tell herthese tantrums won't work if she wants to be with you,she must follow your wishes she's challenged yourself-respect, buddy what are you doing? be a man! that's exactly what i'm going to do.- that's the way to go! he's dead!
oh, priya?- please give sameer the phone but sameer hasn't come here. i too amlooking for him since last night what? didn't he come there? careful man!only this eye is working we need to talk there's no need for that. i knowwhat you have to say you know? - yes i spoke to akash after our talk right! and?
he said you weren't at his house stop pretending! i can't believei did this to myself i never knew you were such a liar i don't want to see yourface ever again! could i be of any assistance? it's not a problem at all oh god! what's in here?- my things hang on. i'll get it from this side if just one suitcase has reducedus to this condition, then...
there's only two more like this is that all? just two more?let's go it's a nice house it belongs to the company i work for i am an interior designer...tara jaiswal what do you do? i work as a porter on sundays and the rest of the week? normally if anyone asks me that, i sayanything that pops into my head
but i'll tell you the truth becausei think it might be of interest to you i don't quite understand? i mean you have three paintings in yourluggage and that's my vocation may i see your paintings? of course where do you live? the last house down this road.you can come whenever you wish sid, i'm going to the office.- just a minute, ma i'm coming along. just drop me offat sameer's
by the way, it's anju's weddinganniversary today she'll be very disappointedif you don't come is siddharth home? - yes you are...? - i am tara ma, this is tara well, i'd better be going ya, you go ahead, i'll go myself. all right. but you are comingthis evening, aren't you? where? - to anju's!
mom, i get extremely bored there there are very few places in this worldwhere you don't get bored fine! have it your way. please have a seat i'd like to see your paintings first the same theme here too what theme? i have learnt something aboutyou today something i couldn't seeat our first meeting
what's that? the thing is, you meet people,talk to them, laugh... but there's a world within you... ...full of dreams, of fantasies... ...that you don't share with anyone i wonder if those, who claimto know you... ...really know you at all what makes you say that? the door is not open...entry is forbidden...
the box is tightly bound...no one can steal anything... and who can tell what feelings reflectbehind those shut eyelids... i wonder what other secrets yourpaintings hide within them... or within you perhaps why are you looking at melike that? anyway, which do you thinkis your best? i have yet to create that one look at your face!white as a sheet! look, i am very angry right nowand all because of you
hey! i saved your life andyou are angry with me? saved my life?- absolutely! this was bound to happen priya would've left you tomorrowif not today. know why? because she didn't love you,she loved some other sameer he looked like you but wassomeone else you are not that- sameer. you are thesameer i know, sid knows... and priya could only hope to know if you became that sameer, our thissameer would be defeated!
i never thought of it like that...- i know then pack your bags and let's go sid and i are waiting for youin the car where are we going? - goa! goa...?! the heart wants... may these sparkling days never end may we never have to bewithout our friends may our days be full of poetry...
...our evenings dance andnights sing. may our time together alwaysbe fun and exciting may every path we treadbring us happiness may these sparkling daysnever end our paths dazzle with their glitter may this joy and lightbe ours by right where's akash? there... behind the plant are you guys staying here too?
not are... we were.we are checking out we've been staying here for a week.isn't that right, guys? yes, we've been here for a week but akash just got here today.- yes. i got here today akash! it's nice to see you haven'tlost your sense of humour! hey sid, look over there! sid, did you hear that?someone's calling out my name go faster, buddy. fasterthis is the top speed what an amazing place!
we should come to goa every year,for a week at least what say, sid? what are you thinking? i'm looking at that ship... ...that's about to disappear overthe horizon the three of us are like that ship soon, we'll set out lookingfor our destinations... ...and it might just be thatour destinations are different i don't understand whyyou're saying all this
sid, we are all friends... ...for life of course we are but who knows where life willtake each one of us ever wondered, let alone comehere every year for a week... it may be difficult to meeteven once in 10 years that won't happen, sid we were, are and will be friends.always anyway, shall we go?deepa must be waiting for you
don't say must be waiting.she is! i told her akash will meet herby the poolside at 8 sharp! how strange is this journey! if you just think...each one of us is so unaware... ...of where he is destined to go... ...of what the futureholds for each of us ...our evenings danceand nights sing deepa, why do you like akashso much? what do you mean?
