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for the past seven years he had been working hereas a land officer helping farmers claimtheir stolen land back the politicians arelike the mafia here brijlal had complainedto the police

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where can you see movies for free online, but the policetook no action they ran the jeep overhim again and again crushing himinto little pieces the family thinks theyare next

can we get the supremecourt to intervene? father knew that theywould kill him i was there tooand tried to stop them they drove after me,so i ran for my life and i went tothe police but it was too late - were there anyother witnesses? there weresome women but they were alltoo terrified

do you have documents tosupport your father's work? - yes, we do should we put upposters all over town? people need to knowwhat is happening here - everybody knows - there are plentyof such cases there are noofficial eye-witnesses without a witness,the law can't do anything the eye witnesses areall too scared to testify

the law only punishescommon people not politicians long years ago we made a trystwith destiny at the stroke of themidnight hour when the world sleeps india will awake to life and freedom big story we'rebreaking tonight

it's certainly very disturbingwhat is emerging multi-billion dollartelecom scam $287 billion coal scam dozens of companiesmanaged to corner billions of dollars using proxypolitical connections which cut acrossparty lines all parties have come togetherto fool the country the biggest names in politics,in corporate india and the bureaucracy it seems like we're livingin the age of scams

it seems that ourpolitical establishment is steeped in corruption all our anti-corruptionagencies are compromised can we expect this parliamentto pass a strong anti-corruption law? we are being looted,we are being robbed we dared to raise ourvoice against corruption and we drafted ananti-corruption bill the anti-corruption bill is to betabled in parliament next week the anti-corruption billis rubbish!

- we won't let it pass! - please behave! unless all the people of this countrytake to the streets on 16th august there is no hope if the egyptian people cancome together at tahrir square to overthrowtheir government all we're asking foris a new law the path he has chosen

to impose his draft of abill upon parliament is totally misconceived and fraught withgrave consequences for our parliamentary democracy are you saying that theyshould contest elections? is that what you're challengingthem effectively? absolutely, you're right i want them tocome into politics i'll never fightan election

i have a few dreamsfor this country anti-corruption billis one of them good judicial systemis another electoral reforms anddecentralization of political power so that participatorydemocracy is there if anyone knows how the indianpolitical party system functions it's yogendra yadav yogendra yadav, thengive us the solution having reached this point and havingreached some kind of a dead end

i think the onlyway forward is political in the moreobvious sense of the term which is by forming apolitical organization by contributing toa political alternative let's move on to the bignews story of the day arvind kejriwal will fightin the delhi elections a political party of honest peoplehas no chance in the country you will all loseyour deposits so, the big questionwe are posing

can kejriwal really succeedas a politician? we need to build anorganization first ten volunteers in everyneighbourhood in delhi and one person tosupervise them this is our top priority now tell me how many volunteerseach of you can find get back to me on this give me your names- ramesh pandey what do you do, ramesh?

- i am a managerat barclays does that mean you willquit your job to work here? - yes i will.i believe in you - i'm a huge admirer! the way you fearlessly deliver yourspeeches is really inspiring i mean such a small man exposingsuch powerful people! you're doing a great job - give me your number if you need any help,come meet me

i'm here every sunday- every sunday yes, in the morning you don't needan appointment - sir, i have a project every year we help 1001 girlsfrom poor families get married as charity,there is no fee look, how long canwe depend on charity? first we exploitthe poor and then we makegenerous donations

how will marriagehelp them? shouldn't we look to increasetheir income instead? to empower peopleby changing the system? but changingthe system will take a long time i'm sorry i disagreewith you on this charity is the easything to do no one wants tochange the system "it will take too long"

so what? we need tostart somewhere leave charity tothe rich so don't includeme in charity but i'll be there if youneed blood, sweat and tears [volunteer] people don'twant to listen to us how do we assure them thatwe are not like other parties? and how do we convincethem to support us? we were all part of the extraordinaryprotests two years ago back then, none of ushad imagined

joining a political party- true millions of people tookto the streets they were tiredof corrupt politics they wanted to shake upthe establishment and throw out the emperorsand their crowns there are alsoquestions like "what if you don'tget enough seats?" "which party wouldyou ally with?" our stand is veryclear on this

we can say to anyonewho asks such questions "we promise that underno circumstances will we form allianceswith any political party and compromiseon our principles" more importantly we will bring decison-makingto the public does your road needrepair work? what should be the cost? and were the repairssatisfactory?

all such documents willbe open to the public yogendra yadav,i have to say that i was surprised when you came onboard with arvind kejriwal for the last twenty years i have been associated withpeoples' movements - which wanted to goto a political alternative? not just wanted to,they actually tried but it didn't make itbecause it was not viable - but do you thinkarvind kejriwal is that person?

