moscow, a city of those whoalways a winner. people come here to become billionaires, politicians,diplomats and great writers. hello, this is vyacheslav kolotilov.i brought you a novel. - a terrible novel, what? - nasty,we will not publish - here's a tip: to write about love, it is necessaryher experience. - thank you. -please.

english movies online free, yes, to survive, we mustfirst to find her. the main thing is not to despair. fatei need her face. - god.- all come, i'll say 1000 times, look where you are going - daniel, help me. - all killed.- i feel sick. and i feel good, yes.
- man, man, you hear me? like you. inok?- lord, how beautiful, i'm such a movie just seen. - lie down, do not get upplease do not move- hollywood. - you are not misunderstood, i am a passenger.- and who was behind the wheel? - a month behind the wheel, but you understand, woman.- i know. - your documents.- police, help. that's my fault. - i went through a red light and thought have time. it did not happen.- how red? - good. i say that the man himself broke the law.- what are you talking about? - police, please listen to me. idid not see red light, riding and hit a person. - so, what are you talking about nadia. slowlyrode the green light. he under the wheels.
- with a wink?- i? i do not wink, i just a nervous tic. - do not listen to her, the police. i'm sorry.- you must be at the hospital. - i do not need a hospital. why the hospital? - why?do not have a hospital, police officer. normal man. - yes. - you have a claim?- yes, i went through a red light. - do you have a claim to the girl?-no.well, please, understand: who among you must be at the hospital who do not need a hospital. - a woman free path- now do it. - now do that, clean this up. - i'm sorryme, i do not see red light. - nothing. - to pass and did not notice. here you go. -thank you. - we are all lucky. everything. let's go. - sorry. nadia.- oh, glory.
- i can do for you to do something. - of course.do not go for it never to marry. - and it's none of your business. - a little - a little, nadia, faster, we are still in the car repairgo come on. - you know, dan, go alone. - okay. - you've got to the hospital. - that's so repche.- oh, excuse me, without asking. - nothing, nothing. so how do you romance, love?- if, frankly, not very - some kind of hero you have, not a hero. betterwould have written myself. - can. - what are you doing?- you are absolutely right.
- oh. the music is playing. - nadia, it's crazy. we have known each week.but i can not imagine how i'll live without you. - oh. sorry.- vyacheslav nikolayevich, you are quite invisible. - i am in moscow.- what are you doing, you have exams soon. - you know, it happened.- how? - i was hit by a car. - what. my god. you are alive, you're in the hospital, vyacheslav?- no, the doctor says i'll live. - foot in plaster. - do you have a fracture?- yes, the fracture had to be delayed. - hello.- come back immediately.
- you have to go back?- aye. yes. - i really want this to be our lastseparation, nadia. you marry me? - i agree. - wow, nadia, you're in a hurry.well, give yourself the opportunity to think a little - we have all decided.- and what if he does not come? - mom, this is not inherited.- you should be ashamed. what if ... - galchenok, stop croak. not all young men to flee to the same wedding dayhow are you. i am confident that these young men to lie on the road. - lie, lie. what daniel is not pleased.- well, my mother. - such a good boy. - near (reading words students).- and you do not run away, like my father. just kidding. just mom is very worried.
- nadch the train in half an hour. leaving- what kind of train, vyacheslav, a train on the ocean floor. - oh, the passenger. sidorov gatherclose your notebooks and class. - hello, hello.- goodbye. one day after the prom, isilly walks with the director of our school. - since it does not allow me to live.- kolotilov what you're paying attention. thank you. - application for dismissal. remember.- sit down, vyacheslav. - sign of course, not difficult. onlyas without you, vyacheslav. - i already bought a ticket.- you sit, sit. - vyacheslav, the school itself gave no residue. and youmeans to escape. school is not entitled to expect loyalty?
- alla andreevna, i train 20 minutes.- all currently think?- no. - and if i did not sign.- well, do not.- what? - i have a wedding on saturday.- what is marriage?- excuse me, thank you, good luck. so, there is no turning back. i have anothercharacter has become. goal set.-kolotilov. sit down and drove. - get married or something, vyacheslav?- i'm getting married in san sanych. - a new life begin. right nowi will sit on the train tomorrow in moscow. - you only restaurant in the train careful.i once ate and you stick. intestinal.a month in quarantine was bolgitse. will not let. - so be careful.and then missed his wedding. - council and love- thank you.
- quietly, quietly, to go the event.- so i also have the event.- ah, now, tell the mayor to zakakchival goaorit. well, great. only the championship is notenough. i must go. let's finish. - who are you, man?- my name is trehgolovich i senator - testing committee for physical culture and sport.- kolotilov. - how many years?- 12- the eyes see, the scammer. - 16.- okay, the mayor, these overgrown i disqualified. - a werewolf in this trainingpants. where is it? hiding?- hi. excuse me? - what's the name?- kolotilov. - this name football shame. if tomorrow does not play kolotilovon the field with a new team of 12 year old players, the championship will be canceled.
- in moscow, he met and who will remain here.football - the state. state - this is football. - excuse me, this is a mistake.i'm not the coach. i am a teacher- what? - that the principal will confirm. alla andreevna.- good afternoon. - i take for a coach. you tell me who i am.- of course the coach. - how.- an experienced teacher, the strategies and tactics to disassemble. - wait.- tomorrow at 9:30 bringest football team under 12 years old. - you know, i can not, tomorrow i have a wedding in moscow.- well, that's another matter. so decided to run? - no, not true. what you do.- ticket no. passport taken before the end of the season. - by what right?- shut up
i was frightened. senator after all.- work. - alla andreevna, i have a wedding. waiting for me.- to play in the championship and go to moscow. - good. i just play football can not.- what do you want, you coach. so, and when the next train. - league pick, a teacher. drowning myself and all topish.- i must go. i have a wedding in moscow tomorrow. - what say you get married without a passport? hey, teacher,an experienced coach: we have the olympic system. - do you understand? - no. - wellas lost, and retiring are going to moscow. - a loser?- of course. - find up to tomorrow in 12 normal children.then you lose the game and go to the wedding with a passport.
- do you understand me? - lost, dropped out.- exactly. - hlobustin. -kolotilov. - remember, come on. where will i get 11 boys for 12 years.no, i must flee - she may be the ticket nowget a passport then. - there can not be without a passport.- not at all.- not at all. - hey, boy, wait. telephone bring back.- what is the phone? - phone me, give. what's going on.- so this is your? - my. - it would be immediately and told- do not forget your passport. love you! - vyacheslav.- yes.