sometimes i wonder why welike and want someone why do you like him? i don't know... i just do even knowing that akash......doesn't love me yes... then too deepa you are a good-iooking,intelligent girl. you can get anyone you want... in that case, why can'ti have akash! i don't know that...
but i do know that ifyou're ever in trouble, and need akash's help or support,he'll do whatever he can for you. but deepa, you shouldn'thope for things that... take a look at this sand the tighter you try to grip it... ...the faster it slipsthrough your fingers have you donated your bagto the hotel? actually, i've decided tostay back for a few days what?
er... kristine wants me to stayfor some more time kristine? that girl who... sid! are you listening? our friend hasdecided to become a hippie! if you hadn't brought me here,i'd have never met her she's swiss. i was wondering...why not go there... ...and start a bee farm.swiss honey is world famous... let's go akash what have i done! he wasbetter off with priya one more thing...
please don't call my housetill i get back so, did you have fun in goa? it was great. have you been there? yes. many years ago whose photographs are these? esha... my daughter oh, i haven't met her.where is she? she lives with her father 9th april 95... exactlyon my birthday...
my husband gave me a gift... you do meet your daughter,don't you? the court doesn't permit meto meet my daughter why? my ex-husband is a very rich man his lawyers were very smart andcapable with the help of many falsewitnesses, he proved... ...that i am not a good mother.that i'm an alcoholic an irresponsible womanwho drinks
you're nothing like that! oh for you to have beenthe judge! anyway, what elsedid you do there? i'd like to paint you paint me? be back in two minutes are you going somewhere? sorry, i have to go i just got a call from the site.there's a problem
have you given any thoughtto your future? i know it's my fault... ...i always thought, i'd giveyou some time... you needed it. it's my pampering thathas spoilt you if this goes on... you'll definitely have signeda cheque till my retirement dad, there are more thingsto life than signing cheques really! and what are these things? i don't know yet but the momenti do, you'll be the first to know
i have had enough of your jokes i've decided that you will goto australia cool! another holiday? you'll manage our businessthere mom, dad's joking now no, akash. dad is seriousand you better be serious too you are going to sydney and you will manage the office there sameerji's mummyji is on the phone
akash baba says that... yes, aunty what's wrong with sameer? nothing's wrong with sameer.he's perfectly ok what ok!? he's shut himselfin his room he hasn't eaten and justdoesn't come out sameer is in bombay? didn't you all come backlast night yes, aunty. it was last nightbut... i'm so distracted now...
akash, are you and sameer on drugs? of course not, aunty. don't worry.i'll be there right away the least you could've done was call. i didn't know what to say to your mom what's happened to you? i'm in no mood to talk now okay. how's kristine? don't even mention her namein front of me! why? what happened?
get it off your chest it's not good for healthto suppress such emotions well, after the two of leftthe other day... i met kristine on the beach it felt so good... just kristine and me... i loved her so much... how happy i was... we watched the sunset and shecame back to the hotel with me
i invited her in i could never have imaginedwhat happened next i don't think she was fromswitzerland either i'm glad to have amused you guys! that truck driver who gave me a rideto bombay was far more sympathetic! you came back in a truck!? what did you think?that i sit on this pillow every day? i'm pissed off travelling 12 hoursin a truck mother, he is mr. shankaran.art india magazines.
i was telling siddharth aboutmy friend who lives in kasauli he hosts a painting workshopevery year and you feel that he mustgo there absolutely it'll be a very good experiencefor him oh, you're here! you're a strange boy!you invite me and act surprised when i come. ma, this is tara!tara jaiswal. you introduced us before how long will you go aroundwith that glum face...
come. let me introduce youto these sweet girls forget it man. i'm not in the mood are you fine? look... kristine! do you like it? i like them all it's difficult to saywhich one is your best i haven't painted my best yet
why not? you don't seem to have the time? on such a big day in your lifei've to agree to your wish. tell me, when you willstart my painting? tomorrow wait, i'll be out in a minute. - no problem what season is this in which theheart blooms like a flower. ...in which the colours merge...