arvind has energy he hasout of box thinking he has the ability to cut through variousthings and come to the core - he also has a reputation of beingextremely intolerant of other people's views the extent to whichyou bring energy is the extent to which youdrive the movement so those who bring energyalso give leadership i have a question- go ahead on election day will you arrange transportfor the voters?

look, we don't have money if you can all arrangesomething for yourselves... we are fighting thesame battle so do the other partiesarrange transportation? - they hire a cab for us- right [volunteer] go in their cabbut vote for us instead - i would rather not - try walking this time, sir- huh? - it'll be a satisfying walk- i'll try this time

we can all book acab together don't we book cabswhen we go out? elections are muchmore important we don't, but many peopleaccept money for votes - political parties buy them off - they distribute alcoholand money just before elections [volunteer] take their bribes butvote for kejriwal instead it's a secret vote sothey won't find out no, that's just wrong

we should honour our promise one shouldn't lie [journalist]that's ridiculous ma, where is the honourin accepting bribes? i swear that as long as i live i will never take a bribe nor will i give a bribe that from today onwards

i will never acceptliquor or money in exchangefor my vote i see a lot of youaren't committing because alcohol istoo hard to give up everyone here lovestheir drink you've been a threeterm chief minister you're completing fifteen yearsas chief minister of delhi so far your opponents from thebjp have been lacklustre this time around there is a personwho has come out of nowhere

and so the space that he's occupiedbecomes extremely important what is his status? except that he keeps ontalking about himself and then he changes tracks he said we're only interested in theanti-corruption movement now he's entered politics so what is their policy?what are they going to do? people may findit interesting to see someoneenter politics

but when it comes toselecting governments people are serious about it they just don't get carried away [radio]♪92.7 fm - inside delhi's heart♪ "satyagraha" - a film inspired by the anti-corruptionprotests is releasing today superstar ajay devgn is playingarvind kejriwal in the film do watch this one guys you, and this entire system are corrupt to your rotting core- shut up!

the people have decided tojoin forces and fight corruption if the country's future isshrouded in darkness then ours is hopeless, too this is why we need tochange this system not by protestingbut by entering politics let's gather young idealiststo form an honest party everyone will support us! mr. kejriwal how was the film?

did you find it similarto your story? well, the film arrives at thesame conclusion that we did afterthe protests do you think your path is justifiedbecause the film celebrates it? do you disagree? but the film also raisesquestions about indiscipline and about how crowdsnever make rational decisions are these issues important?- yes, they are important the film does answerthese questions

you talk aboutindiscipline in the film, a family has beenfighting for seven years to get its land back fromthe government what choice do suchpeople have? you expect them tobe "disciplined"? are you implying lawlessnessis a solution? who makes these laws?whom do they serve? do they exist only to servethe powerful? the law is meant toprotect us, not them

now the biggestquestion is will people actuallyvote for him? if arvind kejriwal has wonover the people of delhi will they win theelection for him? we'll ask him these questionsafter the break can i talk to you?- huh? i have come across somesensitive information it's in these documents what are these documents?- government papers

i have a letter here an informer brought thisto us yesterday this governmenthas terrible luck all their secret letters endup in our hands who here is troubled byrising electricity prices? all of you? this poor woman has been slappedwith a massive electricity bill why this suddenhike in prices? why is electricityso expensive?

we are here totell you why sit down for two minutes why has electricitybecome so expensive? let's go back to 2002 electricity wasprivatized that year sheila dikshit had promised usthat these private companies would put an endto electricity theft and hence reduce ourelectricity prices did she promise this or not?- yes she did

it's been 11 years since electricity theft is now rarebut has electricity become cheaper? - no in fact, our bills havetripled since do you know who decideselectricity prices in delhi? derc is a governmentregulatory body it stands for delhi electricityregulatory commission in 2010, the derc chairmanwas a man named berjinder singh the power companieswent to him

with reported lossesof $135 million and demanded a price hike berjinder singh asked tosee their accounts he was shocked atwhat he discovered the companies had sufferedno losses at all on the contrary, the companies hadmade profits worth $600 million berjinder singh immediately decided toslash electricity prices by 23% he was going to issue this orderon 5th may, 2010 sheila dikshit wrote to berjinder singhon the previous night

and told him to stopthe order immediately this is the letter she wrote where did all themoney go? it has all goneto the corporations! and what did theydo with the money? with his eyes firmly seton the delhi elections arvind kejriwal has nowmade power and water his poll planks apartfrom corruption we are the best power producingstate in the country