- a boy was here, did not see?- what is the boy? - yes a little. - on pockets steal.- a saw. - for about 12 years.- 12. that's where he ran. - thank you.- good. - how old are you? - what?- pro championship heard? i am the coach, the team dialed. - coach. do you see yourself in the mirror?- and that. so do not tell. - assign your attacker.- and who else. world cup. the best teams assembled. the whole country is watching. - and on the tv show?- yes, the entire press here - i'll make a star out of you. you'll thengive an autograph
- friends are- come on. - come on. close bag. - now dump the boys findtomorrow utrechkom lose in moscow. - to go play football?- are you. he is wild, all fears, hidden - why are you standing, let's go. - wild and sweet eats.- for sweet zagryzet. - these two are also the wild?- these are normal. - kolotilov.- chumanov. - kolotilov.- chicha. - the play football know how?
- there she is, take this. - do you hear the coach, and you do not cheat about the press- no. true. - what do they do?- accident. - you've done, now it is a lifetime of drugs will work.- 500 rubles enough. - it hurts. - 1000.- be patient brother. - and you all are? - sir, give me a watermelon.- go away, unwashed. - sir, you run fast?- swift. - well, then run.
- open your eyes, cyclops. the point is- oh, but who is this? - it's the coach.- coach? let's have a watermelon. - where?- at head. - and what are you guys doing?- what, what, stealing watermelons. - danger!- how to steal? i'm listening.hi, how are you? nadia, my passport and ticket were taken! - how was taken?- doctors. - i got on the train, went to the restaurant car.hungry and took a soup, salad, white bread.
- my god, what?- and they found a virus in them. - what is a virus?- mnfektsiyu stomach. - the train left, and all who were in the car- restaurant isolated. - at week.- a week? - 7 days. but do not worry, i do not eat - oh, thank god. well then you are going to moscow?- no. not yet. - i told you explain to me in the hospital.in the morning free. - i will come in the morning by bus.- when the bus arrived in moscow? - when. the day after tomorrow.- how the day after tomorrow? are you kidding me? what to do with the wedding?
- nadia, had not come out. i am very sorryguests may say so ... hello. - okay, i seem to come up with.- yes, why? - what is it? swap days. and the guests?- first, celebrate with their guests, and then the wedding. - do not understand how it is?- look for 1 day, 2 note, and at 2 city hall. - it's even more fun. yes?- i knew it. - coccyx.- what? - plague. well.- chicha. present - chetyrehglazy. what?- squint. in place. - sleeper. -i.- got it.
- 12 people! - one in stock.- exactly. - your parents let go?- we do not have parents. - homeless? well, most importantly, not players.- tomorrow at 9 am at the stadium. - who is late, the form will not receive. clear?- yes. - 12? - what?- real amateur teams. approved! what is this? - tactical developments.- uuu. - photos for the press, please.- yes. - this is what the press?- of course, the press.
- you disturb me, get back.- come on, come on. - this goal zabesh, then photograph.- good. - dear friends, unfortunately,glory could not come today. - all are ill on the train. colon bacillusglory is healthy. - so today's city council postponed to tomorrow.and today we have a 2 day - dear friends, we will do with the glory to the wedding remember youas the most unusual wedding, where you were in my life. - band, music! - dear friends, today on the field occurscommand "fingers" and "growth." hour game. break. 15 minutesto the station. excellent. have time.
- begin. - i was waiting for nadia. - what is that bezrbrazie. come face to face.- what are you, crazy. - max, to the gate quickly.- fuck. - sorry. come on, come on, come on ... it is that hooliganism? the first half ended,rostov 2-0 team. - fun, well done.- kolotilov, let me talk with the guys
- be attentive. if you win,our photo in the newspaper published. nadia, i'm the happiest in the worldpeople. now, nobody will be able to separate us. - you guys are what? what does he say?- it's okay, coach. - man was shot down. you did.now his whole life on the pill will work. - it hurts. - yes, it's an accident. here are bastards. song singing. "ah, the wedding, the wedding." - you are very beautiful.- what are you doing here? - i congratulate my mother and go.- mom? yes. - and you sing.
continues to sing. - come in, sit down.place is never empty. - thank you. - max, the wheel. wheel? - bring some vodka. hot.- where to put - over there. - chetyrehglazasty, dress. - watermelon steal. goal! - managed? the match ended in victoryfingers team 3-2. the next match againstfingers will be held tomorrow at 9 am.
- kolotilov, well done. - feel my job. players. skill and talent. - just a bad tactic, let's examine.- a case your throw. - come on, come on. come on,celebrate the victory. - i congratulate you, vyacheslav.(phone rings) - well, you tube, take it.- yes. - kolotusha, when are you coming?madhouse here, i feel bad. - nadia, here it is.- what happened? - just imagine, we just drove off.- so what?
- and the accident occurred.but that did not show tv news? - what accident?- a truck carrying watermelons. - straight at us.truck into a rock, and we are into the abyss - clung to a tree and hung.- you all right? - yes, one of the survivors, nadia.- why did not you call? - nadia, i lost the phone.dropped, there was no time to look for. - pulled out of people, children, women of the fire.were taken to hospital. - in fingers?- yes, i'm back in the fingers. - do you know if the other said, i thought lie.
- nadia, you have patience, for one day have to move. - what? hello, hello. - thank had an accident.he saved the children and women. - and i want to make a toastfor my life, for our hero. - nadia, he would not come. finish this circus.- mom. - hello. not hot in the jacket?- i'm up to the third goal not remove his jacket. - a sign of bad. and where are they found? - on the street.- good luck, you teacher - homeless children are not simple- no one in football is not taught to play
- life has taught. - come on, come on, come on. come on. oops! - there needs stratagem. tens of yours, captain,all goals scored, put it, and they will not win. - wow, funny pictures turned out- yeah, well you played. - hey, you're from a newspaper?- i'm not a newspaper, i have a blog on the internet. - blog? - yes. - that no one from the newspapers? - they come for the finals, champions show - in the final round.