...and all the fragrancesblend moonlight, brooksand clouds... songs, rainand butterflies... they all seem favourable to me what season is this in whichthe heart blooms like a flower oh look! banks of a river... a bird calls outto another bird look, at the river itself...
she flows on to unitewith the sea all these journeysare part of love's caravan oh how can i explain... how can i make you understandwhat love is! there are no attachmentsin love and neitherare there any barriers love's saga is extraordinary ...in which all the colours merge...
greetings, aunty. are you going out, sameer? ya, to akash's... why? i'll be back mom! what's the matter? the fact is, nareshji's daughterpooja is coming here and we want the two of you to... what! fixing my marriage...! an arranged marriage!no, mom. not for me
why not? your daddy and i hadan arranged marriage listen to me. we are not forcingyou to get married we have known them for years and we thought we'd turn friendshipinto a marriage alliance you don't lose anything bymeeting pooja, do you? okay. but you know my answer.and that's no! who is it, sameer? er... sameer, we have somethingimportant to discuss nareshji, is that all right?
anyway, they'll get boredsitting with us oldies are they your friends? please sit down this is akash and this is sid seems like a deep friendship either the friendship is deepor it's a 3-d photograph pooja, you do know whyyou're here, don't you? yes. mom and dad told me look, honestly speaking...
when mom told me about this...i felt it wasn't right at first... ...but now... i'm so happy you said no tothis arranged marriage bullshit! i think marriages shouldn't bemade like this it's so important to love somebodyto get married yes, absolutely why? are you in love withsomeone? there is this guy in my life but i guess i don't love himenough so far to marry him i pretty much feel the same...
...but not about the guy in your life! and then? then what!she went home it's a problem man please don't tell me you'vefallen for her after all this! look, sameer... i have no doubt whatsoeveryou have fallen in love with her but i'm equally sure that after3 months... ...you'll be in love with some othergirl
no, akash i always thought i knewwhat love was i realized today that i wascompletely wrong is that so! akash, when pooja told me aboutthat guy in her life... for the first time i thought aboutall those girls in my life... i was attracted to all of them... but i was wrong to thinkthe attraction was love and now you love pooja?
yes. that's it!i love pooja then tell her take my advice. don't sayanything to anyone there's no trusting you today it's pooja,tomorrow it'll be some ahuja! how did you know it'smy birthday? didn't you mention it? i am so happy today guess what? esha called me
she is coming to see me today my daughter is coming here... sid, she remembered it'smy birthday today i'll be seeing her after 5 years! i've cooked everything myself.i baked a cake i'm so happy is esha coming alone or your... oh no. she told him she's going toa friend's birthday party... because ajay will never let hercome here
would you like to meet her? it'll make me happy how dare you teach my daughterto lie? have you no shame? thank god i heard eshatalk to you over the phone why don't you stay away from her? i am her mother! you were her mother but nowkiran is her mother it'd be wise of you to understandthis don't ever try to meet esha again
not unless you want me to takeyou to court... again you understand what i'm getting at,don't you? he tells me i am not esha's mother! that esha is not my daughter! i am her mother... he married again he destroyed all my dreams.i said nothing because i had everything... i had my esha
i have nothing at all i am nothing. nothing. you know, crying doesn't suityou at all what else can i do! you can come with me you two must be wondering wheresiddharth has brought you! no such thing. we'd goanywhere to eat cake will you dance with me? where?- right here there's lot of space, come.