and it still remainsthe cheapest mr. kejriwalhas taken it up i don't think the commonman believes it are we heading now fora way of fighting corruption which is aboutnaming and shaming putting names out there andstating the charges for a very long time all themain political parties of this country have followed a code of silence where you don't talk aboutpolitical collusion

and we won't talk aboutconflict of interest you don't talk aboutone company i wouldn't talkabout another in democracy such codesneed to be shattered a rank outsider has comeand shattered that how is everything? hello - they beganbeating akhilesh and we tried our bestto protect him

we didn't fight back - they were carrying chains the police was there too?- the police just watched one of the policementook off his name tag and handed his own stickto one of the goons some of our volunteers werewatching from a distance we only tried toprotect ourselves and waited forhelp to arrive after that we protested infront of the police station

don't expect anythingfrom the police the police is controlledby the politicians and they haveall the power our domain is amongstthe people we have to draw themto our battleground you have to makethis incident public this has to end last night at 10:30 pmin model town our volunteer akhilesh wasattacked with rods and chains

his head wasseverely injured they think violencewill break our spirit - no! never! if violence is their solution i am ready to submit myselfto their rods and chains this is exactly the kind ofpolitics we want to end we must stand up againsttheir repression or else... thank you

unless we act they will continueto trample us i have decided to go onan indefinite hunger strike i will survive only on water until the people of delhishow courage and stop paying theirunfair electricity bills our volunteers areworking with the belief that it's possibleto end corruption don't be afraid

112,000 people havesigned letters of dissent have faith, we willonly grow stronger if the electricity or waterofficials come knocking drive them away who owns electricity and water?sheila dikshit or us? sheila dikhsit's or ours? - they belong to us!it's ours! it belongs to usnot the corporations we must take backwhat is ours

- delhi's heart will burn until,you take back your unfair bills delhi's heart will burn untilyou take back your unfair bills i hoped and prayed forsheila dikshit's victory but who knew she would snatchthe bread from our mouths and deprive usof basics over 400,000 havejoined us in this fight make it 'in this struggle' it's done, tweet it! i've been overchargedagain and again

but our last billcrossed the limit authorities promised tocheck for errors but did nothing [congress]the people of delhi have seen us work hardfor the last 14 years we have won threetimes in a row people havechosen us - why did sheila dikshitwrite a letter to derc when they wereabout to slash prices?

do you have an answer? [congress] no, there is nosuch letter [aap] we have the signedletter with us - derc is independent! - can i make a point? don't turn this intoa shouting match - i'm not shoutingi have a loud voice -that is all the newswe have for today - thanks, brother!

nice to meet you manish- same here your associate kumaris an old friend yes, he's told useverything about you so, what of it? in politics, everybody has stories - the curtain has been lifted- we are all in the same boat you're an infant in politics,still learning to walk don't hunt whatyou can't kill people have startednoticing us

the other partiesignored these issues but only becauseof the strike electricity and water willsteer the elections the electricity bill is $900and water bill is $60 i don't have thatkind of money the calculation within the partyis that 1 million signatures would mean touching4 million potential voters how many people havewe reached so far? we have all the dataon our systems

give me an estimate from 13 neighbourhoods we have about...- 600,000 people? we are with you if anything happens to youwe will end our lives too we promise youwe will fight for you - we support you over a millionpeople have joined us in our protest againstsheila dikshit today we are one stepcloser to our goal

i have decided toend my fast these 1,049,300 protest letters reflect the anger ofthe people of delhi the letters hold sheila dikshit'scorrupt government responsible for inflated electricityand water bills these letters were to bereceived by her today instead they werereceived by her staff we asked her secretary,‘will she not meet us?’ he replied,‘the minister is sleeping’

i've seen you on tv the congress vice presidentwas on tv 24x7 performing for the camera but all they got was 27 seatsin uttar pradesh elections aren'twon on television journalists were confidentthey would win at least 100 i estimated 30 seatsout of 403 and they won 27 - how many will wewin in delhi?

i'll tell you when thetime comes let's focus on thejob at hand [volunteer]we'll definitely win not yet not right now our credibility is ourbiggest strength our candidates must be clean- yes, all 70 of them one bad candidate andeverything falls apart 16 congress representatives

9 bjp representatives have charges of murderand rape against them i promise that if anyof our candidates are found guilty of acriminal charge we will revoketheir candidature a corrupt person cannotenter the parliament and i challenge the bjp &the congress to stop nominatingcorrupt candidates [anchor] the bjp's representativeon our session this afternoon

member of the national executiveof the bjp - mr. sanjay kaul alright! so the die is heavilyloaded against me look we have establisheda vast system we have an office in everycorner of the country it has taken usa lifetime bjp is 50 years old congress is over100 years old the aap will takedecades to catch up this is just how politicsworks in this country