- can it be replaced?- trehgolovich will not. okay. - here. you will find in any drugstore city safe.verified. from diarrhea has no one died. - remember? think, think, kolotilov.- thank you. well, they have methods in professional sport.giving children a laxative. now i understand why our teamalways loses. no. each child can find the key.to explain and negotiate. the main thing is to explain - karl, hello.- oh, hi. - talk is- sit
- you see, i have now such circumstances - in real life. lose tomorrow? - do not worry, coach, and now we would notlose. we need to get to the finals - yes, i explained everything to them.- what is explained? - win tomorrow- you win? - win, do not worry.a great sport this is a great sport. - man. - thank you. - do notmore than one capsule per day - and then the diarrhea will be strong.- and exactly will happen? - will. if, nadia, i toldwhat's really going on,
you would certainly not have believed it.- let before the match. - the bottle took.so come on, come on. sash, yours. - yes, i do not want to, i've been drinking.- come on. - this is your favorite arshavin. -he two bottles of soda drinks before the match. - really?- well, of course, raises the soda and energy comes from. take it! - and you know, galina, and irecently, i remember how i and nadia were children. - remember?- yes. - you always look good together:and at school and in childhood. - you know. nadia has always been a beauty. as her mother.-thank you.
- i remember when she left to study in london. you are all classher home. you brought a bouquet of yellow roses to match her dress. - remember, you're in london leave. i arrived at the airportaccompany you on the yellow dress was. do you remember? - do you really remember this dress?- yes, i remember everything. everything, everything. a bad omen. now lose, and everything.the main thing is that there were no noise and screaming. - she screams: fingers.- he: arzamas. - dose, perhaps, a little girl. - carl, well done, to, to be recharged. - onlythat drink. - that helps. - you tasia?- tasia - funny.
- and me, karl. - it is a violation.- no, all the rules. fake? - give soda, recharge.- of course. - what happened? - it looks like the stomach. - wait, wait.- groom? - groom! - come quickly.- thank you. - kolotusha! - come softly. victim.drove all the same.
- hold it. quiet,quietly. get up here. - nadia, i can not believe.i am here. managed. and we were there this arzamaspurged to complete, 2:10, can you imagine? - well, even if you removed the striker ... - removed.- keeper of your all afraid of arzamas - coccyx? - to you i'm no longer hereseen. got it. during his watch. the first half ended 2-0 infavor of the fingers. was suspended for 15 minutes. - well. kolotilov, your goalieall intimidated. poor thing. - do not marry you. - maybe?- no, two of diarrhea is already a crime.
- can be replaced fromstatic considerations. there is at whom? - well find a bad player,to all afraid. do you understand? - there is one.- hello. - hlobustin, central district. yes- would you go to work - i agree there will not.- what are you, yuri petrovich? this is a bug - it's your nerves. senate nervous work.- i'll go. - do not mess with himkolotilov. i see rogues. - i still know the truth.- yes. substitute goalkeeper. as inot figured it out. what's his name?
- hey boy, take it. delicious - stop. come with me tostadium? after the game, get more sweet. - what is he doing? - it? concentrated.- ok. sit on the seat. - what are you doing, catch the ball, he a stranger.- he understands. not to distract the goalie. - come here. look at the line -not to go. do you understand? dear guests, we have at the tablemissing a very important person. - this is my grandmother, tatyana. it is nowis in the hospital, but soon recovered. - we have, thanks to new technologies,have the opportunity to talk - tatiana.- grandma, how are you? - mom, hi.
- what are you beautiful. a bride that? groom.- no, no. - here's looking at you and i rejoicejust why a little bitter. - bitter, bitter.(bitter - a russian wedding tradition) - let them play kosoy. - squint?- so, conversations. - squint. - squint! - what?- in my aim. - what is he doing? - he was aiming at the gate, and fell into the toilet. anow he will take aim at karl and hit the gate. - i got.
- goal. - excellent team with character.- above all, good coach. oh!stop this man. - you drove? - nadia, let's go dancing- quiet, quiet. - is this it? and he doing there?- and for you bounces. where are you? - nadia, then this is the case. - hello, aunt vera, you're married or not?- get married here. with that mindset then,european championship of the world. so i never get married. to win, a sense of play,need drastic measures. - well?- come on.
- i tried the trick, but they still win.- beware. - coach, two daysare not going to. come on, do not be shy. - meet my friend.- hello. - hi! and a face like a bandit. - yes, we have 10 years together in prison. - for the same desk.- a. - japanese food are you? - thank you, i do not like sweet - i need a passport. i have a wedding. - if you win tomorrow, then ...- you do maksimalnvmi classes.
- they must torture, kolotilov. - how toas torture, are children. - in rveshsya muscovites, and the children feel sorry for. need to be strong. - that's life. tough.- yes. - look at the port cargo ship.let them unload, train. nadia. me out of jail soonreleased. i love you. - continue training.- are you dodge the monkey? - faster. previously done.- get away from it, carl. - while you and your ancestors formercedes ride, he saw the dogs out of the puddle. - what saimaa, yes.- you're lying all. - i'm lying?
- hands shook each other.- i will not. - hands shook. - where garik? - he ran away.- he ran away. - complicate the task: each of the two boxes.come on! - why?- it is necessary! - what are you doing here?- goalkeeper training yesterday with my left. - if you do not lock up all the balls will today.- kolotilov, well done! the first half 3-0 in favor ofteam tambov. was suspended for 15 minutes. - kolotilov, sorry. - what's up, coach?- playing as we can.
- where is the goalkeeper?- do not come. - to win. in the second half revenge.- look, kolotilov, in the second half of life does not happen. - what are you doing? - kolotilov, invent something. - it's just football, carl. game- we need to win. - that the papers printed?- yes, and on television news. - glory want?- no. - why not? - to see the parents. to find out how iwas. to mom and dad realized what i said. and we did not win.bad! - it's not your fault.
- yes, the entire amount to my account after the final.well, kolotilov? all according to plan? - no, we will win - a wedding?- we'll have to postpone - kolotilov you crazy. do you think they will understand?they're scum. they have one way - in prison. - hand take away, please.- kolotilov if they win, i'll kill you like a fly. - got it. - where are you? because you lose. - coccyx, calm - what's this? where are you going? - kolotilov, we did not do it.- let's put on the form back.