sid, we've reached your house you're joking, right? hey akash, he's serious man! sid, my knowledge of suchthings is a bit sad but... ...this is a but much, isn't it? is that because she's older? no. i mean that too wait a minute! why are we evendiscussing this nonsense? because i thought that may beyou guys would understand
hey sid! understand what? you say you love a woman whois 10 to 15 years older than you... ...has a daughter, had a husband you've told us she has adrinking problem what should we understand?- just this... i know all this and stilllove her but sid, think about it.this isn't love, it's insanity no. this is love i don't expect her to be mineor marry me
i don't expect any such thing even if she doesn't love me,it's okay because i... okay! i get it remember, sameer? even i hadstarted off like this started what off?oh. of course. okay, sid. if that's what it's aboutthen i have no objection in fact she's perfect for you she's experienced, lives alone.you visit her everyday learn from him, sameer
really, sid. you couldn't havechosen better... how disgusting can you get! here i am telling you i love her andyou make it sound so sick and dirty we don't have to approveeverything our friends do but there is a line in everyfriendship that shouldn't be crossed and you have crossed it today at some point in life everyoneexperiences true love then all the things you said...about her age and stuff... they don't mean anything.they all seem trivial
you won't understand this today but some day you will know... you don't decide to fall in love it just happens are you finished? i still remember that night i never thought things would gothat far i couldn't sleep all night i went and met akashthe next morning
these things happenbetween friends let's go meet sid.he must be feeling bad too you're sure to run into himsomewhere what'll you do? ignore him? you're coming to meet sid leave me alone, sameer! i have to see sid he's gone where? - kasauli
they called yesterday to say hisapplication was accepted. so he... what is it, sameer?is everything alright? of course. i should go i didn't realise that thingswould never be the same again you went to kasauli... a week later,akash left for australia take care of yourself you remember the name of the manwho'll receive you in sydney? mr. mehta... relax, dad.i remember bye. i'll call you from there
i must tell you something- what's it? i always made fun of yourendless romantic entanglements never stopped to think how youmust feel you know i was just kidding,don't you? don't worry about it you weren't the only one who waskidding you remember shalini? i remember shalini...and rohit's punch as well i knew she was rohit's fiancee
why didn't you tell me?why didn't you stop me? i said hi where are you going? this flight goes to sydney but where are you going? how strange! all three of usare going to sydney three? sure. you, me, and this flight you do know you're insane,don't you?
i'm really sorry aboutthe other night i was just kidding so what are you... what are you doing in sydney? dad has a business there hewants me to manage... let's see how long it lasts now.and you? my uncle lives there my mother's brother.i'm visiting him he's nothing like rohit, is he!
what does he do? have you been to sydney before? do you always ask so manyquestions? yes. have you been to sydneybefore? yes good. you can show me around wait a minute. don't you knowanybody else there? of course. there is a mr. mehta and won't it be fun hanging outwith him?
i said i'm sorry okay but i will have to askmy uncle but he won't refuse. because i have bought him a gift! i'm fine but please stopcalling me uncle now you've grown up which makes uspractically the same age so, is it a business trip? we have an export business anddad's exported me here to handle it exports? sounds very boring, man
that's what i think too personally, i prefer something moreadventurous... ...like wild life photography you like photography? mum says the first word i saidwasn't papa or mama... it was camera! i'm steve steve? - satyadev mehta i've organized a car for you.i'll get your trolley
okay shalini, i'll take your leave.bye, mahesh here's my card. if you needanything in sydney, call me well, i'd better leave now.i'm sure you want to rest i'll send the driver to pick youup tomorrow yes, i'll tell mr. mehta dad wants you to send hima copy of the new contract you are coming to the meetingtomorrow, aren't you? can you give me our transactionfile? i'd like to know a little more aboutthem before the meeting
i'll send you the file right away is there a good restaurant aroundhere? being alone in a new citycan be so boring but you aren't alone! who said i was bored? who'd have thought thatsomeday you and me would be sittinghere like friends especially after all that happened... so how is rohit?