- boo!- trust me, this is how it is when i was younger i was also in love withthe idea of revolution but this is no placefor emotions it just doesn'twork like that someone once said,"revolutionaries make great lovers but they make lousy husbands" they are good for flingsbut not for settling down do you know anygood people?

don't worry, you'renot on trial - no sir, it's not that i am asking you to simplyidentify honest people in other parties candidates buytheir way into the system we are askingour volunteers to find upright candidates - i've sent you a text message please read it - what's in it?

they are my credentialsi am nominating myself i suggest we look for peopleother than ourselves - how much time dowe have to find someone? there's plenty of time we will not stop until wefind strong candidates - when you say"strong candidate" do you meana rich person? no, wealthisn't a criterion - or a local gooncapable of murder?

certainly not a strong candidate is someonewith deep community ties someone whopeople admire the food subsidy systemin delhi has failed the government spends billionsof dollars on food subsidy but thereality is bleak we filed informationpetitions across delhi this scared the subsidyofficials into doing their job people finally beganreceiving food

they tried to intimidate me i was physically attacked duringour food subsidy campaign - aren't you afraidfor your life? no i'm not afraid because somebodyhas to do it [reporter] the aap has releaseda list of selected candidates joining us nowis arvind kejriwal candidate profiles can befound on our website we are going to askpeople for feedback

- in my opinion oneof the biggest problems in political parties issycophancy and yes-men how can we prevent this? - if i am the sole decisionmaking authority then there will be apersonality cult but in our party, volunteers willhave decision-making powers volunteers will decidetheir candidate potential candidates willnow come up and speak i had never imaginedi'd join politics

but a decade of grassrootswork with arvind helped me understanda few things for instance, while fightingfor food security they tried toget us killed they tried tobuy us out we were offered obscene amountsof money to back off we were able to resist themonly because of arvind... i know he doesn'tlike being praised i am fighting electionsthere's no doubt about it

but from which constituencyi haven't made up my mind three-time chief ministersheila dikshit we join her now what is the aap their volunteersare all outsiders is it a party? can it compare withthe bjp and the congress? this election vote for the aap - very happy to meet you, sir- thanks

tell your friends and family we bring flowers of love,not guns and ammunition go ahead and punishthe guilty but don’t think of allmuslims as terrorists sing with me! let’s live together asbrothers and sisters sing it! sheila dikshit won the last 3 electionsfrom the same constituency in delhi i have decided to fightthese elections

against sheila dikshiton her home turf i will bear truefaith and allegiance to the constitution of india as by law established and that i will uphold thesovereignty and integrity of india is there anything that canobstruct my application? most importantly the affidavitshould be filled completely will you tell us if there areany irregularities in the form? we’ve double checkedeverything but...

no, in case of a discrepancywe'll notify you right away immediately?oh, that's great we’ve gone over it several timesbut you never know... a very nice cartoon has comeout today in the papers where i'm asking a journalist,“what is kejriwal’s stand?” we don't understand the next panel showskejriwal responding "what does she mean by sayingwhat is my stand? my stand is to standfor the elections!"

madam, look up! there was a time when politicians wentdoor to door for votes but now money isused as brute force we need to counter this nothing can beat a gooddoor-to-door campaign hello, i'm from the aap do you know our election symbol?- yes i do! what is it?- the broom

have you heardof the aap? - yes, arvind kejriwal! he's a good man- so will you support us? on voting day?- yes, of course they will spareno expense you will see their postersin every corner of the city you may not seeour posters but we'll knock on eachand every door in delhi are we ready?

- yes, sir sheila dikshit willlose this time we will win we've collected $300 inten minutes this is how we'll fundour election campaign yes? hello? i am on tv right now i can't talk right now

- we talk about the needfor transparency in politics but it does not existin our own party we want volunteers to have the finalword on candidate selection - are you saying only their votedecides the final candidate? - yes, volunteers must decide thefinal candidate... - no, wait what if i don't agree with yourchoice of candidate can i then choose not tocampaign for that candidate? you've always said that the volunteerswill be the final judge