- come on, come on. coccyx - leave me alone.- sleeper. come on. - we still have to play the second half, guys. what is it?- why play the second half? shame only. - come on, guys - that's me locked up goalie.- what did he say? - mind lost. - coach, everything is fine.- i locked the charles, i. - the problem with my stomach, i arranged. and the cargo handling specially made to tormentyou more. so now you lose. - i do not understand? - you're sick,coach? no need to pity us, not small. - do not believe me? here, please read it.
- two capsules before the match in gazirovochku.- the cure for the stomach. - are you a coach?- i'm not a coach, i am a teacher - in school, i have a wedding in moscowthe bride is waiting for, you know? - at the station, passportsenator took a coach appointed. - what i coach?- olympic system: lost, left. - in short, saying ...- got you, teacher. got the full program.forgive me, please. - i do not anymore.- well, the bastard. - oh, nadia, nadia. you're not told that ii want you to say a few words: i love you very much.
- i do not love you sobad. not going to marry him. - please. maybe zaplachesh,or i'll cry. i am so sorry for a human cost,and then i think, well, we're human adults, which to be offended. - still can not change anything sings a song. - hiding a teacher? - kolotilov. here's your passport, you can goforgive me please. - coach's alive. gone secondtime. come on, come on. - the second half begins.- good luck.
- right, telling a joke and that's enough.we must stop this madness. - call him, talk like a man,to permanently leave the bride. - come on. - hello.- hello, who is it? - nadia is alla. - sorry, i was wrong. - you know what, let us call him.just like that call. - no, dan. - nadia, take the phone. dial,he may need help. who knows.
- no, let's microphone. that've all heard the groom. - hello, this is nadia.- excuse me, who are you? - he can not nowapproach, it is our boys play football. - nadia, do you hear me? hello.- what are the boys? - forgive me, please, this is due tome he could not prihat the wedding. - i could not let him go ...- i'll call again later. thank you. - you know, i'm willing to forget everythingand to be your husband. the match endedwinning 4-3. - nadia, hi. ii want you to confess everything.
- here. - here is the deal. - yes. - such a deal. we have the national championship in football.- yes, i said with your head championship. - she has a very nice voice. - hello, hello. rare scoundrel,said prison, a ditch, the accident - i am your father a long timestand on ceremony did not go to a registry office, all good-bye. - free.- and what did he say then? - nothing. i even listen to it did not. - and if he then something happened?- what?
- disease eg.- well, nadia. - come on, coach. women have always been so. first offense,and then pardoned. ok. - if you win, she will come running to you. hello nadia, i do not know whether or not you hear this message.i very much hope that you will hear ... i'm sorry. i have just had to tell you the wholethe truth, but, nadia, i'm afraid. i'm able to fixi promise. i love you. - and the drive with a surveillance camera was stolen too.- how many stolen goods? - 457 boxes. guard said that they had seen the boys. - write a statement.- already written.
- expensive brandy? - 200 euros a bottle.- wow. yes. what robbery? well, of course, i'm surethat they do not. we have been training. yes. night. for all muscle groups. - well, i think thisdrive is very interested in the police. - gad, it's you they framed?- no, kolotilov. have you tripped them. - all in a hurry to leave for their wedding.- look, if tomorrow your benefit - direct police during the match they are loaded on themachine. and then in boarding school, at 4.
or to adulthood. and tomorrow the newspapers will print,that the command of the group played fingers juvenile delinquents. publish them anything. and the photoprofile and full face. crying to their parents. - you know how parents about- i know kolotilov, i myself grew up without parents. - germans came to see me, if my win championshipã 50,000 is given for the head. this is serious. - i cooked them for five years. this is my final. - do what you want: sleeping pills, laxatives,enema, shut, shut. but they should not win.got it. accurately understood. so, now go, ..and think. and all filmed surveillance camera.disc of us.
if we win tomorrow, he promisedis the drive to the police carry. here is a freak. in general, a serious matter,must play - kolotilov. - what?- you said yourself that in the second half of life does not happen. - he said. but now there is no escape.- running is necessary, guys. - sam run. - what to do in jail? see parents as we were.- plague. - i go nowhere and you're caught in time. che run in vain.- i thought the win, the parents will come after me, will be taken to moscow or st. petersburg. - i'm his father and mother had never seen. ifwould have printed photos in the newspaper, and can be found. - georgia will go to his grandfather.- you will not be released without a passport. - i'd newspaper showed.- zamolknite guys and bad.
- steal this disc is necessary.- it will not work. he's on a ship in a safe. - a key to the safe where?- he has a jacket pocket. - carl steal - we tried to have him - but he sees everything. - what? - a purse was trying to steal karl, did not work- ok. - stop. there is an idea. we need to let in three goals.- three goals? - after the third goal it would liftjacket and hangs it on the bench. got it? - and why, after the third?- i do not know a sign from him is this: until the teamnot to score three goals, he takes off his jacket did not. - the main thing that he didwhat is not realized. today, in the final match for the championship of russia on childfootball teams meet fingers and moscow.
- begin. we went out on the field, limping. let thinkthat tired. clear - coccyx, you let the gate.as if i garik again locked. skip the first goal. well, well ... - there is a- coccyx pretend that you have no strength at all. - so after the first goal, running to the bathroom, you have diarrhea.- again? - again.- well, you give. skip the second one. third.
- and after the thirdgoals, he will remove his jacket. well done! - and if you do not remove? - do not remove? - yes,but suddenly withdraws after the third. something cool today. - brilliant. - something is cold today.- but love is warm. - will warm. - come on, come on. the first half ended with the3-0 in favor of the team in moscow. - just for the sake of children.- thank you.
- once the disk will be with me, ionce you call and start to rush. - what? - win.- good. - very good team.- of course, you still have not seen the other. oh, slut!now the germans wait. here you go. hello, hammer.yes, i drive. - hey, it is hammered. oblique. - no one is safe open look.- a robbery gone on.
- quiet, quiet. hello. - scoredscored. - you are not a hammer. - hello. - you do not score. i twicewill not repeat. it's me not you. - well understood. - kara, hang up.- all the lights out. - where? - cara, to hammer. - a disc drive.- which drive? - stop. - nadia, hello.- it turns pro football, right? - and let's talk later?- no, come on now.
- i'm waiting for three days.- nadia, it's my fault. they should win. - it's abandoned children. they believe ifthey win, the parents take them back. do you understand? - i'm on to youso missed - nagy, i ... - go, go. the match finished.they became champions of russia in youth football - bitter, bitter, bitter. - it is not terribly miss you ...- thank you. a children's football school we have arranged. in general, exercise and the championship win. unless, of course,nobody will not interfere.