he's fine. i spoke to himthis morning i told him i met you on the flightand... and he doesn't like you meetingme! right? but you're here.why? akash, you don't know rohit. he doesn't like me meetingany boys but rohit is a good guy he has a few faults but then,don't we all. me... you... faults... and me!
so tell me about yourself what do you want to know? of course i have. but not formore than 2 weeks then there's another girlfriend...another 2 weeks... and then another... stop! i understand how yourgirlfriend system works what i don't understand is...why? the fact is, i've seen many of myfriends with their "beloveds" they have everything but lovefor each other
that's why i think i am better offas i am no questions... no answers i don't ask rohit questions,nor do i demand answers but he asks questions.he demands answers i never said it's alwaysthe girl's fault but relationships just get like that.start with joy and end in grief i see! so this is the result ofan end in grief now i've understood your2 weeks formula! no! it's nothing of the sort
i have consciously decided not tofall in love and ruin my life but love isn't about decisions.it just happens then i don't let it happen to me give it some time. i'm sureit will some day why? are you proposing? how was your day? akash is nuts turn it down guys.it's my wife-to-be how are you?
hopefully a little less drunk did you get my message?where were you? i met akash for lunch i told you not to meet him!why don't you listen to me? are you yelling at me in frontof your friends? i am coming there. it'll take sometime but i will be there as you wish, rohit. bye pooja, i was in the neighbourhoodand i thought... pooja, if you aren't doinganything else...
pooja, i was in the neighbour... bye mom, i'll call later fine. and you? subodh, this is sameer.sameer, this is subodh are you waiting for someone? yes. but it seems likethey won't show up now so tell me... what's the planafter dinner? no plan come on, let's do something
what say, subodh? i'm sorry. i've made it a habitto sleep by 10 one night won't changeyour habit come on, pal. anyway,it's sunday tomorrow i know. thing is i've to wake up at5 and do yoga then some jogging and breakfastat 8 sharp and since it's sunday... ...we spend the day at kumar uncle'sbeach house i'll be right back
it's time for his bathroom break,right? he isn't that bad so where are you off to? let's see... if time table doesn't want tocome, may be you can join me i'm sure i can... if i call you sometime... wow! what're we celebrating? you don't remember?
it was on this day five months agothat i told you what i felt for you to subodh and pooja! what's the situation like?- pretty intense really, mahesh there were such intense scenesin the film! so moving... please cut out the performance and forgive me for taking youto see such a good film! you see! that's my biggest problem i can't bear watching good films
yes. you only like thosewham bang action films anyway, that's all you canunderstand... ...because they don't require youto use your brains or heart! you need plenty of brains forthese love stories she sits here shedding tears,he sits there sighing... ...what's all this lovey- doveystuff about anyway! you won't understand what're you doing man, let's go wonder whypeople fall in love
wonder why peopleare ready to die for someone wonder why,oh wonder why... wonder why... why... why! just think about it,there is only grief in love as for love's cruelty,it's past counting when in loveyour head must remain bowed even when in painyou have to smile why fill your own lifewith poison? wonder why,oh wonder why
wonder why why... why... without lovewhat's left in life without lovea person is ionely without lovewhat's there in life love brings colourinto your life love brings beautyinto your life people fall in lovebut hide it wonder why they fearexpressing it openly wonder why why why!
love is justneedless trouble love is beautifulin every aspect we are all better offfar away from love love's every formis the assured truth he that tests love'swaters... ...neither drowns nor floats wonder why? everyone but everyonefalls in love wonder why only youkeep avoiding it
wonder why... tell me something shalini why're you so scared ofsitting on these rides? i m not scared i think only those who aren't rightin their heads enjoy these rides interesting excuse you need courage to sit onthese rides! you need guts but don't worry. there are manycowards like you around here look. there's one right there
it's not like that at all if it isn't like that, then get onthat ride with me why? no guts? it's getting late i'm going on that ride if you want, you can come with me.or sit here and get bored absolutely no guts hurry. we can catch this train really shalini! how could youscare that poor old man!