- i never said i won't havea say in it... - no you did...- hang on the volunteers willdecide... right? - you are nothingwithout us, sir manoj, calm down just like ademocracy right? in some areas we haveas few as 30 volunteers let's say there arefour candidates the first candidategets 8 votes

the second,10and third, 12 should the person with12 votes get the spot? are they the strongestcandidate? how can 2 votes determine thestrength of a candidate and there shouldbe no deliberation? is thisdemocracy? what have you reduceddemocracy to? these are yourown words, sir you built this party to givegreater power to the people

greater power does notmean absolute power the idea is to have a dialogue,i need to have a say as well then what aboutour rights? why are weeven voting? - your right?yes - you think thisis your right? - isn't it? i am only asking are you doing thisfor your rights?

i am curious - yes absolutelyokay - don't take our rightaway from us, sir does everyoneagree with him? - i agree with him nobody is entitledto anything if you thinkcandidacy is a right leave immediately! and if you wantto broker power

leave right now everyone has theirown coterie you are all lobbyingfor your friends do not lie to yourselves there is a seriousconflict of interest i have nosuch interests - the candidate selectionprocess has been compromised please sit down this is not an inquisition,why are you talking like this?

- you're just tryingto confuse us can you please stay? we aren't done yet don't you thinkthat the party is drifting awayfrom its ideals? we need a clearanswer from you the party has gone back on itspromise of internal democracy honestly, we're not in a position tofollow internal democracy we're trying to finda middle ground

we're struggling to fullyrealise our principles i sincerely apologise will an apologymake this go away? in the political sphere,such things do happen our intent is sincereplease trust us i believe anyone fightingelections is corrupt then we can't complain whenour women get raped you worry about your womeni can protect mine any other issues you feelthe government has ignored?

nobody can changeanything around here right i am not talking aboutthe present you are cleanright now we'll always be clean, sir- only time will tell can we trust agovernment that can't ensureour food security? no! you are our representativeit's your duty

to make surewe are heard - santosh is one of usand understands our cause and bravely fightsfor our rights we call on her to representus in the government use the one withthe big crowds - this is a good shot - the flames look nicein the dark "you have to fightcorruption to the finish... ...and vote for thebroom symbol this time"

- where's thepoetry in that? why not read out theentire candidate list too! a short essay oneach candidate your poetry is confusing"the broom will sweep away" the ad should have clearly said'vote for broom' instead, you wantedto be poetic “the broom will sweep away” you are not seriousabout the movement you made us into intensepeople and let yourself go

can't believe i quitmy job for this stop making me laugh now this fight... i can't dub with youlaughing continuously - should i be more dramatic? i haven't evenhad dinner - let it showin your art the funny thing is peoplethink he doesn't laugh at all you, the people, have totake this fight to the finish

aam aadmi partyelection symbol - the broom what is the situation? aam aadmi party activistand candidate from seemapuri santosh koli wascritically injured when a car hit her bike [police officer] did she ever mentionreceiving any threats? about 15 days ago,we were at the market she seemed worriedso i asked her "why are you upset?your campaign is going so well"

she said "some local goons havethreatened to kill me" "they want me to drop out" she was already criticalwhen she was brought here she was vomiting continuouslyso we had to intubate her the next 24 hoursare very critical only after that we'llbe able to let you know santosh started workingwith me in 2001 she was just a kid and ever since, she's beena younger sister to me

she fought forfood subsidies... we are with you, arvind we will fight!we will win! they may try to threaten usthey may try to crush us we won't back down keep fighting, arvindwe are with you please donatewhatever you can this party needsyour support - her temperature jumpedto 226 degree fahrenheit

it was unbelievable it means there's abrain haemorrhage she startedbleeding thereafter neurosurgerycouldn't do much any attempts atrecovery were futile santosh will live inour hearts forever! please make spacefor her family everyone elseplease step back the battle fordelhi has begun

and while both thecongress and the bjp continue to downplay thepotential threat from the aap the fact is for the firsttime delhi will have a truly triangularcontest in the capital congress party will live forever! - all parties have kickstartedtheir election campaign bjp's national leader,narendra modi will be speaking at amassive rally in delhi

victory to bjp! mr. narendra modi! the delhi stateelections... will herald... the bjp's victorymarch across india we've done countlessdemonstrations we pleaded with them petitioned them sorry

- one more time - say it with alittle smile... right, so letme rehearse power has to be taken awayfrom the corrupt politicians and the common publicshall truly be the rulers this concept is oftenmissed by the public decentralizationof political power i know you are talkingabout swaraj but as a concept...

people don't understand thatthey are the real rulers do it like thislet's come together... to transform politics to curb corruption - let's come together if you want toend corruption - let's join hands if youwant to curb corruption let's come togetherto curb corruption your support is crucialfor our cause

okay - roll please?- rolling - please start, sir greetings! my name is arvind kejriwal we didn't joinpolitics to make money i went on longhunger strikes you and i both wishto end corruption we need your support

we need your vote we do not have themoney to experiment with this kindof a video it's not workingfor many reasons you know i likethis idea of arvind talking directlyto the audience but that intimate connectionwe're looking for is missing he's very stiff! ♪we will get congress back♪