english movies online free, yes, to survive, we mustfirst to find her. the main thing is not to despair. fatei need her face. - god.- all come, i'll say 1000 times, look where you are going - daniel, help me. - all killed.- i feel sick. and i feel good, yes.
- man, man, you hear me? like you. inok?- lord, how beautiful, i'm such a movie just seen. - lie down, do not get upplease do not move- hollywood. - you are not misunderstood, i am a passenger.- and who was behind the wheel? - a month behind the wheel, but you understand, woman.- i know. - your documents.- police, help. that's my fault. - i went through a red light and thought have time. it did not happen.- how red? - good. i say that the man himself broke the law.- what are you talking about? - police, please listen to me. idid not see red light, riding and hit a person. - so, what are you talking about nadia. slowlyrode the green light. he under the wheels.
- with a wink?- i? i do not wink, i just a nervous tic. - do not listen to her, the police. i'm sorry.- you must be at the hospital. - i do not need a hospital. why the hospital? - why?do not have a hospital, police officer. normal man. - yes. - you have a claim?- yes, i went through a red light. - do you have a claim to the girl?-no.well, please, understand: who among you must be at the hospital who do not need a hospital. - a woman free path- now do it. - now do that, clean this up. - i'm sorryme, i do not see red light. - nothing. - to pass and did not notice. here you go. -thank you. - we are all lucky. everything. let's go. - sorry. nadia.- oh, glory.
- i can do for you to do something. - of course.do not go for it never to marry. - and it's none of your business. - a little - a little, nadia, faster, we are still in the car repairgo come on. - you know, dan, go alone. - okay. - you've got to the hospital. - that's so repche.- oh, excuse me, without asking. - nothing, nothing. so how do you romance, love?- if, frankly, not very - some kind of hero you have, not a hero. betterwould have written myself. - can. - what are you doing?- you are absolutely right.
- oh. the music is playing. - nadia, it's crazy. we have known each week.but i can not imagine how i'll live without you. - oh. sorry.- vyacheslav nikolayevich, you are quite invisible. - i am in moscow.- what are you doing, you have exams soon. - you know, it happened.- how? - i was hit by a car. - what. my god. you are alive, you're in the hospital, vyacheslav?- no, the doctor says i'll live. - foot in plaster. - do you have a fracture?- yes, the fracture had to be delayed. - hello.- come back immediately.
- you have to go back?- aye. yes. - i really want this to be our lastseparation, nadia. you marry me? - i agree. - wow, nadia, you're in a hurry.well, give yourself the opportunity to think a little - we have all decided.- and what if he does not come? - mom, this is not inherited.- you should be ashamed. what if ... - galchenok, stop croak. not all young men to flee to the same wedding dayhow are you. i am confident that these young men to lie on the road. - lie, lie. what daniel is not pleased.- well, my mother. - such a good boy. - near (reading words students).- and you do not run away, like my father. just kidding. just mom is very worried.
- nadch the train in half an hour. leaving- what kind of train, vyacheslav, a train on the ocean floor. - oh, the passenger. sidorov gatherclose your notebooks and class. - hello, hello.- goodbye. one day after the prom, isilly walks with the director of our school. - since it does not allow me to live.- kolotilov what you're paying attention. thank you. - application for dismissal. remember.- sit down, vyacheslav. - sign of course, not difficult. onlyas without you, vyacheslav. - i already bought a ticket.- you sit, sit. - vyacheslav, the school itself gave no residue. and youmeans to escape. school is not entitled to expect loyalty?
- alla andreevna, i train 20 minutes.- all currently think?- no. - and if i did not sign.- well, do not.- what? - i have a wedding on saturday.- what is marriage?- excuse me, thank you, good luck. so, there is no turning back. i have anothercharacter has become. goal set.-kolotilov. sit down and drove. - get married or something, vyacheslav?- i'm getting married in san sanych. - a new life begin. right nowi will sit on the train tomorrow in moscow. - you only restaurant in the train careful.i once ate and you stick. intestinal.a month in quarantine was bolgitse. will not let. - so be careful.and then missed his wedding. - council and love- thank you.
- quietly, quietly, to go the event.- so i also have the event.- ah, now, tell the mayor to zakakchival goaorit. well, great. only the championship is notenough. i must go. let's finish. - who are you, man?- my name is trehgolovich i senator - testing committee for physical culture and sport.- kolotilov. - how many years?- 12- the eyes see, the scammer. - 16.- okay, the mayor, these overgrown i disqualified. - a werewolf in this trainingpants. where is it? hiding?- hi. excuse me? - what's the name?- kolotilov. - this name football shame. if tomorrow does not play kolotilovon the field with a new team of 12 year old players, the championship will be canceled.
- in moscow, he met and who will remain here.football - the state. state - this is football. - excuse me, this is a mistake.i'm not the coach. i am a teacher- what? - that the principal will confirm. alla andreevna.- good afternoon. - i take for a coach. you tell me who i am.- of course the coach. - how.- an experienced teacher, the strategies and tactics to disassemble. - wait.- tomorrow at 9:30 bringest football team under 12 years old. - you know, i can not, tomorrow i have a wedding in moscow.- well, that's another matter. so decided to run? - no, not true. what you do.- ticket no. passport taken before the end of the season. - by what right?- shut up
i was frightened. senator after all.- work. - alla andreevna, i have a wedding. waiting for me.- to play in the championship and go to moscow. - good. i just play football can not.- what do you want, you coach. so, and when the next train. - league pick, a teacher. drowning myself and all topish.- i must go. i have a wedding in moscow tomorrow. - what say you get married without a passport? hey, teacher,an experienced coach: we have the olympic system. - do you understand? - no. - wellas lost, and retiring are going to moscow. - a loser?- of course. - find up to tomorrow in 12 normal children.then you lose the game and go to the wedding with a passport.
- do you understand me? - lost, dropped out.- exactly. - hlobustin. -kolotilov. - remember, come on. where will i get 11 boys for 12 years.no, i must flee - she may be the ticket nowget a passport then. - there can not be without a passport.- not at all.- not at all. - hey, boy, wait. telephone bring back.- what is the phone? - phone me, give. what's going on.- so this is your? - my. - it would be immediately and told- do not forget your passport. love you! - vyacheslav.- yes.