how did it go? really well. they like my work and... they want me tocome back that's great when will you have to go? i've just returned and you'reasking about my leaving did you talk to sameer? no. why? he came over the morningyou left
he seemed very troubled what did he say?- nothing when did you get back? how are you? how's everything? great. how are things with youman? it's a very long story let's go up and talk okay, so here's the situation you are pretty good friends.hang out together
but you still haven't told herhow you feel i've tried very hard... but the words just don't come out didn't she have a boyfriend? yup. she did... but not anymore i don't know what pooja sawin him i mean he was sweetbut what a bore! one day i made the mistake ofgoing for a drive with them see this place...
i met pooja for the first timeon 15th september right here exactly 7 days later, we came hereto have ice cream... 22nd september you wouldn't remember the time,would you? of course i remember.it was exactly 5.55 that's not all he'd buy her a ballooneveryday balloon...? yes. you know those heart shapedones you get at signals it's okay but...everyday!
one balloon a day! i knew the guy was deranged if you love pooja so much,why haven't you told her? i was afraid... what if pooja says no? i'd even lose this friendshipwe share now... and be all alone you weren't here.nor was akash anyway, you're here now
and i feel stronger knowingthat you're here for me i'm always here for you, sameer then... shall i tell her today? tell her pooja, there's somethingi need to tell you i wonder what if the arrangingincident hadn't happened if we hadn't met the way wedid... if i had met you somewhere else,would we be the same as we are now? and if we weren't the way we are,how else would we be?
if you thought differentlyabout me... ...if i thought differently aboutyou, what'd happen? what's happening now?...what am i saying? just a lot of ifs!what's the matter? the matter is just that... i'm falling in love with you i agree that we don't knoweach other very well if you trust me at all, believethat i am telling the truth i look everywhere for her.but i still haven't found her
where is the girlin whose love i can believe? she who loves only me she must be even readyto say... "o listen, you are the onewho has my heart" oh, where is that girl? she who lives in your dreamas love's beautiful embodiment... you will find her somedayor other just look here and there let's both go and find her...
this angel, this fairy,this damsel so dainty... ...who upon seeing,you will say she is right here! i wonder whyi had this thought... could you be thedream girl? you have all the gracesthat i search for everywhere i think you are deluded i wonder what you think i am i am no angel or fairynor any celestial nymph
don't have any suchillusions suppose i say to you... all i think ofis you and only you you must knowthis is what i desire... ...you must be with me,only with me oh, what have you made me believe! oh, how you make my heart beat! you melt my body and soul... ...reciting this saga of yours
oh, where is that girl?that girl is here! where is that girl?- that girl is here! i can't believe that it's alreadytime for you to leave don't worry, mom.i'll be back soon three months is not soon and that's this time you don't know how longyou'll be gone next time siddharth... have you thought aboutmarriage? mom!
what mom! some other time, okay?- but why? why not now? it's just... forget it, mom.you won't understand i'm your mother! if i can'tunderstand you, who else will? is there someone you like? sid, what's the matter? you've never hidden anythingfrom me yes, ma. but there are some thingsthat you just can't tell somebody yes there are...
but i can see there's somethingeating away at you inside will you keep it bottled up insideall your life? ma, i'm telling youyou won't understand! why won't i understand? try telling me what is this thing that i don'thave the right to know? what's the matter? that tara jaiswal? i've met her so many times...but... she...
when did this start? i don't know when... i won't let you ruin your life! have you any inkling of whatyou are saying? my son has fallen in love witha woman who... you were right i wouldn'tunderstand and what has she told you,that she loves you? she must've seduced you with hersad stories what did she say to you?- she said nothing!
she doesn't even know that i... your mother is absolutely right,siddharth don't ruin your life over me. and thelittle peace i have left in my life... please don't take it awayfrom me go away! - please listen to me i don't want to hear anything have i ever made you feelthat i love you... ...or want a relationshipwith you? then what made you think...