♪for a victorious delhi!♪ - do you think this ad will changehow people feel about you? will this campaign work? will it make people trustthe congress again? be patient, you will get youranswer on election day wait and watch come to the office right awayit's sanjay singh - aap candidate shazia ilmi has been caughtin a sting operation

agreeing tostage a protest in return forcampaign funds the sting operation claimsmany aap candidates were willing to do exactly what they accusetheir opponents of in return for money - massive crisis atarvind kejriwal's aap just ahead of thedelhi elections a sting operationvideo which shows

aap members purportedlyaccepting money contrary to their claims they will lose all political capitalbuilt up in the last few months - yogendra!sir! sir! will you come speakon times now? [anchor] what's going on,yogendra yadav? we thought this is aparty with a difference your candidateswere different this is really low level

- yogendra, the surveysthat you had conducted showed massivetrends in aap's favour in several partsof delhi with thissting operation will the aap survive? these tapes are editedand clipped together we wish to see theunedited versions we request theowner of the video mr.anuranjan jha

who has conducted thissting operation to give us theunedited tape [anuranjan jha] why should i give themthe raw footage? i am not obligedto give them anything i will give it onlyto a constitutional body today, the party thathas blemished the names of so many itself stands tainted aap is themost corrupt party

we had lot ofhopes from them but now i want peopleto thrash them because we are accused we shouldn't have accessto the evidence on the basis of which weare accused this i've heard for thefirst time in my life i thought even murderers are given evidence on thebasis of which they are tried the owners of the video refusedto give the raw footage to aap

but have submitted it tothe election commission this is the storythat's breaking the sting operationon the aap the party has now accessedraw footage of that sting from theelection commission [reporter] we want tohold a protest march if you could makea small appearance it'll help usget attention but we have no proof to backour claim against them

what's the processfor donation? this is the crucial bit wherethey've cut the footage can we do something else? then... we can't justaccuse like that i've been in televisionfor so long if there's nothingconcrete we won't do it "we won't lie"

- "we can't accuse like that, only if you havesomething concrete" "we won't do it" "we can't lie" they cut 14 seconds andchanged the entire story this paints a completelydifferent picture they deliberately removed10 seconds from a 3 minute video and those 10 seconds arethe most crucial part this shows that they were onlytrying to defame the party

our volunteers and candidateshave suffered a huge setback who'll takethe responsibilty? our reputation wasdragged through the mud who'll take theresponsibilty for it? [journalist] there's no doubtthat the sting has tarnished your image you will have to agree i'm agreeing on camera that thesting has hurt the party why are you stuckon the same question?

who do you thinkis behind this? bjp or congress? i have no idea the countdown has begunfor the assembly elections and no election will be watchedmore closely than delhi a fairly healthy debut for the aam aadmi party with 7 seats for them the congress is expectedto win 27 seats

bjp, 32 seats the aap couldwin 8 seats leaving 3 seatsto independents the aap, 7-12 so the big picturethat is emerging is that the congressis ahead brother, vote for aap - no, you haveno chance no problem, have a good day

congress and bjp have beguna publicity blitzkrieg their ads are inthe newspapers every day they've mobilised an army ofworkers on ground they have their ownprinting presses in the next 15 daysthey'll stir up a storm they have a farsuperior organisation - you have repeatedly saidduring your campaign that the congress and the bjphave no threat from the aap - yes... these are thetwo traditional parties

arvind kejriwal did... there is no point indiscussing arvind kejriwal his story is finished there are a lot of hopesattached to you if you lose thisdelhi election a lot of things which canhappen in the national scene will get stalled for acouple of years or more which is going to bevery, very bad work 18 hour daysif you have to

but you must win this is democracy 'rule of the people' ever since we were young,we were told that 'india is a democracy' if we asked, "how?" the answer was"because we elect our leaders" elections don'tdefine democracy we vote oncein five years

and the elected rulewithout any accountability that's not democracy people decide thechange they want and the leaders ensureits delivered this is the democracywe believe in our name is"aam aadmi party" the party and arvind kejriwalneed to be seen as one arvind's face, the symbol of thebroom and the 'aap' these three things need toregister in people's mind

our aim is to dispersethe funds controlled by a few into the hands of the collective the six biggest issues emergingfrom our survey in delhi water we also concludedfrom our meeting today once again the surveyshows very clearly water is not only the mostimportant problem of delhi it is three times more importantthan the next important problem so it has to bewater, water, water!