- a boy was here, did not see?- what is the boy? - yes a little. - on pockets steal.- a saw. - for about 12 years.- 12. that's where he ran. - thank you.- good. - how old are you? - what?- pro championship heard? i am the coach, the team dialed. - coach. do you see yourself in the mirror?- and that. so do not tell. - assign your attacker.- and who else. world cup. the best teams assembled. the whole country is watching. - and on the tv show?- yes, the entire press here - i'll make a star out of you. you'll thengive an autograph
- friends are- come on. - come on. close bag. - now dump the boys findtomorrow utrechkom lose in moscow. - to go play football?- are you. he is wild, all fears, hidden - why are you standing, let's go. - wild and sweet eats.- for sweet zagryzet. - these two are also the wild?- these are normal. - kolotilov.- chumanov. - kolotilov.- chicha. - the play football know how?
- there she is, take this. - do you hear the coach, and you do not cheat about the press- no. true. - what do they do?- accident. - you've done, now it is a lifetime of drugs will work.- 500 rubles enough. - it hurts. - 1000.- be patient brother. - and you all are? - sir, give me a watermelon.- go away, unwashed. - sir, you run fast?- swift. - well, then run.
- open your eyes, cyclops. the point is- oh, but who is this? - it's the coach.- coach? let's have a watermelon. - where?- at head. - and what are you guys doing?- what, what, stealing watermelons. - danger!- how to steal? i'm listening.hi, how are you? nadia, my passport and ticket were taken! - how was taken?- doctors. - i got on the train, went to the restaurant car.hungry and took a soup, salad, white bread.
- my god, what?- and they found a virus in them. - what is a virus?- mnfektsiyu stomach. - the train left, and all who were in the car- restaurant isolated. - at week.- a week? - 7 days. but do not worry, i do not eat - oh, thank god. well then you are going to moscow?- no. not yet. - i told you explain to me in the hospital.in the morning free. - i will come in the morning by bus.- when the bus arrived in moscow? - when. the day after tomorrow.- how the day after tomorrow? are you kidding me? what to do with the wedding?
- nadia, had not come out. i am very sorryguests may say so ... hello. - okay, i seem to come up with.- yes, why? - what is it? swap days. and the guests?- first, celebrate with their guests, and then the wedding. - do not understand how it is?- look for 1 day, 2 note, and at 2 city hall. - it's even more fun. yes?- i knew it. - coccyx.- what? - plague. well.- chicha. present - chetyrehglazy. what?- squint. in place. - sleeper. -i.- got it.
- 12 people! - one in stock.- exactly. - your parents let go?- we do not have parents. - homeless? well, most importantly, not players.- tomorrow at 9 am at the stadium. - who is late, the form will not receive. clear?- yes. - 12? - what?- real amateur teams. approved! what is this? - tactical developments.- uuu. - photos for the press, please.- yes. - this is what the press?- of course, the press.
- you disturb me, get back.- come on, come on. - this goal zabesh, then photograph.- good. - dear friends, unfortunately,glory could not come today. - all are ill on the train. colon bacillusglory is healthy. - so today's city council postponed to tomorrow.and today we have a 2 day - dear friends, we will do with the glory to the wedding remember youas the most unusual wedding, where you were in my life. - band, music! - dear friends, today on the field occurscommand "fingers" and "growth." hour game. break. 15 minutesto the station. excellent. have time.
- begin. - i was waiting for nadia. - what is that bezrbrazie. come face to face.- what are you, crazy. - max, to the gate quickly.- fuck. - sorry. come on, come on, come on ... it is that hooliganism? the first half ended,rostov 2-0 team. - fun, well done.- kolotilov, let me talk with the guys
- be attentive. if you win,our photo in the newspaper published. nadia, i'm the happiest in the worldpeople. now, nobody will be able to separate us. - you guys are what? what does he say?- it's okay, coach. - man was shot down. you did.now his whole life on the pill will work. - it hurts. - yes, it's an accident. here are bastards. song singing. "ah, the wedding, the wedding." - you are very beautiful.- what are you doing here? - i congratulate my mother and go.- mom? yes. - and you sing.
continues to sing. - come in, sit down.place is never empty. - thank you. - max, the wheel. wheel? - bring some vodka. hot.- where to put - over there. - chetyrehglazasty, dress. - watermelon steal. goal! - managed? the match ended in victoryfingers team 3-2. the next match againstfingers will be held tomorrow at 9 am.
- kolotilov, well done. - feel my job. players. skill and talent. - just a bad tactic, let's examine.- a case your throw. - come on, come on. come on,celebrate the victory. - i congratulate you, vyacheslav.(phone rings) - well, you tube, take it.- yes. - kolotusha, when are you coming?madhouse here, i feel bad. - nadia, here it is.- what happened? - just imagine, we just drove off.- so what?
- and the accident occurred.but that did not show tv news? - what accident?- a truck carrying watermelons. - straight at us.truck into a rock, and we are into the abyss - clung to a tree and hung.- you all right? - yes, one of the survivors, nadia.- why did not you call? - nadia, i lost the phone.dropped, there was no time to look for. - pulled out of people, children, women of the fire.were taken to hospital. - in fingers?- yes, i'm back in the fingers. - do you know if the other said, i thought lie.
- nadia, you have patience, for one day have to move. - what? hello, hello. - thank had an accident.he saved the children and women. - and i want to make a toastfor my life, for our hero. - nadia, he would not come. finish this circus.- mom. - hello. not hot in the jacket?- i'm up to the third goal not remove his jacket. - a sign of bad. and where are they found? - on the street.- good luck, you teacher - homeless children are not simple- no one in football is not taught to play
- life has taught. - come on, come on, come on. come on. oops! - there needs stratagem. tens of yours, captain,all goals scored, put it, and they will not win. - wow, funny pictures turned out- yeah, well you played. - hey, you're from a newspaper?- i'm not a newspaper, i have a blog on the internet. - blog? - yes. - that no one from the newspapers? - they come for the finals, champions show - in the final round.