...that you and i could... ...have any such relationship? this is the problem with yourgeneration you all think anything goes.but that's not so, siddharth why just me? you have also caused your mothera lot of pain i'm so sorry that i caused youand my mother such pain i'm sorry you had to hearall this because of me but it's true that i love you
it's also true that i neverwanted you to know it because i knew that you... ...would never be able to understand i just want to see you happy and if knowing the truthhas caused you pain today... all i can say is, that wasn'tmy intention sid, please leave now after the workshop... i think i'll go stay at uncle'sfarm house for a while
it's a good place to paint will you come with me? i don't want to go without you just a minute... you look very lovely so, why are we here? to prove to you that a thing calledlove does exist in this world don't you ever give up? shut up and lets go in
why are we here?- to watch an opera yes, but why? you'll know when the time comes the girl's name is cressidaand the boy is troilus they love each other very much but troilus must go now he has to go to war for his country cressida is afraid something mayhappen to him troilus is telling hernothing will happen to him
this is the spirit of troilus...standing at heaven's gate but he doesn't want to go inside he is asking god for one day he wants to meet cressida forone last time and tell her how much he loves her if he is given one day... he is willing to die a thousanddeaths shut your eyes, akash think...
who is it... ...to spend that one day with, youare willing to die a thousand deaths who is it, akash? no so easily! you still haven't told mewho you saw you seem quite sure that isaw someone? yes. because today forthe first time... ...you're talking lessand thinking more! then listen
i saw her... and i felt... ...perhaps this is whatthey call love i wanted to touch her... ...hold her in my arms... i saw such innocencein her eyes... ...like i see in your eyes now her voice... ...had the kind of magicyour voice has
i can still feel the fragranceof her breath... ...like i can feelin your breath now who was she? that fat opera singer! shalini, come inside... at once! i think the two of you shouldtalk alone where had you gone?- to the opera with akash! how many times have i told younot to meet him!
rohit, will you keep telling meall my life... ...who i should or should not meet! yes. i will and you will never see akashagain. you got that? rohit, i need some time to thinkand you need it too shalini had called.she said it's important hi, rohit. it's akash is shalini there? she had called i know. we are going back...to get married
can i speak to shalini? that's good news akash, we are going back tomorrow can you come for dinner tonight? i don't know. bye hey, akash! we thought youweren't going to make it they're beautiful. thanks what will you drink? we can drink later. let's eat first.i'm starving
shalini, have you toldmahesh uncle... ...how you and akash met? no? really, mahesh uncle... i don't know what you'd havedone if you were there what happened? it was at my graduationparty shalini was with me perhaps akash didn't knowthat...
sorry for the punch no, rohit. it was my fault but to tell you the truth,i think i was lucky i mean, if shalini was with me... ...and someone had acted fresh... i'd have killed him that is... if shalini was with you hey, wait...
you're coming to our wedding,aren't you? no, i can't make it. there's a lotof work to be done some friend you are! anyway, don't forget to call us toyour wedding we'll definitely be there i'm not going to get married it's necessary to love someoneto get married and i believe... ...this thing called love doesn'texist in the world
shalini and i love each other that's why we're getting married.isn't that so, shalini? you both shouldn't ask each otherthis question. ask yourself i better go you left your jacket with methe other night some day i want to tell you whyi am marrying rohit why? what's the need to tell me? i need to... because we both know...