we believe this is abasic human right and it is the government'sduty to make it free no party has promisedsuch a thing we should be the first party tosay these things straight away any promise apart from this onemust be made with caution if the poor cannot afford thegovernment's water bills will they go thirsty? do they not have theright to free water? when the aap formsthe government

700 litres of free water will bealloted to every household daily and in 30 days electricity prices willbe halved in all of delhi free water for everyone aap is for everyone electricty prices willbother no more when aap comesto the fore are you being realistic? or are you succumbing to theworst forms of populism?

do you not believe you havebeen unnecessarily exuberant? making promiseswhich are unrealistic especially cutting theelectricity bill by half and providing 700 litresof free water to each family our expectation is not50% reduction of rates but in the bills that theconsumer finally pays it should lead to50% reduction [journalist] so it's an expectationnot a promise it's not clear inthe language

we've spent a lot of timethinking about the language mr. kejriwal has arrived we are with you if you promisenot to demolish our homes you need to ensureour basic rights - i don't have thepower right now! we'll give you the power! lead the waywe will never leave your side - we are with you! we promise to legaliseyour dwellings

we promise betterfood security and you will all receivea social security id yes! we will startlocal clinics how will we fulfill thesepromises in one year? fortunately, these plans haven'tbeen made public yet - they have, sir arvind has made announcementson facebook & twitter it's not cast in stone

i think we should stillthink carefully this is the last chanceto think carefully we're getting carriedaway in our excitement we are beingoptimistic but we cannotcommit this to paper i really thinkwe should think about it how are you, sir? - congratulations i am the ex-president of delhi bjp

i have won an election from here as well- yes, i am aware you're on full steam! i have seen rickshaws withyour posters on the back they are definitely impactful- it's working you've launched adirect attack! when will your partydeclare candidates? [bjp member] in a coupleof weeks from now we've announcedthe core team there are rumours aboutinternal conflicts

it's all partof the game [reporter] the bjp has bitten thebullet over announcing its chief ministerialcandidate for delhi dr. clean, harsh vardhangot the nod after a meeting of thebjp's parliamentary body who will we vote for?- congress! a lot of people ask "why did arvind decide to contestagainst sheila dikshit?" "this is suicide,you'll never win"

i can confirm that at the momentarvind is leading in your constituency [announcer]arvind kejriwal needs your support! on election day, when youcast your votes remember how we transformeddelhi in 15 years we are not politicians we entered politics becausethey compelled us and now the people willoverthrow this government [reporter] for the first time, delhi is an impossiblestate to predict

the fact is, sheila dikshithas been in power for 15 yearsnow in delhi bjp is now rising and arvind kejriwal has caughtthe imagination of the delhi public - vote for the broom- vote for congress 24 hours nowto the delhi vote nobody wants to put their neckon the line on this one it's going to be afiercely fought and extremely close battleby the looks of it

we need to remain vigilanttill the last vote is cast our work is notdone just yet - it's the same story before every election money, alcohol and muscle powerbeing used to win votes the delhi election commissionhas announced a slew of precautionarymeasures flying squads alongwith surveillance teams are carryingout raids

we want to catchthe culprits red-handed yes, tell me is alcohol being distributed?what's your location? open the door right now! start the machine press thegreen button - is it done?- yes this is for the first time fifty percentvote mark is being crossed the police is harassing usand not letting us do our job

calm down where are youright now? i'll do something you can't arrestus like this they are obstructingour volunteers file a complaint overemail immediately we could be seeing delhigoing for a record poll figure the polls arenow closed the exit pollsare indicating

a clear win forthe bjp in delhi our own pollshows that bjp is poised to winthe election with 41 seats while congresswill have 20 and the aapwill have 6 seats our evidence showsthat we were leading until 72 hoursbefore elections we don’t knowwhere we are now exit polls say wehave slid down

we are attempting to transformthe politics in this country and delhi is ourstepping stone the volunteers understandthe importance of winning but we've compromisedour ideals to reach here compromises have to bemade in politics true idealism can only bepracticed in a monastery politics should be aboutrealising the ideal you start with an ideal but instead of justpreaching it everywhere

we should implementthose ideals in the real world if you want theadvantages of power, you already havethe bjp and congress who treat politicsas a business the challenge lies in navigatingbetween idealism and brute reality and in politics, thischallenge will always exist we don’t know whattomorrow has in store if through some miracle,you change this system in four days then something is wrong

this will bea long haul we will have to concededefeat in some battles so that we canwin the war it's the most anticipatedelection result this year will people repose faith insheila dikshit? can the bjp's harshvardhan getto rule delhi for the first time? i am leaving, mother - will you behome late? at 11?