- can it be replaced?- trehgolovich will not. okay. - here. you will find in any drugstore city safe.verified. from diarrhea has no one died. - remember? think, think, kolotilov.- thank you. well, they have methods in professional sport.giving children a laxative. now i understand why our teamalways loses. no. each child can find the key.to explain and negotiate. the main thing is to explain - karl, hello.- oh, hi. - talk is- sit
- you see, i have now such circumstances - in real life. lose tomorrow? - do not worry, coach, and now we would notlose. we need to get to the finals - yes, i explained everything to them.- what is explained? - win tomorrow- you win? - win, do not worry.a great sport this is a great sport. - man. - thank you. - do notmore than one capsule per day - and then the diarrhea will be strong.- and exactly will happen? - will. if, nadia, i toldwhat's really going on,
you would certainly not have believed it.- let before the match. - the bottle took.so come on, come on. sash, yours. - yes, i do not want to, i've been drinking.- come on. - this is your favorite arshavin. -he two bottles of soda drinks before the match. - really?- well, of course, raises the soda and energy comes from. take it! - and you know, galina, and irecently, i remember how i and nadia were children. - remember?- yes. - you always look good together:and at school and in childhood. - you know. nadia has always been a beauty. as her mother.-thank you.
- i remember when she left to study in london. you are all classher home. you brought a bouquet of yellow roses to match her dress. - remember, you're in london leave. i arrived at the airportaccompany you on the yellow dress was. do you remember? - do you really remember this dress?- yes, i remember everything. everything, everything. a bad omen. now lose, and everything.the main thing is that there were no noise and screaming. - she screams: fingers.- he: arzamas. - dose, perhaps, a little girl. - carl, well done, to, to be recharged. - onlythat drink. - that helps. - you tasia?- tasia - funny.
- and me, karl. - it is a violation.- no, all the rules. fake? - give soda, recharge.- of course. - what happened? - it looks like the stomach. - wait, wait.- groom? - groom! - come quickly.- thank you. - kolotusha! - come softly. victim.drove all the same.
- hold it. quiet,quietly. get up here. - nadia, i can not believe.i am here. managed. and we were there this arzamaspurged to complete, 2:10, can you imagine? - well, even if you removed the striker ... - removed.- keeper of your all afraid of arzamas - coccyx? - to you i'm no longer hereseen. got it. during his watch. the first half ended 2-0 infavor of the fingers. was suspended for 15 minutes. - well. kolotilov, your goalieall intimidated. poor thing. - do not marry you. - maybe?- no, two of diarrhea is already a crime.
- can be replaced fromstatic considerations. there is at whom? - well find a bad player,to all afraid. do you understand? - there is one.- hello. - hlobustin, central district. yes- would you go to work - i agree there will not.- what are you, yuri petrovich? this is a bug - it's your nerves. senate nervous work.- i'll go. - do not mess with himkolotilov. i see rogues. - i still know the truth.- yes. substitute goalkeeper. as inot figured it out. what's his name?
- hey boy, take it. delicious - stop. come with me tostadium? after the game, get more sweet. - what is he doing? - it? concentrated.- ok. sit on the seat. - what are you doing, catch the ball, he a stranger.- he understands. not to distract the goalie. - come here. look at the line -not to go. do you understand? dear guests, we have at the tablemissing a very important person. - this is my grandmother, tatyana. it is nowis in the hospital, but soon recovered. - we have, thanks to new technologies,have the opportunity to talk - tatiana.- grandma, how are you? - mom, hi.
- what are you beautiful. a bride that? groom.- no, no. - here's looking at you and i rejoicejust why a little bitter. - bitter, bitter.(bitter - a russian wedding tradition) - let them play kosoy. - squint?- so, conversations. - squint. - squint! - what?- in my aim. - what is he doing? - he was aiming at the gate, and fell into the toilet. anow he will take aim at karl and hit the gate. - i got.
- goal. - excellent team with character.- above all, good coach. oh!stop this man. - you drove? - nadia, let's go dancing- quiet, quiet. - is this it? and he doing there?- and for you bounces. where are you? - nadia, then this is the case. - hello, aunt vera, you're married or not?- get married here. with that mindset then,european championship of the world. so i never get married. to win, a sense of play,need drastic measures. - well?- come on.
- i tried the trick, but they still win.- beware. - coach, two daysare not going to. come on, do not be shy. - meet my friend.- hello. - hi! and a face like a bandit. - yes, we have 10 years together in prison. - for the same desk.- a. - japanese food are you? - thank you, i do not like sweet - i need a passport. i have a wedding. - if you win tomorrow, then ...- you do maksimalnvmi classes.
- they must torture, kolotilov. - how toas torture, are children. - in rveshsya muscovites, and the children feel sorry for. need to be strong. - that's life. tough.- yes. - look at the port cargo ship.let them unload, train. nadia. me out of jail soonreleased. i love you. - continue training.- are you dodge the monkey? - faster. previously done.- get away from it, carl. - while you and your ancestors formercedes ride, he saw the dogs out of the puddle. - what saimaa, yes.- you're lying all. - i'm lying?
- hands shook each other.- i will not. - hands shook. - where garik? - he ran away.- he ran away. - complicate the task: each of the two boxes.come on! - why?- it is necessary! - what are you doing here?- goalkeeper training yesterday with my left. - if you do not lock up all the balls will today.- kolotilov, well done! the first half 3-0 in favor ofteam tambov. was suspended for 15 minutes. - kolotilov, sorry. - what's up, coach?- playing as we can.
- where is the goalkeeper?- do not come. - to win. in the second half revenge.- look, kolotilov, in the second half of life does not happen. - what are you doing? - kolotilov, invent something. - it's just football, carl. game- we need to win. - that the papers printed?- yes, and on television news. - glory want?- no. - why not? - to see the parents. to find out how iwas. to mom and dad realized what i said. and we did not win.bad! - it's not your fault.
- yes, the entire amount to my account after the final.well, kolotilov? all according to plan? - no, we will win - a wedding?- we'll have to postpone - kolotilov you crazy. do you think they will understand?they're scum. they have one way - in prison. - hand take away, please.- kolotilov if they win, i'll kill you like a fly. - got it. - where are you? because you lose. - coccyx, calm - what's this? where are you going? - kolotilov, we did not do it.- let's put on the form back.
- come on, come on. coccyx - leave me alone.- sleeper. come on. - we still have to play the second half, guys. what is it?- why play the second half? shame only. - come on, guys - that's me locked up goalie.- what did he say? - mind lost. - coach, everything is fine.- i locked the charles, i. - the problem with my stomach, i arranged. and the cargo handling specially made to tormentyou more. so now you lose. - i do not understand? - you're sick,coach? no need to pity us, not small. - do not believe me? here, please read it.