...that night at the opera,when you shut your eyes... ...it wasn't the fat opera singeryou saw loneliness this ioneliness... why have i stumbled onthe path of love all my dreams lie shattereda sense of gloom lies heavy every joy is be numbed my very life is lost i am being punishedfor loving you
loneliness... loneliness stretches overmiles and miles in my dream i sawa hand in my hand now i am blinded by theshards of a shattered dream someone was here yesterday but today there is no one like a cobra's venomous hissit envelopes my very breath... ...this ioneliness has brought tears to my eyes
oh how could my hope forsomething be so futile i've embarked on a journeyto which there is no destination where should i go? to whom shall i explain? what i had wanted... and why i ended up with... lonelinessdeeply dark as the night hello, aunty. is sameer home? who is this?
you want to talk to sameerand you've called siddharth! i... i'm okay, aunty he's gone to kasauli. give meyour number. i'll give it to him no, it's okay.i'll call him how are you, son? i'm okay, dad what's wrong? are you unwell? no, it's nothing like that been working all day...
i'm tired, that's all come back home, akash what's wrong, akash? i've never seen you like thisbefore i'm in love, dad so what's the problem? she is marrying somebody else have you told her you love her? does she love you?
yes, she does has she told you? akash, you must tell herhow you feel there are many things in this worldthat are beyond our understanding when a person decides something... ...there must be a reason for thatdecision you say that the girl loves youbut is marrying someone else have you tried to find outwhy she's doing it? what's the reason for her decision?
how's shalini? she isn't happy and how could she be? she is marrying rohitbut loves you did she tell you that?- no did you ever tell me you love her? then why's she getting married? rohit's father and shalini's fatherwere business partners shalini was six when her parentswere killed in a car accident
i was her only relative buti wasn't able to support her rohit's parents took her in... ...not only into their home but their hearts and their life they've done a lot for her if they want her to marry rohit,shalini can't refuse what else can she do? on one hand are the people who'vegiven her the life she's living on the other hand is a man...
she doesn't even know if he lovesher or not akash, what are you doing man!go and tell her you love her akash, only you know whatyou have to do just know this. tonight isthe sangeet function... ...and tomorrow the wedding whatever your decision,you must make it today will you marry me? not even if i tell you thati love you? shalini...
i love you and only you ...you will know that i speakthe truth what's going on! who is this boy? i'll tell you he is akash malhotra,a.k. malhotra's son... ...who's been after shalini,wagging his tail i hit him once but i guessit wasn't enough, huh? i won't leave you today! you will do no such thing, rohit.i want to speak to shalini first
no, rohit! you wait here.- but dad! this is my life... mahesh, i feel very hurt today i always thought that shalini wasmy daughter but today i feel that she hasnever thought of us as her own she wants to repay her debt to usby marrying rohit all right shalini, you must repay us for looking after you fromchildhood till now... you owe us for giving you whatever youasked for... you owe us
for shielding you fromeven a hint of trouble... ...you owe us now if you want to repay all thatyou owe us... see us happy... then marry akash can you do this much for me? come... take care of her.she is my daughter just a minute, dad you can't do this! mom, whyaren't you saying anything?
let her go, rohit you care about shalini's happinessbut don't give a damn about mine! rohit, if shalini is not happybeing with you... ...how can you ever be happy? this can't happen to me! i won't allow this! what are you doing? i love akash all his life he said...
i won't say "i love you" to anyone and when he had to say it... it was at someone's weddingin front of 300 people! did you call him? what did he say? he wasn't home i told you he won't come can i talk to sid? fine. how are you?
forgive me i must apologise too some other time.it's my turn today you haven't changedat all ya. anyway, it's hard to improveon perfection where are you? when can we meet? today. now. this very moment now... there's no pain...nor any fear i feel good
it's peaceful here you're a good boy, siddharth you always stood by me you want me to be happy,don't you... then... you be happy you will, won't you? i will life is so strange some relationships...
...don't have any name you and i will always... hey sid, look at your ship it was so small 2 years ago.look how much it's grown if you guys wanted to be byyourselves, you should've told us see! i'm getting told off becauseof you i've been telling you, let's go come on come on man
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Reviewed by lexibrennaa
February 09, 2018
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