11maybe 12 [election officer] counting startsat 8:30 a.m. in fact counting has just begun - i pray foryour success! hello! the bjp is leading right now nangloi jat goes to bjp narela, bjp wins - we lost narela?by a big margin

who is leading here? congress- okay who is looking atkarol bagh? will someone respond? laxmi nagar congress is leading, weare trailing by 1900 votes [election officer]sheila dikshit has 1090 votes arvind kejriwal... sheila dikshit?- 1090 votes

arvind kejriwal? - 2556 votes unbelievable.kejriwal is leading! arvind is leadingby 2000 votes! we are leadingin timarpur! we're number onein timarpur - oh wonderful! we're leading in santosh koli'sarea by 8000 votes [news] for all the exitand opinion polls

something very interestingis happening in the national capital region has arvind kejriwal managed tosuccessfully steal the agenda away from the bjp rightunder its nose? this was meant tobe a referendum for arvind kejriwal'sbrand of politics our candidate akhilesh, whowas beaten up by the police is leading by8500 votes sir, we've won laxmi nagarby 6000 votes

congress party is in bigtrouble this morning they are breached innarela by the aap they are breached insultan pur majra by the aap the congress party has beenbreached in patel nagar the congress party has beenbreached in rk puram by the bjp it is clear that thebattle in delhi is now betweenbjp and the aap

congress is nowherein the race and a comebackseems unlikely in the new delhilegislative assembly counting for 12 roundsis now over arvind kejriwal is leadingby 15,000 votes - had arvind campaignedin my constituency i wouldn't havelost by 340 votes - don't worry...winning and losingis part of the game - please sit down

- look at the number ofvotes you've got? that's the point just tell me if you'vewon or lost - he lost where? sultanpuri majra keep saving your work i don't want tolose any data if the aap has takenbjp's spot

they need to assess thesituation they're in congratulations, arvind the election officerwill speak to you now mr.arvind kejriwal we have just been toldthat arvind kejriwal has won from thenew delhi constituency with over 22,000 votes that's a massive,massive victory he has defeated sheila dikshit,the incumbent chief minister

there on your screens,arvind kejriwal has just come out look at the euphoriahere at the aap office i believe that thepeople will win, democracy will win! victory to mother india! we have to be a strongopposition now and show themhow it's done we'll raise those standards

we rose against not only thegovernment failure's but also the opposition's long liveaap! long livearvind kejriwal! this victory belongsto the people not me i'm an insignificant man - what do you have to sayabout the margin of victory? this is a triumphof the people this shows how frustratedthe common man was

this is not my victory the people of delhi have taken a decision which we respect that's all i can say just now it's a stunning debut a political miracle of sorts debutant aap is not going toform probably the next government but, my god whata performance

congratulations, sir no party is in a positionto form a majority the bjp, the single largest partyin the delhi assembly doesn't want to take ashot at government formation rumblings within the congressparty are growing louder they've issued unconditionalsupport to the aap how can we take supportfrom the congress? it's out of the question 50% off in electricity bills

700 litres of waterfree to everybody let them fulfill it - you're not convincedit is practical? no, are you? having undertaken this miracle i'm deeply disappointed that they arerunning away from their responsibilities and continuing tobe an ngo you have the majority withthe congress supporting you form an alliance andfulfill your promises

for the first time in history a government will be formedin consultation with the people if you think the aap shouldn'tform the government please raise your hands about 50 people and now those who thinkotherwise, raise your hands form the government! i don't agree- why? they should fightanother election

these people challenged you and that's why youformed a party now you are apolitical party admit you're a political partyand act like a politician go ahead anddeliver now! i support delhi is all set to havea new government it is history in the making this is a big moment forindian democracy

but yogendra, many questions are goingto be raised again and again about what arvind andyou said earlier that there's no question of takingsupport from the congress or the bjp how will you avoid the label ofbeing a party that started offwith politics not as usual and may have in this choiceended up embracing politics as usual? i, arvind kejriwal

by the grace of god bear my allegiance tothe constitution of india and promise to uphold it withhonesty, devotion and loyalty long livethe revolution! friends, today is ahistoric day two and a halfyears ago we protested inthese very grounds with a demand to endcorruption in india for two years,we did all we could

fasts, demonstrations,everything but slowly it became clear this country will notchange until we transform the politicsof this country we will nowtake the oath repeat after me! nor will i ever give a bribe let's say it again

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