- two capsules before the match in gazirovochku.- the cure for the stomach. - are you a coach?- i'm not a coach, i am a teacher - in school, i have a wedding in moscowthe bride is waiting for, you know? - at the station, passportsenator took a coach appointed. - what i coach?- olympic system: lost, left. - in short, saying ...- got you, teacher. got the full program.forgive me, please. - i do not anymore.- well, the bastard. - oh, nadia, nadia. you're not told that ii want you to say a few words: i love you very much.
- i do not love you sobad. not going to marry him. - please. maybe zaplachesh,or i'll cry. i am so sorry for a human cost,and then i think, well, we're human adults, which to be offended. - still can not change anything sings a song. - hiding a teacher? - kolotilov. here's your passport, you can goforgive me please. - coach's alive. gone secondtime. come on, come on. - the second half begins.- good luck.
- right, telling a joke and that's enough.we must stop this madness. - call him, talk like a man,to permanently leave the bride. - come on. - hello.- hello, who is it? - nadia is alla. - sorry, i was wrong. - you know what, let us call him.just like that call. - no, dan. - nadia, take the phone. dial,he may need help. who knows.
- no, let's microphone. that've all heard the groom. - hello, this is nadia.- excuse me, who are you? - he can not nowapproach, it is our boys play football. - nadia, do you hear me? hello.- what are the boys? - forgive me, please, this is due tome he could not prihat the wedding. - i could not let him go ...- i'll call again later. thank you. - you know, i'm willing to forget everythingand to be your husband. the match endedwinning 4-3. - nadia, hi. ii want you to confess everything.
- here. - here is the deal. - yes. - such a deal. we have the national championship in football.- yes, i said with your head championship. - she has a very nice voice. - hello, hello. rare scoundrel,said prison, a ditch, the accident - i am your father a long timestand on ceremony did not go to a registry office, all good-bye. - free.- and what did he say then? - nothing. i even listen to it did not. - and if he then something happened?- what?
- disease eg.- well, nadia. - come on, coach. women have always been so. first offense,and then pardoned. ok. - if you win, she will come running to you. hello nadia, i do not know whether or not you hear this message.i very much hope that you will hear ... i'm sorry. i have just had to tell you the wholethe truth, but, nadia, i'm afraid. i'm able to fixi promise. i love you. - and the drive with a surveillance camera was stolen too.- how many stolen goods? - 457 boxes. guard said that they had seen the boys. - write a statement.- already written.
- expensive brandy? - 200 euros a bottle.- wow. yes. what robbery? well, of course, i'm surethat they do not. we have been training. yes. night. for all muscle groups. - well, i think thisdrive is very interested in the police. - gad, it's you they framed?- no, kolotilov. have you tripped them. - all in a hurry to leave for their wedding.- look, if tomorrow your benefit - direct police during the match they are loaded on themachine. and then in boarding school, at 4.
or to adulthood. and tomorrow the newspapers will print,that the command of the group played fingers juvenile delinquents. publish them anything. and the photoprofile and full face. crying to their parents. - you know how parents about- i know kolotilov, i myself grew up without parents. - germans came to see me, if my win championshipã 50,000 is given for the head. this is serious. - i cooked them for five years. this is my final. - do what you want: sleeping pills, laxatives,enema, shut, shut. but they should not win.got it. accurately understood. so, now go, ..and think. and all filmed surveillance camera.disc of us.
if we win tomorrow, he promisedis the drive to the police carry. here is a freak. in general, a serious matter,must play - kolotilov. - what?- you said yourself that in the second half of life does not happen. - he said. but now there is no escape.- running is necessary, guys. - sam run. - what to do in jail? see parents as we were.- plague. - i go nowhere and you're caught in time. che run in vain.- i thought the win, the parents will come after me, will be taken to moscow or st. petersburg. - i'm his father and mother had never seen. ifwould have printed photos in the newspaper, and can be found. - georgia will go to his grandfather.- you will not be released without a passport. - i'd newspaper showed.- zamolknite guys and bad.
- steal this disc is necessary.- it will not work. he's on a ship in a safe. - a key to the safe where?- he has a jacket pocket. - carl steal - we tried to have him - but he sees everything. - what? - a purse was trying to steal karl, did not work- ok. - stop. there is an idea. we need to let in three goals.- three goals? - after the third goal it would liftjacket and hangs it on the bench. got it? - and why, after the third?- i do not know a sign from him is this: until the teamnot to score three goals, he takes off his jacket did not. - the main thing that he didwhat is not realized. today, in the final match for the championship of russia on childfootball teams meet fingers and moscow.
- begin. we went out on the field, limping. let thinkthat tired. clear - coccyx, you let the gate.as if i garik again locked. skip the first goal. well, well ... - there is a- coccyx pretend that you have no strength at all. - so after the first goal, running to the bathroom, you have diarrhea.- again? - again.- well, you give. skip the second one. third.
- and after the thirdgoals, he will remove his jacket. well done! - and if you do not remove? - do not remove? - yes,but suddenly withdraws after the third. something cool today. - brilliant. - something is cold today.- but love is warm. - will warm. - come on, come on. the first half ended with the3-0 in favor of the team in moscow. - just for the sake of children.- thank you.
- once the disk will be with me, ionce you call and start to rush. - what? - win.- good. - very good team.- of course, you still have not seen the other. oh, slut!now the germans wait. here you go. hello, hammer.yes, i drive. - hey, it is hammered. oblique. - no one is safe open look.- a robbery gone on.
- quiet, quiet. hello. - scoredscored. - you are not a hammer. - hello. - you do not score. i twicewill not repeat. it's me not you. - well understood. - kara, hang up.- all the lights out. - where? - cara, to hammer. - a disc drive.- which drive? - stop. - nadia, hello.- it turns pro football, right? - and let's talk later?- no, come on now.
- i'm waiting for three days.- nadia, it's my fault. they should win. - it's abandoned children. they believe ifthey win, the parents take them back. do you understand? - i'm on to youso missed - nagy, i ... - go, go. the match finished.they became champions of russia in youth football - bitter, bitter, bitter. - it is not terribly miss you ...- thank you. a children's football school we have arranged. in general, exercise and the championship win. unless, of course,nobody will not interfere.
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Reviewed by lexibrennaa
February 09, 2018
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